/// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the PoolInner class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="displayName">The display name for the pool.</param>
 /// <param name="lastModified">The last modified time of the
 /// pool.</param>
 /// <param name="creationTime">The creation time of the pool.</param>
 /// <param name="provisioningState">The current state of the
 /// pool.</param>
 /// <param name="provisioningStateTransitionTime">The time at which the
 /// pool entered its current state.</param>
 /// <param name="allocationState">Whether the pool is resizing.</param>
 /// <param name="allocationStateTransitionTime">The time at which the
 /// pool entered its current allocation state.</param>
 /// <param name="vmSize">The size of virtual machines in the pool. All
 /// VMs in a pool are the same size.</param>
 /// <param name="deploymentConfiguration">This property describes how
 /// the pool nodes will be deployed - using Cloud Services or Virtual
 /// Machines.</param>
 /// <param name="currentDedicatedNodes">The number of compute nodes
 /// currently in the pool.</param>
 /// <param name="currentLowPriorityNodes">The number of low priority
 /// compute nodes currently in the pool.</param>
 /// <param name="scaleSettings">Settings which configure the number of
 /// nodes in the pool.</param>
 /// <param name="autoScaleRun">The results and errors from the last
 /// execution of the autoscale formula.</param>
 /// <param name="interNodeCommunication">Whether the pool permits
 /// direct communication between nodes.</param>
 /// <param name="networkConfiguration">The network configuration for
 /// the pool.</param>
 /// <param name="maxTasksPerNode">The maximum number of tasks that can
 /// run concurrently on a single compute node in the pool.</param>
 /// <param name="taskSchedulingPolicy">How tasks are distributed across
 /// compute nodes in a pool.</param>
 /// <param name="userAccounts">The list of user accounts to be created
 /// on each node in the pool.</param>
 /// <param name="metadata">A list of name-value pairs associated with
 /// the pool as metadata.</param>
 /// <param name="startTask">A task specified to run on each compute
 /// node as it joins the pool.</param>
 /// <param name="certificates">The list of certificates to be installed
 /// on each compute node in the pool.</param>
 /// <param name="applicationPackages">The list of application packages
 /// to be installed on each compute node in the pool.</param>
 /// <param name="applicationLicenses">The list of application licenses
 /// the Batch service will make available on each compute node in the
 /// pool.</param>
 /// <param name="resizeOperationStatus">Contains details about the
 /// current or last completed resize operation.</param>
 /// <param name="mountConfiguration">A list of file systems to mount on
 /// each node in the pool.</param>
 /// <param name="etag">The ETag of the resource, used for concurrency
 /// statements.</param>
 public PoolInner(string id = default(string), string name = default(string), string type = default(string), string displayName = default(string), System.DateTime?lastModified = default(System.DateTime?), System.DateTime?creationTime = default(System.DateTime?), PoolProvisioningState?provisioningState = default(PoolProvisioningState?), System.DateTime?provisioningStateTransitionTime = default(System.DateTime?), AllocationState?allocationState = default(AllocationState?), System.DateTime?allocationStateTransitionTime = default(System.DateTime?), string vmSize = default(string), DeploymentConfiguration deploymentConfiguration = default(DeploymentConfiguration), int?currentDedicatedNodes = default(int?), int?currentLowPriorityNodes = default(int?), ScaleSettings scaleSettings = default(ScaleSettings), AutoScaleRun autoScaleRun = default(AutoScaleRun), InterNodeCommunicationState?interNodeCommunication = default(InterNodeCommunicationState?), NetworkConfiguration networkConfiguration = default(NetworkConfiguration), int?maxTasksPerNode = default(int?), TaskSchedulingPolicy taskSchedulingPolicy = default(TaskSchedulingPolicy), IList <UserAccount> userAccounts = default(IList <UserAccount>), IList <MetadataItem> metadata = default(IList <MetadataItem>), StartTask startTask = default(StartTask), IList <CertificateReference> certificates = default(IList <CertificateReference>), IList <ApplicationPackageReference> applicationPackages = default(IList <ApplicationPackageReference>), IList <string> applicationLicenses = default(IList <string>), ResizeOperationStatus resizeOperationStatus = default(ResizeOperationStatus), IList <MountConfiguration> mountConfiguration = default(IList <MountConfiguration>), string etag = default(string))
     : base(id, name, type)
     DisplayName       = displayName;
     LastModified      = lastModified;
     CreationTime      = creationTime;
     ProvisioningState = provisioningState;
     ProvisioningStateTransitionTime = provisioningStateTransitionTime;
     AllocationState = allocationState;
     AllocationStateTransitionTime = allocationStateTransitionTime;
     VmSize = vmSize;
     DeploymentConfiguration = deploymentConfiguration;
     CurrentDedicatedNodes   = currentDedicatedNodes;
     CurrentLowPriorityNodes = currentLowPriorityNodes;
     ScaleSettings           = scaleSettings;
     AutoScaleRun            = autoScaleRun;
     InterNodeCommunication  = interNodeCommunication;
     NetworkConfiguration    = networkConfiguration;
     MaxTasksPerNode         = maxTasksPerNode;
     TaskSchedulingPolicy    = taskSchedulingPolicy;
     UserAccounts            = userAccounts;
     Metadata              = metadata;
     StartTask             = startTask;
     Certificates          = certificates;
     ApplicationPackages   = applicationPackages;
     ApplicationLicenses   = applicationLicenses;
     ResizeOperationStatus = resizeOperationStatus;
     MountConfiguration    = mountConfiguration;
     Etag = etag;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task CanCreateBatchAccountWithPool()
            using (var context = FluentMockContext.Start(this.GetType().FullName))
                var rgName             = TestUtilities.GenerateName("rgstg");
                var batchAccountName   = TestUtilities.GenerateName("batchaccount");
                var storageAccountName = TestUtilities.GenerateName("sa");
                    var poolId          = TestUtilities.GenerateName("testPool");
                    var poolDisplayName = TestUtilities.GenerateName("my-pool-name");
                    var vmSize          = "STANDARD_D4";
                    var maxTasksPerNode = 13;

                    //create task scheduling policy
                    var taskSchedulingPolicy = new TaskSchedulingPolicy();
                    taskSchedulingPolicy.NodeFillType = ComputeNodeFillType.Pack;

                    //create deployment configuration
                    var deploymentConfiguration = new DeploymentConfiguration();
                    deploymentConfiguration.CloudServiceConfiguration           = new CloudServiceConfiguration();
                    deploymentConfiguration.CloudServiceConfiguration.OsFamily  = "4";
                    deploymentConfiguration.CloudServiceConfiguration.OsVersion = "WA-GUEST-OS-4.45_201708-01";

                    //create scaling settings
                    var scalingSettings = new Microsoft.Azure.Management.Batch.Fluent.Models.ScaleSettings();
                    scalingSettings.FixedScale = new FixedScaleSettings();
                    scalingSettings.FixedScale.TargetDedicatedNodes   = 6;
                    scalingSettings.FixedScale.NodeDeallocationOption = ComputeNodeDeallocationOption.TaskCompletion;

                    //create metadata
                    var metadata = new List <MetadataItem>();
                    metadata.Add(new MetadataItem("metadata-1", "value-1"));
                    metadata.Add(new MetadataItem("metadata-2", "value-2"));

                    //create start task
                    var startTask         = new StartTask();
                    var cmdLine           = "cmd /c SET";
                    var maxTaskRetryCount = 6;
                    startTask.CommandLine         = cmdLine;
                    startTask.EnvironmentSettings = new List <EnvironmentSetting>();
                    startTask.EnvironmentSettings.Add(new EnvironmentSetting("MYSET", "1234"));
                    startTask.UserIdentity      = new UserIdentity(default(string), new AutoUserSpecification(AutoUserScope.Pool, ElevationLevel.Admin));
                    startTask.MaxTaskRetryCount = maxTaskRetryCount;
                    startTask.WaitForSuccess    = true;
                    startTask.ResourceFiles     = new List <ResourceFile>();
                    startTask.ResourceFiles.Add(new ResourceFile(default(string), default(string), "https://testaccount.blob.core.windows.net/example-blob-file", default(string), "c:\\\\temp\\\\gohere", "777"));

                    //create user accounts
                    var userAccounts = new List <UserAccount>();
                    userAccounts.Add(new UserAccount("username1", "examplepassword", ElevationLevel.Admin, new LinuxUserConfiguration(1234, 4567, "sshprivatekeyvalue"), default(WindowsUserConfiguration)));

                    var batchManager = TestHelper.CreateBatchManager();

                    // Create
                    var batchAccount = await batchManager.BatchAccounts


                    Assert.Equal(rgName, batchAccount.ResourceGroupName);
                    Assert.Equal(ResourceUtils.NameFromResourceId(batchAccount.AutoStorage.StorageAccountId), storageAccountName);

                    // List
                    var accounts = batchManager.BatchAccounts.ListByResourceGroup(rgName);
                    Assert.Contains(accounts, account => StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(account.Name, batchAccountName));

                    // Get
                    batchAccount = batchManager.BatchAccounts.GetByResourceGroup(rgName, batchAccountName);


                    var pool = batchAccount.Pools[poolId];

                    Assert.Equal(vmSize, pool.VmSize);
                    Assert.Equal(cmdLine, pool.StartTask.CommandLine);
                    Assert.Equal(maxTaskRetryCount, pool.StartTask.MaxTaskRetryCount);
                    Assert.Equal(1, pool.UserAccounts.Count);



                        await batchManager.BatchAccounts.DeleteByResourceGroupAsync(batchAccount.ResourceGroupName, batchAccountName);
                    var batchAccounts = batchManager.BatchAccounts.ListByResourceGroup(rgName);

                        var resourceManager = TestHelper.CreateResourceManager();
                    catch { }
 /// <summary>
 /// Validate the object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <exception cref="ValidationException">
 /// Thrown if validation fails
 /// </exception>
 public virtual void Validate()
     if (DeploymentConfiguration != null)
     if (ScaleSettings != null)
     if (AutoScaleRun != null)
     if (NetworkConfiguration != null)
     if (TaskSchedulingPolicy != null)
     if (UserAccounts != null)
         foreach (var element in UserAccounts)
             if (element != null)
     if (Metadata != null)
         foreach (var element1 in Metadata)
             if (element1 != null)
     if (StartTask != null)
     if (Certificates != null)
         foreach (var element2 in Certificates)
             if (element2 != null)
     if (ApplicationPackages != null)
         foreach (var element3 in ApplicationPackages)
             if (element3 != null)
     if (MountConfiguration != null)
         foreach (var element4 in MountConfiguration)
             if (element4 != null)