Exemplo n.º 1
        //#region Deprecated Dctionary<string, ClueNode> Clue(Tree) construct
        //public void AddDocumentToClue(string clue, Document doc)
        //    string[] clueFragments = SeperateClueFragments(clue);
        //    if (Clues.ContainsKey(clueFragments[0]) == false)
        //        Clues[clueFragments[0]] = new ClueNode();
        //    Clues[clueFragments[0]].AddDocument(clueFragments, 0, doc);
        //public List<Document> GetDocumentsFromClue(string clue)
        //    string[] clueFragments = SeperateClueFragments(clue);
        //    return GetDocumentsFromPhrases(clueFragments);
        //public List<Document> GetDocumentsFromPhrases(string[] cluePhrases)
        //    if (Clues.ContainsKey(cluePhrases[0]) != false)
        //        return Clues[cluePhrases[0]].GetDocuments(cluePhrases, 0);
        //    else
        //        return null;
        //public ClueNode GetClueNodeFromPhrases(string[] cluePhrases)
        //    if (Clues.ContainsKey(cluePhrases[0]) != false)
        //        return Clues[cluePhrases[0]].GetNode(cluePhrases, 0);
        //    else
        //        return null;
        //public List<ClueNode> GetClueNodeFromPartialPhrase(string[] cluePhrases)  // Compared with GetClueNodeFromPhrases(), this function doesn't assume the last keyword phrase to be exact
        //    // Make a partial copy
        //    string[] partialPhrases = null;
        //    Array.Copy(cluePhrases, partialPhrases, cluePhrases.Length - 1);
        //    // Get node up till that partial copy
        //    ClueNode node = null;
        //    if (Clues.ContainsKey(partialPhrases[0]) != false)
        //        node = Clues[partialPhrases[0]].GetNode(partialPhrases, 0);
        //    else
        //        return null;
        //    // Check result
        //    if (node != null)
        //    {
        //        // Find partial matches
        //        List<ClueNode> partialMatches = new List<ClueNode>();
        //        string partialPhrase = cluePhrases[cluePhrases.Length - 1];
        //        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ClueNode> entry in node.Children)
        //        {
        //            if(entry.Key.IndexOf(partialPhrase) == 0)
        //                partialMatches.Add(entry.Value);
        //        }
        //        if (partialMatches.Count != 0) return partialMatches;
        //        else return null;
        //    }
        //    else
        //        return null;

        #region Search Functions
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a clue, find any documents under that clue, or return null if not a valid clue
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <Document> GetMatchingClueDocuments(string clue)
            string[] fragments = SeperateClueFragments(clue.ToLower());
            // Single fragment clue
            if (fragments.Length == 1)
                if (Fragments.ContainsKey(fragments[0]) == true)
            // Multiple fragment clue
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <Document> > fragmentScope in FragmentScopes.Data)
                    if (ClueHelper.IsClueFragmentsMatching(fragments, SeperateClueFragments(fragmentScope.Key)) == true)
Exemplo n.º 2
 public ClueHelper()
     Fragments      = new Dictionary <string, FragmentInfo>();
     FragmentScopes = new MultiDict <string, Document>();
     ClueSet        = new ClueSet();
     ClueManager    = this;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void RemoveDocumentClue(string clue, Document doc)
            string[] fragments = ClueHelper.SeperateClueFragments(clue);
            // Remove from scope
            if (fragments.Length > 1)
                FragmentScopes.Remove(clue, doc);
            // Remove from fragments
            foreach (string fragment in fragments)
                if (Fragments.ContainsKey(fragment) == false)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Key/Value isn't balanced for current operation doesn't have a previous counterpart.");
                // Remove from that fragment's scope if it's no longer used by anyone
                if (FragmentScopes.Get(clue) == null)

            // Remove clue from collection if not used by others
            if (FragmentScopes.Get(clue) == null)
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Given a particular clue string (e.g. A-B-C) for the document, record it; This clue constraints a fragment scope for that particular document
        // Input clue stirng can be in any order (e.g. C-A-B)
        public void AddDocumentClue(string clue, Document doc)
            // Lower case is required
            clue = clue.ToLower();
            // Condition on quantity of fragments
            List <string> fragments = ClueHelper.SeperateClueFragments(clue);
            // Add to all collection
            Clue addedOrExisting = ClueSet.Add(clue);

            // Add to scope
            if (fragments.Count > 1)
                FragmentScopes.Add(addedOrExisting, doc);
            // Add to fragments
            foreach (string fragment in fragments)
                if (Fragments.ContainsKey(fragment))
                    Fragments[fragment] = new FragmentInfo(fragment, doc);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a clue string, get the clue corresponding to it
        /// Input clue stirng can be in any order (e.g. C-A-B)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clueString"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Clue Get(string clueString)
            List <string> segments = ClueHelper.SeperateClueFragments(clueString);

            string[] fullSet = segments.ToArray();
            string   seg;

            for (int i = 0; i < segments.Count; i++)
                seg = segments[i];
                if (CluesTree.ContainsKey(seg))
                    segments.RemoveAt(i); return(CluesTree[seg].GetClue(segments));
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a clue string, add it to current set
        /// Input clue stirng can be in any order (e.g. C-A-B)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clueString"></param>
        public Clue Add(string clueString)
            List <string> segments = ClueHelper.SeperateClueFragments(clueString);

            string[] fullSet = segments.ToArray();
            string   seg;

            for (int i = 0; i < segments.Count; i++)
                seg = segments[i];
                if (CluesTree.ContainsKey(seg))
                    segments.RemoveAt(i); return(CluesTree[seg].AddClue(segments, fullSet));
            seg            = segments[0];
            CluesTree[seg] = new ClueNode();
            return(CluesTree[seg].AddClue(segments, fullSet));
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a sequence of fragments, find all fragment groups that are either equal or bigger than that sequence; return null if no exact or partial match can be found; Cross-overlap is not legal
        /// </summary>
        private List <string[]> GetMatchingScopes(string[] fragments)
            List <string[]> matchingScopes = new List <string[]>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <Document> > fragmentScope in FragmentScopes.Data)
                string[] compareFragments = ClueHelper.SeperateClueFragments(fragmentScope.Key);
                if (ClueHelper.IsClueFragmentsContains(compareFragments, fragments) == true)

            // If we have any matching scope
            if (matchingScopes.Count > 0)
Exemplo n.º 8
 // Given a particular clue A-B-C for the document; This clue constraints a fragment scope for that particular document
 public void AddDocumentClue(string clue, Document doc)  // Assumed clue lower cased
     string[] fragments = ClueHelper.SeperateClueFragments(clue);
     // Add to scope
     if (fragments.Length > 1)
         FragmentScopes.Add(clue, doc);
     // Add to fragments
     foreach (string fragment in fragments)
         if (Fragments.ContainsKey(fragment))
             Fragments[fragment] = new FragmentInfo(fragment, doc);
     // Add to all collection
     AllClues.Add(clue); // Notice by design (i.e. from where this function is called) clue is guaranteed to be non-duplicate to other already added ones; E.g. if it's manually created in clue creator we will rearrange it if it matches any existing ones.
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void Rename(string newClue)
     // When a clue is renamed, it's just renamed; Documents are not affected by this operation for links are based on GUIDs
     Fragments = ClueHelper.SeperateClueFragments(newClue).ToArray();