Exemplo n.º 1
        public ADouble DepositNpvAD(Deposit deposit)
            ADouble discFactor = ADDiscCurve.DiscFactor(deposit.AsOf, deposit.EndDate, deposit.DayCount, Interpolation);
            ADouble cvg        = DateHandling.Cvg(deposit.StartDate, deposit.EndDate, deposit.DayCount);

            return(deposit.TradeSign * discFactor * deposit.Notional * (1.0 + deposit.FixedRate * cvg));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ADouble ParDepositRateAD(Deposit deposit)
            ADouble discFactor = ADDiscCurve.DiscFactor(deposit.StartDate, deposit.EndDate, deposit.DayCount, Interpolation);
            ADouble cvg        = DateHandling.Cvg(deposit.StartDate, deposit.EndDate, deposit.DayCount);

            return(1.0 / cvg * (1.0 / discFactor - 1.0));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public double OisCompoundedRateAD(DateTime asOf, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, DayRule dayRule, DayCount dayCount, InterpMethod interpolation)
            double   CompoundedRate  = 1;
            double   CompoundedRate2 = 1;
            DateTime RollDate        = startDate;

            while (RollDate.Date < endDate.Date)
                DateTime NextBusinessDay = DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(RollDate, "1B", DayRule.F);
                double   Rate            = ZeroRate(NextBusinessDay, interpolation);
                double   fwdOisRate      = FwdRate(asOf, RollDate, NextBusinessDay, DayRule.F, dayCount, interpolation);

                double disc1 = DiscFactor(asOf, RollDate, dayCount, interpolation);
                double disc2 = DiscFactor(asOf, NextBusinessDay, dayCount, interpolation);

                double Days     = NextBusinessDay.Subtract(RollDate).TotalDays;
                double shortCvg = DateHandling.Cvg(RollDate, NextBusinessDay, dayCount);
                RollDate         = NextBusinessDay;
                CompoundedRate  *= (1 + fwdOisRate * shortCvg);
                CompoundedRate2 *= disc1 / disc2;
            double coverage = DateHandling.Cvg(startDate, endDate, dayCount);

            return((CompoundedRate2 - 1) / coverage);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public Schedule(DateTime asOf, string startTenor, string endTenor, DayCount dayCount, DayRule dayRule)
            DateTime startDate = DateHandling.AddTenor(asOf, startTenor, dayRule);
            DateTime endDate   = DateHandling.AddTenor(startDate, endTenor, dayRule);

            SetValues(asOf, startDate, endDate, dayCount, dayRule);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public Fra(DateTime asOf, string startTenor, string endTenor, CurveTenor referenceIndex, DayCount dayCount, DayRule dayRule, double fixedRate, double notional, int tradeSign)
            DateTime startDate = DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(asOf, startTenor, dayRule);
            DateTime endDate   = DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(startDate, endTenor, dayRule);

            Initialize(asOf, startDate, endDate, referenceIndex, dayCount, dayRule, fixedRate, notional, tradeSign);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void AddRiskCalculation(CurveTenor curveTenor, DateTime curvePoint, double number)
            string tenor          = DateHandling.ConvertDateToTenorString(curvePoint, _asOf);
            string riskIdentifier = curveTenor.ToString() + "-" + curvePoint.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

            RiskLookUp[riskIdentifier]    = number;
            IdentifierToPoint[curvePoint] = riskIdentifier;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public ADouble FwdRate(DateTime asOf, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, DayRule dayRule, DayCount dayCount, InterpMethod interpolation)
            ADouble ps  = DiscFactor(asOf, startDate, dayCount, interpolation);
            ADouble pe  = DiscFactor(asOf, endDate, dayCount, interpolation);
            ADouble cvg = DateHandling.Cvg(startDate, endDate, dayCount);

            return((ps / pe - 1.0) / cvg);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public ADouble FraNpvAD(Fra fra)
            ADouble fraRate    = ADFwdCurveCollection.GetCurve(fra.ReferenceIndex).FwdRate(fra.AsOf, fra.StartDate, fra.EndDate, fra.DayRule, fra.DayCount, Interpolation);
            ADouble notional   = fra.Notional;
            ADouble discFactor = ADDiscCurve.DiscFactor(fra.AsOf, fra.EndDate, fra.DayCount, Interpolation);
            ADouble coverage   = DateHandling.Cvg(fra.StartDate, fra.EndDate, fra.DayCount);

            return(fra.TradeSign * notional * discFactor * coverage * (fraRate - fra.FixedRate));
Exemplo n.º 9
        private double CalcSimpleConvexity(DateTime asOf, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, DayCount dayCount)
            // i.e. Convexity Adjustment = 0.5*vol^2*T*(T+delta), T's measured in year fractions.
            // Source: Linderstrøm
            double cvgAsOfToStart = DateHandling.Cvg(asOf, startDate, dayCount);
            double cvgAsOfToEnd   = DateHandling.Cvg(asOf, endDate, dayCount);

            return(0.5 * 0.0012 * 0.0012 * cvgAsOfToEnd * cvgAsOfToEnd);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public double FraNpv(Fra fra)
            double fraRate    = FwdCurveCollection.GetCurve(fra.ReferenceIndex).FwdRate(fra.AsOf, fra.StartDate, fra.EndDate, fra.DayRule, fra.DayCount, Interpolation);
            double notional   = fra.Notional;
            double discFactor = DiscCurve.DiscFactor(fra.AsOf, fra.StartDate, fra.DayCount, Interpolation); // Note from today and to startDate => Market FRA
            double coverage   = DateHandling.Cvg(fra.StartDate, fra.EndDate, fra.DayCount);

            return(fra.TradeSign * notional * discFactor * coverage * (fraRate - fra.FixedRate));
Exemplo n.º 11
 public Deposit(DateTime asOf, string startTenor, string endTenor, string settlementLag, double fixedRate, DayCount dayCount, DayRule dayRule, double notional, int tradeSign)
     AsOf      = asOf;
     StartDate = DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(asOf, startTenor, dayRule);
     StartDate = DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(StartDate, settlementLag, dayRule);
     EndDate   = DateHandling.AddTenor(StartDate, endTenor, dayRule);
     Notional  = notional;
     TradeSign = tradeSign;
     FixedRate = fixedRate;
     DayRule   = dayRule;
     DayCount  = dayCount;
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void ConstructFwdRates()
            for (int i = 0; i < Dimension; i++)
                DateTime startDate = Dates[i];
                DateTime endDate   = DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(startDate, _tenorStr);
                double   fwdRate   = _zcbCurve.FwdRate(AsOf, startDate, endDate, _fwdDayRule, _fwdDayCount, _interpolation);

            FwdCurve = new MasterThesis.Curve(Dates, Values);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public Futures(DateTime asOf, string startTenor, string endTenor, CurveTenor referenceIndex, DayCount dayCount, DayRule dayRule, double fixedRate, double notional, int tradeSign, double?convexity = null)
            DateTime startDate = DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(asOf, startTenor, dayRule);
            DateTime endDate   = DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(startDate, endTenor, dayRule);

            FraSameSpec = new Fra(asOf, startDate, endDate, referenceIndex, dayCount, dayRule, fixedRate, notional, tradeSign);
            if (convexity == null)
                Convexity = CalcSimpleConvexity(asOf, startDate, endDate, dayCount);
                Convexity = (double)convexity;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public OisSwap(DateTime asOf, string startTenor, string endTenor, string settlementLag, DayCount dayCountFixed,
                       DayCount dayCountFloat, DayRule dayRule, double notional, double fixedRate, int tradeSign)
            DateTime startDate = DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(asOf, startTenor, dayRule);

            startDate = DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(startDate, settlementLag, dayRule);
            DateTime endDate = DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(startDate, endTenor, dayRule);

            this.AsOf          = asOf;
            this.StartDate     = startDate;
            this.EndDate       = endDate;
            this.FloatSchedule = new OisSchedule(asOf, startTenor, endTenor, settlementLag, dayCountFloat, dayRule);
            this.FixedSchedule = new OisSchedule(asOf, startTenor, endTenor, settlementLag, dayCountFixed, dayRule);
            this.Notional      = notional;
            this.FixedRate     = fixedRate;
            this.TradeSign     = tradeSign;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public ADouble OisRateAD(OisSwap swap, InterpMethod interpolation)
            ADouble floatContribution = 0.0;
            ADouble annuity           = OisAnnuityAD(swap.FixedSchedule, interpolation);

            DateTime asOf = swap.FloatSchedule.AsOf;

            for (int i = 0; i < swap.FloatSchedule.AdjEndDates.Count; i++)
                DateTime startDate      = swap.FloatSchedule.AdjStartDates[i];
                DateTime endDate        = swap.FloatSchedule.AdjEndDates[i];
                ADouble  compoundedRate = OisCompoundedRateAD(asOf, startDate, endDate, swap.FloatSchedule.DayRule, swap.FloatSchedule.DayCount, interpolation);
                ADouble  discFactor     = DiscFactor(asOf, endDate, swap.FixedSchedule.DayCount, interpolation);
                ADouble  coverage       = DateHandling.Cvg(startDate, endDate, swap.FloatSchedule.DayCount);
                floatContribution = floatContribution + discFactor * compoundedRate * coverage;
            return(floatContribution / annuity);
Exemplo n.º 16
        private void InterpretFuturesString(string instrumentString)
            string     identifier, type, currency, endTenor, settlementLag, floatPayFreq, floatFixingTenor, fwdTenor;
            DayRule    dayRule;
            DayCount   dayCount;
            CurveTenor curveTenor;

            string[] infoArray = instrumentString.Split(',').ToArray();

            identifier       = infoArray[0];
            type             = infoArray[1];
            currency         = infoArray[2];
            endTenor         = infoArray[3];
            settlementLag    = infoArray[4];
            dayRule          = StrToEnum.DayRuleConvert(infoArray[5]);
            floatPayFreq     = infoArray[8];
            floatFixingTenor = infoArray[9];
            fwdTenor         = infoArray[15];
            dayCount         = StrToEnum.DayCountConvert(infoArray[11]);

            DateTime startDate, endDate;

                startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(fwdTenor);
                endDate   = DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(startDate, floatPayFreq, dayRule);

                curveTenor = StrToEnum.CurveTenorFromSimpleTenor(floatPayFreq);
                Fra fra = new MasterThesis.Fra(AsOf, startDate, endDate, curveTenor, dayCount, dayRule, _defaultFixedRate, _defaultNotional, _defaultTradeSign);
                Futures[identifier]                 = new MasterThesis.Futures(fra, null);
                CurvePointMap[identifier]           = fra.GetCurvePoint();
                InstrumentTypeMap[identifier]       = QuoteType.FuturesRate;
                InstrumentFormatTypeMap[identifier] = InstrumentFormatType.Futures;
                IdentifierStringMap[identifier]     = instrumentString;
                // Ignore instrument
Exemplo n.º 17
        private void GenerateSchedule(DateTime asOf, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, DayCount dayCount, DayRule dayRule, CurveTenor tenor, StubPlacement stub = StubPlacement.NullStub)
            // This only works for short stubs atm, although NullStub will generate a long stub

            DateTime AdjStart = DateHandling.AdjustDate(startDate, dayRule);
            DateTime AdjEnd   = DateHandling.AdjustDate(endDate, dayRule);

            string tenorString = EnumToStr.CurveTenor(tenor);
            string TenorLetter = DateHandling.GetTenorLetterFromTenor(tenorString);
            double TenorNumber = DateHandling.GetTenorNumberFromTenor(tenorString);

            int periods = CalculatePeriods(startDate, endDate, tenor);

            // Create estimate of how long the schedule should be
            //double YearsUpper = DateHandling.Cvg(AdjStart, AdjEnd, dayCount);
            //double YearLower = DateHandling.Cvg(AsOf, AdjStart, dayCount);

            // Will be sorted at end (when coverages are also calculated)

            //if (StrToEnum.ConvertTenorLetter(TenorLetter) == Tenor.M)
            //    periods = periodsInMonths / (int)TenorNumber;

            //    //WholePeriods = periodsInMonths / (int) TenorNumber;
            //    //double tempPeriods = YearsUpper * 12 / TenorNumber;
            //    //WholePeriods = (int)Math.Truncate(tempPeriods);
            //else if (StrToEnum.ConvertTenorLetter(TenorLetter) == Tenor.Y)
            //    periods = periodsInMonths / (12 * (int)TenorNumber);

            //    //WholePeriods = (int) Math.Truncate(YearsUpper);
            //    throw new ArgumentException("Can only roll out swap calender for month and year tenors");

            if (stub == StubPlacement.Beginning)
                periods += 1 * 12 / (int)Math.Round(TenorNumber);
                for (int i = 1; i < periods; i++)
                    UnAdjEndDates.Add(DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(UnAdjEndDates[i - 1], "-" + tenorString));
                    AdjEndDates.Add(DateHandling.AdjustDate(UnAdjEndDates[i], DayRule));
                    AdjStartDates.Add(DateHandling.AdjustDate(UnAdjStartDates[i], DayRule));
            else if (stub == StubPlacement.End)
                periods += 1 * 12 / (int)Math.Round(TenorNumber);
                for (int i = 1; i < periods; i++)
                    UnAdjStartDates.Add(DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(UnAdjStartDates[i - 1], tenorString));
                    AdjStartDates.Add(DateHandling.AdjustDate(UnAdjStartDates[i], DayRule));
                    AdjEndDates.Add(DateHandling.AdjustDate(UnAdjEndDates[i], DayRule));
            else if (stub == StubPlacement.NullStub)
                for (int i = 1; i < periods; i++)
                    UnAdjEndDates.Add(DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(UnAdjEndDates[i - 1], "-" + tenorString));
                    AdjEndDates.Add(DateHandling.AdjustDate(UnAdjEndDates[i], DayRule));
                    AdjStartDates.Add(DateHandling.AdjustDate(UnAdjStartDates[i], DayRule));
            // Sort dates according to date
            UnAdjStartDates.Sort(new Comparison <DateTime>((x, y) => x.CompareTo(y)));
            UnAdjEndDates.Sort(new Comparison <DateTime>((x, y) => x.CompareTo(y)));
            AdjStartDates.Sort(new Comparison <DateTime>((x, y) => x.CompareTo(y)));
            AdjEndDates.Sort(new Comparison <DateTime>((x, y) => x.CompareTo(y)));

            for (int i = 0; i < AdjStartDates.Count; i++)
                Coverages.Add(DateHandling.Cvg(AdjStartDates[i], AdjEndDates[i], DayCount));
Exemplo n.º 18
        // Ideally, this should be a derived class on SwapSchedule, since an
        // OIS schedule (in this context) is either a short period, or 1Y schedule with
        // a stub in the end. For our purpose, we just define a derived the class
        // that only works for our purpose (i.e. it's not general.)

        public OisSchedule(DateTime asOf, string startTenor, string endTenor, string settlementLag, DayCount dayCount, DayRule dayRule)
            : base(asOf, startTenor, endTenor, dayCount, dayRule)
            Tenor startTenorEnum = GetLetterFromTenor(startTenor);
            Tenor endTenorEnum   = GetLetterFromTenor(endTenor);


            // Just to make sure we compare with both "1Y" and "12M" (because i'm lazy in correcting for DayCount)
            if (CompareTenors(endTenor, "1Y") == false && CompareTenors(endTenor, "12M") == false)
                // Simple OIS swap
                double cvg = DateHandling.Cvg(StartDate, EndDate, dayCount);
                int months = 0;

                // 1Y periods + stub
                int periods, years;

                if (endTenorEnum == Tenor.Y)
                    periods = GetNumberFromTenor(endTenor);
                    years   = periods;
                else if (endTenorEnum == Tenor.M)
                    years = (int)Math.Truncate(GetNumberFromTenor(endTenor) / 12.0);

                    if (GetNumberFromTenor(endTenor) % 12 == 0)
                        months  = 0;
                        periods = years;
                        months  = GetNumberFromTenor(endTenor) - 12 * years;
                        periods = years + 1;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("OIS Schedule only works for Y,M endTenors");

                UnAdjEndDates.Add(DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(StartDate, "1Y"));
                AdjEndDates.Add(DateHandling.AdjustDate(UnAdjEndDates[0], DayRule.N));
                Coverages.Add(DateHandling.Cvg(AdjStartDates[0], AdjEndDates[0], DayCount));

                // Generate Schedule
                // We start from 1 since first days are filled out
                // We only end here if we have more than 1 period
                for (int j = 1; j <= periods; j++)
                    if (periods > years && periods == j + 1) // In case we have tenor like "18M" and have to create a stub periods
                        string excessTenor = months.ToString() + "M";
                        UnAdjStartDates.Add(DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(UnAdjStartDates[j - 1], "1Y", dayRule));
                        AdjStartDates.Add(DateHandling.AdjustDate(UnAdjStartDates[j], dayRule));
                        UnAdjEndDates.Add(DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(UnAdjEndDates[j - 1], excessTenor, dayRule));
                        AdjEndDates.Add(DateHandling.AdjustDate(UnAdjEndDates[j], dayRule));
                        Coverages.Add(DateHandling.Cvg(AdjStartDates[j], AdjEndDates[j], DayCount));
                        if (j < periods)
                            UnAdjStartDates.Add(DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(UnAdjStartDates[j - 1], "1Y", dayRule));
                            AdjStartDates.Add(DateHandling.AdjustDate(UnAdjStartDates[j], dayRule));
                            UnAdjEndDates.Add(DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(UnAdjEndDates[j - 1], "1Y", dayRule));
                            AdjEndDates.Add(DateHandling.AdjustDate(UnAdjEndDates[j], dayRule));
                            Coverages.Add(DateHandling.Cvg(AdjStartDates[j], AdjEndDates[j], DayCount));
Exemplo n.º 19
 public ADouble DiscFactor(DateTime asOf, DateTime date, DayCount dayCount, InterpMethod interpolation)
     return(ADouble.Exp(-1.0 * ZeroRate(date, interpolation) * DateHandling.Cvg(asOf, date, dayCount)));
Exemplo n.º 20
        private void InterpretSwapString(string instrumentString)
            string     identifier, type, currency, startTenor, endTenor, settlementLag, fixedFreq, floatFreq, referenceIndex;
            DayRule    dayRule;
            DayCount   floatDayCount, fixedDayCount;
            CurveTenor floatTenor, fixedTenor;

            string[] infoArray = instrumentString.Split(',').ToArray();

            identifier     = infoArray[0];
            type           = infoArray[1];
            currency       = infoArray[2];
            startTenor     = infoArray[3];
            endTenor       = infoArray[4];
            settlementLag  = infoArray[5];
            dayRule        = StrToEnum.DayRuleConvert(infoArray[6]);
            fixedFreq      = infoArray[9];
            floatFreq      = infoArray[10];
            referenceIndex = infoArray[12];
            floatDayCount  = StrToEnum.DayCountConvert(infoArray[14]);
            fixedDayCount  = StrToEnum.DayCountConvert(infoArray[13]);
            floatTenor     = StrToEnum.CurveTenorFromSimpleTenor(floatFreq);
            fixedTenor     = StrToEnum.CurveTenorFromSimpleTenor(fixedFreq);

            DateTime startDate, endDate;

            // Make sure to get fwd starting stuff right here...
            if (DateHandling.StrIsConvertableToDate(startTenor))
                startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(startTenor);
                startDate = DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(AsOf, settlementLag, dayRule);

            if (DateHandling.StrIsConvertableToDate(endTenor))
                endDate = Convert.ToDateTime(endTenor);
                endDate = DateHandling.AddTenorAdjust(startDate, endTenor, dayRule);

                if (referenceIndex == "EONIA")
                    // Handle OIS case
                    // Error with endTenor here and string parsing

                    // TEMPORARY
                    //settlementLag = "0D";
                    //dayRule = DayRule.F;

                    // This is a dirty hack to value deposits
                    if (identifier == "EUREONON" || identifier == "EUREONTN")
                        Deposit deposit = new Deposit(AsOf, startTenor, endTenor, settlementLag, _defaultFixedRate, floatDayCount, dayRule, _defaultNotional, _defaultTradeSign);
                        Deposits[identifier]                = deposit;
                        CurvePointMap[identifier]           = deposit.GetCurvePoint();
                        InstrumentTypeMap[identifier]       = QuoteType.Deposit;
                        InstrumentFormatTypeMap[identifier] = InstrumentFormatType.Swaps;
                        IdentifierStringMap[identifier]     = instrumentString;
                        OisSwap oisSwap = new OisSwap(AsOf, startTenor, endTenor, settlementLag, fixedDayCount, floatDayCount, dayRule, _defaultNotional, _defaultFixedRate, _defaultTradeSign);
                        OisSwaps[identifier]                = oisSwap;
                        CurvePointMap[identifier]           = oisSwap.GetCurvePoint();
                        InstrumentTypeMap[identifier]       = QuoteType.OisRate;
                        InstrumentFormatTypeMap[identifier] = InstrumentFormatType.Swaps;
                        IdentifierStringMap[identifier]     = instrumentString;
                    // Handle non-OIS case
                    IrSwap swap = new IrSwap(AsOf, startDate, endDate, _defaultFixedRate, fixedTenor, floatTenor, fixedDayCount, floatDayCount, dayRule, dayRule, _defaultNotional, _defaultTradeSign, 0.0);
                    IrSwaps[identifier]                 = swap;
                    CurvePointMap[identifier]           = swap.GetCurvePoint();
                    InstrumentTypeMap[identifier]       = QuoteType.ParSwapRate;
                    InstrumentFormatTypeMap[identifier] = InstrumentFormatType.Swaps;
                    IdentifierStringMap[identifier]     = instrumentString;
                // Ignore instrument.