//method for obtaining list of current IP addresses, that
        //have connection to the internet
        private static List <IPtype> GetLocalIpList()
            List <IPtype> IPlist = new List <IPtype>();

            //checking if computer is connected to internet
            bool connected = System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable();

            if (connected)
                //get list of active internet adapters
                NetworkInterface[] interfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
                foreach (var adapter in interfaces)
                    //if it is Wi-Fi or Ethernet, add Its IP to the list
                    if (adapter.Name == "Wi-Fi" || adapter.Name.Contains("Ethernet"))
                        var ipProps = adapter.GetIPProperties();
                        foreach (var ip in ipProps.UnicastAddresses)
                            //Add only if it works
                            if ((adapter.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up) &&
                                (ip.Address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork))
                                IPConnectionType type = IPConnectionType.None;
                                if (adapter.Name == "Wi-Fi")
                                    type = IPConnectionType.WiFi;
                                else if (adapter.Name == "Ethernet")
                                    type = IPConnectionType.Ethernet;

                                IPtype IP = new IPtype()
                                    IPaddress      = ip.Address.ToString(),
                                    ConnectionType = type,
                                var logger = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
                                logger.Info("Founded IP address: {0}", ip.Address.ToString());
                //log the fact, that there is no internet connection
                var logger = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
                logger.Error("There is no valid internet connection");

        //method that returns service endpoint
        //service hosted in every player computer
        public static Uri GetClientServiceEndpoint()
            IPtype ProperIP = GetProperIPAddress(GetLocalIpList());
            Uri    endpoint;

            //if no founded addresses, or null - stop the service
            if (ProperIP.IPaddress != "" || ProperIP.ConnectionType == IPConnectionType.None)
                endpoint = new Uri(String.Concat(@"http://", ProperIP.IPaddress, @":9501/MakaoGameCliestServiceHost"));

                thisClientIPAddress = ProperIP.IPaddress.ToString();

                var logger = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
                logger.Info("Assigned client endpoint: " + endpoint.ToString());
                endpoint = null;

        //method for obtaining only IP address - local address
        public static string GetLocalIPAddress()
            IPtype ProperIP = GetProperIPAddress(GetLocalIpList());
