Exemplo n.º 1
        public override Hashtable Parse(string appName, string file, Hashtable elementTranslator)
            Hashtable    outTable = new Hashtable();
            StreamReader ios      = new StreamReader(file);
            string       curLine  = ios.ReadLine();

            while (curLine != null)
                // each line is just a simple registry line with no strings or substitution
                string regKey = INFSection.GetRegKey(curLine, "");
                string regVal = INFSection.GetRegValue(curLine);
                ManifestParser.addEntry(regKey, regVal, appName);
                curLine = ios.ReadLine();
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected string parseRegistry(string fullpath, string val, string file)
            // just add this Registry entry to the Hashtable
            ManifestParser.addEntry(fullpath, val, file);

            // split off the first two elements from the path
            string[] components   = fullpath.Split(new char[] { '\\' }, 10);
            string   rootname     = components[0];
            string   toplevelname = components[1];

            if (rootname.Equals("HKCR"))
                if (toplevelname.Equals("CLSID") ||
                    return("Code NonLinked");
            else if (rootname.Equals("HKCU"))
                if (toplevelname.Equals("Printers"))
                    return("Code NonLinked");
            else if (rootname.Equals("HKLM"))
                if (toplevelname.Equals("HARDWARE"))
                else if (toplevelname.Equals("SYSTEM"))
                    return("Data Config Settings Permanent");
            return("Data Config Settings");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override Hashtable Parse(string appName, string file, Hashtable elementTranslator)
            Hashtable    outTable = new Hashtable();
            StreamReader ios      = new StreamReader(file);

            #region Parse INF File
            ArrayList         sections       = new ArrayList();
            INFSection        curSection     = null;
            INFVersionSection versionSection = null;
            INFStringSection  strSection     = null;
            string            curLine        = ios.ReadLine();
            while (curLine != null)
                // get rid of the whitespace on both sides
                curLine = curLine.Trim();

                if (curLine.Equals(""))
                    curLine = ios.ReadLine();
                // we don't like lines that start with control characters
                if (curLine[0] < 32)
                    curLine = ios.ReadLine();

                if (curLine.StartsWith("#pragma"))
                    // I can't believe this is in an INF file!
                    curLine = ios.ReadLine();

                if (curLine.StartsWith("----"))
                    curLine = ios.ReadLine();

                if (INFSection.IsComment(curLine))
                    //Console.WriteLine("***Ignoring comment");
                    curLine = ios.ReadLine();
                if (INFSection.IsSection(curLine))
                    //Console.WriteLine("***Found Section");
                    if (curSection != null)
                    if (INFSection.IsStringSection(curLine))
                        //Console.WriteLine("***It's a Strings section");

                        curSection = new INFStringSection(curLine);
                        strSection = (INFStringSection)curSection;
                        if (INFSection.IsVersionSection(curLine))
                            //Console.WriteLine("***It's a version section");

                            curSection     = new INFVersionSection(curLine);
                            versionSection = (INFVersionSection)curSection;
                            curSection = new INFSection(curLine);
                    // I can only assume that the real INF parser just ignores
                    // everything that's not in a section, given what I've seen
                    // at the top of INF files so far
                    if (curSection != null)
                        //Console.WriteLine("***Adding Line to Section "  + curSection.Name);

                curLine = ios.ReadLine();
            if (curSection != null)

            #region Replace Strings
            //Debug.Assert(versionSection != null);
            // make sure we have a string table somewhere
            if (strSection != null)
                // now grab the INFStringSection and pass it to each INFSection
                // so they can update their strings to be correct
                for (int i = 0; i < sections.Count; i++)

            #region Record Registry Changes

            // now that we've replaced the strings, we can safely
            // discover all the Registry section lines
            for (int i = 0; i < sections.Count; i++)

            // walk the sections again and accumulate all the AddReg and DelReg sections
            Hashtable addRegSections = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable delRegSections = new Hashtable();
            for (int i = 0; i < sections.Count; i++)

            for (int i = 0; i < sections.Count; i++)
                string secName = ((INFSection)sections[i]).Name;
                if (addRegSections.ContainsKey(secName) ||
                    // now walk its lines and enter the registry values
                    ArrayList lines = ((INFSection)sections[i]).Lines;
                    for (int j = 0; j < lines.Count; j++)
                        string line = (string)lines[j];
                        if (line.Equals(""))
                        string versionGUID = null;
                        if (versionSection != null)
                            versionGUID = versionSection.Guid;
                        string regKey = INFSection.GetRegKey(line, versionGUID);
                        if (regKey != null)
                            //Console.WriteLine("Got RegKey " + regKey);
                            string regValue = INFSection.GetRegValue(line);
                            // remove all but the innermost double-quote strings from this value
                            int removeCount = 0;
                            for (int k = 0; k < regValue.Length; k++)
                                if (regValue[k] == '"')
                            if (removeCount > 0)
                                regValue = regValue.TrimStart(new char[] { '"' });
                                regValue = regValue.TrimEnd(new char[] { '"' });
                                regValue = "\"" + regValue + "\"";

                            //Console.WriteLine("Got RegValue " + regValue);

                            ManifestParser.addEntry(regKey, regValue, appName);

