Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the CreationData class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="createOption">This enumerates the possible sources of
 /// a disk's creation. Possible values include: 'Empty', 'Attach',
 /// 'FromImage', 'Import', 'Copy', 'Restore', 'Upload'</param>
 /// <param name="storageAccountId">If createOption is Import, the Azure
 /// Resource Manager identifier of the storage account containing the
 /// blob to import as a disk. Required only if the blob is in a
 /// different subscription</param>
 /// <param name="imageReference">Disk source information.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceUri">If createOption is Import, this is the URI
 /// of a blob to be imported into a managed disk.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceResourceId">If createOption is Copy, this is the
 /// ARM id of the source snapshot or disk.</param>
 public CreationData(string createOption, string storageAccountId = default(string), ImageDiskReference imageReference = default(ImageDiskReference), string sourceUri = default(string), string sourceResourceId = default(string))
     CreateOption     = createOption;
     StorageAccountId = storageAccountId;
     ImageReference   = imageReference;
     SourceUri        = sourceUri;
     SourceResourceId = sourceResourceId;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the CreationData class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="createOption">This enumerates the possible sources of
 /// a disk's creation. Possible values include: 'Empty', 'Attach',
 /// 'FromImage', 'Import', 'Copy', 'Restore', 'Upload'</param>
 /// <param name="storageAccountId">Required if createOption is Import.
 /// The Azure Resource Manager identifier of the storage account
 /// containing the blob to import as a disk.</param>
 /// <param name="imageReference">Disk source information.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceUri">If createOption is Import, this is the URI
 /// of a blob to be imported into a managed disk.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceResourceId">If createOption is Copy, this is the
 /// ARM id of the source snapshot or disk.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceUniqueId">If this field is set, this is the
 /// unique id identifying the source of this resource.</param>
 /// <param name="uploadSizeBytes">If createOption is Upload, this is
 /// the size of the contents of the upload including the VHD footer.
 /// This value should be between 20972032 (20 MiB + 512 bytes for the
 /// VHD footer) and 35183298347520 bytes (32 TiB + 512 bytes for the
 /// VHD footer).</param>
 public CreationData(string createOption, string storageAccountId = default(string), ImageDiskReference imageReference = default(ImageDiskReference), string sourceUri = default(string), string sourceResourceId = default(string), string sourceUniqueId = default(string), long?uploadSizeBytes = default(long?))
     CreateOption     = createOption;
     StorageAccountId = storageAccountId;
     ImageReference   = imageReference;
     SourceUri        = sourceUri;
     SourceResourceId = sourceResourceId;
     SourceUniqueId   = sourceUniqueId;
     UploadSizeBytes  = uploadSizeBytes;
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the CreationData class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="createOption">This enumerates the possible sources of
 /// a disk's creation. Possible values include: 'Empty', 'Attach',
 /// 'FromImage', 'Import', 'Copy', 'Restore', 'Upload', 'CopyStart',
 /// 'ImportSecure', 'UploadPreparedSecure'</param>
 /// <param name="storageAccountId">Required if createOption is Import.
 /// The Azure Resource Manager identifier of the storage account
 /// containing the blob to import as a disk.</param>
 /// <param name="imageReference">Disk source information for PIR or
 /// user images.</param>
 /// <param name="galleryImageReference">Required if creating from a
 /// Gallery Image. The id/sharedGalleryImageId/communityGalleryImageId
 /// of the ImageDiskReference will be the ARM id of the shared galley
 /// image version from which to create a disk.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceUri">If createOption is Import, this is the URI
 /// of a blob to be imported into a managed disk.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceResourceId">If createOption is Copy, this is the
 /// ARM id of the source snapshot or disk.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceUniqueId">If this field is set, this is the
 /// unique id identifying the source of this resource.</param>
 /// <param name="uploadSizeBytes">If createOption is Upload, this is
 /// the size of the contents of the upload including the VHD footer.
 /// This value should be between 20972032 (20 MiB + 512 bytes for the
 /// VHD footer) and 35183298347520 bytes (32 TiB + 512 bytes for the
 /// VHD footer).</param>
 /// <param name="logicalSectorSize">Logical sector size in bytes for
 /// Ultra disks. Supported values are 512 ad 4096. 4096 is the
 /// default.</param>
 /// <param name="securityDataUri">If createOption is ImportSecure, this
 /// is the URI of a blob to be imported into VM guest state.</param>
 public CreationData(string createOption, string storageAccountId = default(string), ImageDiskReference imageReference = default(ImageDiskReference), ImageDiskReference galleryImageReference = default(ImageDiskReference), string sourceUri = default(string), string sourceResourceId = default(string), string sourceUniqueId = default(string), long?uploadSizeBytes = default(long?), int?logicalSectorSize = default(int?), string securityDataUri = default(string))
     CreateOption          = createOption;
     StorageAccountId      = storageAccountId;
     ImageReference        = imageReference;
     GalleryImageReference = galleryImageReference;
     SourceUri             = sourceUri;
     SourceResourceId      = sourceResourceId;
     SourceUniqueId        = sourceUniqueId;
     UploadSizeBytes       = uploadSizeBytes;
     LogicalSectorSize     = logicalSectorSize;
     SecurityDataUri       = securityDataUri;