Exemplo n.º 1
        public override int chooseMove(Board b)
            moveResult myMove = miniMax(b, 5); // 5 beats bonzo by the most. can be put up to like 100 as long as the timer is set to a few seconds

Exemplo n.º 2
        public override int chooseMove(Board b)
            int   tL    = 4;
            Timer timer = new Timer(tL);

            timeOut         = false;
            timer.Elapsed  += timeOutTrigger;
            timer.Enabled   = true;
            timer.AutoReset = false;
            List <int> choices    = new List <int>();
            int        choice     = 0;
            int        startDepth = 11;

            //Pass in timer to minimax?

            //If the elapsed time matches or exceeds the time limit, break the loop
            while (true)
                if (timeOut || b.gameOver())
                Console.WriteLine("Depth: " + startDepth);
                if (startDepth > 20)
                    Console.WriteLine("We might have a problem");
                //If the value of choice is not 0, add it to the list of choices.
                moveResult choiceResult = new moveResult(0, 0);
                if (!timeOut)
                    choiceResult = miniMax(b, startDepth, tL, 1, timer);

                if (choiceResult.getScore() != 0 && b.legalMove(choiceResult.getMove()))
                    //TODO: Adding stuff to a list seems to not work
                //choice = miniMax(b, startDepth, tL).getScore();

                //TODO: Modify timer and Stop, store and print time elapsed

                //update depth.
                startDepth += 1;
                if (timeOut == true)

            //Close the timer and return the move from the last item in the list of choices
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// MiniMax algorithm for mankalah. Uses the moveResult class, probably doesn't need to and
        /// could use it much more efficiently, but for times sake...
        /// This method finds returns the best move based on its rating.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b"></param> which mankalah board
        /// <param name="d"></param> depth of which algotithm will recurse
        /// <returns></returns>
        private moveResult miniMax(Board b, int d)
            moveResult moveVal     = new moveResult(0, 0);  //uses result class at bottom
            moveResult bestMoveVal = new moveResult(0, 0);  // ^^

            if (b.gameOver() || d == 0)
                return(new moveResult(0, evaluate(b)));                       //evaluate function is simple. Bad thing?
            if (b.whoseMove() == Position.Bottom)
                bestMoveVal.val = 999;
                for (int move = 0; move <= 5; move++)                                   //for all possible moves,
                    if (b.legalMove(move) && myWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < timePerMove) /*and time not expired*/
                        Board b1 = new Board(b);                                        //dup board b
                        b1.makeMove(move, false);                                       //make move
                        moveVal = miniMax(b1, d - 1);                                   //recurse and return value
                        if (moveVal.val < bestMoveVal.val)
                            bestMoveVal = moveVal; bestMoveVal.move = move;
                        }                                                                                     //overwrite if better move
                return(bestMoveVal); //return best move found.
            else                     //similar comments as above...
                bestMoveVal.val = -999;
                for (int move = 7; move <= 12; move++)
                    if (b.legalMove(move) && myWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < timePerMove) /*and time not expired*/
                        Board b1 = new Board(b);                                        //dup board b
                        b1.makeMove(move, false);
                        moveVal = miniMax(b1, d - 1);
                        if (moveVal.val > bestMoveVal.val)
                            bestMoveVal = moveVal; bestMoveVal.move = move;
Exemplo n.º 4
        //int d is depth of miniMax search. int max should be 1 for getting the max result, -1 for min. Should return moveResult object
        public moveResult miniMax(Board b, int d, double timeLimit, int max, Timer timer)
            //Set up variables
            int        bestVal  = int.MinValue;
            int        bestMove = 0;
            moveResult bestMR   = new moveResult(bestMove, bestVal);

            //Base case: depth is 0, time is up or game is over. Returns a moveResult with the best score value and 0 move value
            if (d == 0 || timeOut || b.gameOver())
                bestVal = evaluate(b);
                //Console.WriteLine("Best score found to be " + bestVal);
                moveResult bestMoveResult = new moveResult(bestMove, bestVal);

            if (b.whoseMove() == Position.Top)
                for (int move = 7; move <= 12; move++)
                    //Recurse if the move is legal, time hasn't expired and game isn't over
                    int val = 0;
                    if (b.legalMove(move) && !timeOut && !b.gameOver())
                        Board b1 = new Board(b);
                        b1.makeMove(move, true);
                        int newDepth = d - 1;

                        //Switch the value of max to be the opposite for the recursion
                        int mnOrMx = max * -1;
                        //Console.WriteLine("Recursing from " + d + " to " + newDepth + "...");
                        val = miniMax(b1, newDepth, timeLimit, mnOrMx, timer).getScore();

                        //If at "max" level, prioritize and return maximum value
                        if (max == 1)
                            //If there's a new max, update bestValue and bestMove
                            if (val > bestVal)
                                bestVal  = val;
                                bestMove = move;

                        //If at "min" level, prioritize and return minimum value
                        if (max == -1)
                            //If there's a new min, update bestValue and bestMove
                            if (val < bestVal || val != int.MinValue)
                                bestVal  = val;
                                bestMove = move;
                bestMR = new moveResult(bestMove, bestVal);
                for (int move = 0; move <= 5; move++)
                    //Recurse if the move is legal, time hasn't expired and game isn't over
                    if (b.legalMove(move) && !timeOut && !b.gameOver())
                        Board b1 = new Board(b);
                        b1.makeMove(move, true);
                        int newDepth = d - 1;

                        //Switch the value of max to be the opposite for the recursion
                        int mnOrMx = max * -1;
                        // Console.WriteLine("Recursing from " + d + " to " + newDepth + "...");
                        int val = miniMax(b1, newDepth, timeLimit, mnOrMx, timer).getScore();
                        // Console.WriteLine("New Value: " + val);

                        //If at "max" level, prioritize and return maximum value
                        if (max == 1)
                            //If there's a new max, update bestValue and bestMove
                            if (val > bestVal)
                                bestVal  = val;
                                bestMove = move;

                        //If at "min" level, prioritize and return minimum value
                        if (max == -1)
                            //If there's a new min, update bestValue and bestMove
                            if (val < bestVal || val != int.MinValue)
                                bestVal  = val;
                                bestMove = move;
                bestMR = new moveResult(bestMove, bestVal);

            //Console.WriteLine("Best move: " + bestMove + " Best score: " + bestVal);
            bestMR = new moveResult(bestMove, bestVal);