public Game1()
                steam = Steam.Initialize();
                statusMessage = "Steamworks initialized and ready to use!";
            catch (SteamInitializeFailedException e)
                statusMessage = e.Message;
            catch (SteamInterfaceInitializeFailedException e)
                statusMessage = e.Message;
            catch (DllNotFoundException e)
                statusMessage = e.Message;

            graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
            this.IsMouseVisible = true;
            Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
        public Test(Action<string> printMethod, Steam steam)
            this.Print = printMethod;
            this.Steam = steam;
            this.ownsSteam = false;

            cloud = new CloudTest(this);
            stats = new StatsTest(this);
        void SteamTest()
            steam = Steam.Initialize();
            steam = Steam.Instance;

            b = steam.IsAvailable;
            appID = steam.AppID;
            Settings setting = steam.Settings;
            ICloud cloud = steam.Cloud;
            IStats stats = steam.Stats;
            IUser user = steam.User;

        // TODO Enable when/if there is a need for the ability to change culture
        private static Steam Initialize(CultureInfo activeCulture)

            if (activeCulture == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("activeCulture", "activeCulture is null.");
            if (Instance != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(StringMap.GetString(StringID.OnlyOneInstance, typeof(Steam).Name));
            Instance = new Steam(activeCulture);

            return Instance;