Exemplo n.º 1
        protected internal override Expression VisitForEach(ForEachCSharpStatement node)
            var args = new List <object>();

            args.Add(new XElement(nameof(node.Variable), Visit(node.Variable)));

            if (node.Conversion != null)
                args.Add(new XElement(nameof(node.Conversion), Visit(node.Conversion)));

            args.Add(new XElement(nameof(node.Collection), Visit(node.Collection)));

            args.Add(new XElement(nameof(node.Body), Visit(node.Body)));

            if (node.BreakLabel != null)
                args.Add(new XElement(nameof(node.BreakLabel), _parent.GetDebugView(node.BreakLabel)));

            if (node.ContinueLabel != null)
                args.Add(new XElement(nameof(node.ContinueLabel), _parent.GetDebugView(node.ContinueLabel)));

            return(Push(node, args));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="ForEachCSharpStatement"/> that represents a foreach loop.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="variable">The iteration variable.</param>
        /// <param name="collection">The collection to iterate over.</param>
        /// <param name="body">The body of the loop.</param>
        /// <param name="break">The break target used by the loop body.</param>
        /// <param name="continue">The continue target used by the loop body.</param>
        /// <param name="conversion">The conversion function used to convert elements in the collection to the iteration variable type.</param>
        /// <returns>The created <see cref="ForEachCSharpStatement"/>.</returns>
        public static ForEachCSharpStatement ForEach(ParameterExpression variable, Expression collection, Expression body, LabelTarget @break, LabelTarget @continue, LambdaExpression conversion)
            // NB: This is the overload the C# compiler can bind to. Note, however, that a bound foreach node in Roslyn has
            //     information about GetEnumerator, MoveNext, Current, etc. as well. We can infer the same information at
            //     runtime, but could also add an overload that has all of these.
            // NB: Conversion of the collection should be inserted as a Convert node by the compiler.
            // TODO: Do we need to add a means to perform an enumerator conversion? Cf. ForEachEnumeratorInfo in Roslyn.

            return(ForEachCSharpStatement.Make(variable, collection, body, @break, @continue, conversion));
 protected internal virtual Expression VisitForEach(ForEachCSharpStatement node)
     return node.Update(VisitLabelTarget(node.BreakLabel), VisitLabelTarget(node.ContinueLabel), VisitAndConvert(node.Variable, nameof(VisitForEach)), Visit(node.Collection), VisitAndConvert(node.Conversion, nameof(VisitForEach)), Visit(node.Body));
 public ForEachCSharpStatementProxy(ForEachCSharpStatement node)
     _node = node;
Exemplo n.º 5
 protected internal virtual Expression VisitForEach(ForEachCSharpStatement node)
     return(node.Update(VisitLabelTarget(node.BreakLabel), VisitLabelTarget(node.ContinueLabel), VisitAndConvert(node.Variable, nameof(VisitForEach)), Visit(node.Collection), VisitAndConvert(node.Conversion, nameof(VisitForEach)), Visit(node.Body)));
 public ForEachCSharpStatementProxy(ForEachCSharpStatement node)
     _node = node;