Exemplo n.º 1
 protected override void OnElementChanged(VisualElementChangedEventArgs e)
     _ts = (e.NewElement as loginfacebook)._ts;
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs <Page> e)
            ActionBar actionBar = (Context as Activity).ActionBar;

            actionBar.SetBackgroundDrawable(new Android.Graphics.Drawables.ColorDrawable(Android.Graphics.Color.ParseColor("#e35102")));
            _ts = (e.NewElement as loginfacebook)._ts;

            AccountStore store = AccountStore.Create();
            var          acst  = store.FindAccountsForService("MasTicket").ToList <Account>();

            if (acst.Count() > 0)
                foreach (Account a in acst)
                    store.Delete(a, "MasTicket");

            // Retrieve any stored account information
            var accounts = AccountStore.Create(Context).FindAccountsForService("MasTicket").ToList <Account>();

            var account = accounts.FirstOrDefault();
            OAuth2Authenticator auth = null;

            if (_ts == TipoSocial.facebook)
                auth = new OAuth2Authenticator(
                    clientId: Constantes.FBclientId,                  // your OAuth2 client id
                    scope: Constantes.FBscope,                        // The scopes for the particular API you're accessing. The format for this will vary by API.
                    authorizeUrl: new Uri(Constantes.FBauthorizeUrl), // the auth URL for the service
                    redirectUrl: new Uri(Constantes.FBredirectUrl)    // the redirect URL for the service
            else if (_ts == TipoSocial.google)
                auth = new OAuth2Authenticator(clientId: Constantes.GGClientId,
                                               scope: Constantes.GGScope,
                                               authorizeUrl: new Uri(Constantes.GGAuthorizeUrl),
                                               redirectUrl: new Uri(Constantes.GGRedirectUrl));
            if (account == null)
                if (!isShown)
                    isShown          = true;
                    auth.AllowCancel = true;

                    auth.Completed += async(sender, ea) =>
                        if (ea.IsAuthenticated)
                            var accessToken = ea.Account.Properties["access_token"].ToString();
                            var expiresIn   = Convert.ToDouble(ea.Account.Properties["expires_in"]);
                            var expiryDate  = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(expiresIn);

                            // Now that we're logged in, make a OAuth2 request to get the user's id.
                            OAuth2Request request = null;
                            if (_ts == TipoSocial.facebook)
                                request = new OAuth2Request("GET", new Uri(Constantes.FBgraph), null, ea.Account);
                            else if (_ts == TipoSocial.google)
                                request = new OAuth2Request("GET", new Uri(Constantes.GGUserInfoUrl), null, ea.Account);
                            var response = await request.GetResponseAsync();

                            var     obj = JObject.Parse(response.GetResponseText());
                            var     id  = obj["id"].ToString().Replace("\"", "");                        // Id has extraneous quotation marks
                            Usuario u   = new Usuario()
                                //id = id,
                                email      = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(obj["email"].ToString()) ? obj["email"].ToString() : ""),
                                first_name = (_ts == TipoSocial.facebook ? (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(obj["first_name"].ToString()) ? obj["first_name"].ToString() : "") : (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(obj["given_name"].ToString()) ? obj["given_name"].ToString() : "")),
                                last_name  = (_ts == TipoSocial.facebook ? (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(obj["last_name"].ToString()) ? obj["last_name"].ToString() : "") : (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(obj["family_name"].ToString()) ? obj["family_name"].ToString() : "")),
                                name       = (_ts == TipoSocial.google ? (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(obj["name"].ToString()) ? obj["name"].ToString() : "") : ""),
                                gender     = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(obj["gender"].ToString()) ? obj["gender"].ToString() : ""),
                                picture    = (_ts == TipoSocial.facebook ? (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(obj["picture"]["data"]["url"].ToString()) ? obj["picture"]["data"]["url"].ToString() : "") : (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(obj["picture"].ToString()) ? obj["picture"].ToString() : ""))
                            if (_ts == TipoSocial.facebook)
                                u.name = u.first_name + " " + u.last_name;
                            u.registrado        = false;
                            App.usr             = u;
                            ea.Account.Username = u.email;
                        else                           //se cancelo
                                                       //if (App.Nav.ModalStack.Count > 0)
                                                       //	await App.Nav.PopModalAsync(Constantes.animated);
                        // var user = await ParseFacebookUtils.LogInAsync(id, accessToken, expiryDate);
                    var activity = Context as Activity;
                if (!isShown)
                        App.usr = App.db.SelUsr(account.Username);
                        //App.usr.id = account.Username;
                        if (App.usr != null)
                            App.usr.registrado = false;
                    catch (Exception ex)