Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// This method will process a single boolean
 /// command-line argument.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="option">The CommandLineOption object (boolean)</param>
 /// <param name="theArg">The single command-line argument</param>
 private void _ProcessBoolean(CommandLineOption <bool> option, string theArg)
     // Since this is a boolean flag we only care that it's defined
     // It doesn't need to have any kind of value
     option.OptionValue = true;
     option.LoadError   = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will process a single number (integer)
        /// command-line argument.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="option">The CommandLineOption object (int)</param>
        /// <param name="theArg">The single command-line argument</param>
        private void _ProcessNumber(CommandLineOption <int> option, string theArg)
            var valueFromArg = theArg.Split('=')[1];

            var isRequired = IsPropertyMarkedAsRequired(option);

            if (isRequired)
                option.LoadError = valueFromArg.Length == 0 ? true : false;
                option.LoadError = false;

            if (option.LoadError)
                var msg = string.Format(Messages.Error_ErrorParsingOptionNoValueWasSet,
                                        new String(' ', 10),
                                        OptionPrefix + option.Name);

            option.OptionValue = Convert.ToInt32(valueFromArg);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will process a single string
        /// command-line argument.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="option">The CommandLineOption object (string)</param>
        /// <param name="theArg">The single command-line argument</param>
        private void _ProcessString(CommandLineOption <string> option, string theArg)
            var valueFromArg = theArg.Split('=')[1];

            var isRequired = IsPropertyMarkedAsRequired(option);

            if (isRequired)
                option.LoadError = valueFromArg.Length == 0 ? true : false;
                option.LoadError = false;

            if (option.LoadError)
                var msg = string.Format(Messages.Error_ErrorParsingOptionNoValueWasSet,
                                        new String(' ', 10),
                                        OptionPrefix + option.Name);

            // Now, if this property is marked with the [IsExistingFolder] attribute,
            // ensure that the value is an actual existing folder.
            if (IsPropertyMarkedAsExistingFolder(option))
                // Only do this if the value of the argument
                // has a length > 0.
                // No sense in checking for a directory of zero length.
                // Zero length arguments were handled in the previous
                // code block :)
                if (valueFromArg.Length > 0)
                    var folder = valueFromArg.Trim();
                    if (!Directory.Exists(folder))
                        // Error: folder doesn't exist
                        option.LoadError = true;
                        var msg = string.Format(Messages.Error_ErrorParsingOptionTheFolderDoesNotExist,
                                                new String(' ', 10),
                                                OptionPrefix + option.Name,

            option.OptionValue = valueFromArg;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// The primary constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appName">The name of the application</param>
        /// <param name="appVersion">The version number of the application</param>
        /// <param name="appCopyright">The copyright information for the application</param>
        /// <param name="buildDate">The string representation of the build date and time</param>
        /// <param name="buildYear">The string representation of the build year</param>
        /// <param name="args">The argument list passed in via the command-line</param>
        /// <param name="prefix">Optional: The prefix string used when specifying command-line arguments</param>
        public CommandLineOptions(string appName,
                                  string appVersion,
                                  string appCopyright,
                                  string buildDate,
                                  string buildYear,
                                  string[] args,
                                  string prefix = DEFAULT_PREFIX)
            OptionPrefix         = prefix;
            ApplicationName      = appName;
            ApplicationVersion   = appVersion;
            ApplicationCopyright = appCopyright;
            ApplicationBuildDate = buildDate;
            ApplicationBuildYear = buildYear;

            // If the argument array has only a single entry, then the
            // arguments list will likely have /r/n characters in it
            // so we need to replace these with spaces and create a
            // new arguments array
            rawArgList   = args;
            cleanArgList = CleanupArguments(args);

            LoadErrors = new List <string>();

            // Initialize the CommandLineOptions
            #region Create CommandLineOptions

            SolutionPath = new CommandLineOption <string>()
                Name      = "solutionpath",
                AliasList = new List <string>()
                    "s", "sol", "sp", "solution"
                Description  = Messages.Msg_MicrosoftVisualStudioSolutionPath,
                OptionValue  = "",
                ExampleValue = @"<path>"
            LoadOption(SolutionPath, cleanArgList);

            WebProjectPath = new CommandLineOption <string>()
                Name      = "webprojectpath",
                AliasList = new List <string>()
                    "p", "wpp", "projectpath"
                Description  = Messages.Msg_MicrosoftVisualStudioSolutionWebProjectPath,
                OptionValue  = "",
                ExampleValue = @"<path>"
            LoadOption(WebProjectPath, cleanArgList);

            MenuFilename = new CommandLineOption <string>()
                Name      = "menufilename",
                AliasList = new List <string>()
                    "m", "menu", "menufile"
                Description  = Messages.Msg_Sage300MenuDefinitionFileName,
                OptionValue  = "",
                ExampleValue = @"<name>"
            LoadOption(MenuFilename, cleanArgList);

            BuildProfile = new CommandLineOption <string>()
                Name      = "buildprofile",
                AliasList = new List <string>()
                    "b", "bp"
                Description  = Messages.Msg_VisualStudioProjectBuildConfiguration,
                OptionValue  = "Release",
                ExampleValue = @"<name>"
            LoadOption(BuildProfile, cleanArgList);

            DotNetFrameworkPath = new CommandLineOption <string>()
                Name      = "dotnetframeworkpath",
                AliasList = new List <string>()
                    "f", "dotnet", "dotnetframework", "netframework", "framework"
                Description  = Messages.Msg_NetFrameworkPathContainingAspnetCompileDotExe,
                OptionValue  = "",
                ExampleValue = @"<path>"
            LoadOption(DotNetFrameworkPath, cleanArgList);

            Mode = new CommandLineOption <int>()
                Name      = "mode",
                AliasList = new List <string>()
                Description  = Messages.Msg_ApplicationModeOption,
                OptionValue  = 0,
                ExampleValue = @"0"
            LoadOption(Mode, cleanArgList);

            Minify = new CommandLineOption <bool>()
                Name      = "minify",
                AliasList = new List <string>()
                Description  = Messages.Msg_MinifyJavascriptFiles,
                OptionValue  = false,
                ExampleValue = @""
            LoadOption(Minify, cleanArgList);

            NoDeploy = new CommandLineOption <bool>()
                Name      = "nodeploy",
                AliasList = new List <string>()
                Description  = Messages.Msg_DoNotCopyAssetsToSage300installationDirectory,
                OptionValue  = false,
                ExampleValue = @""
            LoadOption(NoDeploy, cleanArgList);

            TestDeploy = new CommandLineOption <bool>()
                Name      = "testdeploy",
                AliasList = new List <string>()
                Description  = Messages.Msg_SimulateCopyingOfAssetsTo,
                OptionValue  = false,
                ExampleValue = @""
            LoadOption(TestDeploy, cleanArgList);

            Log = new CommandLineOption <bool>()
                Name      = "log",
                AliasList = new List <string>()
                Description  = Messages.Msg_GenerateALogFileInTheCurrentWorkingFolder,
                OptionValue  = false,
                ExampleValue = @""
            LoadOption(Log, cleanArgList);

            ExtraResourceLanguages = new CommandLineOption <string>()
                Name      = "extraresourcelanguages",
                AliasList = new List <string>()
                Description  = Messages.Msg_ExtraResourceLanguages,
                OptionValue  = "",
                ExampleValue = @"fr-CA"
            LoadOption(ExtraResourceLanguages, cleanArgList);


            this.UsageMessage = BuildUsageMessage();