Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the metric values from the shoebox
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter">The $filter query string</param>
        /// <param name="location">The MetricLocation object</param>
        /// <param name="invocationId">The invocation id</param>
        /// <returns>The MetricValueListResponse</returns>
        // Note: Does not populate Metric fields unrelated to query (i.e. "display name", resourceUri, and properties)
        internal static async Task <MetricListResponse> GetMetricsInternalAsync(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
            // TODO [davmc]: ShoeboxClient doesn't support dimensions
            if (filter.DimensionFilters != null && filter.DimensionFilters.Any(df => df.Dimensions != null))
                if (TracingAdapter.IsEnabled)
                    TracingAdapter.Information("InvocationId: {0}. ShoeboxClient encountered metrics with dimensions specified. These will be ignored.", invocationId);

                // Remove dimensions from filter (The MetricFilter class has strict mutation rules used in parsing so the best way to modify it is to create a new one)
                filter = new MetricFilter()
                    TimeGrain        = filter.TimeGrain,
                    StartTime        = filter.StartTime,
                    EndTime          = filter.EndTime,
                    DimensionFilters = filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => new MetricDimension()
                        Name = df.Name

            // If metrics are requested by name, get those metrics specifically, unless too many are requested.
            // If no names or too many names are provided, get all metrics and filter if necessary.
            return(new MetricListResponse()
                MetricCollection = await(filter.DimensionFilters == null || filter.DimensionFilters.Count() > MaxParallelRequestsByName
                    ? GetMetricsByTimestampAsync(filter, location, invocationId)
                    : GetMetricsByNameAsync(filter, location, invocationId)).ConfigureAwait(false)
Exemplo n.º 2
        private bool SupportsRequestedDimensions(MetricDefinition definition, MetricFilter filter)
            MetricDimension metric = filter.DimensionFilters.FirstOrDefault(df => string.Equals(df.Name, definition.Name.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
            var             supportedDimensionNames  = definition.Dimensions.Select(dim => dim.Name);
            var             supportedDimensionValues = definition.Dimensions.ToDictionary(dim => dim.Name.Value, dim => dim.Values.Select(v => v.Value));

            // No dimensions specified for this metric
            if (metric == null || metric.Dimensions == null)

            foreach (MetricFilterDimension dimension in metric.Dimensions)
                // find dimension in definition
                Dimension d = definition.Dimensions.FirstOrDefault(dim => string.Equals(dim.Name.Value, dimension.Name));

                // Dimension name does't show up in definition
                if (d == null)

                // Requested dimension has any value that don't show up in the values list for the definiton
                if (dimension.Values.Any(value => !d.Values.Select(v => v.Value).Contains(value, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))

Exemplo n.º 3
 private static IEnumerable <CloudTable> GetNdayTables(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location)
     // Get the tables that overlap the timerange and create a table reference for each table
            .Where(info => info.StartTime < filter.EndTime && info.EndTime > filter.StartTime)
            .Select(info => new CloudTableClient(new Uri(location.TableEndpoint), new StorageCredentials(info.SasToken)).GetTableReference(info.TableName)));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static string GenerateMetricFilterString(MetricFilter filter)
     return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}timeGrain eq duration'{1}' and startTime eq {2} and endTime eq {3}",
                          IsNullOrEmpty(filter.DimensionFilters) ? string.Empty : "(" + GenerateMetricDimensionFilterString(filter.DimensionFilters) + ") and ",
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static string GenerateMetricFilterString(MetricFilter filter)
     return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}timeGrain eq duration'{1}' and startTime eq {2} and endTime eq {3}",
                          filter.Names == null || !filter.Names.Any() ? string.Empty : "(" + GenerateMetricDefinitionFilterString(filter.Names) + ") and ",
 public static string GenerateMetricFilterString(MetricFilter filter)
     return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}timeGrain eq duration'{1}' and startTime eq {2} and endTime eq {3}",
         filter.Names == null || !filter.Names.Any() ? string.Empty : "(" + GenerateMetricDefinitionFilterString(filter.Names) + ") and ",
        private static string GenerateNamelessMetricFilterString(MetricFilter filter)
            MetricFilter nameless = new MetricFilter()
                TimeGrain = filter.TimeGrain,
                StartTime = filter.StartTime,
                EndTime   = filter.EndTime

Exemplo n.º 8
 private string GetFilterStringForDefinitions(MetricFilter filter, IEnumerable <MetricDefinition> definitions)
     return(ShoeboxHelper.GenerateMetricFilterString(new MetricFilter()
         TimeGrain = filter.TimeGrain,
         StartTime = filter.StartTime,
         EndTime = filter.EndTime,
         DimensionFilters = filter.DimensionFilters.Where(df =>
                                                          definitions.Any(d => string.Equals(df.Name, d.Name.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves the metric values from the shoebox
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">The $filter query string</param>
 /// <param name="location">The MetricLocation object</param>
 /// <param name="invocationId">The invocation id</param>
 /// <returns>The MetricValueListResponse</returns>
 // Note: Does not populate Metric fields unrelated to query (i.e. "display name", resourceUri, and properties)
 internal static async Task <MetricListResponse> GetMetricsInternalAsync(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
     // If metrics are requested by name, get those metrics specifically, unless too many are requested.
     // If no names or too many names are provided, get all metrics and filter if necessary.
     return(new MetricListResponse()
         MetricCollection = await(filter.Names == null || filter.Names.Count() > MaxParallelRequestsByName
             ? GetMetricsByTimestampAsync(filter, location, invocationId)
             : GetMetricsByNameAsync(filter, location, invocationId)).ConfigureAwait(false)
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static string RemoveNamesFromFilterString(string filterString)
            MetricFilter filter   = MetricFilterExpressionParser.Parse(filterString);
            MetricFilter nameless = new MetricFilter()
                TimeGrain = filter.TimeGrain,
                StartTime = filter.StartTime,
                EndTime   = filter.EndTime

        private async Task <Log> FetchLogFromBlob(string blobUri, MetricFilter filter, LocalizableString category)
            var blob = new CloudBlockBlob(new Uri(blobUri));

            using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                    await blob.DownloadToStreamAsync(memoryStream);
                catch (StorageException ex)
                    if (ex.RequestInformation.HttpStatusCode == 404)
                        return(new Log
                            Category = new LocalizableString
                                LocalizedValue = category.LocalizedValue,
                                Value = category.Value
                            StartTime = filter.StartTime,
                            EndTime = filter.EndTime,
                            Value = new List <LogValue>()


                memoryStream.Seek(0, 0);
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(memoryStream))
                    string content = await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync();

                    var logBlob   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LogBlob>(content);
                    var logValues = logBlob.records.Where(x => x.Time >= filter.StartTime && x.Time < filter.EndTime).ToList();

                    return(new Log
                        Category = category,
                        StartTime = filter.StartTime,
                        EndTime = filter.EndTime,
                        Value = logValues
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the metric values from the shoebox
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter">The $filter query string</param>
        /// <param name="location">The MetricLocation object</param>
        /// <param name="invocationId">The invocation id</param>
        /// <returns>The MetricValueListResponse</returns>
        // Note: Does not populate Metric fields unrelated to query (i.e. "display name", resourceUri, and properties)
        internal static async Task <MetricListResponse> GetMetricsInternalAsync(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
            // TODO [davmc]: ShoeboxClient doesn't support dimensions
            if (filter.DimensionFilters != null && filter.DimensionFilters.Any(df => df.Dimensions != null))
                throw new ArgumentException("Shoebox client does not support dimensions", "filter");

            // If metrics are requested by name, get those metrics specifically, unless too many are requested.
            // If no names or too many names are provided, get all metrics and filter if necessary.
            return(new MetricListResponse()
                MetricCollection = await(filter.DimensionFilters == null || filter.DimensionFilters.Count() > MaxParallelRequestsByName
                    ? GetMetricsByTimestampAsync(filter, location, invocationId)
                    : GetMetricsByNameAsync(filter, location, invocationId)).ConfigureAwait(false)
Exemplo n.º 13
        // Generates queries for each metric by name (name-timestamp rowKey format) at collects the results
        // Note: Does not populate Metric fields unrelated to query (i.e. "display name", resourceUri, and properties)
        private static async Task <MetricCollection> GetMetricsByNameAsync(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
            // Create a query for each metric name
            Dictionary <string, TableQuery> queries = GenerateMetricNameQueries(filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => df.Name), location.PartitionKey,
                                                                                filter.StartTime, filter.EndTime);

            // Create a task for each query. Each query will correspond to one metric
            IEnumerable <Task <Metric> > queryTasks = queries.Select(async kvp => await GetMetricByNameAsync(kvp.Key, kvp.Value, filter, location, invocationId).ConfigureAwait(false));

            // Execute the queries in parallel and collect the results
            IList <Metric> metrics = await Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(queryTasks.ToArray(), tasks => new List <Metric>(tasks.Select(t => t.Result))).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Wrap metrics in MetricCollectionObject
            return(new MetricCollection()
                Value = metrics
Exemplo n.º 14
        public async Task <MetricListResponse> GetMetricsAsync(string resourceUri, string filterString, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (resourceUri == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resourceUri");

            // Generate filter strings
            MetricFilter filter = MetricFilterExpressionParser.Parse(filterString);
            string       filterStringNamesOnly = filter.DimensionFilters == null ? null
                : ShoeboxHelper.GenerateMetricDefinitionFilterString(filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => df.Name));

            // Get definitions for requested metrics
            IList <MetricDefinition> definitions =
                (await this.Client.MetricDefinitionOperations.GetMetricDefinitionsAsync(

            // Get Metrics with definitions
            return(await this.GetMetricsAsync(resourceUri, filterString, definitions, cancellationToken));
Exemplo n.º 15
        // Generates queries for all metrics by timestamp (timestamp-name rowKey format) and filters the results to the requested metrics (if any)
        // Note: Does not populate Metric fields unrelated to query (i.e. "display name", resourceUri, and properties)
        private static async Task <MetricCollection> GetMetricsByTimestampAsync(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
            // Find all the tables that fall partially or fully within the timerange
            IEnumerable <CloudTable> tables = GetNdayTables(filter, location);

            // Generate a query for the partition key and time range
            TableQuery query = GenerateMetricTimestampQuery(location.PartitionKey, filter.StartTime, filter.EndTime);

            // Get all the entities for the query
            IEnumerable <DynamicTableEntity> entities = await GetEntitiesAsync(tables, query, invocationId).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Group entities by (encoded) name
            IEnumerable <IGrouping <string, DynamicTableEntity> > groups = entities.GroupBy(entity => entity.RowKey.Substring(entity.RowKey.LastIndexOf('_') + 1));

            // if names are specified, filter the results to those metrics only
            if (filter.DimensionFilters != null)
                groups = groups.Where(g => filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => ShoeboxHelper.TrimAndEscapeKey(df.Name)).Contains(g.Key));

            // Construct MetricCollection (list of metrics) by taking each group and converting the entities in that group to MetricValue objects
            return(new MetricCollection()
                Value =
                    groups.Select(g => new Metric()
                    Name = new LocalizableString()
                        Value = FindMetricName(g.Key, filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => df.Name))
                    StartTime = filter.StartTime,
                    EndTime = filter.EndTime,
                    TimeGrain = filter.TimeGrain,
                    MetricValues = g.Select(ResolveMetricEntity).ToList()
        private bool SupportsRequestedDimensions(MetricDefinition definition, MetricFilter filter)
            MetricDimension metric = filter.DimensionFilters.FirstOrDefault(df => string.Equals(df.Name, definition.Name.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
            var supportedDimensionNames = definition.Dimensions.Select(dim => dim.Name);
            var supportedDimensionValues = definition.Dimensions.ToDictionary(dim => dim.Name.Value, dim => dim.Values.Select(v => v.Value));

            // No dimensions specified for this metric
            if (metric == null || metric.Dimensions == null)
                return true;

            foreach (MetricFilterDimension dimension in metric.Dimensions)
                // find dimension in definition
                Dimension d = definition.Dimensions.FirstOrDefault(dim => string.Equals(dim.Name.Value, dimension.Name));

                // Dimension name does't show up in definition
                if (d == null)
                    return false;

                // Requested dimension has any value that don't show up in the values list for the definiton
                if (dimension.Values.Any(value => !d.Values.Select(v => v.Value).Contains(value, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    return false;

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Filter object from the ($filter) query string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query">The query string</param>
        /// <returns>A filter object representing the query</returns>
        public static MetricFilter Parse(string query)
            MetricFilter filter = new MetricFilter();

            string[] clauses = splitOnAndRegex.Split(query);

            // Grab all the top-level items (separated by ANDs), which can be either simple clauses or a parenthesized group of 'name' clauses
            foreach (string clause in clauses)
                Match nameGroup = nameGroupRegex.Match(clause);

                // If it's in parentheses, it must be a group of 'name' clauses, only 1 is allowed
                if (nameGroup.Success && filter.DimensionFilters == null)
                    // The capturing group strips off the parentheses, leaving the clauses separated by ORs (nested parentheses are not allowed)
                    string[] namesClauses = splitOnORegex.Split(nameGroup.Groups["clauses"].Captures[0].Value);
                    List<string> names = new List<string>();

                    // Parse each 'name' clause and collect the values
                    foreach (string nameClause in namesClauses)
                        Match match = nameClauseRegex.Match(nameClause);

                        if (!match.Success)
                            throw new FormatException(
                                "Only conditions of the form 'name.value eq <value>' are allowed inside parentheses");


                    // an empty group will cause this assignment to throw InvalidOperationException
                    filter.DimensionFilters = names.Select(n => new MetricDimension()
                        Name = n
                else if (clause.Trim().StartsWith("("))
                    throw new FormatException("Parentheses Error: only one set of parentheses is allowed; " +
                                              "If present, only (and all) constraints on 'name.value' must appear inside. " +
                                              "No 'and' (and all 'or') operators may appear within parentheses.");
                    // It's not in a group, so it must be a simple clause
                    Match match = clauseRegex.Match(clause);

                    if (!match.Success || match.Groups["name"].Captures.Count <= 0 ||
                        match.Groups["value"].Captures.Count <= 0)
                        throw new FormatException(
                            "only conditions of the form '<name> eq <value>' are allowed, where <name> = 'timeGrain', 'startTime', 'endTime', or 'name.value'");

                    // Collect name and value
                    string name = match.Groups["name"].Captures[0].Value;
                    string value = match.Groups["value"].Captures[0].Value;

                    // Case sensitivity is handled in the regex
                    switch (name)
                        case "timeGrain":
                            // verify the OData duration value indicator
                            string prefix = "duration'";
                            if (value.StartsWith("duration'") && value.EndsWith("'") && value.Length > prefix.Length)
                                // Strip off prefix and end quote
                                filter.TimeGrain =
                                    XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan(value.Substring(9, value.Length - prefix.Length - 1));
                            else throw new FormatException("Invalid duration value for timeGrain");
                        case "startTime":
                            filter.StartTime = DateTime.Parse(value);
                        case "endTime":
                            filter.EndTime = DateTime.Parse(value);
                        case "name.value": // single name (without) parentheses is allowed, but only one
                            if (filter.DimensionFilters == null)
                                // verify quotes
                                if (value.StartsWith("'") && value.EndsWith("'") && value.Length >= 2)
                                    // strip off quotes and store
                                    filter.DimensionFilters = new List<MetricDimension>()
                                        new MetricDimension()
                                            Name = value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2)
                                    throw new FormatException("Invalid string value for name.value");
                            else throw new FormatException("Multiple 'name' conditions must be within parentheses");
                            throw new FormatException(
                                "Condition name must be one of: 'timeGrain', 'startTime', 'endTime', or 'name.value'");

            // Verify no missing values?
            return filter;
        private async Task<Log> FetchLogFromBlob(string blobUri, MetricFilter filter, LocalizableString category)
            var blob = new CloudBlockBlob(new Uri(blobUri));

            using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                    await blob.DownloadToStreamAsync(memoryStream);
                catch (StorageException ex)
                    if (ex.RequestInformation.HttpStatusCode == 404)
                        return new Log
                            Category = new LocalizableString
                                LocalizedValue = category.LocalizedValue,
                                Value = category.Value
                            StartTime = filter.StartTime,
                            EndTime = filter.EndTime,
                            Value = new List<LogValue>()


                memoryStream.Seek(0, 0);
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(memoryStream))
                    string content = await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync();
                    var logBlob = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<LogBlob>(content);
                    var logValues = logBlob.records.Where(x => x.Time >= filter.StartTime && x.Time < filter.EndTime).ToList();

                    return new Log
                        Category = category,
                        StartTime = filter.StartTime,
                        EndTime = filter.EndTime,
                        Value = logValues
Exemplo n.º 19
        // Alternate method for getting metrics by passing in the definitions
        public async Task <MetricListResponse> GetMetricsAsync(
            string resourceUri, string filterString, IEnumerable <MetricDefinition> definitions, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (definitions == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("definitions");

            if (resourceUri == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resourceUri");

            // Remove any '/' characters from the start since these are handled by the hydra (thin) client
            // Don't encode Uri segments here since this will mess up the SAS retrievers (they use the resourceUri directly)
            resourceUri = resourceUri.TrimStart('/');

            MetricListResponse result;
            string             invocationId = TracingAdapter.NextInvocationId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // If no definitions provided, return empty collection
            if (!definitions.Any())
                this.LogStartGetMetrics(invocationId, resourceUri, filterString, definitions);
                result = new MetricListResponse()
                    RequestId        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"),
                    StatusCode       = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                    MetricCollection = new MetricCollection()
                        Value = new Metric[0]

                this.LogEndGetMetrics(invocationId, result);


            // Parse MetricFilter
            MetricFilter filter = MetricFilterExpressionParser.Parse(filterString);

            // Names in filter must match the names in the definitions
            if (filter.DimensionFilters != null && filter.DimensionFilters.Any())
                IEnumerable <string> filterNames     = filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => df.Name);
                IEnumerable <string> definitionNames = definitions.Select(d => d.Name.Value);
                IEnumerable <string> filterOnly      = filterNames.Where(fn => !definitionNames.Contains(fn, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                IEnumerable <string> definitionOnly  = definitionNames.Where(df => !filterNames.Contains(df, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

                if (filterOnly.Any() || definitionOnly.Any())
                    throw new ArgumentException("Set of names specified in filter string must match set of names in provided definitions", "filterString");

                // "Filter out" metrics with unsupported dimensions
                definitions = definitions.Where(d => SupportsRequestedDimensions(d, filter));
                filter = new MetricFilter()
                    TimeGrain        = filter.TimeGrain,
                    StartTime        = filter.StartTime,
                    EndTime          = filter.EndTime,
                    DimensionFilters = definitions.Select(d => new MetricDimension()
                        Name = d.Name.Value

            // Parse out provider name and determine if provider is storage
            string providerName      = this.GetProviderFromResourceId(resourceUri);
            bool   isStorageProvider =
                string.Equals(providerName, "Microsoft.Storage", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                string.Equals(providerName, "Microsoft.ClassicStorage", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // Create supported MetricRetrievers
            IMetricRetriever proxyRetriever             = new ProxyMetricRetriever(this);
            IMetricRetriever shoeboxRetriever           = new ShoeboxMetricRetriever();
            IMetricRetriever storageRetriever           = new StorageMetricRetriever();
            IMetricRetriever blobShoeboxMetricRetriever = new BlobShoeboxMetricRetriever();
            IMetricRetriever emptyRetriever             = EmptyMetricRetriever.Instance;

            // Create the selector function here so it has access to the retrievers, filter, and providerName
            Func <MetricDefinition, IMetricRetriever> retrieverSelector = (d) =>
                if (!d.MetricAvailabilities.Any())

                if (isStorageProvider)

                if (IsBlobSasMetric(d, filter.TimeGrain))

                if (IsTableSasMetric(d, filter.TimeGrain))


            // Group definitions by retriever so we can make one request to each retriever
            IEnumerable <IGrouping <IMetricRetriever, MetricDefinition> > groups = definitions.GroupBy(retrieverSelector);

            // Get Metrics from each retriever (group)
            IEnumerable <Task <MetricListResponse> > locationTasks = groups.Select(g =>
                                                                                   g.Key.GetMetricsAsync(resourceUri, GetFilterStringForDefinitions(filter, g), g, invocationId));

            // Aggregate metrics from all groups
            this.LogStartGetMetrics(invocationId, resourceUri, filterString, definitions);
            MetricListResponse[] results = (await Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(locationTasks.ToArray(), tasks => tasks.Select(t => t.Result))).ToArray();
            IEnumerable <Metric> metrics = results.Aggregate <MetricListResponse, IEnumerable <Metric> >(
                new List <Metric>(), (list, response) => list.Union(response.MetricCollection.Value));

            this.LogMetricCountFromResponses(invocationId, metrics.Count());

            // Fill in values (resourceUri, displayName, unit) from definitions
            CompleteShoeboxMetrics(metrics, definitions, resourceUri);

            // Add empty objects for metrics that had no values come back, ensuring a metric is returned for each definition
            IEnumerable <Metric> emptyMetrics = (await emptyRetriever.GetMetricsAsync(
                                                     definitions.Where(d => !metrics.Any(m => string.Equals(m.Name.Value, d.Name.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))),

            // Create response (merge and wrap metrics)
            result = new MetricListResponse()
                RequestId        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"),
                StatusCode       = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                MetricCollection = new MetricCollection()
                    Value = metrics.Union(emptyMetrics).ToList()

            this.LogEndGetMetrics(invocationId, result);

        // Alternate method for getting metrics by passing in the definitions
        public async Task<MetricListResponse> GetMetricsAsync(
            string resourceUri, string filterString, IEnumerable<MetricDefinition> definitions, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (definitions == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("definitions");

            if (resourceUri == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resourceUri");

            // Remove any '/' characters from the start since these are handled by the hydra (thin) client
            // Don't encode Uri segments here since this will mess up the SAS retrievers (they use the resourceUri directly)
            resourceUri = resourceUri.TrimStart('/');

            MetricListResponse result;
            string invocationId = TracingAdapter.NextInvocationId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // If no definitions provided, return empty collection
            if (!definitions.Any())
                this.LogStartGetMetrics(invocationId, resourceUri, filterString, definitions);
                result = new MetricListResponse()
                    RequestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"),
                    StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                    MetricCollection = new MetricCollection()
                        Value = new Metric[0]

                this.LogEndGetMetrics(invocationId, result);

                return result;

            // Parse MetricFilter
            MetricFilter filter = MetricFilterExpressionParser.Parse(filterString);

            // Names in filter must match the names in the definitions
            if (filter.DimensionFilters != null && filter.DimensionFilters.Any())
                IEnumerable<string> filterNames = filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => df.Name);
                IEnumerable<string> definitionNames = definitions.Select(d => d.Name.Value);
                IEnumerable<string> filterOnly = filterNames.Where(fn => !definitionNames.Contains(fn, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                IEnumerable<string> definitionOnly = definitionNames.Where(df => !filterNames.Contains(df, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

                if (filterOnly.Any() || definitionOnly.Any())
                    throw new ArgumentException("Set of names specified in filter string must match set of names in provided definitions", "filterString");

                // "Filter out" metrics with unsupported dimensions
                definitions = definitions.Where(d => SupportsRequestedDimensions(d, filter));
                filter = new MetricFilter()
                    TimeGrain = filter.TimeGrain,
                    StartTime = filter.StartTime,
                    EndTime = filter.EndTime,
                    DimensionFilters = definitions.Select(d => new MetricDimension()
                        Name = d.Name.Value

            // Parse out provider name and determine if provider is storage
            string providerName = this.GetProviderFromResourceId(resourceUri);
            bool isStorageProvider =
                string.Equals(providerName, "Microsoft.Storage", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                string.Equals(providerName, "Microsoft.ClassicStorage", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // Create supported MetricRetrievers
            IMetricRetriever proxyRetriever = new ProxyMetricRetriever(this);
            IMetricRetriever shoeboxRetriever = new ShoeboxMetricRetriever();
            IMetricRetriever storageRetriever = new StorageMetricRetriever();
            IMetricRetriever blobShoeboxMetricRetriever = new BlobShoeboxMetricRetriever();
            IMetricRetriever emptyRetriever = EmptyMetricRetriever.Instance;

            // Create the selector function here so it has access to the retrievers, filter, and providerName
            Func<MetricDefinition, IMetricRetriever> retrieverSelector = (d) =>
                if (!d.MetricAvailabilities.Any())
                    return emptyRetriever;

                if (isStorageProvider)
                    return storageRetriever;

                if (IsBlobSasMetric(d, filter.TimeGrain))
                    return blobShoeboxMetricRetriever;

                if (IsTableSasMetric(d, filter.TimeGrain))
                    return shoeboxRetriever;

                return proxyRetriever;

            // Group definitions by retriever so we can make one request to each retriever
            IEnumerable<IGrouping<IMetricRetriever, MetricDefinition>> groups = definitions.GroupBy(retrieverSelector);

            // Get Metrics from each retriever (group)
            IEnumerable<Task<MetricListResponse>> locationTasks = groups.Select(g =>
                g.Key.GetMetricsAsync(resourceUri, GetFilterStringForDefinitions(filter, g), g, invocationId));

            // Aggregate metrics from all groups
            this.LogStartGetMetrics(invocationId, resourceUri, filterString, definitions);
            MetricListResponse[] results = (await Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(locationTasks.ToArray(), tasks => tasks.Select(t => t.Result))).ToArray();
            IEnumerable<Metric> metrics = results.Aggregate<MetricListResponse, IEnumerable<Metric>>(
                new List<Metric>(), (list, response) => list.Union(response.MetricCollection.Value));

            this.LogMetricCountFromResponses(invocationId, metrics.Count());

            // Fill in values (resourceUri, displayName, unit) from definitions
            CompleteShoeboxMetrics(metrics, definitions, resourceUri);

            // Add empty objects for metrics that had no values come back, ensuring a metric is returned for each definition
            IEnumerable<Metric> emptyMetrics = (await emptyRetriever.GetMetricsAsync(
                definitions.Where(d => !metrics.Any(m => string.Equals(m.Name.Value, d.Name.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))),

            // Create response (merge and wrap metrics)
            result = new MetricListResponse()
                RequestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"),
                StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                MetricCollection = new MetricCollection()
                    Value = metrics.Union(emptyMetrics).ToList()

            this.LogEndGetMetrics(invocationId, result);

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 21
 // Gets the named metric by calling the provided query on each table that overlaps the given time range
 // Note: Does not populate Metric fields unrelated to query (i.e. "display name", resourceUri, and properties)
 private static async Task <Metric> GetMetricAsync(string name, TableQuery query, MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
     // The GetEnititesAsync function provides one task that will call all the queries in parallel
     return(new Metric()
         Name = new LocalizableString()
             Value = name
         StartTime = filter.StartTime,
         EndTime = filter.EndTime,
         TimeGrain = filter.TimeGrain,
         MetricValues = (await GetEntitiesAsync(GetNdayTables(filter, location), query, invocationId).ConfigureAwait(false)).Select(ResolveMetricEntity).ToList()
        // Alternate method for getting metrics by passing in the definitions
        // TODO [davmc]: Revisit - this method cannot support dimensions
        public async Task <MetricListResponse> GetMetricsAsync(
            string resourceUri, string filterString, IEnumerable <MetricDefinition> definitions, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            MetricListResponse result;

            if (definitions == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("definitions");

            string invocationId = TracingAdapter.NextInvocationId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            this.LogStartGetMetrics(invocationId, resourceUri, filterString, definitions);

            // If no definitions provided, return empty collection
            if (!definitions.Any())
                result = new MetricListResponse()
                    RequestId  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"),
                    StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK

                this.LogEndGetMetrics(invocationId, result);


            // Parse MetricFilter
            MetricFilter filter = MetricFilterExpressionParser.Parse(filterString);

            // Names not allowed in filter since the names are in the definitions
            if (filter.DimensionFilters != null && filter.DimensionFilters.Any())
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot specify names (or dimensions) when MetricDefinitions are included", "filterString");

            // Ensure every definition has at least one availability matching the filter timegrain
            if (!definitions.All(d => d.MetricAvailabilities.Any(a => a.TimeGrain == filter.TimeGrain)))
                throw new ArgumentException("Definition contains no availability for the timeGrain requested", "definitions");

            // Group definitions by location so we can make one request to each location
            Dictionary <MetricAvailability, MetricFilter> groups =
                definitions.GroupBy(d => d.MetricAvailabilities.First(a => a.TimeGrain == filter.TimeGrain),
                                    new AvailabilityComparer()).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => new MetricFilter()
                TimeGrain        = filter.TimeGrain,
                StartTime        = filter.StartTime,
                EndTime          = filter.EndTime,
                DimensionFilters = g.Select(d => new MetricDimension()
                    Name = d.Name.Value

            // Get Metrics from each location (group)
            IEnumerable <Task <MetricListResponse> > locationTasks = groups.Select(g => g.Key.Location == null
                    ? this.GetMetricsInternalAsync(resourceUri, ShoeboxHelper.GenerateMetricFilterString(g.Value), cancellationToken)
                    : ShoeboxClient.GetMetricsInternalAsync(g.Value, g.Key.Location, invocationId));

            // Aggregate metrics from all groups
            MetricListResponse[] results = (await Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(locationTasks.ToArray(), tasks => tasks.Select(t => t.Result))).ToArray();
            IEnumerable <Metric> metrics = results.Aggregate <MetricListResponse, IEnumerable <Metric> >(
                new List <Metric>(), (list, response) => list.Union(response.MetricCollection.Value));

            this.LogMetricCountFromResponses(invocationId, metrics.Count());

            // Fill in values (resourceUri, displayName, unit) from definitions
            CompleteShoeboxMetrics(metrics, definitions, resourceUri);

            // Add empty objects for metrics that had no values come back, ensuring a metric is returned for each definition
            IEnumerable <Metric> emptyMetrics = definitions
                                                .Where(d => !metrics.Any(m => string.Equals(m.Name.Value, d.Name.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                                                .Select(d => new Metric()
                Name         = d.Name,
                Unit         = d.Unit,
                ResourceId   = resourceUri,
                StartTime    = filter.StartTime,
                EndTime      = filter.EndTime,
                TimeGrain    = filter.TimeGrain,
                MetricValues = new List <MetricValue>(),
                Properties   = new Dictionary <string, string>()

            // Create response (merge and wrap metrics)
            result = new MetricListResponse()
                RequestId        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"),
                StatusCode       = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                MetricCollection = new MetricCollection()
                    Value = metrics.Union(emptyMetrics).ToList()

            this.LogEndGetMetrics(invocationId, result);

Exemplo n.º 23
        // Gets the named metric by calling the provided query on each table that overlaps the given time range
        // Note: Does not populate Metric fields unrelated to query (i.e. "display name", resourceUri, and properties)
        private static async Task <Metric> GetMetricByNameAsync(string name, TableQuery query, MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
            Metric metric = new Metric()
                Name = new LocalizableString()
                    Value = name
                StartTime    = filter.StartTime,
                EndTime      = filter.EndTime,
                TimeGrain    = filter.TimeGrain,
                MetricValues = new List <MetricValue>()

            var instanceMetrics = new List <MetricValue>();
            var globalMetrics   = new List <DynamicTableEntity>();

            // The GetEnititesAsync function provides one task that will call all the queries in parallel
            var entities = await GetEntitiesAsync(GetNdayTables(filter, location), query, invocationId).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Iterate over the instances to do conversion and aggregation when needed
            foreach (var entity in entities)
                // Skip aggregated entities
                if (!IsInstanceMetric(entity.RowKey))
                    // We ignore the aggergated metrics if there are instance metrics.
                    if (instanceMetrics.Count == 0)


                MetricValue lastMetricValue = instanceMetrics.LastOrDefault();
                if (lastMetricValue == null)
                    if (lastMetricValue.Timestamp.Ticks == GetTimestampFromIndexMetricNameTimestamp(entity))
                        Aggregate(lastMetricValue, entity);

            if (instanceMetrics.Count > 0)
                foreach (var metricValue in instanceMetrics)
                    metricValue.Average = metricValue.Total / metricValue.Count;

                metric.MetricValues = instanceMetrics;
                metric.MetricValues = globalMetrics.Select(me => ResolveMetricEntity(me)).ToList();

Exemplo n.º 24
        // Generates queries for all metrics by timestamp (timestamp-name rowKey format) and filters the results to the requested metrics (if any)
        // Note: Does not populate Metric fields unrelated to query (i.e. "display name", resourceUri, and properties)
        private static async Task <MetricCollection> GetMetricsByTimestampAsync(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
            // Find all the tables that fall partially or fully within the timerange
            IEnumerable <CloudTable> tables = GetNdayTables(filter, location);

            // Generate a query for the partition key and time range
            TableQuery query = GenerateMetricTimestampQuery(location.PartitionKey, filter.StartTime, filter.EndTime);

            // Get all the entities for the query
            IEnumerable <DynamicTableEntity> entities = await GetEntitiesAsync(tables, query, invocationId).ConfigureAwait(false);

            ICollection <string> dimensionFilterNames = null;

            if (filter.DimensionFilters != null)
                dimensionFilterNames = new HashSet <string>(filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => ShoeboxHelper.TrimAndEscapeKey(df.Name)));

            var metricWraps = new Dictionary <string, MetricWrap>();
            var metrics     = new List <Metric>();

            // Iterate over the instances to do conversion and aggregation when needed.
            foreach (var entity in entities)
                string encodedName = GetMetricNameFromRowKeyByTimestampByMetricName(entity.RowKey);

                // When there is filter, skip entities not included in the filter.
                if (dimensionFilterNames != null && !dimensionFilterNames.Contains(encodedName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                MetricWrap metricWrap;
                if (!metricWraps.TryGetValue(encodedName, out metricWrap))
                    metricWrap = new MetricWrap
                        Metric = new Metric()
                            Name = new LocalizableString()
                                Value = encodedName
                            StartTime    = filter.StartTime,
                            EndTime      = filter.EndTime,
                            TimeGrain    = filter.TimeGrain,
                            MetricValues = new List <MetricValue>()
                        InstanceMetrics = new List <MetricValue>(),
                        GlobalMetrics   = new List <DynamicTableEntity>()

                    metricWraps[encodedName] = metricWrap;

                // Skip aggregated entities
                if (!IsInstanceMetric(entity.RowKey))
                    // We ignore the aggergated metrics if there are instance metrics.
                    if (metricWrap.InstanceMetrics.Count == 0)


                MetricValue lastMetricValue = metricWrap.InstanceMetrics.LastOrDefault();
                if (lastMetricValue == null)
                    if (lastMetricValue.Timestamp.Ticks == GetTimestampFromIndexTimestampMetricName(entity))
                        Aggregate(lastMetricValue, entity);

            foreach (var metricWrap in metricWraps.Values)
                // Decide whether to return the aggregation of the instance metrics on the fly or the final value in the storage account
                // If there are instance metrics, the aggregation on the fly is used.
                Metric metric = metricWrap.Metric;
                metric.Name.Value = FindMetricName(metric.Name.Value, dimensionFilterNames);
                if (metricWrap.InstanceMetrics.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var metricValue in metricWrap.InstanceMetrics)
                        metricValue.Average = metricValue.Total / metricValue.Count;

                    metric.MetricValues = metricWrap.InstanceMetrics;
                    metric.MetricValues = metricWrap.GlobalMetrics.Select(me => ResolveMetricEntity(me)).ToList();

            return(new MetricCollection()
                Value = metrics
Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Filter object from the ($filter) query string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query">The query string</param>
        /// <returns>A filter object representing the query</returns>
        public static MetricFilter Parse(string query)
            MetricFilter filter = new MetricFilter();

            string[] clauses = splitOnAndRegex.Split(query);

            // Grab all the top-level items (separated by ANDs), which can be either simple clauses or a parenthesized group of 'name' clauses
            foreach (string clause in clauses)
                Match nameGroup = nameGroupRegex.Match(clause);

                // If it's in parentheses, it must be a group of 'name' clauses, only 1 is allowed
                if (nameGroup.Success && filter.DimensionFilters == null)
                    // The capturing group strips off the parentheses, leaving the clauses separated by ORs (nested parentheses are not allowed)
                    string[]      namesClauses = splitOnORegex.Split(nameGroup.Groups["clauses"].Captures[0].Value);
                    List <string> names        = new List <string>();

                    // Parse each 'name' clause and collect the values
                    foreach (string nameClause in namesClauses)
                        Match match = nameClauseRegex.Match(nameClause);

                        if (!match.Success)
                            throw new FormatException(
                                      "Only conditions of the form 'name.value eq <value>' are allowed inside parentheses");


                    // an empty group will cause this assignment to throw InvalidOperationException
                    filter.DimensionFilters = names.Select(n => new MetricDimension()
                        Name = n
                else if (clause.Trim().StartsWith("("))
                    throw new FormatException("Parentheses Error: only one set of parentheses is allowed; " +
                                              "If present, only (and all) constraints on 'name.value' must appear inside. " +
                                              "No 'and' (and all 'or') operators may appear within parentheses.");
                    // It's not in a group, so it must be a simple clause
                    Match match = clauseRegex.Match(clause);

                    if (!match.Success || match.Groups["name"].Captures.Count <= 0 ||
                        match.Groups["value"].Captures.Count <= 0)
                        throw new FormatException(
                                  "only conditions of the form '<name> eq <value>' are allowed, where <name> = 'timeGrain', 'startTime', 'endTime', or 'name.value'");

                    // Collect name and value
                    string name  = match.Groups["name"].Captures[0].Value;
                    string value = match.Groups["value"].Captures[0].Value;

                    // Case sensitivity is handled in the regex
                    switch (name)
                    case "timeGrain":
                        // verify the OData duration value indicator
                        string prefix = "duration'";
                        if (value.StartsWith("duration'") && value.EndsWith("'") && value.Length > prefix.Length)
                            // Strip off prefix and end quote
                            filter.TimeGrain =
                                XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan(value.Substring(9, value.Length - prefix.Length - 1));
                            throw new FormatException("Invalid duration value for timeGrain");

                    case "startTime":
                        filter.StartTime = DateTime.Parse(value);

                    case "endTime":
                        filter.EndTime = DateTime.Parse(value);

                    case "name.value":     // single name (without) parentheses is allowed, but only one
                        if (filter.DimensionFilters == null)
                            // verify quotes
                            if (value.StartsWith("'") && value.EndsWith("'") && value.Length >= 2)
                                // strip off quotes and store
                                filter.DimensionFilters = new List <MetricDimension>()
                                    new MetricDimension()
                                        Name = value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2)
                                throw new FormatException("Invalid string value for name.value");
                            throw new FormatException("Multiple 'name' conditions must be within parentheses");

                        throw new FormatException(
                                  "Condition name must be one of: 'timeGrain', 'startTime', 'endTime', or 'name.value'");

            // Verify no missing values?
        public async Task <MetricListResponse> GetMetricsAsync(string resourceUri, string filterString, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Ensure exactly one '/' at the start
            resourceUri = '/' + resourceUri.TrimStart('/');

            // Generate filter strings
            MetricFilter filter                 = MetricFilterExpressionParser.Parse(filterString);
            string       metricFilterString     = GenerateNamelessMetricFilterString(filter);
            string       definitionFilterString = filter.DimensionFilters == null ? null
                : ShoeboxHelper.GenerateMetricDefinitionFilterString(filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => df.Name));

            // Get definitions for requested metrics
            IList <MetricDefinition> definitions =
                (await this.Client.MetricDefinitionOperations.GetMetricDefinitionsAsync(

            // Separate passthrough metrics with dimensions specified
            IEnumerable <MetricDefinition> passthruDefinitions = definitions.Where(d => !IsShoebox(d, filter.TimeGrain));
            IEnumerable <MetricDefinition> shoeboxDefinitions  = definitions.Where(d => IsShoebox(d, filter.TimeGrain));

            // Get Passthru definitions
            List <Metric> passthruMetrics = new List <Metric>();
            string        invocationId    = TracingAdapter.NextInvocationId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            this.LogStartGetMetrics(invocationId, resourceUri, filterString, passthruDefinitions);
            if (passthruDefinitions.Any())
                // Create new filter for passthru metrics
                List <MetricDimension> passthruDimensionFilters = filter.DimensionFilters == null ? new List <MetricDimension>() :
                                                                  filter.DimensionFilters.Where(df => passthruDefinitions.Any(d => string.Equals(d.Name.Value, df.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))).ToList();

                foreach (MetricDefinition def in passthruDefinitions
                         .Where(d => !passthruDimensionFilters.Any(pdf => string.Equals(pdf.Name, d.Name.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))))
                    passthruDimensionFilters.Add(new MetricDimension()
                        Name = def.Name.Value

                MetricFilter passthruFilter = new MetricFilter()
                    TimeGrain        = filter.TimeGrain,
                    StartTime        = filter.StartTime,
                    EndTime          = filter.EndTime,
                    DimensionFilters = passthruDimensionFilters

                // Create passthru filter string
                string passthruFilterString = ShoeboxHelper.GenerateMetricFilterString(passthruFilter);

                // Get Metrics from passthrough (hydra) client
                MetricListResponse passthruResponse = await this.GetMetricsInternalAsync(resourceUri, passthruFilterString, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                passthruMetrics = passthruResponse.MetricCollection.Value.ToList();

                this.LogMetricCountFromResponses(invocationId, passthruMetrics.Count());

                // Fill in values (resourceUri, displayName, unit) from definitions
                CompleteShoeboxMetrics(passthruMetrics, passthruDefinitions, resourceUri);

                // Add empty objects for metrics that had no values come back, ensuring a metric is returned for each definition
                IEnumerable <Metric> emptyMetrics = passthruDefinitions
                                                    .Where(d => !passthruMetrics.Any(m => string.Equals(m.Name.Value, d.Name.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                                                    .Select(d => new Metric()
                    Name         = d.Name,
                    Unit         = d.Unit,
                    ResourceId   = resourceUri,
                    StartTime    = filter.StartTime,
                    EndTime      = filter.EndTime,
                    TimeGrain    = filter.TimeGrain,
                    MetricValues = new List <MetricValue>(),
                    Properties   = new Dictionary <string, string>()


            // Get Metrics by definitions
            MetricListResponse shoeboxResponse = await this.GetMetricsAsync(resourceUri, metricFilterString, shoeboxDefinitions, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Create response (merge and wrap metrics)
            MetricListResponse result = new MetricListResponse()
                RequestId        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"),
                StatusCode       = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                MetricCollection = new MetricCollection()
                    Value = passthruMetrics.Union(shoeboxResponse.MetricCollection.Value).ToList()

            this.LogEndGetMetrics(invocationId, result);

Exemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves the metric values from the shoebox
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">The $filter query string</param>
 /// <param name="location">The MetricLocation object</param>
 /// <param name="invocationId">The invocation id</param>
 /// <returns>The MetricValueListResponse</returns>
 // Note: Does not populate Metric fields unrelated to query (i.e. "display name", resourceUri, and properties)
 internal static MetricListResponse GetMetricsInternal(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
     return(GetMetricsInternalAsync(filter, location, invocationId).Result);
 private string GetFilterStringForDefinitions(MetricFilter filter, IEnumerable<MetricDefinition> definitions)
     return ShoeboxHelper.GenerateMetricFilterString(new MetricFilter()
         TimeGrain = filter.TimeGrain,
         StartTime = filter.StartTime,
         EndTime = filter.EndTime,
         DimensionFilters = filter.DimensionFilters.Where(df =>
             definitions.Any(d => string.Equals(df.Name, d.Name.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
        /// <summary>
        /// Get logs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resourceUri">The resourceUri</param>
        /// <param name="filterString">The filter string</param>
        /// <param name="definitions">The log definitions</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <LogListResponse> GetLogsAsync(
            string resourceUri,
            string filterString,
            IEnumerable <LogDefinition> definitions,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (definitions == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("definitions");

            if (resourceUri == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resourceUri");

            // Ensure exactly one '/' at the start
            resourceUri = '/' + resourceUri.TrimStart('/');

            LogListResponse result;
            string          invocationId = TracingAdapter.NextInvocationId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // If no definitions provided, return empty collection
            if (!definitions.Any())
                this.LogStartGetLogs(invocationId, resourceUri, filterString, definitions);
                result = new LogListResponse()
                    RequestId     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"),
                    StatusCode    = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                    LogCollection = new LogCollection()
                        Value = new Log[0]

                this.LogEndGetLogs(invocationId, result);


            // Parse LogFilter. Reusing the metric filter.
            // We might consider extracting the parsing functionality to a class with a less specific name
            MetricFilter filter = MetricFilterExpressionParser.Parse(filterString, false);

            if (filter.StartTime == default(DateTime))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("startTime is required");

            if (filter.EndTime == default(DateTime))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("endTime is required");

            this.LogStartGetLogs(invocationId, resourceUri, filterString, definitions);

            var logsPerBlob = new Dictionary <string, Task <Log> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // We download all the relevant blobs first and then use the data later, to avoid download the same blob more than once.
            foreach (LogDefinition logDefinition in definitions)
                foreach (BlobInfo blobInfo in logDefinition.BlobLocation.BlobInfo)
                    if (blobInfo.EndTime < filter.StartTime || blobInfo.StartTime >= filter.EndTime)

                    string blobId = GetBlobEndpoint(blobInfo);
                    if (!logsPerBlob.ContainsKey(blobId))
                        logsPerBlob.Add(blobId, FetchLogFromBlob(blobInfo.BlobUri, filter, logDefinition.Category));

            foreach (var task in logsPerBlob.Values)
                await task;

            var logsPerCategory = new Dictionary <string, Log>();

            foreach (var task in logsPerBlob.Values)
                Log log = task.Result;
                Log existingLog;
                if (logsPerCategory.TryGetValue(log.Category.Value, out existingLog))
                    ((List <LogValue>)existingLog.Value).AddRange(log.Value);
                    existingLog.StartTime = this.Min(log.StartTime, existingLog.StartTime);
                    existingLog.EndTime   = this.Max(log.StartTime, existingLog.StartTime);
                    logsPerCategory.Add(log.Category.Value, log);

            result = new LogListResponse
                RequestId     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"),
                StatusCode    = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                LogCollection = new LogCollection
                    Value = logsPerCategory.Values.ToList()

            this.LogEndGetLogs(invocationId, result);
