Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate the App Deletion field values, and call deletion services
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Values from POST request</param>
        /// <returns>Http status code and message</returns>
        public HttpResponseContent ValidateDeletion(ApplicationRequest request)
            // Http status code and message
            HttpResponseContent response;

            // Validate deletion request values
            if (request.Title == null)
                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Title");
            else if (!IsValidEmail(request.Email))
                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Email");

            using (var _db = new DatabaseContext())
                // Attempt to find application
                var app = ApplicationService.GetApplication(_db, request.Title, request.Email);
                if (app == null)
                    response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Application");

                // Attempt to create an apiKey record
                var appResponse = ApplicationService.DeleteApplication(_db, app.Id);
                if (appResponse == null)
                    response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Unable to delete application.");

                List <object> responses = new List <object>();

                // Save database changes
                if (!SaveChanges(_db, responses))
                    response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Unable to save database changes");

                // Successful deletion
                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Application Deleted from KFC SSO");
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate the App Deletion request values, and call deletion services
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Values from App Deletion POST request</param>
        /// <returns>Http status code and content</returns>
        public HttpResponseContent ValidateDeletion(ApplicationRequest request)
            HttpResponseContent response; // Body of http response content

            // Validate deletion request values
            if (request.Title == null)
                throw new InvalidStringException("Invalid Title: Null");
            else if (!IsValidEmail(request.Email))
                throw new InvalidEmailException("Invalid Email Format");

            // Attempt to find application
            var app = _applicationService.GetApplication(request.Title, request.Email);

            if (app == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Application Does Not Exist");

            // Attempt to delete application
            var appResponse = _applicationService.DeleteApplication(app.Id);

            if (appResponse == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Application Could Not Be Deleted");

            // Save data store changes

            string message;

            // Email application deletion confirmation
                SendAppDeleteEmail(app.Email, app.Title);
                message = "Application Deleted.  An email has been sent confirming your deletion.";
                message = "Application Deleted.  A confirmation email was unable to send.";

            // Return successful deletion response
            response = new HttpResponseContent(message);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public HttpResponseContent ValidateUpdate(ApplicationRequest request)
            // Http status code and message
            HttpResponseContent response;

            // Attempt to find application
            var app = _applicationService.GetApplication(request.Title, request.Email);

            if (app == null)
                response      = new HttpResponseContent("Invalid Application");
                response.Code = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;

            // Update click count of application record

            app.ClickCount = request.ClickCount;
            var appResponse = _applicationService.UpdateApplication(app);

            // Attempt to save database changes
                // Error response
                response      = new HttpResponseContent("Unable to save database changes");
                response.Code = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;

            // Successful publish
            response      = new HttpResponseContent("Updated application from SSO");
            response.Code = HttpStatusCode.OK;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate the app registration field values, and call registration services
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Values from POST request</param>
        /// <returns>Http status code and message</returns>
        public HttpResponseContent ValidateRegistration(ApplicationRequest request)
            // Http status code and message
            HttpResponseContent response;

            if (request == null)
                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Request.");

            Uri launchUrl = null;
            Uri deleteUrl = null;

            // Validate request values
            if (request.Title == null || !IsValidStringLength(request.Title, titleLength))
                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Title: Cannot be more than 100 characters in length.");
            else if (request.Email == null || !IsValidEmail(request.Email))
                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Email");
            else if (request.LaunchUrl == null || !IsValidUrl(request.LaunchUrl, ref launchUrl) || !IsValidStringLength(request.LaunchUrl, urlLength))
                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Application Url");
            else if (request.DeleteUrl == null || !IsValidUrl(request.DeleteUrl, ref deleteUrl) || !IsValidStringLength(request.DeleteUrl, urlLength))
                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid User Deletion Url");

            // Create a new application
            Application app = new Application
                Title           = request.Title,
                LaunchUrl       = launchUrl.ToString(),
                Email           = request.Email,
                UserDeletionUrl = request.DeleteUrl,
                SharedSecretKey = _tokenService.GenerateToken()

            // Create a new ApiKey
            ApiKey apiKey = new ApiKey
                // Generate a unique key
                Key           = _tokenService.GenerateToken(),
                ApplicationId = app.Id

            using (var _db = new DatabaseContext())
                // Attempt to create an Application record
                var appResponse = ApplicationService.CreateApplication(_db, app);
                if (appResponse == null)
                    response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Application Already Exists");

                // Attempt to create an ApiKey record
                var keyResponse = ApiKeyService.CreateKey(_db, apiKey);
                // Keep generating a new key until a unique one is made.
                while (keyResponse == null)
                    apiKey.Key  = _tokenService.GenerateToken();
                    keyResponse = ApiKeyService.CreateKey(_db, apiKey);

                List <object> responses = new List <object>();

                // Save database changes
                if (!SaveChanges(_db, responses))
                    response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Unable to save database changes");

            // Attempt to send api key to application email
            //if (SendAppRegistrationApiKeyEmail(app.Email, apiKey.Key))
            //    // Alert front end that email was sent
            //    string message = "Sent to " + app.Email;
            //    response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.OK, message);
            //    // Email could not be sent. Send api key to frontend.
            //    response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.OK, apiKey.Key, app.SharedSecretKey);

            // Return success messge
            response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.OK, apiKey.Key, app.SharedSecretKey);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate the key generation field values, and call key generation services
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Values from POST request</param>
        /// <returns>Http status code and message</returns>
        public HttpResponseContent ValidateKeyGeneration(ApplicationRequest request)
            // Http status code and message
            HttpResponseContent response;

            if (request == null)
                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Request.");

            // Validate key generation request values
            if (request.Title == null)
                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Title");
            else if (request.Email == null || !IsValidEmail(request.Email))
                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Email");

            using (var _db = new DatabaseContext())
                // Attempt to find application
                var app = ApplicationService.GetApplication(_db, request.Title, request.Email);
                if (app == null)
                    response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Application");

                // Create a new ApiKey
                ApiKey apiKey = new ApiKey
                    Key           = _tokenService.GenerateToken(),
                    ApplicationId = app.Id

                // Invalidate old unused api key
                var keyOld = ApiKeyService.GetKey(_db, app.Id, false);
                if (keyOld != null)
                    keyOld.IsUsed = true;
                    keyOld        = ApiKeyService.UpdateKey(_db, keyOld);

                // Attempt to create an apiKey record
                var keyResponse = ApiKeyService.CreateKey(_db, apiKey);

                // Keep generating a new key until a unique one is made.
                while (keyResponse == null)
                    apiKey.Key  = _tokenService.GenerateToken();
                    keyResponse = ApiKeyService.CreateKey(_db, apiKey);

                List <object> responses = new List <object>();

                // Save database changes
                if (!SaveChanges(_db, responses))
                    response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Unable to save database changes");

                string message = apiKey.Key;
                // TODO: Set up email server to implement email services
                //string message;

                //// Attempt to send api key to application email
                //if (SendNewApiKeyEmail(app.Email, apiKey.Key))
                //    // Alert front end that email was sent
                //    message = "Sent to " + app.Email;
                //    // Email could not be sent. Send api key to frontend.
                //    message = apiKey.Key;

                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.OK, apiKey.Key);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate the app publish field values, and call publish services
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Values from POST request</param>
        /// <returns>Http status code and message</returns>
        public HttpResponseContent ValidatePublish(ApplicationRequest request)
            // Http status code and message
            HttpResponseContent response;

            if (request == null)
                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Request.");

            Uri logoUrl = null;

            // Validate publish request values
            if (request.Title == null)
                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Title.");
            else if (!IsValidStringLength(request.Description, descriptionLength))
                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Description: Cannot be more than 2000 characters in length.");
            else if (!IsValidUrl(request.LogoUrl, ref logoUrl))
                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Logo Url.");
            else if (!IsValidImageExtension(logoUrl, imageType))
                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Logo Image Extension: Can only be .PNG");
            else if (!IsValidDimensions(logoUrl, xDimension, yDimension))
                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Logo Dimensions: Can be no more than 55x55 pixels.");

            using (var _db = new DatabaseContext())
                // Attempt to find api key
                var apiKey = ApiKeyService.GetKey(_db, request.Key);

                // Key must exist and be unused.
                if (apiKey == null || apiKey.IsUsed == true)
                    response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Key");

                // Attempt to get application based on ApplicationId from api key
                var app = ApplicationService.GetApplication(_db, apiKey.ApplicationId);

                // Published application title is used to authenticate the app.
                if (app == null || !request.Title.Equals(app.Title))
                    response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid Key");

                // Update values of application record
                app.Description      = request.Description;
                app.LogoUrl          = request.LogoUrl;
                app.UnderMaintenance = request.UnderMaintenance;
                var appResponse = ApplicationService.UpdateApplication(_db, app);

                // Update values of api key record
                apiKey.IsUsed = true;
                var keyResponse = ApiKeyService.UpdateKey(_db, apiKey);

                List <object> responses = new List <object>();

                // Attempt to save database changes
                if (!SaveChanges(_db, responses))
                    // Error response
                    response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Unable to save database changes");

                // Successful publish
                response = new HttpResponseContent(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Published to KFC SSO");
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate the app registration request values, and call registration services
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Values from Register POST request</param>
        /// <returns>Http status code and content</returns>
        public HttpResponseContent ValidateRegistration(ApplicationRequest request)
            HttpResponseContent response; // Body of http response content

            Uri launchUrl      = null;
            Uri deleteUrl      = null;
            Uri healthCheckUrl = null;
            Uri logoutUrl      = null;

            // Validate request values
            if (request.Title == null || !IsValidStringLength(request.Title, titleLength))
                throw new InvalidStringException("Invalid Title: Length cannot be greater than " + titleLength + " characters");
            else if (request.Email == null || !IsValidEmail(request.Email))
                throw new InvalidEmailException("Invalid Email Format");
            else if (request.LaunchUrl == null || !IsValidUrl(request.LaunchUrl, ref launchUrl) || !IsValidStringLength(request.LaunchUrl, urlLength))
                throw new InvalidUrlException("Invalid Launch Url Format");
            else if (request.DeleteUrl == null || !IsValidUrl(request.DeleteUrl, ref deleteUrl) || !IsValidStringLength(request.DeleteUrl, urlLength))
                throw new InvalidUrlException("Invalid User Deletion Url Format");
            else if (request.HealthCheckUrl == null || !IsValidUrl(request.HealthCheckUrl, ref healthCheckUrl) || !IsValidStringLength(request.HealthCheckUrl, urlLength))
                throw new InvalidUrlException("Invalid Health Check Url Format");
            else if (request.LogoutUrl == null || !IsValidUrl(request.LogoutUrl, ref logoutUrl) || !IsValidStringLength(request.LogoutUrl, urlLength))
                throw new InvalidUrlException("Invalid Logout Url Format");

            // Create application from request data
            Application app = new Application
                Title           = request.Title,
                LaunchUrl       = launchUrl.ToString(),
                Email           = request.Email,
                UserDeletionUrl = deleteUrl.ToString(),
                HealthCheckUrl  = healthCheckUrl.ToString(),
                SharedSecretKey = _tokenService.GenerateToken(),
                LogoutUrl       = logoutUrl.ToString()

            // Create a new api key for application
            ApiKey apiKey = new ApiKey
                // Generate a unique key
                Key           = _tokenService.GenerateToken(),
                ApplicationId = app.Id

            // Add the api key to the application

            // Create an Application entry
            var appResponse = _applicationService.CreateApplication(app);

            if (appResponse == null) // Application was not created
                throw new ArgumentException("Application Already Exists.");

            // Save data store changes

            string message;

            // Email the application ID, api key, and shared secret key
                SendAppRegistrationEmail(app.Email, apiKey.Key, app.SharedSecretKey, app.Id);
                message = "Successful Registration!  An email has also been sent containing the following information.";
                message = "Successful Registration!  Please save the following information.  An email containing this information was unable to send.";

            // Return success response
            response = new HttpResponseContent(message, apiKey.Key, app.SharedSecretKey, app.Id);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate the key generation request values, and call key generation services
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Values from Key Generation POST request</param>
        /// <returns>Http status code and content</returns>
        public HttpResponseContent ValidateKeyGeneration(ApplicationRequest request)
            HttpResponseContent response; // Body of http response content

            // Validate key generation request values
            if (request.Title == null)
                throw new InvalidStringException("Invalid Title: Null");
            else if (request.Email == null || !IsValidEmail(request.Email))
                throw new InvalidEmailException("Invalid Email Format");

            // Attempt to find application
            var app = _applicationService.GetApplication(request.Title, request.Email);

            if (app == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Application Does Not Exist");

            // Create a new ApiKey
            ApiKey apiKey = new ApiKey
                Key           = _tokenService.GenerateToken(),
                ApplicationId = app.Id

            // Invalidate old api keys
            for (int i = 0; i < app.ApiKeys.Count; i++)
                if (!app.ApiKeys.ElementAt(i).IsUsed)
                    app.ApiKeys.ElementAt(i).IsUsed = true;

            // Add new api key to application

            // Update the application with the changed keys
            var appResponse = _applicationService.UpdateApplication(app);

            // Application was not found
            if (appResponse == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Application Could Not Be Updated");

            // Save data store changes

            string message;

            // Email the new api key
                SendNewApiKeyEmail(app.Email, apiKey.Key);
                message = "Successful Key Generation!  An email has been sent containing your new API Key.";
                message = "Successful Key Generation!  Please save the following information.  An email containing this information was unable to send.";

            // Return successful key generation response
            response = new HttpResponseContent(message, apiKey.Key);
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate the app publish request values, and call publish services
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Values from Publish POST request</param>
        /// <returns>Http status code and content</returns>
        public HttpResponseContent ValidatePublish(ApplicationRequest request)
            HttpResponseContent response; // Body of http response content

            Uri logoUrl = null;

            // Validate publish request values
            if (request.Title == null)
                throw new InvalidStringException("Invalid Title: Null");
            else if (!IsValidStringLength(request.Description, descriptionLength))
                throw new InvalidStringException("Invalid Description: Length cannot be greater than " + descriptionLength + " characters.");
            else if (!IsValidUrl(request.LogoUrl, ref logoUrl) || !IsValidStringLength(request.LogoUrl, urlLength))
                throw new InvalidUrlException("Invalid Logo Url Format");
            else if (!IsValidImageExtension(logoUrl, imageType))
                throw new InvalidImageException("Invalid Logo Image Extension: Can only be " + imageType);
            else if (!IsValidDimensions(logoUrl, xDimension, yDimension))
                throw new InvalidImageException("Invalid Logo Dimensions: Can be no more than " + xDimension + "x" + yDimension + " pixels.");

            // Attempt to find api key
            var apiKey = _apiKeyService.GetKey(request.Key);

            // Key does not exist
            if (apiKey == null)
                throw new InvalidApiKeyException("Invalid API Key: Key Not Found");
            // Key is found, but used
            else if (apiKey.IsUsed)
                throw new InvalidApiKeyException("Invalid API Key: Key Has Already Been Used");

            // Attempt to find application that api key belongs to
            var app = _applicationService.GetApplication(apiKey.ApplicationId);

            // App does not exist, or does not match the api key
            if (app == null || app.Title != request.Title)
                throw new InvalidApiKeyException("Invalid API Key: Key and Application Do Not Match");

            // Update values of application
            app.Description      = request.Description;
            app.LogoUrl          = request.LogoUrl;
            app.UnderMaintenance = request.UnderMaintenance;

            // Iterate through applications's api keys
            for (int i = 0; i < app.ApiKeys.Count; i++)
                // Found api key belongs to application's collection of api keys
                if (app.ApiKeys.ElementAt(i).Id.Equals(apiKey.Id))
                    // Invalidate api key
                    app.ApiKeys.ElementAt(i).IsUsed = true;

                    // Update values of application record
                    var appResponse = _applicationService.UpdateApplication(app);
                    // Application was not found
                    if (appResponse == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Application Could Not Be Updated");

                    // Save data store changes

                    string message;

                    // Email successful publish confirmation
                        SendAppPublishEmail(app.Email, app);
                        message = "Successful Publish to the KFC SSO portal!  An email has been sent confirming your publish.";
                        message = "Successful Publish to the KFC SSO portal!  A confirmation email was unable to send.";

                    // Return successful publish response
                    response = new HttpResponseContent(message);

            // Key does not exist
            throw new InvalidApiKeyException("Invalid API Key: Key Not Found");