Exemplo n.º 1
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                 	          Initial Creation
         * Determines whether or not the interior of the arc intersects
         * the interior of the specified rectangle.
         * @param x The X coordinate of the rectangle's upper-left corner.
         * @param y The Y coordinate of the rectangle's upper-left corner.
         * @param w The width of the rectangle.
         * @param h The height of the rectangle.
         * @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the arc intersects the rectangle,
         * <CODE>false</CODE> if the arc doesn't intersect the rectangle.
        public override bool Intersects(int x, int y, int w, int h)
            double aw = GetWidth();
            double ah = GetHeight();

            if (w <= 0 || h <= 0 || aw <= 0 || ah <= 0)
                return false;
            double ext = GetAngleExtent();
            if (ext == 0)
                return false;

            double ax = GetX();
            double ay = GetY();
            double axw = ax + aw;
            double ayh = ay + ah;
            double xw = x + w;
            double yh = y + h;

            // check bbox
            if (x >= axw || y >= ayh || xw <= ax || yh <= ay)
                return false;

            // extract necessary data
            double axc = GetCenterX();
            double ayc = GetCenterY();
            Point sp = GetStartPoint();
            Point ep = GetEndPoint();
            double sx = sp.GetX();
            double sy = sp.GetY();
            double ex = ep.GetX();
            double ey = ep.GetY();

             * Try to catch rectangles that intersect arc in areas
             * outside of rectagle with left top corner coordinates
             * (Min(center x, start point x, end point x),
             *  Min(center y, start point y, end point y))
             * and rigth bottom corner coordinates
             * (Max(center x, start point x, end point x),
             *  Max(center y, start point y, end point y)).
             * So we'll check axis segments outside of rectangle above.
            if (ayc >= y && ayc <= yh)
            { // 0 and 180
                if ((sx < xw && ex < xw && axc < xw &&
                     axw > x && ContainsAngle(0)) ||
                    (sx > x && ex > x && axc > x &&
                     ax < xw && ContainsAngle(180)))
                    return true;
            if (axc >= x && axc <= xw)
            { // 90 and 270
                if ((sy > y && ey > y && ayc > y &&
                     ay < yh && ContainsAngle(90)) ||
                    (sy < yh && ey < yh && ayc < yh &&
                     ayh > y && ContainsAngle(270)))
                    return true;

             * For PIE we should check intersection with pie slices;
             * also we should do the same for arcs with extent is greater
             * than 180, because we should cover case of rectangle, which
             * situated between center of arc and chord, but does not
             * intersect the chord.
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)(x + .5),
                        (int)(y + .5),
                        (int)(w + .5),
                        (int)(h + .5));
            if (_type == PIE || MathEx.Abs(ext) > 180)
                // for PIE: try to find intersections with pie slices
                if (rect.IntersectsLine((int)(axc + .5),
                            (int)(ayc + .5),
                            (int)(sx + .5),
                            (int)(sy + .5)) ||
                rect.IntersectsLine((int)(axc + .5),
                        (int)(ayc + .5),
                        (int)(ex + .5),
                        (int)(ey + .5)))
                    return true;
                // for CHORD and OPEN: try to find intersections with chord
                if (rect.IntersectsLine((int)(sx + .5),
                            (int)(sy + .5), (int)(ex + .5),
                            (int)(ey + .5)))
                    return true;

            // finally check the rectangle corners inside the arc
            if (Contains(x, y) || Contains(x + w, y) ||
                Contains(x, y + h) || Contains(x + w, y + h))
                return true;

            return false;