Exemplo n.º 1
        private void StreamsDocumentReceived(MTConnectStreams.Document document)
            log.Trace("MTConnect Streams Document Received @ " + DateTime.Now.ToString("o"));


            if (!document.DeviceStreams.IsNullOrEmpty())
                var samples = new List <TrakHound.Api.v2.Data.Sample>();

                var deviceStream = document.DeviceStreams[0];

                foreach (var dataItem in deviceStream.DataItems)
                    samples.Add(Create(_deviceId, document.Header.InstanceId, dataItem));

                // Get Availability
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(availabilityId))
                    var avail = deviceStream.DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == availabilityId);
                    if (avail != null)
                        UpdateAvailableStatus(avail.CDATA == "AVAILABLE");

                if (samples.Count > 0)
                    SamplesReceived?.Invoke(this, samples);
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void Client_CurrentReceived(MTConnectStreams.Document document)
     if (document == null || document.DeviceStreams == null || document.DeviceStreams.Count < 1)
     foreach (MTConnectStreams.DeviceStream ds in document.DeviceStreams)
         // 通过对 Name 的调整(去掉 di,ev,sp, cd)进行验证后,发现 DataItems 中包含了 Event 、 Samples、Conditions
         // ComponentStreams 比较杂,好像什么都包含,就不在这里验证了。
         // 因此在这里只保留了对 DataItems 的读取。
         string namePrefix = ds.Uuid + ":" + ds.Name + ":";
         if (ds.DataItems != null && ds.DataItems.Count > 0)
             foreach (MTConnect.MTConnectStreams.DataItem di in ds.DataItems)
                                 "p=" + ds.Name + "&n=" + di.Name + "&v=" + di.CDATA);
                 catch (Exception ex)
                     logger.Warn(ex.Message, ex);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static DateTime GetTimestampFromCurrent(Value value, MTConnectStreams.Document currentData)
            var result = DateTime.MinValue;

            var dataItems = currentData.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems;

            foreach (var trigger in value.Triggers)
                var timestamp = GetTimestampFromTrigger(trigger, dataItems);
                if (timestamp > result)
                    result = timestamp;

            foreach (var multitrigger in value.MultiTriggers)
                foreach (var trigger in multitrigger.Triggers)
                    var timestamp = GetTimestampFromTrigger(trigger, dataItems);
                    if (timestamp > result)
                        result = timestamp;

Exemplo n.º 4
        private static bool ProcessCollected(Snapshot snapshot, MTConnectStreams.Document currentData)
            bool result = false;

            if (currentData.DeviceStreams != null)
                var dataItems = currentData.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems;

                bool found = false;

                // Seach Conditions
                found = ProcessCollectedCondtion(snapshot, dataItems);

                // Search Events
                if (!found)
                    found = ProcessCollectedEvent(snapshot, dataItems);

                // Search Samples
                if (!found)
                    found = ProcessCollectedSample(snapshot, dataItems);

                result = found;

Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Update_Sample(MTConnectStreams.Document returnData)
            List <Instance> instances = ProcessInstances(currentData, returnData);


            previousInstanceDataOld = previousInstanceDataNew;
Exemplo n.º 6
 void StreamsSuccessful(MTConnectStreams.Document document)
     foreach (var deviceStream in document.DeviceStreams)
         foreach (var dataItem in deviceStream.DataItems)
             Console.WriteLine(dataItem.DataItemId + " = " + dataItem.CDATA);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void SendSampleData(MTConnectStreams.Document returnData, DeviceConfiguration config)
            var data = new EventData(this);

            data.Id     = "MTCONNECT_SAMPLE";
            data.Data01 = config;
            data.Data02 = returnData;

Exemplo n.º 8
        private void dispatcherTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MTConnectStreams.Document Newcurrent = null;
            //make sure "current" has data document to avoid error
            while (Newcurrent == null)
                Newcurrent = now.Execute();
            //give new Current Data to current-variable
            current = Newcurrent;

            //get new Axis Data, A,C-Angle and X,Y,Z-Position
            var NewRotaryA = current.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-A_2").CDATA;
            var NewRotaryC = current.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-C_2").CDATA;
            var NewLinearX = current.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-X_2").CDATA;
            var NewLinearY = current.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-Y_2").CDATA;
            var NewLinearZ = current.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-Z_2").CDATA;

            //Set new current data to _current and it will fire the OnPropertyChanged Event, so update the UI
            _current = current;

            //compare the New Data with older one, when new data is larger, it will replace the old data
            //and it will fire the OnPropertyChanged Event, so update the UI
            //New Data shouldn't equal to UNAVAILABLE when executing compare function
            if (Math.Abs(double.Parse(NewRotaryA)) > Math.Abs(double.Parse(_maxRotaryA[0])) && NewRotaryA != "UNAVAILABLE")
                _maxRotaryA[0] = NewRotaryA;
            if (Math.Abs(double.Parse(NewRotaryC)) > Math.Abs(double.Parse(_maxRotaryC[0])) && NewRotaryC != "UNAVAILABLE")
                _maxRotaryC[0] = NewRotaryC;
            if (Math.Abs(double.Parse(NewLinearX)) > Math.Abs(double.Parse(_maxLinearX[0])) && NewLinearX != "UNAVAILABLE")
                _maxLinearX[0] = NewLinearX;
            if (Math.Abs(double.Parse(NewLinearY)) > Math.Abs(double.Parse(_maxLinearY[0])) && NewLinearY != "UNAVAILABLE")
                _maxLinearY[0] = NewLinearY;
            if (Math.Abs(double.Parse(NewLinearZ)) > Math.Abs(double.Parse(_maxLinearZ[0])) && NewLinearZ != "UNAVAILABLE")
                _maxLinearZ[0] = NewLinearZ;

            //Add new data as XML data from path
            AddXmlData(_current, path);

            //read data from XML and show to UI
Exemplo n.º 9
        private MTConnectStreams.Document GetCurrent(Data.AgentInfo config)
            MTConnectStreams.Document result = null;

            string address    = config.Address;
            int    port       = config.Port;
            string deviceName = config.DeviceName;

            //// Set Proxy Settings
            //var proxy = new HTTP.ProxySettings();
            //proxy.Address = config.ProxyAddress;
            //proxy.Port = config.ProxyPort;

            DateTime requestTimestamp = DateTime.Now;

            // Create Agent Url
            var protocol = "http://";
            var adr      = address;

            if (adr.IndexOf(protocol) >= 0)
                adr = adr.Substring(protocol.Length);
                adr = protocol + adr;
            var url = adr;

            if (port > 0 && port != 80)
                url += ":" + port;

            // Send Probe Request
            var current = new MTConnect.Clients.Current(url, deviceName);

            result = current.Execute();
            if (result != null)
                if (verbose)
                    logger.Info("Current Successful : " + url + " @ " + requestTimestamp.ToString("o") + " : " + result.Header.LastSequence);
                logger.Info("Current Error : " + url + " @ " + requestTimestamp.ToString("o") + " : Retrying in " + (config.Heartbeat / 1000) + " sec..");

Exemplo n.º 10
        // Process InstanceData after receiving Current Data
        public static Instance ProcessInstance(MTConnectStreams.Document currentData)
            var result = new Instance();;

            result.Timestamp       = currentData.Header.CreationTime; // Agent.MTConnect.org only outputs to the nearest second (not fractional seconds), check if issue with Open Source Agent
            result.AgentInstanceId = currentData.Header.InstanceId;
            result.Sequence        = currentData.Header.LastSequence;

            var dataItems = currentData.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems;

            FillInstanceDataWithCurrentData(new List <string>(), result, dataItems);

Exemplo n.º 11
        private void RunRequests(DeviceConfiguration config)
            var ac = config.Agent;

            if (ac != null)
                // Run a Probe request and get the returned data
                if (probeData == null)
                    probeData = GetProbe(ac);

                    // Send the Probe data to other plugins
                    SendProbeData(probeData, config);

                if (probeData != null)
                    // Run a Current request and get the returned data
                    currentData = GetCurrent(ac);
                    if (currentData != null && currentData.Header != null)
                        // Send the Current data to other plugins
                        SendCurrentData(currentData, config);

                        //Run a Sample request and get the returned data
                        var sampleData = GetSample(currentData.Header, ac, config);

                        //Send the Sample data to other plugins
                        if (sampleData != null)
                            SendSampleData(sampleData, config);

                        UpdateAgentData(currentData.Header.InstanceId, currentData.Header.LastSequence);
                        probeData = null;
                        SendAvailability(false, ac.Heartbeat, config);
                    SendAvailability(false, ac.Heartbeat, config);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static void ProcessList(MTConnectStreams.Document current, List <StatusInfo> infos)
            if (current.DeviceStreams != null && current.DeviceStreams.Count > 0)
                var device = current.DeviceStreams[0];

                foreach (var item in device.DataItems)
                    ProcessDataItem(item, infos);

                foreach (var componentStream in device.ComponentStreams)
                    ProcessComponentStream(componentStream, infos);
Exemplo n.º 13
        private static List <string> GetDataItemIds(MTConnectStreams.Document returnData)
            var result = new List <string>();

            var dataItems = returnData.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems;

            // Conditions -------------------------------------------------------------------------
            foreach (var dataItem in dataItems.FindAll(x => x.Category == MTConnect.DataItemCategory.CONDITION))
                string name = dataItem.DataItemId.ToUpper();
                if (!result.Contains(name))
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Events -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            foreach (var dataItem in dataItems.FindAll(x => x.Category == MTConnect.DataItemCategory.EVENT))
                string name = dataItem.DataItemId.ToUpper();
                if (!result.Contains(name))
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Samples ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            foreach (var dataItem in dataItems.FindAll(x => x.Category == MTConnect.DataItemCategory.SAMPLE))
                string name = dataItem.DataItemId.ToUpper();
                if (!result.Contains(name))
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Exemplo n.º 14
        public void Update_Current(MTConnectStreams.Document returnData)
            currentData = returnData;

            Instance instance = ProcessInstance(returnData);

            previousInstanceDataOld = previousInstanceDataNew;

            var cid = new CurrentInstance();

            cid.CurrentData = returnData;
            cid.Instance    = instance;

            var instances = new List <Instance>();

            if (bufferedInstances != null && bufferedInstances.Count > 0)

            // Only return new instances
            instances = instances.FindAll(o => o.Timestamp > lastTimestamp);

            // Sort instances ASC by timestamp
            instances = instances.OrderBy(o => o.Timestamp).ToList();

            // update lastTimestamp
            if (instances.Count > 0)
                lastTimestamp = instances[instances.Count - 1].Timestamp;

            // Clear the send buffer

            SendCurrentInstanceData(configuration, cid);
            SendInstanceData(configuration, instances);
Exemplo n.º 15
        private MTConnectStreams.Document GetSample(MTConnect.Headers.MTConnectStreamsHeader header, Data.AgentInfo ac, DeviceConfiguration config)
            MTConnectStreams.Document result = null;

            string address    = ac.Address;
            int    port       = ac.Port;
            string deviceName = ac.DeviceName;

            //// Set Proxy Settings
            //var proxy = new HTTP.ProxySettings();
            //proxy.Address = ac.ProxyAddress;
            //proxy.Port = ac.ProxyPort;

            SampleInfo info = GetSampleInfo(header, config);

            if (info != null)
                if (info.Count > 0)
                    DateTime requestTimestamp = DateTime.Now;

                    // Create Agent Url
                    var protocol = "http://";
                    var adr      = address;
                    if (adr.IndexOf(protocol) >= 0)
                        adr = adr.Substring(protocol.Length);
                        adr = protocol + adr;
                    var url = adr;
                    if (port > 0 && port != 80)
                        url += ":" + port;

                    // Send Probe Request
                    var sample = new MTConnect.Clients.Sample(url, deviceName);
                    sample.From  = info.From;
                    sample.Count = info.Count;
                    result       = sample.Execute();
                    if (result != null)
                        UpdateAgentData(header.InstanceId, info.From + info.Count);

                        if (verbose)
                            logger.Info("Sample Successful : " + url + " @ " + requestTimestamp.ToString("o"));
                        logger.Info("Sample Error : " + url + " @ " + requestTimestamp.ToString("o"));
                    UpdateAgentData(header.InstanceId, header.LastSequence);

Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// it setup the MTConnectClient and get data from CurrentStream
        /// it also setup the timer, for data update and add XML data
        /// </summary>
        public void Start()
            // The base address for the MTConnect Agent
            string baseUrl = "https://smstestbed.nist.gov/vds/";

            // Create a new MTConnectClient using the baseUrl
            client = new MTConnectClient(baseUrl);

            // Subscribe to the Event handlers to receive the MTConnect documents
            client.ProbeReceived   += DevicesSuccessful;
            client.CurrentReceived += StreamsSuccessful;
            client.SampleReceived  += StreamsSuccessful;

            // Start the MTConnectClient

            now = new Current(baseUrl);

            //make sure _current has data document to avoid the error from finding DataItems.
            while (current == null)
                current = now.Execute();

            //set the first data, which can be showed to UI and later compared with new data.
            RotaryA[0]     = current.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-A_2").CDATA;
            _maxRotaryA[0] = current.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-A_2").CDATA;

            RotaryC[0]     = current.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-C_2").CDATA;
            _maxRotaryC[0] = current.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-C_2").CDATA;

            LinearX[0]     = current.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-X_2").CDATA;
            _maxLinearX[0] = current.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-X_2").CDATA;

            LinearY[0]     = current.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-Y_2").CDATA;
            _maxLinearY[0] = current.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-Y_2").CDATA;

            LinearZ[0]     = current.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-Z_2").CDATA;
            _maxLinearZ[0] = current.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-Z_2").CDATA;

            //for the simulated device , set the first data
            Avail[0] = FirstDevice
                       .Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "Availability").Descendants().ElementAt(_indexXml).Value;

            RotaryA[1] = FirstDevice
                         .Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "Rotary(A)").Descendants().ElementAt(_indexXml).Value;
            _maxRotaryA[1] = FirstDevice
                             .Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "Rotary(A)").Descendants().ElementAt(_indexXml).Value;

            RotaryC[1] = FirstDevice
                         .Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "Rotary(C)").Descendants().ElementAt(_indexXml).Value;
            _maxRotaryC[1] = FirstDevice
                             .Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "Rotary(C)").Descendants().ElementAt(_indexXml).Value;

            LinearX[1] = FirstDevice
                         .Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "Linear(X)").Descendants().ElementAt(_indexXml).Value;
            LinearY[1] = FirstDevice
                         .Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "Linear(Y)").Descendants().ElementAt(_indexXml).Value;
            LinearZ[1] = FirstDevice
                         .Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "Linear(Z)").Descendants().ElementAt(_indexXml).Value;
            _maxLinearX[1] = FirstDevice
                             .Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "Linear(X)").Descendants().ElementAt(_indexXml).Value;
            _maxLinearY[1] = FirstDevice
                             .Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "Linear(Y)").Descendants().ElementAt(_indexXml).Value;
            _maxLinearZ[1] = FirstDevice
                             .Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "Linear(Z)").Descendants().ElementAt(_indexXml).Value;

            //set the first data as Maximum Data, bound to UI

            //_maxRotaryA = RotaryA;
            //_maxRotaryC = RotaryC;
            //_maxLinearX = LinearX;
            //_maxLinearY = LinearY;
            //_maxLinearZ = LinearZ;

            //for simulated device, bound to UI
            _Avail = Avail;

            //request new data by 3 sec by using DispatcherTimer
            //it will update the current data
            //it contains functions, which will set the Maximum Date
            //it will add the newest data to XML-data
            DispatcherTimer dispatcherTimer = new DispatcherTimer();

            dispatcherTimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(dispatcherTimer_Tick);
            dispatcherTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3);
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Add new XML data to the existed XML-Schema
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">it contains the newest data</param>
        /// <param name="Xmlpath">the position where XML Data will be saved</param>
        public void AddXmlData(MTConnectStreams.Document document, string Xmlpath)
            //find and save DataItem from document as variable

            var avail   = document.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-dtop_1");
            var RotaryA = document.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-A_2");
            var RotaryC = document.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-C_2");
            var LinearX = document.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-X_2");
            var LinearY = document.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-Y_2");
            var LinearZ = document.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems.Find(o => o.DataItemId == "GFAgie01-Z_2");

            //Load XML datai from path
            XDocument XmlData = XDocument.Load(Xmlpath);

            //Add "Availability" Live Data in XML-Schema
            .Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "Availability").LastOrDefault()
                new XElement("Availability", new XAttribute("timestamp", avail.Timestamp), new XAttribute("name", avail.Name),


            //Add "Angle(A)" Live Data in XML-Schema
            .Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "Rotary(A)").LastOrDefault()
                new XElement("Angle", new XAttribute("timestamp", RotaryA.Timestamp), new XAttribute("name", RotaryA.Name),


            //Add "Angle(C)" Live Data in XML-Schema
            .Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "Rotary(C)").LastOrDefault()
                new XElement("Angle", new XAttribute("timestamp", RotaryC.Timestamp), new XAttribute("name", RotaryC.Name),


            //Add "Position(X)" Live Data in XML-Schema
            .Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "Linear(X)").LastOrDefault()
                new XElement("Position", new XAttribute("timestamp", LinearX.Timestamp), new XAttribute("name", LinearX.Name),


            //Add "Position(Y)" Live Data in XML-Schema
            .Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "Linear(Y)").LastOrDefault()
                new XElement("Position", new XAttribute("timestamp", LinearY.Timestamp), new XAttribute("name", LinearY.Name),


            //Add "Position(Z)" Live Data in XML-Schema
            .Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "Linear(Z)").LastOrDefault()
                new XElement("Position", new XAttribute("timestamp", LinearZ.Timestamp), new XAttribute("name", LinearZ.Name),


            //save XML data to XML path
Exemplo n.º 18
        private void Client_CurrentReceived(MTConnectStreams.Document document)
            if (document == null || document.DeviceStreams == null || document.DeviceStreams.Count < 1)
            LinkedList <Poco> pocos = new LinkedList <Poco>();

            foreach (MTConnectStreams.DeviceStream ds in document.DeviceStreams)
                // 通过对 Name 的调整(去掉 di,ev,sp, cd)进行验证后,发现 DataItems 中包含了 Event 、 Samples、Conditions
                // ComponentStreams 比较杂,好像什么都包含,就不在这里验证了。
                // 因此在这里只保留了对 DataItems 的读取。
                string namePrefix = ds.Uuid + ":" + ds.Name + ":";
                if (ds.DataItems != null && ds.DataItems.Count > 0)
                    foreach (MTConnect.MTConnectStreams.DataItem di in ds.DataItems)
                        pocos.AddLast(new Poco()
                            Device     = namePrefix,
                            Category   = di.Category.ToString(),
                            Sequence   = di.Sequence.ToString(),
                            SubType    = di.SubType,
                            DataItemId = di.DataItemId,
                            Name       = di.Name,
                            Timestamp  = di.Timestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:fff"),
                            Value      = di.CDATA

                        PushToMonitorService ptms = PushToMonitorService.getInstance();
                        if (ptms != null)
                            ptms.push(di.DataItemId + "_" + di.Name, di.Timestamp, di.CDATA);

                // 经验证,这个节点特别像他的父节点,什么都包含。
                //if (ds.ComponentStreams != null && ds.ComponentStreams.Count > 0)
                //    foreach (MTConnect.MTConnectStreams.ComponentStream cs in ds.ComponentStreams)
                //    {
                //        pocos.AddLast(new Poco()
                //        {
                //            Name = namePrefix + cs.ComponentId + ":" + cs.Name + "-cs",
                //            Timestamp = cs.Samples .Timestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
                //            Value = di.CDATA
                //        });
                //    }

                //if (ds.Samples != null && ds.Samples.Count > 0)
                //    foreach (MTConnectStreams.Sample sp in ds.Samples)
                //    {
                //        pocos.AddLast(new Poco()
                //        {
                //            Name = namePrefix + sp.DataItemId + ":" + sp.Name + "-sp",
                //            Timestamp = sp.Timestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
                //            Value = sp.CDATA
                //        });
                //    }

                //if (ds.Events != null && ds.Events.Count > 0)
                //    foreach (MTConnectStreams.Event ev in ds.Events)
                //    {
                //        pocos.AddLast(new Poco()
                //        {
                //            Name = namePrefix + ev.DataItemId + ":" + ev.Name + "-di",
                //            Timestamp = ev.Timestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
                //            Value = ev.CDATA
                //        });
                //    }

                //if (ds.Conditions != null && ds.Conditions.Count > 0)
                //    foreach (MTConnect.MTConnectStreams.Condition di in ds.Conditions)
                //    {
                //        pocos.AddLast(new Poco()
                //        {
                //            Name = namePrefix + di.DataItemId + ":" + di.Name + "-cd",
                //            Timestamp = di.Timestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
                //            Value = di.CDATA
                //        });
                //    }
Exemplo n.º 19
        private static void ProcessGenerated(Snapshot snapshot, GeneratedEvents.Configuration gec, Instance currentInstanceData, MTConnectStreams.Document currentData)
            var e = gec.Events.Find(x => x.Name.ToLower() == snapshot.Link.ToLower());

            if (e != null)
                Return returnValue = e.Process(currentInstanceData);

                if (snapshot.Value != returnValue.Value)
                    if (returnValue != null)
                        var value = e.Values.Find(x => x.Result.NumVal == returnValue.NumVal);
                        if (value != null)
                            snapshot.PreviousTimestamp = GetTimestampFromCurrent(value, currentData);

                    snapshot.PreviousValue = snapshot.Value;

                    snapshot.Value = returnValue.Value;

                snapshot.Timestamp = returnValue.TimeStamp;
Exemplo n.º 20
        // Process instance table after receiving Sample Data
        private List <Instance> ProcessInstances(MTConnectStreams.Document currentData, MTConnectStreams.Document sampleData)
            var stpw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();


            var result = new List <Instance>();

            Instance previousData = previousInstanceDataOld;

            if (currentData != null && sampleData != null)
                if (sampleData.DeviceStreams != null && currentData.DeviceStreams != null)
                    // Get all of the DataItems from the DeviceStream object
                    var dataItems = sampleData.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems;

                    // Convert the DataItems to a List of VariableData objects
                    List <VariableData> values = VariableData.Get(dataItems);

                    // Get List of Distinct Timestamps
                    IEnumerable <DateTime> timestamps = values.Select(x => x.Timestamp).Distinct();

                    // Sort timestamps by DateTime ASC
                    List <DateTime> sortedTimestamps = timestamps.ToList();

                    // Get List of Variables used
                    IEnumerable <string> usedVariables = values.Select(x => x.Id).Distinct();

                    var currentDataItems = currentData.DeviceStreams[0].DataItems;

                    foreach (DateTime timestamp in sortedTimestamps.ToList())
                        if (previousData == null || timestamp > previousData.Timestamp)
                            var data = new Instance();

                            // Preset previous values into new InstanceData object
                            if (previousData != null)
                                data = previousData;
                            // Fill unused variables with the values from the CurrentData object
                                FillInstanceDataWithCurrentData(usedVariables.ToList(), data, currentDataItems);

                            // Set timestamp for InstanceData object
                            data.Timestamp = timestamp;

                            data.AgentInstanceId = currentData.Header.InstanceId;

                            // Get List of Values at this timestamp
                            var valuesAtTimestamp = values.FindAll(x => x.Timestamp == timestamp);

                            foreach (var ivd in valuesAtTimestamp)
                                Instance.DataItemValue oldval = data.Values.Find(x => x.Id == ivd.Id);
                                // if value with id is already in data.values then overwrite the value
                                if (oldval != null)
                                    string s = null;
                                    if (ivd.Value != null)
                                        s = ivd.Value.ToString();

                                    oldval.Value           = s;
                                    oldval.ChangedSequence = ivd.Sequence;
                                // if not already in data.values then create new InstanceData.Value object and add it
                                    var newval = new Instance.DataItemValue();
                                    newval.Id              = ivd.Id;
                                    newval.Type            = ivd.Type;
                                    newval.SubType         = ivd.SubType;
                                    newval.ChangedSequence = ivd.Sequence;

                                    if (ivd.Value != null)
                                        newval.Value = ivd.Value.ToString();

                                data.Sequence = ivd.Sequence;

                            previousData = data.Copy();

            else if (currentData != null)
                Instance instanceData = ProcessInstance(currentData);

                if (previousData == null || instanceData.Timestamp > previousData.Timestamp)

                    previousData = instanceData.Copy();

            previousInstanceDataNew = previousData;
