Exemplo n.º 1
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets whether two OrderByQueryResult instances are equal.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="x">The first.</param>
            /// <param name="y">The second.</param>
            /// <returns>Whether two OrderByQueryResult instances are equal.</returns>
            public bool Equals(CosmosElement x, CosmosElement y)
                OrderByQueryResult orderByQueryResultX = new OrderByQueryResult(x);
                OrderByQueryResult orderByQueryResultY = new OrderByQueryResult(y);

                           orderByQueryResultY.OrderByItems) == 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// When resuming an order by query we need to filter the document producers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="producer">The producer to filter down.</param>
        /// <param name="sortOrders">The sort orders.</param>
        /// <param name="continuationToken">The continuation token.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
        /// <returns>A task to await on.</returns>
        private async Task FilterAsync(
            DocumentProducerTree producer,
            SortOrder[] sortOrders,
            OrderByContinuationToken continuationToken,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // When we resume a query on a partition there is a possibility that we only read a partial page from the backend
            // meaning that will we repeat some documents if we didn't do anything about it.
            // The solution is to filter all the documents that come before in the sort order, since we have already emitted them to the client.
            // The key is to seek until we get an order by value that matches the order by value we left off on.
            // Once we do that we need to seek to the correct _rid within the term,
            // since there might be many documents with the same order by value we left off on.

            foreach (DocumentProducerTree tree in producer)
                if (!ResourceId.TryParse(continuationToken.Rid, out ResourceId continuationRid))
                                          "Invalid Rid in the continuation token {0} for OrderBy~Context.",
                    throw new BadRequestException(RMResources.InvalidContinuationToken);

                Dictionary <string, ResourceId> resourceIds = new Dictionary <string, ResourceId>();
                int  itemToSkip = continuationToken.SkipCount;
                bool continuationRidVerified = false;

                while (true)
                    OrderByQueryResult orderByResult = new OrderByQueryResult(tree.Current);
                    // Throw away documents until it matches the item from the continuation token.
                    int cmp = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < sortOrders.Length; ++i)
                        cmp = ItemComparer.Instance.Compare(

                        if (cmp != 0)
                            cmp = sortOrders[i] != SortOrder.Descending ? cmp : -cmp;

                    if (cmp < 0)
                        // We might have passed the item due to deletions and filters.

                    if (cmp == 0)
                        ResourceId rid;
                        if (!resourceIds.TryGetValue(orderByResult.Rid, out rid))
                            if (!ResourceId.TryParse(orderByResult.Rid, out rid))
                                                      "Invalid Rid in the continuation token {0} for OrderBy~Context.",
                                throw new BadRequestException(RMResources.InvalidContinuationToken);

                            resourceIds.Add(orderByResult.Rid, rid);

                        if (!continuationRidVerified)
                            if (continuationRid.Database != rid.Database || continuationRid.DocumentCollection != rid.DocumentCollection)
                                                      "Invalid Rid in the continuation token {0} for OrderBy~Context.",
                                throw new BadRequestException(RMResources.InvalidContinuationToken);

                            continuationRidVerified = true;

                        // Once the item matches the order by items from the continuation tokens
                        // We still need to remove all the documents that have a lower rid in the rid sort order.
                        // If there is a tie in the sort order the documents should be in _rid order in the same direction as the first order by field.
                        // So if it's ORDER BY c.age ASC, c.name DESC the _rids are ASC
                        // If ti's ORDER BY c.age DESC, c.name DESC the _rids are DESC
                        cmp = continuationRid.Document.CompareTo(rid.Document);
                        if (sortOrders[0] == SortOrder.Descending)
                            cmp = -cmp;

                        // We might have passed the item due to deletions and filters.
                        // We also have a skip count for JOINs
                        if (cmp < 0 || (cmp == 0 && itemToSkip-- <= 0))

                    if (!await tree.MoveNextAsync(cancellationToken))
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Drains a page of documents from this context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maxElements">The maximum number of elements.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
        /// <returns>A task that when awaited on return a page of documents.</returns>
        public override async Task <FeedResponse <CosmosElement> > DrainAsync(int maxElements, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            //// In order to maintain the continuation toke for the user we must drain with a few constraints
            //// 1) We always drain from the partition, which has the highest priority item first
            //// 2) If multiple partitions have the same priority item then we drain from the left most first
            ////   otherwise we would need to keep track of how many of each item we drained from each partition
            ////   (just like parallel queries).
            //// Visually that look the following case where we have three partitions that are numbered and store letters.
            //// For teaching purposes I have made each item a tuple of the following form:
            ////      <item stored in partition, partition number>
            //// So that duplicates across partitions are distinct, but duplicates within partitions are indistinguishable.
            ////      |-------|   |-------|   |-------|
            ////      | <a,1> |   | <a,2> |   | <a,3> |
            ////      | <a,1> |   | <b,2> |   | <c,3> |
            ////      | <a,1> |   | <b,2> |   | <c,3> |
            ////      | <d,1> |   | <c,2> |   | <c,3> |
            ////      | <d,1> |   | <e,2> |   | <f,3> |
            ////      | <e,1> |   | <h,2> |   | <j,3> |
            ////      | <f,1> |   | <i,2> |   | <k,3> |
            ////      |-------|   |-------|   |-------|
            //// Now the correct drain order in this case is:
            ////  <a,1>,<a,1>,<a,1>,<a,2>,<a,3>,<b,2>,<b,2>,<c,2>,<c,3>,<c,3>,<c,3>,
            ////  <d,1>,<d,1>,<e,1>,<e,2>,<f,1>,<f,3>,<h,2>,<i,2>,<j,3>,<k,3>
            //// In more mathematical terms
            ////  1) <x, y> always comes before <z, y> where x < z
            ////  2) <i, j> always come before <i, k> where j < k

            List <CosmosElement> results = new List <CosmosElement>();

            while (!this.IsDone && results.Count < maxElements)
                // Only drain from the highest priority document producer
                // We need to pop and push back the document producer tree, since the priority changes according to the sort order.
                DocumentProducerTree currentDocumentProducerTree = this.PopCurrentDocumentProducerTree();
                OrderByQueryResult   orderByQueryResult          = new OrderByQueryResult(currentDocumentProducerTree.Current);

                // Only add the payload, since other stuff is garbage from the caller's perspective.

                // If we are at the begining of the page and seeing an rid from the previous page we should increment the skip count
                // due to the fact that JOINs can make a document appear multiple times and across continuations, so we don't want to
                // surface this more than needed. More information can be found in the continuation token docs.
                if (this.ShouldIncrementSkipCount(currentDocumentProducerTree.CurrentDocumentProducerTree.Root))
                    this.skipCount = 0;

                this.previousRid = orderByQueryResult.Rid;

                await currentDocumentProducerTree.MoveNextAsync(cancellationToken);


            return(new FeedResponse <CosmosElement>(