IsNumeric() public static method

public static IsNumeric ( this s ) : bool
s this
return bool
Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the last time from convert log file in seconds
        /// Parsing text "time=00:22:25.05" to 1345 (22*60++25+0.05) s
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// The last frame time convert log file (int).
        /// If value not found, returns -1
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name='outputFileName'>
        /// log file name.
        /// </param>
        public static int GetLastTimeFromConvertLogFile(string outputFileName)
            var lastTime = -1;

            if (File.Exists(outputFileName))
                using (var fs = new FileStream(outputFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                    using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs))
                        string line;
                        while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                            if (line != null && line.Contains("time="))
                                var pos = line.IndexOf("time=");
                                if (line.Length > pos + 5 + 8)
                                    var lastTimeAsString = line.Substring(pos + 5, 8).Trim();
                                    var hms = lastTimeAsString.Split(':');
                                    if (hms.Length == 3 &&
                                        SupportMethods.IsNumeric(hms [0]) &&
                                        SupportMethods.IsNumeric(hms [1]) &&
                                        SupportMethods.IsNumeric(hms [2]))
                                        lastTime = Convert.ToInt32(hms[0]) * 3600 + Convert.ToInt32(hms[1]) * 60 + Convert.ToInt32(hms[2]);                                 // ignoring ms
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the last frame from convert log file.
        /// Parsing text "frame=15" to 15
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// The last frame from convert log file (int).
        /// If value not found, returns -1
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name='_outputFileName'>
        /// _output file name.
        /// </param>
        public static int GetLastFrameFromConvertLogFile(string outputFileName)
            var lastFrame = -1;

            if (File.Exists(outputFileName))
                using (var fs = new FileStream(outputFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                    using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs))
                        string line;
                        while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                            if (line != null && line.Length > 11 && line.StartsWith("frame="))
                                var lastFrameAsString = line.Substring(6, 5).Trim();
                                if (SupportMethods.IsNumeric(lastFrameAsString))
                                    lastFrame = Convert.ToInt32(lastFrameAsString);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public static decimal ParseDecimalValueFromValue(string value, Dictionary <decimal, string> dict)
            var res = 0m;

            if (SupportMethods.IsNumeric(value))
                res = SupportMethods.ToDecimal(value);
                foreach (var kvp in dict)
                    if (kvp.Value == value)
                        res = kvp.Key;

Exemplo n.º 4
        protected void OnEntryWidthChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (checkKeep.Active &&
                MovieInfo.FirstVideoTrack != null &&
                if (_eventLock.Lock())
                    var width = SupportMethods.ToDecimal(entryWidth.Text);

                    var aspectRatio = MovieInfo.FirstVideoTrack.AspectAsNumber;
                    if (aspectRatio != -1)
                        entryHeight.Text = Convert.ToInt32(width / aspectRatio).ToString();

Exemplo n.º 5
        public void ParseFromXmlNode(XmlNode node)
            foreach (XmlNode subNode in node.ChildNodes)
                if (subNode.Name == "Overall_bit_rate" && (SupportMethods.IsNumeric(subNode.InnerText)))
                    Bitrate = SupportMethods.ToDecimal(subNode.InnerText);

                if (subNode.Name == "Frame_rate" && (SupportMethods.IsNumeric(subNode.InnerText)))
                    FrameRate = SupportMethods.ToDecimal(subNode.InnerText);

                if (subNode.Name == "Sampling_rate" && (SupportMethods.IsNumeric(subNode.InnerText)))
                    SamplingRateHz = SupportMethods.ToDecimal(subNode.InnerText);

                if (subNode.Name == "Bit_rate" && (SupportMethods.IsNumeric(subNode.InnerText)))
                    Bitrate = decimal.Parse(subNode.InnerText);

                if (subNode.Name == "Stream_size" && (SupportMethods.IsNumeric(subNode.InnerText)))
                    StreamSize = long.Parse(subNode.InnerText);

                if (subNode.Name == "Channel_s_" && (SupportMethods.IsNumeric(subNode.InnerText)))
                    Channels = Int32.Parse(subNode.InnerText);

                if (subNode.Name == "Channel_count" && (SupportMethods.IsNumeric(subNode.InnerText)))
                    Channels = Int32.Parse(subNode.InnerText);

                if (subNode.Name == "Pixel_aspect_ratio" && (SupportMethods.IsNumeric(subNode.InnerText)))
                    PixelAspect = SupportMethods.ToDecimal(subNode.InnerText);

                if (subNode.Name == "Width" && (SupportMethods.IsInt(subNode.InnerText)))
                    Width = Int32.Parse(subNode.InnerText);
                if (subNode.Name == "Height" && (SupportMethods.IsInt(subNode.InnerText)))
                    Height = Int32.Parse(subNode.InnerText);

                if (subNode.Name == "Display_aspect_ratio" && (subNode.InnerText.Contains(":")))
                    Aspect = subNode.InnerText;

                if (subNode.Name == "Codec")
                    Codec = subNode.InnerText;

                if (subNode.Name == "Rotation" && (SupportMethods.IsNumeric(subNode.InnerText)))
                    decimal angle            = 0;
                    var     separator        = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator;
                    var     rotationAsString = subNode.InnerText.Replace(".", separator).Replace(",", separator);
                    if (Decimal.TryParse(rotationAsString, out angle))
                        RotatationAngle = angle;

                if (subNode.Name == "Duration" && (subNode.InnerText.Contains(":")))
                    Duration = subNode.InnerText;

                if (subNode.Name == "Duration" && (SupportMethods.IsNumeric(subNode.InnerText)))
                    DurationMS = SupportMethods.ToDecimal(subNode.InnerText);

            TrackType = node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("type").Value;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void OnAnyValueChanged()
            if (Editable && MovieInfo != null && MovieInfo.FirstVideoTrack != null)
                if (_eventLock.Lock())
                    var m = MovieInfo.FirstVideoTrack;

                    // reactivating disabled?
                    if (chBoxResolution.Active && !MovieInfo.EditResolution)
                        entryWidth.Text  = m.Width.ToString();
                        entryHeight.Text = m.Height.ToString();
                    if (chBoxBitRate.Active && !MovieInfo.EditBitRate)
                        comboBitRate.Entry.Text = (m.BitrateKbps).ToString();

                    if (chBoxAspect.Active && !MovieInfo.EditAspect)
                        comboAspect.Entry.Text = m.Aspect;

                    if (chBoxFrameRate.Active && !MovieInfo.EditFrameRate)
                        comboFrameRate.Entry.Text = m.FrameRate.ToString();

                    MovieInfo.EditResolution = chBoxResolution.Active;
                    MovieInfo.EditAspect     = chBoxAspect.Active;
                    MovieInfo.EditBitRate    = chBoxBitRate.Active;
                    MovieInfo.EditFrameRate  = chBoxFrameRate.Active;

                    if (chBoxBitRate.Active)
                        var bitRateTypedValue = SupportMethods.ParseDecimalValueFromValue(comboBitRate.ActiveText, MediaConvertGUIConfiguration.DefaultVideoBitRates);
                        m.Bitrate = bitRateTypedValue * 1000;

                    if (chBoxResolution.Active)
                        if (SupportMethods.IsNumeric(entryWidth.Text))
                            m.Width = Convert.ToInt32(entryWidth.Text);

                        if (SupportMethods.IsNumeric(entryHeight.Text))
                            m.Height = Convert.ToInt32(entryHeight.Text);

                    if (chBoxFrameRate.Active)
                        if (SupportMethods.IsNumeric(comboFrameRate.ActiveText))
                            m.FrameRate = SupportMethods.ToDecimal(comboFrameRate.ActiveText);

                    if (chBoxAspect.Active)
                        m.Aspect = comboAspect.ActiveText;

                    if (chBoxRotation.Active)
                        if (SupportMethods.IsNumeric(comboRotation.ActiveText))
                            m.RotatationAngle = SupportMethods.ToDecimal(comboRotation.ActiveText);
                    MovieInfo.EditRotation = chBoxRotation.Active;

                    MovieInfo.AutoRotate = checkAutorotate.Active;
                    if (checkAutorotate.Active)
                        // reseting Rotation angle to 0
                        m.RotatationAngle = 0;

                    MovieInfo.TargetVideoCodec = MediaConvertGUIConfiguration.GetVideoCodecByName(comboCodec.ActiveText);
                    comboCodec.TooltipText     = MovieInfo.TargetVideoCodec.Title;
