Exemplo n.º 1
			public CommentCellView (UIComment comment, Action<int> goToMembersPhotoAction) : base ()
				blocks = new List<Block>();
				activityBtn = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.Custom);
				activityBtn.TouchUpInside += (s, e)=>
					if (goToMembersPhotoAction != null)
				Opaque = true;
				BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromHSBA(0, 0, 0, 0);

				activityBtn.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 1 + (56 - PicSize) / 2, PicSize, PicSize);
				activityBtn.TouchUpInside += HandleActivityBtnTouchUpInside;
Exemplo n.º 2
		public CommentElement (UIComment comment)
			: base (null)
			_comment = comment;
Exemplo n.º 3
			public void Update (UIComment comment)
				if (this._comment != comment)
					this._comment = comment;
						var user = _comment.CommentOwner ?? AppDelegateIPhone.AIphone.UsersServ.GetUserById(_comment.Comment.UserId);
						_comment.CommentOwner = user;
						if (currentUserId != user.Id)
							currentUserId = user.Id;
							activityImage = TweetStation.ImageStore.DefaultImage;
							activityBtn.SetBackgroundImage(activityImage, UIControlState.Normal);
							NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer (1, delegate {
					catch (Exception ex)
						this._comment = null;
						Util.LogException("UpdateComment", ex);
					InvokeOnMainThread(() => SetNeedsDisplay ());
Exemplo n.º 4
		public static float GetCellHeight (RectangleF bounds, UIComment comment)
			return Math.Max(60, CommentCellView.LayoutComment(comment, bounds.Width, new List<Block>()));
Exemplo n.º 5
		// This method is called when the cell is reused to reset
		// all of the cell values
		public void UpdateCell (UIComment tweet)
			tweetView.Update (tweet);
			SetNeedsDisplay ();
Exemplo n.º 6
		// Create the UIViews that we will use here, layout happens in LayoutSubviews
		public CommentCell (UITableViewCellStyle style, NSString ident, UIComment comment, 
		                     Action<int> goToMembersPhotoAction)
			: base (style, ident)
			SelectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyle.None;
			_Comment = comment;
			tweetView = new CommentCellView (comment, goToMembersPhotoAction);
			UpdateCell (comment);
			ContentView.Add (tweetView);
Exemplo n.º 7
			public static float LayoutComment(UIComment activity, float width, List<Block> blocks)
				string userText = activity.CommentOwner == null ? "NoName" : activity.CommentOwner.Name;
				SizeF userTextDim = SizeF.Empty;
				using (NSString nss = new NSString(userText))
					userTextDim = nss.StringSize(userFont);
					var placement = new RectangleF (PicSize + 2 * PicXPad, TextHeightPadding, userTextDim.Width, userSize);
					blocks.Add(new Block()
						Value = userText,
						Bounds = placement,
						Font = userFont,
						LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap,
						TextColor = UIColor.Black,
				float userTextWidth = userTextDim.Width;
				float remainingSpace = width - 2 * PicXPad - PicSize - userTextWidth - TextWidthPadding;				
				List<string> splits =  activity.Comment.Name.Split(new string[] {" "}, 
				float res = LayoutList (splits, width, blocks, userTextWidth, remainingSpace, 
					TextHeightPadding, 0, PicSize, textSize);
				DateTime tweetCreation = activity.Comment.Time;
				var ts = DateTime.UtcNow - tweetCreation;				
				string time = string.Format("{0} ago", Util.FormatTime (ts));
				using (NSString nss = new NSString(time))
					var dim  = nss.StringSize(timeFont);
					var placement = new RectangleF (PicSize + 2 * PicXPad, res, dim.Width, timeSize);
					blocks.Add(new Block()
						Value = time,
						Bounds = placement,
						Font = timeFont,
						LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap,
						TextColor = UIColor.FromRGB (95, 95, 95),
					res += timeSize + TextHeightPadding;
				return res;
Exemplo n.º 8
		private void DownloadTweets ()
				var comments = AppDelegateIPhone.AIphone.CommentServ.GetCommentsOfImage(_ImageID);
				comments = comments.OrderByDescending(c => c.Time);
				this.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
					while (Root[0].Count > 0)
						Root[0].Remove (0);
					NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer (0.1, delegate {
						if (AppDelegateIPhone.AIphone.MainUser != null)
						foreach (Comment comment in comments)
							var uicomment = new UIComment()
								Comment = comment,
								PhotoOwner = _photoOwner,
							Root[0].Add(new CommentElement(uicomment));
						// Notify the dialog view controller that we are done
						// this will hide the progress info				
						this.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (delegate { ReloadComplete (); });
			catch (Exception ex)			
				this.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (delegate { ReloadComplete (); });				
				Util.LogException("Download comments", ex);
Exemplo n.º 9
		/// <summary>
		/// Called only on user authentification
		/// </summary>
		private void AddNewCommentAsync(AddLoadMoreWithImageElement lme, Section section)
				var comment = new Comment()
					Name = lme.Value,
					ParentId = _ImageID,
					UserId = AppDelegateIPhone.AIphone.MainUser.Id,
					Time = DateTime.UtcNow,
				// Now make sure we invoke on the main thread the updates
				this.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(delegate {
					lme.Animating = false;
					var uicomment = new UIComment()
						Comment = comment,
						PhotoOwner = _photoOwner,
					var act = new CommentElement(uicomment);
					section.Insert(1, act);
					lme.Value = null;							
			catch (Exception ex)
				Util.LogException("Add comment", ex);