Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Update tracker with given input. It will do simple data association with given data (comparing distance between existing targets).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uPixel">x-pixel in a camera coordinate</param>
        /// <param name="vPixel">y-pixel in a camera coordinate</param>
        /// <param name="range">laser range reading</param>
        /// <param name="currentPose"></param>
        /// <returns>target index = targetID</returns>
        public int Update(double uPixel, double vPixel, RobotPose currentPose, SensorPose lidarPose, TargetTypes type, ILidar2DPoint lidarPt, string cameraType, int numCamera)
            Matrix zSCR, Xx2;
            double distance = 0;
            int targetIdx = 0;
            lock (locker)
                // Compute X and Y position of the target based on the passed lidar point
                //Vector2 xyPos = TargetTrackingImpl.FindPosCoord(screenSize, range, uPixel, vPixel, currentPose, null);
                // this X Y coordinate = E N
                double yaw = currentPose.yaw - Math.PI / 2;
                double pitch = currentPose.pitch; double roll = currentPose.roll;
                Matrix R_ENU2R = new Matrix(Math.Cos(yaw), Math.Sin(yaw), 0, -Math.Sin(yaw), Math.Cos(yaw), 0, 0, 0, 1) *
                                            new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 0, Math.Cos(pitch), -Math.Sin(pitch), 0, Math.Sin(pitch), Math.Cos(pitch)) *
                                            new Matrix(Math.Cos(roll), 0, Math.Sin(roll), 0, 1, 0, -Math.Sin(roll), 0, Math.Cos(roll));
                Matrix localPt = new Matrix(3, 1); localPt[0, 0] = -lidarPt.RThetaPoint.ToVector2().Y - lidarPose.y; localPt[1, 0] = lidarPt.RThetaPoint.ToVector2().X + lidarPose.x;
                Matrix globalPt = R_ENU2R.Inverse * localPt;
                Vector2 xyPos = new Vector2(globalPt[0, 0] + currentPose.x, globalPt[1, 0] + currentPose.y);
                #region debugging - go away
                // find the closest target
                //if (currentTargetPose.Count == 0)
                //    distance = double.MaxValue;
                //    targetIdx = 0;
                //    targetIdx = FindClosestTarget(xyPos, ref distance, type);

                //if (type == TargetTypes.PotentialSOOI || type == TargetTypes.ConfirmedSOOI)
                //    if (distance > staticDistanceThreshold) // if the distance is larger than the threshold, add as a new target
                //    {
                //        if (currentTargetPose.Count == currentTargetPose.Capacity)
                //            currentTargetPose.RemoveAt(0);
                //        currentTargetPose.Add(xyPos);

                //        implList.Add(new TargetTrackingImpl(sigma_f, dT, screenSize, cameraType));
                //        targetIdx = currentTargetPose.Count - 1;
                //    }
                //else if (type == TargetTypes.PotentialMOOI || type == TargetTypes.ConfirmedMOOI)
                //    if (distance > dynamicDistanceThreshold) // if the distance is larger than the threshold, add as a new target
                //    {
                //        if (currentTargetPose.Count == currentTargetPose.Capacity)
                //            currentTargetPose.RemoveAt(0);
                //        currentTargetPose.Add(xyPos);

                //        implList.Add(new TargetTrackingImpl(sigma_f, dT, screenSize, cameraType));
                //        targetIdx = currentTargetPose.Count - 1;
                //    }

                zSCR = new Matrix(3, 1);
                zSCR[0, 0] = uPixel; zSCR[1, 0] = vPixel; zSCR[2, 0] = lidarPt.RThetaPoint.R;
                Xx2 = new Matrix(9, 1);
                Xx2[0, 0] = currentPose.x; Xx2[1, 0] = currentPose.y; /* Xx2[2, 0] = currentPose.z; */ Xx2[2, 0] = 0;
                Xx2[3, 0] = currentPose.roll; Xx2[4, 0] = currentPose.pitch; Xx2[5, 0] = currentPose.yaw;
                //Xx2[3, 0] = 0; Xx2[4, 0] = 0; Xx2[5, 0] = currentPose.yaw;
                Xx2[6, 0] = 0; Xx2[7, 0] = 0; Xx2[8, 0] = 0;

                // modification for 3 cameras
                if (numCamera == 3)
                    if (uPixel > 0 && uPixel <= 320)
                        Xx2[6, 0] = 50 * Math.PI / 180;
                    else if (uPixel > 320 && uPixel <= 320 * 2)
                        zSCR[0, 0] = uPixel - 320; zSCR[1, 0] = vPixel;
                        Xx2[6, 0] = 1.5 * Math.PI / 180;
                    else if (uPixel > 320 * 2)
                        zSCR[0, 0] = uPixel - 320 * 2; zSCR[1, 0] = vPixel;
                        Xx2[6, 0] = -47 * Math.PI / 180;

                // find the most associated target
                Matrix Sxx2 = new Matrix(9, 9);
                Sxx2[0, 0] = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(currentPose.covariance[0, 0]));
                Sxx2[1, 1] = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(currentPose.covariance[1, 1]));
                Sxx2[2, 2] = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(currentPose.covariance[2, 2]));
                Sxx2[3, 3] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // roll
                Sxx2[4, 4] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // pitch
                Sxx2[5, 5] = Math.Sqrt(0.03); // yaw
                Sxx2[6, 6] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // pan
                Sxx2[7, 7] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // tilt
                Sxx2[8, 8] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // scan

                //targetIdx = FindMostAssociatedTarget(xyPos, type, Xx2, Sxx2, zSCR);
                Matrix zSCRForTest = new Matrix(2, 1); zSCRForTest[0, 0] = lidarPt.RThetaPoint.R; zSCRForTest[1, 0] = lidarPt.RThetaPoint.theta;
                targetIdx = FindMostAssociatedTarget(xyPos, type, Xx2, Sxx2, zSCRForTest);
                if (type == TargetTypes.PotentialSOOI || type == TargetTypes.ConfirmedSOOI)
                    if (targetIdx == -1) // if no good associated target found, then add a new one
                        implList.Add(new TargetTrackingImpl(sigma_f, dT, screenSize, cameraType));
                        targetIdx = implList.Count - 1;
                else if (type == TargetTypes.PotentialMOOI || type == TargetTypes.ConfirmedMOOI)
                    if (targetIdx == -1)
                        implList.Add(new TargetTrackingImpl(sigma_f, dT, screenSize, cameraType));
                        targetIdx = implList.Count - 1;

                Matrix xhatPOI = new Matrix(7, 1); xhatPOI.Zero();
                xhatPOI[0, 0] = xyPos.X; xhatPOI[1, 0] = xyPos.Y; xhatPOI[2, 0] = 0;
                if (!implList[targetIdx].IsInitialized)


            Matrix Sx2 = new Matrix(9, 9);
            Sx2[0, 0] = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(currentPose.covariance[0, 0]));
            Sx2[1, 1] = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(currentPose.covariance[1, 1]));
            Sx2[2, 2] = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(currentPose.covariance[2, 2]));
            //Sx2[0, 0] = Math.Sqrt(0.1);
            //Sx2[1, 1] = Math.Sqrt(0.1);
            //Sx2[2, 2] = Math.Sqrt(0.01);
            Sx2[3, 3] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // roll
            Sx2[4, 4] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // pitch
            Sx2[5, 5] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // yaw
            Sx2[6, 6] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // pan
            Sx2[7, 7] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // tilt
            Sx2[8, 8] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // scan

            // update with correct target
            implList[targetIdx].UpdateVehicleState(Xx2, currentPose.timestamp);
            if (implList[targetIdx].Type != TargetTypes.ConfirmedSOOI && implList[targetIdx].Type != TargetTypes.ConfirmedMOOI)
            return targetIdx;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static double FindTargetDistance(ILidarScan<ILidar2DPoint> lidarScan, double u, double v, Dictionary<int, int> colorPix, Vector2 TLCorner, Vector2 RBCorner,
												 string cameraSize, string camType, RobotPose camPose, TargetTypes type, out ILidar2DPoint lidarPt, ref List<Vector2> ptInBox)
            #region camera stuff
            Matrix DCM4D = new Matrix(4, 4, 1.0);
            double[] fc = new double[2];
            double[] cc = new double[2];
            if (cameraSize.Equals("320x240"))
                //for 320 x 240 image with Unibrain Fire-i camera
                if (camType.Equals("Fire-i"))
                    fc[0] = 384.4507; fc[1] = 384.1266;
                    cc[0] = 155.1999; cc[1] = 101.5641;

                // Fire-Fly MV
                else if (camType.Equals("FireFly"))
                    fc[0] = 345.26498; fc[1] = 344.99438;
                    cc[0] = 159.36854; cc[1] = 118.26944;
            else if (cameraSize.Equals("640x480"))
                // for 640 x 480 image with Unibrain Fire-i camera
                if (camType.Equals("Fire-i"))
                    fc[0] = 763.5805; fc[1] = 763.8337;
                    cc[0] = 303.0963; cc[1] = 215.9287;
                // for Fire-Fly MV (Point Gray)
                else if (camType.Equals("FireFly"))
                    fc[0] = 691.09778; fc[1] = 690.70187;
                    cc[0] = 324.07388; cc[1] = 234.22204;
            double alpha_c = 0;

            // camera matrix
            Matrix KK = new Matrix(fc[0], alpha_c * fc[0], cc[0], 0, fc[1], cc[1], 0, 0, 1);

            // update DCM for point transformation
            DCM4D[0, 3] = camPose.x; DCM4D[1, 3] = camPose.y; DCM4D[2, 3] = camPose.z;
            DCM4D[0, 0] = Math.Cos(camPose.yaw); DCM4D[1, 1] = Math.Cos(camPose.yaw);
            DCM4D[0, 1] = Math.Sin(camPose.yaw); DCM4D[1, 0] = -Math.Sin(camPose.yaw);
            List<Vector2> pixelList = new List<Vector2>(lidarScan.Points.Count);
            List<ILidar2DPoint> lidarScanInBox = new List<ILidar2DPoint>();
            foreach (ILidar2DPoint pt in lidarScan.Points)
                Matrix point = new Matrix(4, 1);
                point[0, 0] = -pt.RThetaPoint.ToVector4().Y;
                point[1, 0] = pt.RThetaPoint.ToVector4().X;
                point[2, 0] = pt.RThetaPoint.ToVector4().Z;
                point[3, 0] = 1;
                Matrix transPt = DCM4D * point;
                Matrix ptImgPlane = new Matrix(3, 1);
                ptImgPlane[0, 0] = transPt[0, 0] / transPt[1, 0];
                ptImgPlane[1, 0] = -transPt[2, 0] / transPt[1, 0];
                ptImgPlane[2, 0] = transPt[1, 0] / transPt[1, 0];
                ptImgPlane = KK * ptImgPlane;
                pixelList.Add(new Vector2(ptImgPlane[0, 0], ptImgPlane[1, 0]));
                if (ptImgPlane[0, 0] >= TLCorner.X && ptImgPlane[0, 0] <= RBCorner.X && ptImgPlane[1, 0] >= TLCorner.Y && ptImgPlane[1, 0] <= RBCorner.Y)
                    if (colorPix.Count > 0)
                        if (colorPix.ContainsKey((int)ptImgPlane[0, 0]) && colorPix[(int)ptImgPlane[0, 0]] == 255)
                            ptInBox.Add(new Vector2(ptImgPlane[0, 0], ptImgPlane[1, 0]));
                        ptInBox.Add(new Vector2(ptImgPlane[0, 0], ptImgPlane[1, 0]));

            if (lidarScanInBox.Count == 0)
                lidarPt = null;
                return -1;

            lidarPt = FineTargetDistanceClusterBased(lidarScanInBox);
            if (lidarPt == null)
                return -1;
            return lidarPt.RThetaPoint.R;