Exemplo n.º 1
        public void PatSearchPt2()
            DataGrab pDG = new DataGrab();

            // Defines the variables
            string firstName, lastName, address, medicare, homePh, mobilePh, notes;

            // Puts values in the variables
            firstName = pDG.findFirstName(patID);
            lastName  = pDG.findLastName(patID);
            address   = pDG.findAddress(patID);
            medicare  = pDG.findMedicare(patID);
            homePh    = pDG.findHomePhone(patID);
            mobilePh  = pDG.findMobilePhone(patID);
            notes     = pDG.findNotes(patID);

            // Puts the variable values in the textboxes
            txtfirstName.Text = firstName;
            txtlastName.Text  = lastName;
            txtaddress.Text   = address;
            txtMedicare.Text  = medicare;
            txtHomePhone.Text = homePh;
            txtMobile.Text    = mobilePh;
            txtNotes.Text     = notes;

            string fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;

            txtAppPatientName.Text = fullName;

            txtAppPatientName.IsEnabled = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void PracSearchPt2()
            DataGrab dDG = new DataGrab();

            txtpracfirstName.Text = dDG.findFirstName(docID);
            txtpraclastName.Text  = dDG.findLastName(docID);
            txtpracaddress.Text   = dDG.findAddress(docID);
            txtpracHomePhone.Text = dDG.findHomePhone(docID);
            txtpracMobile.Text    = dDG.findMobilePhone(docID);
            txtpracMRN.Text       = dDG.findMRN(docID);
            cmboDocType.Text      = dDG.findDocType(docID);

            string fullName = txtpracfirstName.Text + " " + txtpraclastName.Text;

            txtAppDocName.Text = fullName;

            if (tabs.SelectedIndex == 2)
                calAppointment.IsEnabled = true;

                DocAvail  da = new DocAvail();
                DataTable dt;
                dt = da.GetAvailability(docID);

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    for (DateTime day = min; day <= max; day = day.AddDays(1))
                        if (day.DayOfWeek.ToString() == dr["nameofDay"].ToString())
                            calAppointment.BlackoutDates.Add(new CalendarDateRange(day));

                txtAppDocName.IsEnabled = false;