Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Return result of exact fraction from queue of postfix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="postFix"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ProperFraction evaluatePostFix(Queue <Object> postFix)
            if (postFix == null)
            Queue <Object> Fractionlist = new Queue <Object>();

            //Cast all int64 into properFraction.
            foreach (Object element in postFix)
                if (element is Int64)
                    Fractionlist.Enqueue(new ProperFraction((Int64)element));

            Stack <ProperFraction> nstack = new Stack <ProperFraction>();

            // while it's more than one element in the queue.
            while (Fractionlist.Count != 0)
                Object obj = Fractionlist.Dequeue();
                //Retrieve oldest element.
                if (obj is ProperFraction)            //If it's a properfraction
                    nstack.Push((ProperFraction)obj); //add to the stack.
                else//else it must be operator
                    if (!(obj is char) || nstack.Count == 0)
                        throw new Exception("Please Debug when this error happend.");
                    //pop two numbers from the statck and evaluate.
                    ProperFraction secondnumber = nstack.Pop();
                    ProperFraction firstnumber  = null;
                    if (nstack.Count != 0)
                        firstnumber = nstack.Pop();
                    //if cannot get the second one and there is only one element, then it must be unary operator.

                    // add the result to the stack.
                    nstack.Push(compute(firstnumber, secondnumber, (char)obj));

        public static ProperFraction operator -(ProperFraction a)
            if (a == null)
                throw new Exception();
            ProperFraction pf = new ProperFraction(!a.sign);

            pf.decimalpart = new ImproperFraction(a.decimalpart.getNumerator(), a.decimalpart.getDenominator());
            pf.integerpart = a.integerpart;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// method is tested.
        /// <para>
        /// This method takes in two number and an operator and return the result.
        /// </para>
        /// If there is only one number is not null, this method will assume the operator is '-' or '+';
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Null is the computation cannot be done or error has occured.
        /// </returns>
        public static ProperFraction compute(ProperFraction a, ProperFraction b, char opt)
            // the operator is valide:
            if (getOptRank(opt) == -1)
            // If there is one number at least:
            if (a == null && b == null)
            //At this point, the operator will be valide and there will be at least one numebr.
            if (a != null && b != null)//Both bumber is not null
                switch (opt)
                case '+':
                    return(a + b);

                case '-':
                    return(a - b);

                case '*':
                    return(a * b);

                case '/':
                    return(a / b);
                throw new Exception("Something wrong, please check consistency on logic.");
            //One of the number is null.s
            if (opt == '-')
                return(a == null ? -b:-a);
            if (opt == '+')
                return(a == null ? b : a);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static ProperFraction evalueteStacks(Stack <ProperFraction> numberstack, Stack <char> optstack)
            //make sure the input is both not null:
            if (numberstack == null || optstack == null)

            //If there is no more operator in the stack, that means there is only one number in the number stack, and it's
            if (optstack.Count == 0)// it's the base case:
                //check if there is really one number in the stack:
                if (numberstack.Count != 1)
                    throw new Exception("Something shouldn't happen hapepened.");

            //Comfirm that there is a Operator in the stack.
            char           opt          = optstack.Pop();
            ProperFraction secondnumber = numberstack.Pop();
            ProperFraction firstnumber  = null;

            if (numberstack.Count != 0)
                firstnumber = numberstack.Pop();
            ProperFraction computedresult = compute(firstnumber, secondnumber, opt);

            if (computedresult == null)
                return(null);                        //This is hit if the number and the operator cannot be computed.
            return(evalueteStacks(numberstack, optstack));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static ProperFraction evaluateSimple(IList <Object> expression)
            Stack <ProperFraction> numstack = new Stack <ProperFraction>();
            Stack <char>           opstack  = new Stack <char>();

            //Queue q = new Queue();

            //iterate through a queue of number, operator,or a sub expression.
            foreach (Object ele in expression)
                //if is number
                if (ele is ProperFraction)
                    //put into numberstack.
                    numstack.Push(ele as ProperFraction);
                // elseif operator
                else if (ele is char)
                    if (opstack.Count == 0)// if operator stack is empty, put it in.
                    else // else that stack is not empty.
                        char opt = (char)ele;

                        if (compare(opt, opstack.Peek()) == 1)//if it's bigger to the most recent opt in stack
                            // put it in op stack.

                        else //else: it's leq to the top opt.
                            while (compare(opt, opstack.Peek()) < 1 || opstack.Count != 0)//while current op leq than top one on stack || operator stack is not empty.
                                // pop top
                                char topoperator = opstack.Pop();
                                // pop two numbers if there is no more number on top, use zero
                                ProperFraction secondnumber = numstack.Pop();
                                ProperFraction firstnumber  = null;
                                if (numstack.Count != 0)
                                    firstnumber = numstack.Pop();
                                //compute the top two number using the operator, the order matters.
                                ProperFraction res = compute(firstnumber, secondnumber, opt);
                                //put the number back to the number stack.
                            //put that operator in the opt stack?
                else//else it must be sub expression
                    if (!(ele is IList <Object>))// This shit if not a list
                        throw new Exception("Bad element: " + ele);

                    //Turn the sub expression into a number.
                    ProperFraction subexpressionnumber = evaluateSimple((IList <Object>)ele);
            // Evaluate the remaining expression empty the stack;
            // return result.

            ProperFraction subexpressionresult = evalueteStacks(numstack, opstack);

            if (subexpressionresult == null)
                throw new Exception("Expression or sub expression cannot be evaluated. ");