Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Given the parameters passed in, builds an error message and throws an
 /// InitializationException with that message.
 /// </summary>
 private static void ThrowInitializationExceptionWithResource
     string projectFile,
     int fileLine,
     int fileEndLine,
     int fileColumn,
     int fileEndColumn,
     string resourceName,
     params object[] args
         null      /* No associated command line switch */
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates a project file against the given schema.  If no schema is given, validates
        /// against the default schema
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectFile">Path of the file to validate.</param>
        /// <param name="schemaFile">Can be null.</param>
        /// <param name="binPath">Path to the framework directory where the default schema for
        /// this ToolsVersion can be found.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the project was successfully validated against the given schema, false otherwise</returns>
        internal static void VerifyProjectSchema
            string projectFile,
            string schemaFile,
            string binPath
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(projectFile, "projectFile");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(binPath, "binPath");

            if ((schemaFile == null) || (schemaFile.Length == 0))
                schemaFile = Path.Combine(binPath, "Microsoft.Build.xsd");

            if (FileSystems.Default.FileExists(schemaFile))
                // Print the schema file we're using, particularly since it can vary
                // according to the toolset being used
                Console.WriteLine(AssemblyResources.GetString("SchemaFileLocation"), schemaFile);
                // If we've gotten to this point, there is no schema to validate against -- just exit.
                    ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("SchemaNotFoundErrorWithFile", schemaFile),
                    null /* No associated command line switch */

            ProjectSchemaValidationHandler validationHandler = new ProjectSchemaValidationHandler();

            validationHandler.VerifyProjectSchema(projectFile, schemaFile);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        ///  This method takes in a list of file name extensions to ignore. It will then validate the extensions
        ///  to make sure they start with a period, have atleast one character after the period and do not contain
        ///  any invalid path chars or wild cards
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectsExtensionsToIgnore"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Dictionary <string, object> ValidateExtensions(string[] projectsExtensionsToIgnore)
            // Dictionary to contain the list of files which match the extensions to ignore. We are using a dictionary for fast lookups of extensions to ignore
            Dictionary <string, object> extensionsToIgnoreDictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // Go through each of the extensions to ignore and add them as a key in the dictionary
            if (projectsExtensionsToIgnore != null && projectsExtensionsToIgnore.Length > 0)
                string extension = null;

                foreach (string extensionToIgnore in projectsExtensionsToIgnore)
                    // Use the path get extension method to figure out if there is an extension in the passed
                    // in extension to ignore. Will return null or empty if there is no extension in the string
                        // Use GetExtension to parse the extension from the extensionToIgnore
                        extension = Path.GetExtension(extensionToIgnore);
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        // There has been an invalid char in the extensionToIgnore
                        InitializationException.Throw("InvalidExtensionToIgnore", extensionToIgnore, null, false);

                    // if null or empty is returned that means that there was not extension able to be parsed from the string
                    InitializationException.VerifyThrow(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension), "InvalidExtensionToIgnore", extensionToIgnore);

                    // There has to be more than a . passed in as the extension
                    InitializationException.VerifyThrow(extension.Length >= 2, "InvalidExtensionToIgnore", extensionToIgnore);

                    // The parsed extension does not match the passed in extension, this means that there were
                    // some other chars before the last extension
                    if (string.Compare(extension, extensionToIgnore, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
                        InitializationException.Throw("InvalidExtensionToIgnore", extensionToIgnore, null, false);

                    // Make sure that no wild cards are in the string because for now we dont allow wild card extensions
                    if (extensionToIgnore.IndexOfAny(s_wildcards) > -1)
                        InitializationException.Throw("InvalidExtensionToIgnore", extensionToIgnore, null, false);
                    if (!extensionsToIgnoreDictionary.ContainsKey(extensionToIgnore))
                        extensionsToIgnoreDictionary.Add(extensionToIgnore, null);
Exemplo n.º 4
        internal static void VerifyThrow(bool condition, string messageResourceName, string invalidSwitch, params object[] args)
            if (!condition)
                string errorMessage = AssemblyResources.GetString(messageResourceName);

                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(errorMessage != null, "The resource string must exist.");

                errorMessage = ResourceUtilities.FormatString(errorMessage, args);

                InitializationException.Throw(errorMessage, invalidSwitch);
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Throws an exception if any errors were found while parsing the command-line.
 /// </summary>
 internal void ThrowErrors()
     if (HaveErrors())
         if (_isParameterError)
             InitializationException.Throw(_errorMessage, _badCommandLineArg, _innerException, false);
             CommandLineSwitchException.Throw(_errorMessage, _badCommandLineArg);
Exemplo n.º 6
 internal void ThrowErrors()
     if (this.HaveErrors())
         if (this.isParameterError)
             InitializationException.Throw(this.errorMessage, this.badCommandLineArg, this.innerException, false);
             CommandLineSwitchException.Throw(this.errorMessage, this.badCommandLineArg);
        /// <summary>
        /// Throws the exception using the given exception context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messageResourceName"></param>
        /// <param name="invalidSwitch"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="showStackTrace"></param>
        internal static void Throw(string messageResourceName, string invalidSwitch, Exception e, bool showStackTrace)
            string errorMessage = AssemblyResources.GetString(messageResourceName);

            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(errorMessage != null, "The resource string must exist.");

            if (showStackTrace)
                errorMessage += Environment.NewLine + e.ToString();
                // the exception message can contain a format item i.e. "{0}" to hold the given exception's message
                errorMessage = ResourceUtilities.FormatString(errorMessage, ((e == null) ? String.Empty : e.Message));

            InitializationException.Throw(errorMessage, invalidSwitch);
 internal static void VerifyProjectSchema(string projectFile, string schemaFile, string binPath)
     Microsoft.Build.Shared.ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(projectFile, "projectFile");
     Microsoft.Build.Shared.ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(binPath, "binPath");
     if ((schemaFile == null) || (schemaFile.Length == 0))
         schemaFile = Path.Combine(binPath, "Microsoft.Build.xsd");
     if (File.Exists(schemaFile))
         Console.WriteLine(Microsoft.Build.Shared.AssemblyResources.GetString("SchemaFileLocation"), schemaFile);
         InitializationException.Throw(Microsoft.Build.Shared.ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("SchemaNotFoundErrorWithFile", new object[] { schemaFile }), null);
     new ProjectSchemaValidationHandler().VerifyProjectSchema(projectFile, schemaFile);
Exemplo n.º 9
        internal static string ProcessProjectSwitch
            string[] parameters,
            string[] projectsExtensionsToIgnore,
            DirectoryGetFiles getFiles
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(parameters.Length <= 1, "It should not be possible to specify more than 1 project at a time.");
            string projectFile = null;

            string projectDirectory = null;

            if (parameters.Length == 1)
                projectFile = FileUtilities.FixFilePath(parameters[0]);

                if (Directory.Exists(projectFile))
                    // If the project file is actually a directory then change the directory to be searched
                    // and null out the project file
                    projectDirectory = projectFile;
                    projectFile      = null;
                    InitializationException.VerifyThrow(File.Exists(projectFile), "ProjectNotFoundError", projectFile);

            // We need to look in a directory for a project file...
            if (projectFile == null)
                // Get all files in the current directory that have a proj-like extension
                string[] potentialProjectFiles = getFiles(projectDirectory ?? ".", "*.*proj");
                // Get all files in the current directory that have a sln extension
                string[] potentialSolutionFiles = getFiles(projectDirectory ?? ".", "*.sln");

                List <string> extensionsToIgnore = new List <string>();
                if (projectsExtensionsToIgnore != null)

                if (potentialProjectFiles != null)
                    foreach (string s in potentialProjectFiles)
                        if (s.EndsWith("~", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))

                if (potentialSolutionFiles != null)
                    foreach (string s in potentialSolutionFiles)
                        if (!FileUtilities.IsSolutionFilename(s))

                Dictionary <string, object> extensionsToIgnoreDictionary = ValidateExtensions(extensionsToIgnore.ToArray());

                // Remove projects that are in the projectExtensionsToIgnore List
                // If we have no extensions to ignore we can skip removing any extensions
                if (extensionsToIgnoreDictionary.Count > 0)
                    // No point removing extensions if we have no project files
                    if (potentialProjectFiles != null && potentialProjectFiles.Length > 0)
                        potentialProjectFiles = RemoveFilesWithExtensionsToIgnore(potentialProjectFiles, extensionsToIgnoreDictionary);

                    // No point removing extensions if we have no solutions
                    if (potentialSolutionFiles != null && potentialSolutionFiles.Length > 0)
                        potentialSolutionFiles = RemoveFilesWithExtensionsToIgnore(potentialSolutionFiles, extensionsToIgnoreDictionary);
                // If there is exactly 1 project file and exactly 1 solution file
                if ((potentialProjectFiles.Length == 1) && (potentialSolutionFiles.Length == 1))
                    // Grab the name of both project and solution without extensions
                    string solutionName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(potentialSolutionFiles[0]);
                    string projectName  = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(potentialProjectFiles[0]);
                    // Compare the names and error if they are not identical
                    InitializationException.VerifyThrow(String.Compare(solutionName, projectName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0, projectDirectory == null ? "AmbiguousProjectError" : "AmbiguousProjectDirectoryError", null, projectDirectory);
                // If there is more than one solution file in the current directory we have no idea which one to use
                else if (potentialSolutionFiles.Length > 1)
                    InitializationException.VerifyThrow(false, projectDirectory == null ? "AmbiguousProjectError" : "AmbiguousProjectDirectoryError", null, projectDirectory);
                // If there is more than one project file in the current directory we may be able to figure it out
                else if (potentialProjectFiles.Length > 1)
                    // We have more than one project, it is ambiguous at the moment
                    bool isAmbiguousProject = true;

                    // If there are exactly two projects and one of them is a .proj use that one and ignore the other
                    if (potentialProjectFiles.Length == 2)
                        string firstPotentialProjectExtension  = Path.GetExtension(potentialProjectFiles[0]);
                        string secondPotentialProjectExtension = Path.GetExtension(potentialProjectFiles[1]);

                        // If the two projects have the same extension we can't decide which one to pick
                        if (String.Compare(firstPotentialProjectExtension, secondPotentialProjectExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
                            // Check to see if the first project is the proj, if it is use it
                            if (String.Compare(firstPotentialProjectExtension, ".proj", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                                potentialProjectFiles = new string[] { potentialProjectFiles[0] };
                                // We have made a decision
                                isAmbiguousProject = false;
                            // If the first project is not the proj check to see if the second one is the proj, if so use it
                            else if (String.Compare(secondPotentialProjectExtension, ".proj", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                                potentialProjectFiles = new string[] { potentialProjectFiles[1] };
                                // We have made a decision
                                isAmbiguousProject = false;
                    InitializationException.VerifyThrow(!isAmbiguousProject, projectDirectory == null ? "AmbiguousProjectError" : "AmbiguousProjectDirectoryError", null, projectDirectory);
                // if there are no project or solution files in the directory, we can't build
                else if ((potentialProjectFiles.Length == 0) &&
                         (potentialSolutionFiles.Length == 0))
                    InitializationException.VerifyThrow(false, "MissingProjectError");

                // We are down to only one project or solution.
                // If only 1 solution build the solution.  If only 1 project build the project
                // If 1 solution and 1 project and they are of the same name build the solution
                projectFile = (potentialSolutionFiles.Length == 1) ? potentialSolutionFiles[0] : potentialProjectFiles[0];
