public OutOfProcessNodeInstance(string entryPointScript, string projectPath, string commandLineArguments = null)
     _childProcessLauncherLock = new object();
     _entryPointScript         = new StringAsTempFile(entryPointScript);
     _projectPath          = projectPath;
     _commandLineArguments = commandLineArguments ?? string.Empty;
        public static void UseWebpackDevMiddleware(
            this IApplicationBuilder appBuilder,
            WebpackDevMiddlewareOptions options = null)
            // Prepare options
            if (options == null)
                options = new WebpackDevMiddlewareOptions();

            // Validate options
            if (options.ReactHotModuleReplacement && !options.HotModuleReplacement)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    "To enable ReactHotModuleReplacement, you must also enable HotModuleReplacement.");

            // Unlike other consumers of NodeServices, WebpackDevMiddleware dosen't share Node instances, nor does it
            // use your DI configuration. It's important for WebpackDevMiddleware to have its own private Node instance
            // because it must *not* restart when files change (if it did, you'd lose all the benefits of Webpack
            // middleware). And since this is a dev-time-only feature, it doesn't matter if the default transport isn't
            // as fast as some theoretical future alternative.
            var hostEnv = (IHostingEnvironment)appBuilder.ApplicationServices.GetService(typeof(IHostingEnvironment));
            var nodeServices = Configuration.CreateNodeServices(new NodeServicesOptions
                HostingModel = Configuration.DefaultNodeHostingModel,
                ProjectPath = hostEnv.ContentRootPath,
                WatchFileExtensions = new string[] { } // Don't watch anything

            // Get a filename matching the middleware Node script
            var script = EmbeddedResourceReader.Read(typeof(WebpackDevMiddleware),
            var nodeScript = new StringAsTempFile(script); // Will be cleaned up on process exit

            // Tell Node to start the server hosting webpack-dev-middleware
            var devServerOptions = new
                webpackConfigPath = Path.Combine(hostEnv.ContentRootPath, options.ConfigFile ?? DefaultConfigFile),
                suppliedOptions = options
            var devServerInfo =
                nodeServices.InvokeExport<WebpackDevServerInfo>(nodeScript.FileName, "createWebpackDevServer",

            // Proxy the corresponding requests through ASP.NET and into the Node listener
            var proxyOptions = new ConditionalProxyMiddlewareOptions(WebpackDevMiddlewareScheme,
                WebpackDevMiddlewareHostname, devServerInfo.Port.ToString());
            appBuilder.UseMiddleware<ConditionalProxyMiddleware>(devServerInfo.PublicPath, proxyOptions);

            // While it would be nice to proxy the /__webpack_hmr requests too, these return an EventStream,
            // and the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Proxy code doesn't handle that entirely - it throws an exception after
            // a while. So, just serve a 302 for those.
            appBuilder.Map(WebpackHotMiddlewareEndpoint, builder =>
                builder.Use(next => async ctx =>
                    await Task.Yield();