Exemplo n.º 1
        void solveIK(AwPoint startJointPos,
                     AwPoint midJointPos,
                     AwPoint effectorPos,
                     AwPoint handlePos,
                     AwVector poleVector,
                     double twistValue,
                     AwQuaternion qStart,
                     AwQuaternion qMid)
        // This is method that actually computes the IK solution.
            // vector from startJoint to midJoint
            AwVector vector1 = midJointPos.sub(startJointPos);
            // vector from midJoint to effector
            AwVector vector2 = effectorPos.sub(midJointPos);
            // vector from startJoint to handle
            AwVector vectorH = handlePos.sub(startJointPos);
            // vector from startJoint to effector
            AwVector vectorE = effectorPos.sub(startJointPos);

            // lengths of those vectors
            double length1 = vector1.length();
            double length2 = vector2.length();
            double lengthH = vectorH.length();

            double   d       = vector1.mul(vectorE) / vectorE.mul(vectorE);
            AwVector vectorO = vector1.sub(vectorE.mul(d));

            // calculate q12 which solves for the midJoint rotation
            // angle between vector1 and vector2
            double vectorAngle12 = vector1.angle(vector2);

            // vector orthogonal to vector1 and 2
            AwVector vectorCross12  = vector1.crossProduct(vector2);
            double   lengthHsquared = lengthH * lengthH;

            // angle for arm extension
            double cos_theta =
                (lengthHsquared - length1 * length1 - length2 * length2)
                / (2 * length1 * length2);

            if (cos_theta > 1)
                cos_theta = 1;
            else if (cos_theta < -1)
                cos_theta = -1;

            double theta = Math.Acos(cos_theta);

            AwQuaternion q12 = new AwQuaternion(theta - vectorAngle12, vectorCross12);

            // calculate qEH which solves for effector rotating onto the handle
            // vector2 with quaternion q12 applied
            vector2 = vector2.rotateBy(q12);
            // vectorE with quaternion q12 applied
            vectorE = vector1.add(vector2);
            // quaternion for rotating the effector onto the handle
            AwQuaternion qEH = new AwQuaternion(vectorE, vectorH);

            // calculate qNP which solves for the rotate plane
            // vector1 with quaternion qEH applied
            vector1 = vector1.rotateBy(qEH);
            if (vector1.isParallel(vectorH, AwMath.kDoubleEpsilon))
                // singular case, use orthogonal component instead
                vector1 = vectorO.rotateBy(qEH);

            AwQuaternion qNP = new AwQuaternion();

            if (!poleVector.isParallel(vectorH, AwMath.kDoubleEpsilon) && (lengthHsquared != 0))
                double   temp    = poleVector.mul(vectorH) / lengthHsquared;
                AwVector vectorN = vector1.sub(vectorH.mul(temp));

                AwVector vectorP = poleVector.sub(vectorH.mul(vector1.mul(vectorH) / lengthHsquared));

                double dotNP = (vectorN.mul(vectorP)) / (vectorN.length() * vectorP.length());

                if (Math.Abs(dotNP + 1.0) < kEpsilon)
                    // singular case, rotate halfway around vectorH
                    AwQuaternion qNP1 = new AwQuaternion(AwMath.kPi, vectorH);
                    qNP = qNP1;
                    AwQuaternion qNP2 = new AwQuaternion(vectorN, vectorP);
                    qNP = qNP2;

            // calculate qTwist which adds the twist
            AwQuaternion qTwist = new AwQuaternion(twistValue, vectorH);

            // quaternion for the mid joint
            qMid = q12;
            // concatenate the quaternions for the start joint
            AwQuaternion qTemp = qEH.mul(qNP);

            qStart = qTemp.mul(qTwist);
Exemplo n.º 2
        // This is method that actually computes the IK solution.
        void solveIK( AwPoint startJointPos,
            AwPoint midJointPos,
            AwPoint effectorPos,
            AwPoint handlePos,
            AwVector poleVector,
            double twistValue,
            AwQuaternion qStart,
            AwQuaternion qMid)
            // vector from startJoint to midJoint
            AwVector vector1 = midJointPos.sub(startJointPos);
            // vector from midJoint to effector
            AwVector vector2 = effectorPos.sub(midJointPos);
            // vector from startJoint to handle
            AwVector vectorH = handlePos.sub(startJointPos);
            // vector from startJoint to effector
            AwVector vectorE = effectorPos.sub(startJointPos);

            // lengths of those vectors
            double length1 = vector1.length();
            double length2 = vector2.length();
            double lengthH = vectorH.length();

            double d = vector1.mul(vectorE) / vectorE.mul(vectorE);
            AwVector vectorO = vector1.sub(vectorE.mul(d));

            // calculate q12 which solves for the midJoint rotation
            // angle between vector1 and vector2
            double vectorAngle12 = vector1.angle(vector2);

            // vector orthogonal to vector1 and 2
            AwVector vectorCross12 = vector1.crossProduct(vector2);
            double lengthHsquared = lengthH * lengthH;

            // angle for arm extension
            double cos_theta =
                (lengthHsquared - length1*length1 - length2*length2)

            if (cos_theta > 1)
                cos_theta = 1;
            else if (cos_theta < -1)
                cos_theta = -1;

            double theta = Math.Acos(cos_theta);

            AwQuaternion q12 = new AwQuaternion(theta - vectorAngle12, vectorCross12);

            // calculate qEH which solves for effector rotating onto the handle
            // vector2 with quaternion q12 applied
            vector2 = vector2.rotateBy(q12);
            // vectorE with quaternion q12 applied
            vectorE = vector1.add(vector2);
            // quaternion for rotating the effector onto the handle
            AwQuaternion qEH = new AwQuaternion(vectorE, vectorH);

            // calculate qNP which solves for the rotate plane
            // vector1 with quaternion qEH applied
            vector1 = vector1.rotateBy(qEH);
            if (vector1.isParallel(vectorH,AwMath.kDoubleEpsilon))
                // singular case, use orthogonal component instead
                vector1 = vectorO.rotateBy(qEH);

            AwQuaternion qNP = new AwQuaternion();
            if (!poleVector.isParallel(vectorH, AwMath.kDoubleEpsilon) && (lengthHsquared != 0))
                double temp = poleVector.mul(vectorH) / lengthHsquared;
                AwVector vectorN = vector1.sub(vectorH.mul(temp));

                AwVector vectorP = poleVector.sub(vectorH.mul(vector1.mul(vectorH) / lengthHsquared));

                double dotNP = (vectorN.mul(vectorP)) / (vectorN.length() * vectorP.length());

                if (Math.Abs(dotNP + 1.0) < kEpsilon)
                    // singular case, rotate halfway around vectorH
                    AwQuaternion qNP1 = new AwQuaternion(AwMath.kPi, vectorH);
                    qNP = qNP1;
                    AwQuaternion qNP2 = new AwQuaternion(vectorN, vectorP);
                    qNP = qNP2;

            // calculate qTwist which adds the twist
            AwQuaternion qTwist = new AwQuaternion(twistValue, vectorH);

            // quaternion for the mid joint
            qMid = q12;
            // concatenate the quaternions for the start joint
            AwQuaternion qTemp = qEH.mul(qNP);
            qStart = qTemp.mul(qTwist);