Exemplo n.º 1
        //This function is responsible for making a BlockMesh from the given convex Block
        //Method is from the link: https://www.habrador.com/tutorials/math/10-triangulation/
        private void ConvexTriangulation(Block block)
            BlockMesh convexMesh = new BlockMesh(block);

            for (int i = 2; i < block.Nodes.Count; i++)
                Vector3 a = new Vector3(block.Nodes[0].X, block.Nodes[0].Y, 0); //For gizmos, we make the Vectors like this now, later Y goes to Z (Y is up)
                Vector3 b = new Vector3(block.Nodes[i - 1].X, block.Nodes[i - 1].Y, 0);
                Vector3 c = new Vector3(block.Nodes[i].X, block.Nodes[i].Y, 0);

                convexMesh.AddTriangle(a, b, c);

Exemplo n.º 2
        //This function is responsible for making a BlockMesh from the given concave Block
        //The points on the polygon should be ordered counter-clockwise, Triangulation is made with ear-clipping
        //Method is from the link: https://www.habrador.com/tutorials/math/10-triangulation/
        private void ConcaveTriangulation(Block block)
            //Step 0. Check if the block stores the vertexes counter clockwise or not
            bool counterClockwise = IsCounterClockwise(block);

            //The list with triangles, that the ear clipping algorithm will generate
            List <Triangle> triangles = new List <Triangle>();

            //Step 1. Store the vertices in a list and we also need to know the next and prev vertex
            List <Vertex> vertices = new List <Vertex>();

            if (counterClockwise)
                for (int i = 0; i < block.Nodes.Count; i++)
                    vertices.Add(new Vertex(new Vector3(block.Nodes[i].X, 0f, block.Nodes[i].Y)));
            else //The method requires the vertex list to be counter-clockwise
                for (int i = block.Nodes.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
                    vertices.Add(new Vertex(new Vector3(block.Nodes[i].X, 0f, block.Nodes[i].Y)));

            //Find the next and previous vertex
            vertices[0].PrevVertex = vertices[vertices.Count - 1];
            vertices[0].NextVertex = vertices[1];

            vertices[vertices.Count - 1].PrevVertex = vertices[vertices.Count - 2];
            vertices[vertices.Count - 1].NextVertex = vertices[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < vertices.Count - 1; i++)
                vertices[i].PrevVertex = vertices[i - 1];
                vertices[i].NextVertex = vertices[i + 1];

            //Step 2. Find the reflex (concave) and convex vertices, and ear vertices
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)

            //Have to find the ears after we have found if the vertex is reflex or convex
            List <Vertex> earVertices = new List <Vertex>();

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
                IsVertexEar(vertices[i], vertices, earVertices);

            //Step 3. Triangulate!
            while (true)
                //This means we have just one triangle left
                if (vertices.Count == 3)
                    //The final triangle
                    triangles.Add(new Triangle(vertices[0].Position, vertices[0].PrevVertex.Position, vertices[0].NextVertex.Position));


                if (earVertices.Count == 0)
                    Debug.Log("earVertices not found, Triangulation failed.");

                //Make a triangle of the first ear
                Vertex earVertex = earVertices[0];

                Vertex earVertexPrev = earVertex.PrevVertex;
                Vertex earVertexNext = earVertex.NextVertex;

                Triangle newTriangle = new Triangle(earVertex.Position, earVertexPrev.Position, earVertexNext.Position);


                //Remove the vertex from the lists

                //Update the previous vertex and next vertex
                earVertexPrev.NextVertex = earVertexNext;
                earVertexNext.PrevVertex = earVertexPrev;

                //...see if we have found a new ear by investigating the two vertices that was part of the ear


                IsVertexEar(earVertexPrev, vertices, earVertices);
                IsVertexEar(earVertexNext, vertices, earVertices);

            //Step4 insert the triangles inside the BlockMesh
            BlockMesh concaveMesh = new BlockMesh(block);

            foreach (Triangle tri in triangles)
                Vector3 A = new Vector3(tri.A.x, tri.A.z, tri.A.y); //We want to draw the blockMeshes as gizmos right now! (up is z right now in the 2d model)
                Vector3 B = new Vector3(tri.B.x, tri.B.z, tri.B.y);
                Vector3 C = new Vector3(tri.C.x, tri.C.z, tri.C.y);

                concaveMesh.Triangles.Add(new Triangle(A, B, C));
