Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Functional Cases : for Get-AzureStorageQueue
        /// 1. Validate that all the queues can be enumerated (Positive 5)
        /// </summary>
        internal void EnumerateAllQueues(Agent agent)
            //--------------Get operation--------------
            Test.Assert(agent.GetAzureStorageQueue(""), Utility.GenComparisonData("EnumerateAllQueues", false));

            // Verification for returned values
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Negative Functional Cases : for Get-AzureStorageQueue
        /// 1. Get a non-existing queue (Negative 1)
        /// </summary>
        internal void GetNonExistingQueue(Agent agent)
            string QUEUE_NAME = Utility.GenNameString("nonexisting");

            // Delete the queue if it exists
            CloudQueue queue = _StorageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient().GetQueueReference(QUEUE_NAME);


            //--------------Get operation--------------
            Test.Assert(!agent.GetAzureStorageQueue(QUEUE_NAME), Utility.GenComparisonData("GetAzureStorageQueue", false));
            // Verification for returned values
            Test.Assert(agent.Output.Count == 0, "Only 0 row returned : {0}", agent.Output.Count);
            Test.Assert(agent.ErrorMessages[0].Equals(String.Format("Can not find queue '{0}'.", QUEUE_NAME)), agent.ErrorMessages[0]);
Exemplo n.º 3
        internal void StorageQueueTest(Agent agent)
            string NEW_QUEUE_NAME = Utility.GenNameString("redmond-");

            //--------------New operation--------------
            Test.Assert(!agent.NewAzureStorageQueue(NEW_QUEUE_NAME), Utility.GenComparisonData("NewAzureStorageQueue", false));

            //--------------Get operation--------------
            Test.Assert(!agent.GetAzureStorageQueue(NEW_QUEUE_NAME), Utility.GenComparisonData("GetAzureStorageQueue", false));

            //--------------Remove operation--------------
            Test.Assert(!agent.RemoveAzureStorageQueue(NEW_QUEUE_NAME), Utility.GenComparisonData("RemoveAzureStorageQueue", false));
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Positive Functional Cases : for Get-AzureStorageQueue
        /// 1. Get the ApproximateMessageCount of the queue (Positive 5)
        /// </summary>
        internal void GetMessageCount(Agent agent)
            const int MAX_SIZE   = 32;
            string    QUEUE_NAME = Utility.GenNameString("messagecount-");

            // create queue if not exists
            CloudQueue queue = _StorageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient().GetQueueReference(QUEUE_NAME);

            // insert random count queues
            Random random = new Random();
            int    count  = random.Next(MAX_SIZE) + 1; // count >= 1

            for (int i = 1; i <= count; ++i)
                queue.AddMessage(new CloudQueueMessage("message " + i));

            // generate comparsion data
            Collection <Dictionary <string, object> > comp = new Collection <Dictionary <string, object> >();
            var dic = Utility.GenComparisonData(StorageObjectType.Queue, QUEUE_NAME);

            dic["ApproximateMessageCount"] = count;

                //--------------Get operation--------------
                Test.Assert(agent.GetAzureStorageQueue(QUEUE_NAME), Utility.GenComparisonData("GetAzureStorageQueue", true));
                // Verification for returned values
Exemplo n.º 5
        internal void StorageQueueTest(Agent agent)
            string NEW_QUEUE_NAME = Utility.GenNameString("redmond-");

            //--------------New operation--------------
            Test.Assert(!agent.NewAzureStorageQueue(NEW_QUEUE_NAME), Utility.GenComparisonData("NewAzureStorageQueue", false));

            //--------------Get operation--------------
            Test.Assert(!agent.GetAzureStorageQueue(NEW_QUEUE_NAME), Utility.GenComparisonData("GetAzureStorageQueue", false));

            //--------------Remove operation--------------
            Test.Assert(!agent.RemoveAzureStorageQueue(NEW_QUEUE_NAME), Utility.GenComparisonData("RemoveAzureStorageQueue", false));
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Functional Cases : for New-AzureStorageQueue
        /// 1. Create a list of new Queues (Positive 2)
        /// 2. Create a list of Queues that already exist (Negative 4)
        /// 3. Create a list of Queues that some of them already exist (Negative 5)
        /// Functional Cases : for Get-AzureStorageQueue
        /// 4.	Get a list of Queues by using wildcards in the name (Positive 2)
        /// Functional Cases : for Remove-AzureStorageQueue
        /// 5.	Remove a list of existing Queues by using pipeline (Positive 3)
        /// </summary>
        internal void QueueListOperations(Agent agent)
            string PREFIX = Utility.GenNameString("uniqueprefix-") + "-";
            string[] QUEUE_NAMES = new string[] { Utility.GenNameString(PREFIX), Utility.GenNameString(PREFIX), Utility.GenNameString(PREFIX) };

            // PART_EXISTING_NAMES differs only the last element with Queue_NAMES
            string[] PARTLY_EXISTING_NAMES = new string[QUEUE_NAMES.Length];
            PARTLY_EXISTING_NAMES[QUEUE_NAMES.Length - 1] = Utility.GenNameString(PREFIX);

            string[] MERGED_NAMES = QUEUE_NAMES.Union(PARTLY_EXISTING_NAMES).ToArray();

            // Generate the comparison data
            Collection<Dictionary<string, object>> comp = new Collection<Dictionary<string, object>>();
            foreach (string name in MERGED_NAMES)
                comp.Add(Utility.GenComparisonData(StorageObjectType.Queue, name));

            CloudQueueClient queueClient = _StorageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient();

            // Check if all the above Queues have been removed
            foreach (string name in MERGED_NAMES)
                CloudQueue Queue = queueClient.GetQueueReference(name);

            //--------------1. New operation--------------
            Test.Assert(agent.NewAzureStorageQueue(QUEUE_NAMES), Utility.GenComparisonData("NewAzureStorageQueue", true));
            // Verification for returned values
            Test.Assert(agent.Output.Count == 3, "3 row returned : {0}", agent.Output.Count);

            // Check if all the above queues have been created
            foreach (string name in QUEUE_NAMES)
                CloudQueue queue = queueClient.GetQueueReference(name);
                Test.Assert(queue.Exists(), "queue {0} should exist", name);

                //--------------2. New operation--------------
                Test.Assert(!agent.NewAzureStorageQueue(QUEUE_NAMES), Utility.GenComparisonData("NewAzureStorageQueue", false));
                // Verification for returned values
                Test.Assert(agent.Output.Count == 0, "0 row returned : {0}", agent.Output.Count);
                int i = 0;
                foreach (string name in QUEUE_NAMES)
                    Test.Assert(agent.ErrorMessages[i].Equals(String.Format("Queue '{0}' already exists.", name)), agent.ErrorMessages[i]);

                //--------------3. New operation--------------
                Test.Assert(!agent.NewAzureStorageQueue(PARTLY_EXISTING_NAMES), Utility.GenComparisonData("NewAzureStorageQueue", false));
                // Verification for returned values
                Test.Assert(agent.Output.Count == 1, "1 row returned : {0}", agent.Output.Count);

                // Check if all the above queues have been created
                foreach (string name in QUEUE_NAMES)
                    CloudQueue queue = queueClient.GetQueueReference(name);
                    Test.Assert(queue.Exists(), "queue {0} should exist", name);

                //--------------4. Get operation--------------
                Test.Assert(agent.GetAzureStorageQueue("*" + PREFIX + "*"), Utility.GenComparisonData("GetAzureStorageQueue", true));
                // Verification for returned values
                agent.OutputValidation(_StorageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient().ListQueues(PREFIX, QueueListingDetails.All));

                // use Prefix parameter
                Test.Assert(agent.GetAzureStorageQueueByPrefix(PREFIX), Utility.GenComparisonData("GetAzureStorageQueueByPrefix", true));
                // Verification for returned values
                agent.OutputValidation(_StorageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient().ListQueues(PREFIX, QueueListingDetails.All));
            finally {
                //--------------5. Remove operation--------------
                Test.Assert(agent.RemoveAzureStorageQueue(MERGED_NAMES), Utility.GenComparisonData("RemoveAzureStorageQueue", true));
                // Check if all the above queues have been removed
                foreach (string name in QUEUE_NAMES)
                    CloudQueue queue = queueClient.GetQueueReference(name);
                    Test.Assert(!queue.Exists(), "queue {0} should not exist", name);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Negative Functional Cases : for Get-AzureStorageQueue 
        /// 1. Get a non-existing queue (Negative 1)
        /// </summary>
        internal void GetNonExistingQueue(Agent agent)
            string QUEUE_NAME = Utility.GenNameString("nonexisting");

            // Delete the queue if it exists
            CloudQueue queue = _StorageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient().GetQueueReference(QUEUE_NAME);

            //--------------Get operation--------------
            Test.Assert(!agent.GetAzureStorageQueue(QUEUE_NAME), Utility.GenComparisonData("GetAzureStorageQueue", false));
            // Verification for returned values
            Test.Assert(agent.Output.Count == 0, "Only 0 row returned : {0}", agent.Output.Count);
            Test.Assert(agent.ErrorMessages[0].Equals(String.Format("Can not find queue '{0}'.", QUEUE_NAME)), agent.ErrorMessages[0]);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Positive Functional Cases : for Get-AzureStorageQueue 
        /// 1. Get the ApproximateMessageCount of the queue (Positive 5)
        /// </summary>
        internal void GetMessageCount(Agent agent)
            const int MAX_SIZE = 32;
            string QUEUE_NAME = Utility.GenNameString("messagecount-");

            // create queue if not exists
            CloudQueue queue = _StorageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient().GetQueueReference(QUEUE_NAME);
            // insert random count queues
            Random random = new Random();
            int count = random.Next(MAX_SIZE) + 1;  // count >= 1
            for (int i = 1; i <= count; ++i)
                queue.AddMessage(new CloudQueueMessage("message " + i));

            // generate comparsion data
            Collection<Dictionary<string, object>> comp = new Collection<Dictionary<string, object>>();
            var dic = Utility.GenComparisonData(StorageObjectType.Queue, QUEUE_NAME);
            dic["ApproximateMessageCount"] = count;

                //--------------Get operation--------------
                Test.Assert(agent.GetAzureStorageQueue(QUEUE_NAME), Utility.GenComparisonData("GetAzureStorageQueue", true));
                // Verification for returned values
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Functional Cases : for Get-AzureStorageQueue
        /// 1. Validate that all the queues can be enumerated (Positive 5)
        /// </summary>
        internal void EnumerateAllQueues(Agent agent)
            //--------------Get operation--------------
            Test.Assert(agent.GetAzureStorageQueue(""), Utility.GenComparisonData("EnumerateAllQueues", false));

            // Verification for returned values
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Functional Cases : for New-AzureStorageQueue
        /// 1. Create a list of new Queues (Positive 2)
        /// 2. Create a list of Queues that already exist (Negative 4)
        /// 3. Create a list of Queues that some of them already exist (Negative 5)
        /// Functional Cases : for Get-AzureStorageQueue
        /// 4.	Get a list of Queues by using wildcards in the name (Positive 2)
        /// Functional Cases : for Remove-AzureStorageQueue
        /// 5.	Remove a list of existing Queues by using pipeline (Positive 3)
        /// </summary>
        internal void QueueListOperations(Agent agent)
            string PREFIX = Utility.GenNameString("uniqueprefix-") + "-";

            string[] QUEUE_NAMES = new string[] { Utility.GenNameString(PREFIX), Utility.GenNameString(PREFIX), Utility.GenNameString(PREFIX) };

            // PART_EXISTING_NAMES differs only the last element with Queue_NAMES
            string[] PARTLY_EXISTING_NAMES = new string[QUEUE_NAMES.Length];
            PARTLY_EXISTING_NAMES[QUEUE_NAMES.Length - 1] = Utility.GenNameString(PREFIX);

            string[] MERGED_NAMES = QUEUE_NAMES.Union(PARTLY_EXISTING_NAMES).ToArray();

            // Generate the comparison data
            Collection <Dictionary <string, object> > comp = new Collection <Dictionary <string, object> >();

            foreach (string name in MERGED_NAMES)
                comp.Add(Utility.GenComparisonData(StorageObjectType.Queue, name));

            CloudQueueClient queueClient = _StorageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient();

            // Check if all the above Queues have been removed
            foreach (string name in MERGED_NAMES)
                CloudQueue Queue = queueClient.GetQueueReference(name);

            //--------------1. New operation--------------
            Test.Assert(agent.NewAzureStorageQueue(QUEUE_NAMES), Utility.GenComparisonData("NewAzureStorageQueue", true));
            // Verification for returned values
            Test.Assert(agent.Output.Count == 3, "3 row returned : {0}", agent.Output.Count);

            // Check if all the above queues have been created
            foreach (string name in QUEUE_NAMES)
                CloudQueue queue = queueClient.GetQueueReference(name);
                Test.Assert(queue.Exists(), "queue {0} should exist", name);

                //--------------2. New operation--------------
                Test.Assert(!agent.NewAzureStorageQueue(QUEUE_NAMES), Utility.GenComparisonData("NewAzureStorageQueue", false));
                // Verification for returned values
                Test.Assert(agent.Output.Count == 0, "0 row returned : {0}", agent.Output.Count);
                int i = 0;
                foreach (string name in QUEUE_NAMES)
                    Test.Assert(agent.ErrorMessages[i].Equals(String.Format("Queue '{0}' already exists.", name)), agent.ErrorMessages[i]);

                //--------------3. New operation--------------
                Test.Assert(!agent.NewAzureStorageQueue(PARTLY_EXISTING_NAMES), Utility.GenComparisonData("NewAzureStorageQueue", false));
                // Verification for returned values
                Test.Assert(agent.Output.Count == 1, "1 row returned : {0}", agent.Output.Count);

                // Check if all the above queues have been created
                foreach (string name in QUEUE_NAMES)
                    CloudQueue queue = queueClient.GetQueueReference(name);
                    Test.Assert(queue.Exists(), "queue {0} should exist", name);

                //--------------4. Get operation--------------
                Test.Assert(agent.GetAzureStorageQueue("*" + PREFIX + "*"), Utility.GenComparisonData("GetAzureStorageQueue", true));
                // Verification for returned values
                agent.OutputValidation(_StorageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient().ListQueues(PREFIX, QueueListingDetails.All));

                // use Prefix parameter
                Test.Assert(agent.GetAzureStorageQueueByPrefix(PREFIX), Utility.GenComparisonData("GetAzureStorageQueueByPrefix", true));
                // Verification for returned values
                agent.OutputValidation(_StorageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient().ListQueues(PREFIX, QueueListingDetails.All));
            finally {
                //--------------5. Remove operation--------------
                Test.Assert(agent.RemoveAzureStorageQueue(MERGED_NAMES), Utility.GenComparisonData("RemoveAzureStorageQueue", true));
                // Check if all the above queues have been removed
                foreach (string name in QUEUE_NAMES)
                    CloudQueue queue = queueClient.GetQueueReference(name);
                    Test.Assert(!queue.Exists(), "queue {0} should not exist", name);