Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void ParseCurrentLevel(List specs)
            // Use the stack spec to build the structure
            long offset = 0;
            foreach (PythonDictionary spec in specs)
                // Add this argument
                Argument newArg = new Argument(_pyBoss, _address + offset, spec, _process, _depth, this, NamePrefix);
                offset += newArg.Size;

                // Add it as dynamic member variable to the current arguments struct so that
                // it can be accessed naturally from python.
                this.SetMember(newArg.Name, newArg);
            _size = offset;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public Arguments(PythonBoss pyBoss, long address, List specs, Process process, int depth, Argument parent, string namePrefix)
            NamePrefix = namePrefix;
            _process = process;
            _address = address;
            _pyBoss = pyBoss;
            _depth = depth;
            _parent = parent;
            _args = new List<Argument>(specs.Count);
            _arg_offsets = new List<long>(specs.Count);

            // Handle the case of infinite recursion
            if (depth > 1000)
                throw new Exception("Error when processing argument types: An infinite loop has been detected, this is caused by a type somehow including a pointer to itself. Name: " + namePrefix);
