Exemplo n.º 1
        private void resetFilesButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // clear spectra file path
            if ((sender as Button).Name.Equals(resetSpectraFileButton.Name))
                spectraFilePath                  = null;
                spectraFileNameLabel.Text        = "None Selected";
                spectraFileNameLabel.ToolTip     = null;
                resetSpectraFileButton.IsEnabled = false;

            // clear psm file path, psm data, and stat plot
                tsvResultsFilePath               = null;
                psmFileNameLabel.Text            = "None Selected";
                psmFileNameLabel.ToolTip         = null;
                psmFileNameLabelStat.Text        = "None Selected";
                psmFileNameLabelStat.ToolTip     = null;
                resetPsmFileButton.IsEnabled     = false;
                resetPsmFileButtonStat.IsEnabled = false;

                plotViewStat.DataContext = null;

            // clear main plot, base sequence, and properties table
            mainViewModel.Model = null;
            MsDataFile = null;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void DrawAnnotatedBaseSequence(Canvas canvas, PsmFromTsv psm, bool ToAnnotateChildScan = false)
            double spacing = 22;


            // don't draw ambiguous sequences
            if (psm.FullSequence.Contains("|"))

            // draw base sequence
            for (int r = 0; r < psm.BaseSeq.Length; r++)
                BaseDraw.txtDrawing(canvas, new Point(r * spacing + 10, 10), psm.BaseSeq[r].ToString(), Brushes.Black);

            var matchIons = psm.MatchedIons;

            if (ToAnnotateChildScan)
                matchIons = new List <MatchedFragmentIon>();
                foreach (var x in psm.ChildScanMatchedIons)
            // draw the fragment ion annotations on the base sequence
            foreach (var ion in matchIons)
                int    residue    = ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.AminoAcidPosition;
                string annotation = ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType + "" + ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.FragmentNumber;
                Color  color      = psm.VariantCrossingIons.Contains(ion) ? variantCrossColor : productTypeToColor[ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType];

                if (ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.NeutralLoss != 0)
                    annotation += "-" + ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.NeutralLoss;

                if (ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.Terminus == FragmentationTerminus.C)
                    BaseDraw.topSplittingDrawing(canvas, new Point(residue * spacing + 8,
                                                                   productTypeToYOffset[ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType]), color, annotation);
                else if (ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.Terminus == FragmentationTerminus.N)
                    BaseDraw.botSplittingDrawing(canvas, new Point(residue * spacing + 8,
                                                                   productTypeToYOffset[ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType]), color, annotation);
                // don't draw diagnostic ions, precursor ions, etc

            // draw modifications
            var peptide = new PeptideWithSetModifications(psm.FullSequence, GlobalVariables.AllModsKnownDictionary);

            if (psm.GlycanLocalizationLevel != null)
                var localGlycans = PsmFromTsv.ReadLocalizedGlycan(psm.LocalizedGlycan);

                foreach (var mod in peptide.AllModsOneIsNterminus)
                    if (mod.Value.ModificationType == "O-Glycosylation")
                        if (localGlycans.Where(p => p.Item1 + 1 == mod.Key).Count() > 0)
                            BaseDraw.circledTxtDraw(canvas, new Point((mod.Key - 1) * spacing - 17, 12), modificationAnnotationColor);
                            BaseDraw.circledTxtDraw(canvas, new Point((mod.Key - 1) * spacing - 17, 12), Brushes.Gray);
                foreach (var mod in peptide.AllModsOneIsNterminus)
                    BaseDraw.circledTxtDraw(canvas, new Point((mod.Key - 1) * spacing - 17, 12), modificationAnnotationColor);

            if (psm.BetaPeptideBaseSequence != null)
                for (int r = 0; r < psm.BetaPeptideBaseSequence.Length; r++)
                    BaseDraw.txtDrawing(canvas, new Point(r * spacing + 10, 100), psm.BetaPeptideBaseSequence[r].ToString(), Brushes.Black);

                foreach (var ion in psm.BetaPeptideMatchedIons)
                    int    residue    = ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.AminoAcidPosition;
                    string annotation = ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType + "" + ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.FragmentNumber;

                    if (ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.NeutralLoss != 0)
                        annotation += "-" + ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.NeutralLoss;

                    if (ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.Terminus == FragmentationTerminus.C)
                        BaseDraw.topSplittingDrawing(canvas, new Point(residue * spacing + 8,
                                                                       productTypeToYOffset[ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType] + 90), productTypeToColor[ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType], annotation);
                    else if (ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.Terminus == FragmentationTerminus.N)
                        BaseDraw.botSplittingDrawing(canvas, new Point(residue * spacing + 8,
                                                                       productTypeToYOffset[ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType] + 90), productTypeToColor[ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType], annotation);
                    // don't draw diagnostic ions, precursor ions, etc

                var betaPeptide = new PeptideWithSetModifications(psm.BetaPeptideFullSequence, GlobalVariables.AllModsKnownDictionary);
                foreach (var mod in betaPeptide.AllModsOneIsNterminus)
                    BaseDraw.circledTxtDraw(canvas, new Point((mod.Key - 1) * spacing - 17, 12 + 90), modificationAnnotationColor);

                int alphaSite = Int32.Parse(Regex.Match(psm.FullSequence, @"\d+").Value);
                int betaSite  = Int32.Parse(Regex.Match(psm.BetaPeptideFullSequence, @"\d+").Value);
                BaseDraw.DrawCrosslinker(canvas, new Point(alphaSite * spacing, 50), new Point(betaSite * spacing, 90), Colors.Black);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void DrawAnnotatedBaseSequence(PsmFromTsv psm)
            double spacing = 22;

            // don't draw ambiguous sequences
            if (psm.FullSequence.Contains("|"))

            // draw base sequence
            for (int r = 0; r < psm.BaseSeq.Length; r++)
                BaseDraw.txtDrawing(canvas, new Point(r * spacing + 10, 10), psm.BaseSeq[r].ToString(), Brushes.Black);

            // draw the fragment ion annotations on the base sequence
            foreach (var ion in psm.MatchedIons)
                int residue = ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.TerminusFragment.AminoAcidPosition;
                string annotation = ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType + "" + ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.TerminusFragment.FragmentNumber;

                if (ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.NeutralLoss != 0)
                    annotation += "-" + ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.NeutralLoss;

                if (ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.TerminusFragment.Terminus == FragmentationTerminus.C)
                    BaseDraw.topSplittingDrawing(canvas, new Point(residue * spacing + 8,
                        productTypeToYOffset[ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType]), productTypeToColor[ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType], annotation);
                else if (ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.TerminusFragment.Terminus == FragmentationTerminus.N)
                    BaseDraw.botSplittingDrawing(canvas, new Point(residue * spacing + 8,
                        productTypeToYOffset[ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType]), productTypeToColor[ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType], annotation);
                // don't draw diagnostic ions, precursor ions, etc

            // draw modifications
            var peptide = new PeptideWithSetModifications(psm.FullSequence, GlobalVariables.AllModsKnownDictionary);
            foreach (var mod in peptide.AllModsOneIsNterminus)
                BaseDraw.circledTxtDraw(canvas, new Point((mod.Key - 1) * spacing - 17, 12), modificationAnnotationColor);

            if (psm.BetaPeptideBaseSequence != null)
                for (int r = 0; r < psm.BetaPeptideBaseSequence.Length; r++)
                    BaseDraw.txtDrawing(canvas, new Point(r * spacing + 10, 100), psm.BetaPeptideBaseSequence[r].ToString(), Brushes.Black);

                foreach (var ion in psm.BetaPeptideMatchedIons)
                    int residue = ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.TerminusFragment.AminoAcidPosition;
                    string annotation = ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType + "" + ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.TerminusFragment.FragmentNumber;

                    if (ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.NeutralLoss != 0)
                        annotation += "-" + ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.NeutralLoss;

                    if (ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.TerminusFragment.Terminus == FragmentationTerminus.C)
                        BaseDraw.topSplittingDrawing(canvas, new Point(residue * spacing + 8,
                            productTypeToYOffset[ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType] + 90), productTypeToColor[ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType], annotation);
                    else if (ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.TerminusFragment.Terminus == FragmentationTerminus.N)
                        BaseDraw.botSplittingDrawing(canvas, new Point(residue * spacing + 8,
                            productTypeToYOffset[ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType] + 90), productTypeToColor[ion.NeutralTheoreticalProduct.ProductType], annotation);
                    // don't draw diagnostic ions, precursor ions, etc

                var betaPeptide = new PeptideWithSetModifications(psm.BetaPeptideFullSequence, GlobalVariables.AllModsKnownDictionary);
                foreach (var mod in betaPeptide.AllModsOneIsNterminus)
                    BaseDraw.circledTxtDraw(canvas, new Point((mod.Key - 1) * spacing - 17, 12 + 90), modificationAnnotationColor);

                int alphaSite = Int32.Parse(Regex.Match(psm.FullSequence, @"\d+").Value);
                int betaSite = Int32.Parse(Regex.Match(psm.BetaPeptideFullSequence, @"\d+").Value);
                BaseDraw.DrawCrosslinker(canvas, new Point(alphaSite * spacing, 50), new Point(betaSite * spacing, 90), Colors.Black);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void DrawAnnotatedBaseSequence(MetaDrawPsm psm)
            double spacing = 22;


            // draw base sequence
            for (int r = 0; r < psm.BaseSequence.Length; r++)
                BaseDraw.txtDrawing(canvas, new Point(r * spacing + 10, 10), psm.BaseSequence[r].ToString(), Brushes.Black);

            // draw b ions
            foreach (var bIon in psm.FragmentIons.Where(p => p.ProductType == ProductType.B))
                int residue = bIon.IonNumber;
                BaseDraw.botSplittingDrawing(canvas, new Point(residue * spacing + 8, 50), Colors.Blue, bIon.ProductType.ToString().ToLower() + bIon.IonNumber);

            // draw c ions
            foreach (var cIon in psm.FragmentIons.Where(p => p.ProductType == ProductType.C))
                int residue = psm.BaseSequence.Length - cIon.IonNumber;
                BaseDraw.botSplittingDrawing(canvas, new Point(residue * spacing + 8, 50), Colors.Gold, cIon.ProductType.ToString().ToLower() + cIon.IonNumber);

            // draw y ions
            foreach (var yIon in psm.FragmentIons.Where(p => p.ProductType == ProductType.Y))
                int residue = psm.BaseSequence.Length - yIon.IonNumber;
                BaseDraw.topSplittingDrawing(canvas, new Point(residue * spacing + 8, 0), Colors.Purple, yIon.ProductType.ToString().ToLower() + yIon.IonNumber);

            // draw zdot ions
            foreach (var zDotIon in psm.FragmentIons.Where(p => p.ProductType == ProductType.Zdot))
                int residue = zDotIon.IonNumber;
                BaseDraw.topSplittingDrawing(canvas, new Point(residue * spacing + 8, 0), Colors.Orange, zDotIon.ProductType.ToString().ToLower() + zDotIon.IonNumber);

            // draw modifications
            int  aa = 0;
            bool currentlyReadingMod = false;

            for (int c = 0; c < psm.FullSequence.Length; c++)
                switch (psm.FullSequence[c])
                case '[':
                    currentlyReadingMod = true;
                    BaseDraw.circledTxtDraw(canvas, new Point(aa * spacing - 17, 12), Brushes.Yellow);

                case ']':
                    currentlyReadingMod = false;

                    if (!currentlyReadingMod)
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void DrawSequenceCoverageMap(ProteinForTreeView protein) //string accession, Dictionary<string, PeptideForTreeView> uniquePeptides, Dictionary<string, PeptideForTreeView> sharedPeptides)
            string protease    = "trypsin";                              // only works for single protease for now
            string seqCoverage = proteinGroups[protein.Accession];

            mapViewer.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            mainViewModel.Model = null; // clear plot

            double spacing     = 22;
            int    height      = 10;
            int    totalHeight = 0;
            int    accumIndex  = 0;

            foreach (string seq in seqCoverage.Split('|'))
                var splitSeq = Split(seq, spacing);

                var allPeptides = new List <string>(protein.AllPeptides.Keys);
                foreach (var line in splitSeq)
                    List <int> indices = new List <int>();

                    // draw sequence
                    for (int r = 0; r < line.Length; r++)
                        SequenceCoverageMap.txtDrawing(map, new Point(r * spacing + 10, height), line[r].ToString().ToUpper(), Brushes.Black);

                    // highlight partial peptide sequences (broken off into multiple lines)
                    if (partialPeptideMatches.Count > 0)
                        var temp = new Dictionary <string, int>(partialPeptideMatches);

                        foreach (var peptide in temp)
                            if (MatchPeptideSequence(peptide.Key, line, 0, peptide.Value, accumIndex - peptide.Value == seq.IndexOf(peptide.Key)))
                                int start = 0;
                                int end   = Math.Min(start + peptide.Key.Length - peptide.Value - 1, line.Length - 1);
                                SequenceCoverageMap.Highlight(start, end, map, indices, height, proteaseByColor[protease], protein.UniquePeptides.Keys.Any(u => u.Contains(peptide.Key))); // draw line for peptide sequence

                    // highlight full peptide sequences
                    for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; ++i)
                        var temp = new List <string>(allPeptides);
                        foreach (string peptide in temp)
                            if (MatchPeptideSequence(peptide, line, i, 0, accumIndex + i == seq.IndexOf(peptide)))
                                int start = i;
                                int end   = Math.Min(start + peptide.Length - 1, line.Length - 1);
                                SequenceCoverageMap.Highlight(start, end, map, indices, height, proteaseByColor[protease], protein.UniquePeptides.Keys.Any(u => u.Contains(peptide)));

                    height     += 50;
                    accumIndex += line.Length;

                totalHeight += splitSeq.Count() * 50;
                height      += 50;

            mapGrid.Height = totalHeight + 50 * seqCoverage.Split('|').Count();
            SequenceCoverageMap.drawLegend(legend, proteaseByColor, proteases, legendGrid);