Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void IsMediaTypeSupported(IMFMediaType pMediaType)
            VideoTypeBuilder pProposed = null;

            bool bCompressed = false;
            MFVideoInterlaceMode InterlaceMode = MFVideoInterlaceMode.Unknown;
            MFVideoArea VideoCropArea;
            int width = 0, height = 0;

                // Helper object for reading the proposed type.
                pProposed = new VideoTypeBuilder(pMediaType);

                // Reject compressed media types.
                pProposed.IsCompressedFormat(out bCompressed);
                if (bCompressed)
                    throw new COMException("Compressed formats not supported", MFError.MF_E_INVALIDMEDIATYPE);

                // Validate the format.
                int i;
                pProposed.GetFourCC(out i);

                // The D3DPresentEngine checks whether the format can be used as
                // the back-buffer format for the swap chains.

                // Reject interlaced formats.
                pProposed.GetInterlaceMode(out InterlaceMode);
                if (InterlaceMode != MFVideoInterlaceMode.Progressive)
                    throw new COMException("Interlaced formats not supported", MFError.MF_E_INVALIDMEDIATYPE);

                pProposed.GetFrameDimensions(out width, out height);

                // Validate the various apertures (cropping regions) against the frame size.
                // Any of these apertures may be unspecified in the media type, in which case
                // we ignore it. We just want to reject invalid apertures.

                    pProposed.GetPanScanAperture(out VideoCropArea);
                    ValidateVideoArea(VideoCropArea, width, height);
                catch { }

                    pProposed.GetGeometricAperture(out VideoCropArea);
                    ValidateVideoArea(VideoCropArea, width, height);
                catch { }

                    pProposed.GetMinDisplayAperture(out VideoCropArea);
                    ValidateVideoArea(VideoCropArea, width, height);
                catch { }

Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void CalculateOutputRectangle(IMFMediaType pProposed, out MFRect prcOutput)
            int srcWidth = 0, srcHeight = 0;

            MFRatio inputPAR;
            MFRatio outputPAR;
            MFRect rcOutput = new MFRect();

            MFVideoArea displayArea;

            VideoTypeBuilder pmtProposed = null;

            // Helper object to read the media type.
            pmtProposed = new VideoTypeBuilder(pProposed);

            // Get the source's frame dimensions.
            pmtProposed.GetFrameDimensions(out srcWidth, out srcHeight);

            // Get the source's display area.
            pmtProposed.GetVideoDisplayArea(out displayArea);

            // Calculate the x,y offsets of the display area.
            int offsetX = (int)displayArea.OffsetX.GetOffset();
            int offsetY = (int)displayArea.OffsetY.GetOffset();

            // Use the display area if valid. Otherwise, use the entire frame.
            if (displayArea.Area.Width != 0 &&
                displayArea.Area.Height != 0 &&
                offsetX + displayArea.Area.Width <= (srcWidth) &&
                offsetY + displayArea.Area.Height <= (srcHeight))
                rcOutput.left = offsetX;
                rcOutput.right = offsetX + displayArea.Area.Width;
                rcOutput.top = offsetY;
                rcOutput.bottom = offsetY + displayArea.Area.Height;
                rcOutput.left = 0;
                rcOutput.top = 0;
                rcOutput.right = srcWidth;
                rcOutput.bottom = srcHeight;

            // rcOutput is now either a sub-rectangle of the video frame, or the entire frame.

            // If the pixel aspect ratio of the proposed media type is different from the monitor's,
            // letterbox the video. We stretch the image rather than shrink it.

            inputPAR = pmtProposed.GetPixelAspectRatio();    // Defaults to 1:1

            outputPAR.Denominator = outputPAR.Numerator = 1; // This is an assumption of the sample.

            // Adjust to get the correct picture aspect ratio.
            prcOutput = CorrectAspectRatio(rcOutput, inputPAR, outputPAR);

Exemplo n.º 3
        // Formats
        protected void CreateOptimalVideoType(IMFMediaType pProposed, out IMFMediaType ppOptimal)
                MFRect rcOutput;
                MFVideoArea displayArea;

                IMFMediaType pOptimalType = null;

                // Create the helper object to manipulate the optimal type.
                VideoTypeBuilder pmtOptimal = new VideoTypeBuilder();

                // Clone the proposed type.

                // Modify the new type.

                // For purposes of this SDK sample, we assume
                // 1) The monitor's pixels are square.
                // 2) The presenter always preserves the pixel aspect ratio.

                // Set the pixel aspect ratio (PAR) to 1:1 (see assumption #1, above)
                pmtOptimal.SetPixelAspectRatio(1, 1);

                // Get the output rectangle.
                rcOutput = m_pD3DPresentEngine.GetDestinationRect();
                if (rcOutput.IsEmpty())
                    // Calculate the output rectangle based on the media type.
                    CalculateOutputRectangle(pProposed, out rcOutput);

                // Set the extended color information: Use BT.709

                // Set the target rect dimensions.
                pmtOptimal.SetFrameDimensions(rcOutput.right, rcOutput.bottom);

                // Set the geometric aperture, and disable pan/scan.
                displayArea = new MFVideoArea(0, 0, rcOutput.right, rcOutput.bottom);



                // Set the pan/scan aperture and the minimum display aperture. We don't care
                // about them per se, but the mixer will reject the type if these exceed the
                // frame dimentions.

                // Return the pointer to the caller.
                pmtOptimal.GetMediaType(out pOptimalType);

                ppOptimal = pOptimalType;
Exemplo n.º 4
        // GetSwapChainPresentParameters
        // Given a media type that describes the video format, fills in the
        // D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS for creating a swap chain.
        protected void GetSwapChainPresentParameters(IMFMediaType pType, out D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS pPP)
            pPP = new D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS();
            // Caller holds the object lock.

            int width = 0, height = 0;
            int d3dFormat = 0;

            VideoTypeBuilder pTypeHelper = null;

            if (m_hwnd == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new COMException("D3DPresentEngine::GetSwapChainPresentParameters", MFError.MF_E_INVALIDREQUEST);

                // Create the helper object for reading the proposed type.
                pTypeHelper = new VideoTypeBuilder(pType);

                // Get some information about the video format.
                pTypeHelper.GetFrameDimensions(out width, out height);
                pTypeHelper.GetFourCC(out d3dFormat);

                pPP.BackBufferWidth = width;
                pPP.BackBufferHeight = height;
                pPP.Windowed = true;
                pPP.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT.Copy;
                pPP.BackBufferFormat = (D3DFORMAT)d3dFormat;
                pPP.hDeviceWindow = m_hwnd;
                pPP.Flags = D3DPRESENTFLAG.Video;
                pPP.PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL.Default;

                D3DDEVICE_CREATION_PARAMETERS dparams;
                m_pDevice.GetCreationParameters(out dparams);

                if (dparams.DeviceType != D3DDEVTYPE.HAL)
                    pPP.Flags |= D3DPRESENTFLAG.LockableBackbuffer;
            catch { }
