Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new navigation data structure for a new media navigation step.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent">Parent navigation data, this navigation data is derived from.</param>
 /// <param name="navigationContextName">Name, which is used for the corresponding workflow navigation context.</param>
 /// <param name="currentWorkflowStateId">Id of the workflow state which corresponds to the new media navigation step.</param>
 /// <param name="parentWorkflowStateId">Id of the workflow state to which the workflow navigation should be reverted when
 /// another filter is choosen.</param>
 /// <param name="baseViewSpecification">View specification for the media items of the new media navigation step.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultScreen">Screen which should present the new navigation step by default.</param>
 /// <param name="availableScreens">Available set of screen descriptions which can present the new media navigation step.</param>
 /// <param name="currentSorting">Denotes the current sorting for the items to be shown. If this is set to <c>null</c>,
 /// default sorting will be applied.</param>
 public NavigationData(NavigationData parent, string navigationContextName, Guid parentWorkflowStateId, Guid currentWorkflowStateId,
     ViewSpecification baseViewSpecification, AbstractScreenData defaultScreen, ICollection<AbstractScreenData> availableScreens,
     Sorting.Sorting currentSorting) :
     this(parent, navigationContextName, parentWorkflowStateId, currentWorkflowStateId, baseViewSpecification, defaultScreen, availableScreens,
     currentSorting, false) { }
Exemplo n.º 2
 // If the suppressActions parameter is set to <c>true</c>, no actions will be built. Instead, they will be inherited from
 // the parent navigation step. That is used for subview navigation where the navigation step doesn't produce own
 // workflow actions.
 protected NavigationData(NavigationData parent, string navigationContextName, Guid parentWorkflowStateId, Guid currentWorkflowStateId,
     ViewSpecification baseViewSpecification, AbstractScreenData defaultScreen, ICollection<AbstractScreenData> availableScreens,
     Sorting.Sorting currentSorting, bool suppressActions)
   _parent = parent;
   _navigationContextName = navigationContextName;
   _currentWorkflowStateId = currentWorkflowStateId;
   _baseWorkflowStateId = parentWorkflowStateId;
   _baseViewSpecification = baseViewSpecification;
   _currentScreenData = defaultScreen;
   _availableScreens = availableScreens ?? new List<AbstractScreenData>();
   _currentSorting = currentSorting;
   if (suppressActions)
     _dynamicWorkflowActions = null;
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Enters a new media navigation context by inheriting all currently available screens. This is used for
 /// presenting the contents of a media items or filter group, where the current menu should remain available.
 /// Only the currently visible screen can be exchanged to configure another presentation mode for the group to
 /// be stepped-in.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Actually, we mix two different concerns in this method:
 /// <list type="number">
 /// <item>The setting that the new navigation context will be subordinated, i.e. it will be removed/exchanged by a filter action</item>
 /// <item>The setting that all menu actions will be adopted from the parent navigation context</item>
 /// </list>
 /// But in fact, filter actions are only used together with the concept that there exist two different kind of navigation contexts;
 /// autonomous contexts and subordinated contexts.
 /// If there are no filter actions present (like in the browse media navigation modes), the only difference between the methods
 /// <see cref="StackSubordinateNavigationContext"/> and <see cref="StackAutonomousNavigationContext"/> is the inheritance of the menu.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="subViewSpecification">Specification for the sub view to be shown in the new navigation context.</param>
 /// <param name="visibleScreen">Screen which should be visible in the new navigation context.</param>
 /// <param name="navbarDisplayLabel">Display label to be shown in the navigation bar for the new navigation context.</param>
 /// <returns>Newly created navigation data.</returns>
 public NavigationData StackSubordinateNavigationContext(ViewSpecification subViewSpecification, AbstractScreenData visibleScreen,
     string navbarDisplayLabel)
   WorkflowState newState = WorkflowState.CreateTransientState(
       "View: " + subViewSpecification.ViewDisplayName, subViewSpecification.ViewDisplayName,
       false, null, true, WorkflowType.Workflow);
   NavigationData newNavigationData = new NavigationData(this, subViewSpecification.ViewDisplayName,
       _baseWorkflowStateId, newState.StateId, subViewSpecification, visibleScreen, _availableScreens, _currentSorting, true);
   PushNewNavigationWorkflowState(newState, navbarDisplayLabel, newNavigationData);
   return newNavigationData;
Exemplo n.º 4
 protected void BuildWorkflowActions()
   _dynamicWorkflowActions = new List<WorkflowAction>(_availableScreens.Count);
   int ct = 0;
   foreach (AbstractScreenData screen in _availableScreens)
     AbstractScreenData newScreen = screen; // Necessary to be used in closure
     WorkflowAction action = new MethodDelegateAction(Guid.NewGuid(),
         _navigationContextName + "->" + newScreen.MenuItemLabel, new Guid[] {_currentWorkflowStateId},
         LocalizationHelper.CreateResourceString(newScreen.MenuItemLabel), () =>
             _currentScreenData = newScreen;
             IWorkflowManager workflowManager = ServiceRegistration.Get<IWorkflowManager>();
             // The last screen could have stepped into a deeper media navigation context when it had produced
             // sub views. So we first have to revert our workflow to the base workflow id before moving to the new screen.
             if (workflowManager.CurrentNavigationContext.WorkflowState.StateId == _baseWorkflowStateId)
             { // If we're already in the correct the state, update the screen manually
               // WF-Manager updates the screen for us
               workflowManager.NavigatePopToState(_baseWorkflowStateId, false);
           DisplayCategory = Consts.FILTERS_WORKFLOW_CATEGORY,
           SortOrder = ct++.ToString(), // Sort in the order we have built up the filters
Exemplo n.º 5
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets a list of available screens ("filters") of the current <see cref="NavigationData"/>. This method can return either filtering screens that are showing
    /// results of predefined query (<paramref name="onlySearchScreens"/>=<c>false</c>), or custom search screens that allow user input for searching (<paramref name="onlySearchScreens"/>=<c>true</c>).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="onlySearchScreens"><c>true</c> to return only search screens.</param>
    /// <returns>List of workflow actions</returns>
    public IList<WorkflowAction> GetWorkflowActions(bool onlySearchScreens = false)
      IList<WorkflowAction> actions = new List<WorkflowAction>(_availableScreens.Count);
      int ct = 0;
      foreach (AbstractScreenData screen in _availableScreens)
        if (onlySearchScreens && !(screen is AbstractSearchScreenData))
        if (!onlySearchScreens && (screen is AbstractSearchScreenData))
        AbstractScreenData newScreen = screen; // Necessary to be used in closure
        WorkflowAction action = new MethodDelegateAction(Guid.NewGuid(),
            _navigationContextName + "->" + newScreen.MenuItemLabel, new Guid[] { _currentWorkflowStateId },
            LocalizationHelper.CreateResourceString(newScreen.MenuItemLabel), () =>
                _currentScreenData = newScreen;

                string parent = Parent == null ? _navigationContextName : Parent.CurrentScreenData.GetType().ToString();
                // Do not save search screens as selection, they are only a "transient" state.
                if (!(newScreen is AbstractSearchScreenData))
                  SaveScreenHierarchy(parent, newScreen.GetType().ToString());

                IWorkflowManager workflowManager = ServiceRegistration.Get<IWorkflowManager>();
                // The last screen could have stepped into a deeper media navigation context when it had produced
                // sub views. So we first have to revert our workflow to the base workflow id before moving to the new screen.
                if (workflowManager.CurrentNavigationContext.WorkflowState.StateId == _baseWorkflowStateId)
                { // If we're already in the correct the state, update the screen manually
                  // WF-Manager updates the screen for us
                  workflowManager.NavigatePopToState(_baseWorkflowStateId, false);
            DisplayCategory = Consts.FILTERS_WORKFLOW_CATEGORY,
            SortOrder = ct++.ToString(), // Sort in the order we have built up the filters
      return actions;
Exemplo n.º 6
    /// <summary>
    /// Enters a new media navigation context by inheriting all currently available screens. This is used for
    /// presenting the contents of a media items or filter group, where the current menu should remain available.
    /// Only the currently visible screen can be exchanged to configure another presentation mode for the group to
    /// be stepped-in.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Actually, we mix two different concerns in this method:
    /// <list type="number">
    /// <item>The setting that the new navigation context will be subordinated, i.e. it will be removed/exchanged by a filter action</item>
    /// <item>The setting that all menu actions will be adopted from the parent navigation context</item>
    /// </list>
    /// But in fact, filter actions are only used together with the concept that there exist two different kind of navigation contexts;
    /// autonomous contexts and subordinated contexts.
    /// If there are no filter actions present (like in the browse media navigation modes), the only difference between the methods
    /// <see cref="StackSubordinateNavigationContext"/> and <see cref="StackAutonomousNavigationContext"/> is the inheritance of the menu.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="subViewSpecification">Specification for the sub view to be shown in the new navigation context.</param>
    /// <param name="visibleScreen">Screen which should be visible in the new navigation context.</param>
    /// <param name="navbarDisplayLabel">Display label to be shown in the navigation bar for the new navigation context.</param>
    /// <returns>Newly created navigation data.</returns>
    public NavigationData StackSubordinateNavigationContext(ViewSpecification subViewSpecification, AbstractScreenData visibleScreen,
        string navbarDisplayLabel)
      WorkflowState newState = WorkflowState.CreateTransientState(
          "View: " + subViewSpecification.ViewDisplayName, subViewSpecification.ViewDisplayName,
          false, null, true, WorkflowType.Workflow);

      ScreenConfig nextScreenConfig;
      LoadLayoutSettings(visibleScreen.ToString(), out nextScreenConfig);

      Sorting.Sorting nextSortingMode = AvailableSortings.FirstOrDefault(sorting => sorting.GetType().ToString() == nextScreenConfig.Sorting) ?? _currentSorting;

      NavigationData newNavigationData = new NavigationData(this, subViewSpecification.ViewDisplayName,
          _baseWorkflowStateId, newState.StateId, subViewSpecification, visibleScreen, _availableScreens, nextSortingMode, true)
        LayoutType = nextScreenConfig.LayoutType,
        LayoutSize = nextScreenConfig.LayoutSize
      PushNewNavigationWorkflowState(newState, navbarDisplayLabel, newNavigationData);
      return newNavigationData;
 /// <summary>
 /// Whether this screen can filter items shown by the <paramref name="parentScreen"/>.
 /// The default implementation checks whether at least one of the <see cref="FilteredMias"/> is present in the <paramref name="parentScreen"/>'s <see cref="FilteredMias"/>
 /// or whether <see cref="FilteredMias"/> is null on this or the parent screen.
 /// Can be overriden in derived classes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parentScreen">The screen that is currently shown.</param>
 /// <returns>True if this screen can handle items shown by the <paramref name="parentScreen"/></returns>
 public virtual bool CanFilter(AbstractScreenData parentScreen)
     return(_filteredMias == null || parentScreen == null || parentScreen.FilteredMias == null || _filteredMias.Intersect(parentScreen.FilteredMias).Count() > 0);
Exemplo n.º 8
 //Special case for series screen, it can support series filters and episode filters
 public override bool CanFilter(AbstractScreenData parentScreen)
     return(base.CanFilter(parentScreen) || parentScreen.FilteredMias.Contains(SeriesAspect.ASPECT_ID));
 /// <summary>
 /// Switches to browsing by MediaLibray shares, limited to restricted MediaCategories.
 /// </summary>
 protected void SetBrowseMode()
   _availableScreens = null;
   _defaultScreen = new BrowseMediaNavigationScreenData(_genericPlayableItemCreatorDelegate);
   _customRootViewSpecification = new BrowseMediaRootProxyViewSpecification(_viewName, _necessaryMias, null, _restrictedMediaCategories);