Exemplo n.º 1
    private void Initialize(float angleInRad, CPoint2D point)
      //angleInRad should be between 0-Pi

        //if ((angleInRad<0) ||(angleInRad>Math.PI))
        if (angleInRad > 2 * Math.PI)
          string errMsg = string.Format("The input line angle" + " {0} is wrong. It should be between 0-2*PI.", angleInRad);

          InvalidInputGeometryDataException ex = new InvalidInputGeometryDataException(errMsg);

          throw ex;

        if (Math.Abs(angleInRad - Math.PI / 2) < ConstantValue.SmallValue) //vertical line
          a = 1;
          b = 0;
          c = -point.X;
        else //not vertical line
          a = (float)-Math.Tan(angleInRad);
          b = 1;
          c = -a * point.X - b * point.Y;
      catch (Exception e)
        ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Error("Error initializing CLine", e);
Exemplo n.º 2
    public bool SamePoint(CPoint2D other)

      float dDeff_X = Math.Abs(m_dCoordinate_X - other.X);
      float dDeff_Y = Math.Abs(m_dCoordinate_Y - other.Y);

      return dDeff_X < ConstantValue.SmallValue && dDeff_Y < ConstantValue.SmallValue;
Exemplo n.º 3
    public static bool SamePoints(CPoint2D Point1, CPoint2D Point2)
      float dDiff_X =
        Math.Abs(Point1.X - Point2.X);
      float dDiff_Y =
        Math.Abs(Point1.Y - Point2.Y);

      return dDiff_X < ConstantValue.SmallValue && dDiff_Y < ConstantValue.SmallValue;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public bool Equals(CPoint2D other)
   return m_dCoordinate_X == other.m_dCoordinate_X && m_dCoordinate_Y == other.m_dCoordinate_Y;
Exemplo n.º 5
     * Offset the line segment to generate a new line segment
     * If the offset direction is along the x-axis or y-axis, 
     * Parameter is true, other wise it is false
     * ***********************************************/
    public CLineSegment OffsetLine(float distance, bool rightOrDown)
      //offset a line with a given distance, generate a new line
      //rightOrDown=true means offset to x incress direction,
      // if the line is horizontal, offset to y incress direction

      CLineSegment line;
      CPoint2D newStartPoint = new CPoint2D();
      CPoint2D newEndPoint = new CPoint2D();

      float alphaInRad = this.GetLineAngle(); // 0-PI
      if (rightOrDown)
        if (this.HorizontalLine()) //offset to y+ direction
          newStartPoint.X = this.m_startPoint.X;
          newStartPoint.Y = this.m_startPoint.Y + distance;

          newEndPoint.X = this.m_endPoint.X;
          newEndPoint.Y = this.m_endPoint.Y + distance;
          line = new CLineSegment(newStartPoint, newEndPoint);
        else //offset to x+ direction
          if (Math.Sin(alphaInRad) > 0)
            newStartPoint.X = (float)(m_startPoint.X + Math.Abs(distance * Math.Sin(alphaInRad)));
            newStartPoint.Y = (float)(m_startPoint.Y - Math.Abs(distance * Math.Cos(alphaInRad)));

            newEndPoint.X = (float)(m_endPoint.X + Math.Abs(distance * Math.Sin(alphaInRad)));
            newEndPoint.Y = (float)(m_endPoint.Y - Math.Abs(distance * Math.Cos(alphaInRad)));

            line = new CLineSegment(newStartPoint, newEndPoint);
          else //sin(FalphaInRad)<0
            newStartPoint.X = (float)(m_startPoint.X + Math.Abs(distance * Math.Sin(alphaInRad)));
            newStartPoint.Y = (float)(m_startPoint.Y + Math.Abs(distance * Math.Cos(alphaInRad)));
            newEndPoint.X = (float)(m_endPoint.X + Math.Abs(distance * Math.Sin(alphaInRad)));
            newEndPoint.Y = (float)(m_endPoint.Y + Math.Abs(distance * Math.Cos(alphaInRad)));

            line = new CLineSegment(newStartPoint, newEndPoint);
      else //leftOrUp
        if (this.HorizontalLine()) //offset to y directin
          newStartPoint.X = m_startPoint.X;
          newStartPoint.Y = m_startPoint.Y - distance;

          newEndPoint.X = m_endPoint.X;
          newEndPoint.Y = m_endPoint.Y - distance;
          line = new CLineSegment(newStartPoint, newEndPoint);
        else //offset to x directin
          if (Math.Sin(alphaInRad) >= 0)
            newStartPoint.X = (float)(m_startPoint.X - Math.Abs(distance * Math.Sin(alphaInRad)));
            newStartPoint.Y = (float)(m_startPoint.Y + Math.Abs(distance * Math.Cos(alphaInRad)));
            newEndPoint.X = (float)(m_endPoint.X - Math.Abs(distance * Math.Sin(alphaInRad)));
            newEndPoint.Y = (float)(m_endPoint.Y + Math.Abs(distance * Math.Cos(alphaInRad)));

            line = new CLineSegment(
              newStartPoint, newEndPoint);
          else //sin(FalphaInRad)<0
            newStartPoint.X = (float)(m_startPoint.X - Math.Abs(distance * Math.Sin(alphaInRad)));
            newStartPoint.Y = (float)(m_startPoint.Y - Math.Abs(distance * Math.Cos(alphaInRad)));
            newEndPoint.X = (float)(m_endPoint.X - Math.Abs(distance * Math.Sin(alphaInRad)));
            newEndPoint.Y = (float)(m_endPoint.Y - Math.Abs(distance * Math.Cos(alphaInRad)));

            line = new CLineSegment(newStartPoint, newEndPoint);
      return line;
Exemplo n.º 6
      Get point location, using windows coordinate system: 
      y-axes points down.
      Return Value:
      -1:point at the left of the line (or above the line if the line is horizontal)
       0: point in the line segment or in the line segment 's extension
       1: point at right of the line (or below the line if the line is horizontal)    
    public int GetPointLocation(CPoint2D point)
      float Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Cx, Cy;
      Bx = m_endPoint.X;
      By = m_endPoint.Y;

      Ax = m_startPoint.X;
      Ay = m_startPoint.Y;

      Cx = point.X;
      Cy = point.Y;

      if (this.HorizontalLine())
        if (Math.Abs(Ay - Cy) < ConstantValue.SmallValue) //equal
          return 0;
        else if (Ay > Cy)
          return -1;   //Y Axis points down, point is above the line
        else //Ay<Cy
          return 1;    //Y Axis points down, point is below the line
      else //Not a horizontal line
        //make the line direction bottom->up
        if (m_endPoint.Y > m_startPoint.Y)

        float L = this.GetLineSegmentLength();
        float s = ((Ay - Cy) * (Bx - Ax) - (Ax - Cx) * (By - Ay)) / (L * L);

        //Note: the Y axis is pointing down:
        if (Math.Abs(s - 0) < ConstantValue.SmallValue) //s=0
          return 0; //point is in the line or line extension
        else if (s > 0)
          return -1; //point is left of line or above the horizontal line
        else //s<0
          return 1;
Exemplo n.º 7
 /*** chagne the line's direction ***/
 public void ChangeLineDirection()
   CPoint2D tempPt;
   tempPt = this.m_startPoint;
   this.m_startPoint = this.m_endPoint;
   this.m_endPoint = tempPt;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public CLineSegment(CPoint2D startPoint, CPoint2D endPoint)
   : base(startPoint, endPoint)
   this.m_startPoint = startPoint;
   this.m_endPoint = endPoint;
Exemplo n.º 9
     Calculate intersection point of two lines
     if two lines are parallel, return null
     * ************************************/
    public CPoint2D IntersecctionWith(CLine line)
      CPoint2D point = new CPoint2D();
      float a1 = this.a;
      float b1 = this.b;
      float c1 = this.c;

      float a2 = line.a;
      float b2 = line.b;
      float c2 = line.c;

      if (!(this.Parallel(line))) //not parallen
        point.X = (c2 * b1 - c1 * b2) / (a1 * b2 - a2 * b1);
        point.Y = (a1 * c2 - c1 * a2) / (a2 * b2 - a1 * b2);
      return point;
Exemplo n.º 10
    /*** calculate the distance from a given point to the line ***/
    public float GetDistance(CPoint2D point)
      float x0 = point.X;
      float y0 = point.Y;

      float d = (float)Math.Abs(a * x0 + b * y0 + c);
      d = d / ((float)(Math.Sqrt(a * a + b * b)));

      return d;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public bool Equals(CPoint2D other)
     return(m_dCoordinate_X == other.m_dCoordinate_X && m_dCoordinate_Y == other.m_dCoordinate_Y);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public CLine(float angleInRad, CPoint2D point)
   Initialize(angleInRad, point);
Exemplo n.º 13
 /*********** Sort points from Ymin->Ymax ******/
 public static void SortPointsByY(CPoint2D[] points)
   if (points.Length > 1)
     for (int i = 0; i < points.Length - 2; i++)
       for (int j = i + 1; j < points.Length - 1; j++)
         if (points[i].Y > points[j].Y)
           CPoint2D tempPt = points[j];
           points[j] = points[i];
           points[i] = tempPt;
Exemplo n.º 14
    public bool PointInsidePolygon(CPoint2D[] polygonVertices)
      if (polygonVertices.Length < 3) //not a valid polygon
        return false;

      int nCounter = 0;
      int nPoints = polygonVertices.Length;

      CPoint2D s1, p1, p2;
      s1 = this;
      p1 = polygonVertices[0];

      for (int i = 1; i < nPoints; i++)
        p2 = polygonVertices[i % nPoints];
        if (s1.Y > Math.Min(p1.Y, p2.Y))
          if (s1.Y <= Math.Max(p1.Y, p2.Y))
            if (s1.X <= Math.Max(p1.X, p2.X))
              if (p1.Y != p2.Y)
                float xInters = (s1.Y - p1.Y) * (p2.X - p1.X) / (p2.Y - p1.Y) + p1.X;
                if ((p1.X == p2.X) || (s1.X <= xInters))
              }  //p1.y != p2.y
        p1 = p2;
      } //for loop

      if ((nCounter % 2) == 0)
        return false;
        return true;
Exemplo n.º 15
    /*** Distance between two points***/
    public float DistanceTo(CPoint2D point)
      return (float)Math.Sqrt((point.X - this.X) * (point.X - this.X) + (point.Y - this.Y) * (point.Y - this.Y));

Exemplo n.º 16
 public CLine(float angleInRad, CPoint2D point)
     Initialize(angleInRad, point);
Exemplo n.º 17
         * Offset the line segment to generate a new line segment
         * If the offset direction is along the x-axis or y-axis,
         * Parameter is true, other wise it is false
         * ***********************************************/
        public CLineSegment OffsetLine(float distance, bool rightOrDown)
            //offset a line with a given distance, generate a new line
            //rightOrDown=true means offset to x incress direction,
            // if the line is horizontal, offset to y incress direction

            CLineSegment line;
            CPoint2D     newStartPoint = new CPoint2D();
            CPoint2D     newEndPoint   = new CPoint2D();

            float alphaInRad = this.GetLineAngle(); // 0-PI

            if (rightOrDown)
                if (this.HorizontalLine()) //offset to y+ direction
                    newStartPoint.X = this.m_startPoint.X;
                    newStartPoint.Y = this.m_startPoint.Y + distance;

                    newEndPoint.X = this.m_endPoint.X;
                    newEndPoint.Y = this.m_endPoint.Y + distance;
                    line          = new CLineSegment(newStartPoint, newEndPoint);
                else //offset to x+ direction
                    if (Math.Sin(alphaInRad) > 0)
                        newStartPoint.X = (float)(m_startPoint.X + Math.Abs(distance * Math.Sin(alphaInRad)));
                        newStartPoint.Y = (float)(m_startPoint.Y - Math.Abs(distance * Math.Cos(alphaInRad)));

                        newEndPoint.X = (float)(m_endPoint.X + Math.Abs(distance * Math.Sin(alphaInRad)));
                        newEndPoint.Y = (float)(m_endPoint.Y - Math.Abs(distance * Math.Cos(alphaInRad)));

                        line = new CLineSegment(newStartPoint, newEndPoint);
                    else //sin(FalphaInRad)<0
                        newStartPoint.X = (float)(m_startPoint.X + Math.Abs(distance * Math.Sin(alphaInRad)));
                        newStartPoint.Y = (float)(m_startPoint.Y + Math.Abs(distance * Math.Cos(alphaInRad)));
                        newEndPoint.X   = (float)(m_endPoint.X + Math.Abs(distance * Math.Sin(alphaInRad)));
                        newEndPoint.Y   = (float)(m_endPoint.Y + Math.Abs(distance * Math.Cos(alphaInRad)));

                        line = new CLineSegment(newStartPoint, newEndPoint);
            }    //{rightOrDown}
            else //leftOrUp
                if (this.HorizontalLine()) //offset to y directin
                    newStartPoint.X = m_startPoint.X;
                    newStartPoint.Y = m_startPoint.Y - distance;

                    newEndPoint.X = m_endPoint.X;
                    newEndPoint.Y = m_endPoint.Y - distance;
                    line          = new CLineSegment(newStartPoint, newEndPoint);
                else //offset to x directin
                    if (Math.Sin(alphaInRad) >= 0)
                        newStartPoint.X = (float)(m_startPoint.X - Math.Abs(distance * Math.Sin(alphaInRad)));
                        newStartPoint.Y = (float)(m_startPoint.Y + Math.Abs(distance * Math.Cos(alphaInRad)));
                        newEndPoint.X   = (float)(m_endPoint.X - Math.Abs(distance * Math.Sin(alphaInRad)));
                        newEndPoint.Y   = (float)(m_endPoint.Y + Math.Abs(distance * Math.Cos(alphaInRad)));

                        line = new CLineSegment(
                            newStartPoint, newEndPoint);
                    else //sin(FalphaInRad)<0
                        newStartPoint.X = (float)(m_startPoint.X - Math.Abs(distance * Math.Sin(alphaInRad)));
                        newStartPoint.Y = (float)(m_startPoint.Y - Math.Abs(distance * Math.Cos(alphaInRad)));
                        newEndPoint.X   = (float)(m_endPoint.X - Math.Abs(distance * Math.Sin(alphaInRad)));
                        newEndPoint.Y   = (float)(m_endPoint.Y - Math.Abs(distance * Math.Cos(alphaInRad)));

                        line = new CLineSegment(newStartPoint, newEndPoint);
Exemplo n.º 18
 public CLineSegment(CPoint2D startPoint, CPoint2D endPoint)
     : base(startPoint, endPoint)
     this.m_startPoint = startPoint;
     this.m_endPoint   = endPoint;
Exemplo n.º 19
    public CLine(CPoint2D point1, CPoint2D point2)
        if (CPoint2D.SamePoints(point1, point2))
          string errMsg = "The input points are the same";
          InvalidInputGeometryDataException ex = new InvalidInputGeometryDataException(errMsg);
          throw ex;

        //Point1 and Point2 are different points:
        if (Math.Abs(point1.X - point2.X) < ConstantValue.SmallValue) //vertical line
          Initialize((float)Math.PI / 2, point1);
        else if (Math.Abs(point1.Y - point2.Y) < ConstantValue.SmallValue) //Horizontal line
          Initialize(0, point1);
        else //normal line
          float m = (point2.Y - point1.Y) / (point2.X - point1.X);
          float alphaInRad = (float)Math.Atan(m);
          Initialize(alphaInRad, point1);
      catch (Exception e)
        ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Error("Error creating CLine", e);
Exemplo n.º 20
 /*** Distance between two points***/
 public float DistanceTo(CPoint2D point)
     return((float)Math.Sqrt((point.X - this.X) * (point.X - this.X) + (point.Y - this.Y) * (point.Y - this.Y)));