internal LsErr GetAutoNumberInfo(
            IntPtr          pols,               // Line Layout context
            ref LsKAlign    alignment,          // [out] Marker alignment
            ref LsChp       lschp,              // [out] Marker properties
            ref IntPtr      lsplsrun,           // [out] Marker run
            ref ushort      addedChar,          // [out] Character to add after marker
            ref LsChp       lschpAddedChar,     // [out] Added character properties
            ref IntPtr      lsplsrunAddedChar,  // [out] Added character run
            ref int         fWord95Model,        // [out] true iff follow Word95 autonumbering model
            ref int         offset,             // [out] Offset from marker to start of main text (relevant iff word95Model is true)
            ref int         width               // [out] Offset from margin to start of main text (relevant iff word95Model is true)
            LsErr lserr = LsErr.None;
            Plsrun plsrun = Plsrun.Undefined;
            LSRun lsrun = null;

                FullTextState fullTextState = FullText;
                TextStore markerStore = fullTextState.TextMarkerStore;
                TextStore store = fullTextState.TextStore;
                Debug.Assert(markerStore != null, "No marker store, yet autonumbering is specified!");

                int lscp = TextStore.LscpFirstMarker;
                int lsrunLength;

                    int lsrunOffset;

                    lsrun = markerStore.FetchLSRun(
                        out plsrun, 
                        out lsrunOffset,
                        out lsrunLength

                    lscp += lsrunLength;

                } while (!TextStore.IsContent(plsrun));

                alignment = LsKAlign.lskalRight;

                lschp = new LsChp();
                lschp.idObj = (ushort)TextStore.ObjectId.Text_chp;

                SetChpFormat(lsrun.RunProp, ref lschp);

                addedChar = FullText.GetMainTextToMarkerIdealDistance() != 0 ? (ushort)'\t' : (ushort)0;

                lschpAddedChar = lschp;

                fWord95Model = 0;   // Word95 model requires precise marker width in which we never have
                offset = 0;         // marker offset is controlled by tab stop
                width = 0;

                lsplsrun = (IntPtr)plsrun;
                lsplsrunAddedChar = lsplsrun;
            catch (Exception e)
                SaveException(e, plsrun, lsrun);
                lserr = LsErr.ClientAbort;
                SaveNonCLSException("GetAutoNumberInfo", plsrun, lsrun);
                lserr = LsErr.ClientAbort;
            return lserr;
 private void SetChpFormat(
     TextRunProperties   runProp,
     ref LsChp           lschp
     SetChpFormat(runProp.TextDecorations, ref lschp);
     SetChpFormat(FullText.TextStore.Pap.TextDecorations, ref lschp);
        private void SetChpFormat(
            TextDecorationCollection    textDecorations,
            ref LsChp                   lschp

            if (textDecorations != null)

                for (int i = 0; i < textDecorations.Count; i++)
                    switch (textDecorations[i].Location)
                        case TextDecorationLocation.Underline:
                            lschp.flags |= LsChp.Flags.fUnderline;

                        case TextDecorationLocation.OverLine:
                        case TextDecorationLocation.Strikethrough:
                        case TextDecorationLocation.Baseline:
                            lschp.flags |= LsChp.Flags.fStrike;
        internal unsafe LsErr FetchRunRedefined(
            IntPtr              pols,               // Line Layout context
            int                 lscpFetch,          // position to fetch
            int                 fIsStyle,           // flag indicates if pstyle is given
            IntPtr              pstyle,             // current demanded style
            char*               pwchTextBuffer,     // [in/out] fixed-size character buffer
            int                 cchTextBuffer,      // buffer length in characters
            ref int             fIsBufferUsed,      // [out] Boolean flag indicating the fixed-size buffer is used
            out char*           pwchText,           // [out] pointer to run's character string
            ref int             cchText,            // [out] length of string
            ref int             fIsHidden,          // [out] Is this run hidden?
            ref LsChp           lschp,              // [out] run's character properties
            ref IntPtr          lsplsrun            // [out] fetched run
            LsErr lserr = LsErr.None;
            pwchText = null;
            Plsrun plsrun = Plsrun.Undefined;
            LSRun lsrun = null;

                FullTextState fullTextState = FullText;
                TextStore store = fullTextState.StoreFrom(lscpFetch);

                int lsrunOffset;

                lsrun = store.FetchLSRun(
                    out plsrun,
                    out lsrunOffset,
                    out cchText

                fIsBufferUsed = 0;
                pwchText = lsrun.CharacterBuffer.GetCharacterPointer();

                if (pwchText == null)

                    if (cchText <= cchTextBuffer)
                        Invariant.Assert(pwchTextBuffer != null);

                        int j = lsrun.OffsetToFirstChar + lsrunOffset;
                        for (int i = 0; i < cchText; i++, j++)
                            pwchTextBuffer[i] = lsrun.CharacterBuffer[j];

                        fIsBufferUsed = 1;
                        return LsErr.None;
                    pwchText += lsrun.OffsetToFirstChar + lsrunOffset;

                lschp = new LsChp();
                fIsHidden = 0;

                switch (lsrun.Type)
                    case Plsrun.Reverse:
                        lschp.idObj = (ushort)TextStore.ObjectId.Reverse;

                    case Plsrun.FormatAnchor:
                    case Plsrun.CloseAnchor:
                        lschp.idObj = (ushort)TextStore.ObjectId.Text_chp;

                    case Plsrun.InlineObject:
                        lschp.idObj = (ushort)TextStore.ObjectId.InlineObject;
                        SetChpFormat(lsrun.RunProp, ref lschp);

                    case Plsrun.Hidden:
                        lschp.idObj = (ushort)TextStore.ObjectId.Text_chp;
                        fIsHidden = 1;

                    case Plsrun.Text:
                            Debug.Assert(TextStore.IsContent(plsrun), "Unrecognizable run!");
                            Debug.Assert(lsrun.RunProp != null, "invalid lsrun!");

                            lschp.idObj = (ushort)TextStore.ObjectId.Text_chp;

                            if (    lsrun.Shapeable != null
                                &&  lsrun.Shapeable.IsShapingRequired)
                                lschp.flags |= LsChp.Flags.fGlyphBased;

                                if (lsrun.Shapeable.NeedsMaxClusterSize)

                                    lschp.dcpMaxContent = lsrun.Shapeable.MaxClusterSize;

                            SetChpFormat(lsrun.RunProp, ref lschp);


                    default :

                        lschp.idObj = (ushort)TextStore.ObjectId.Text_chp;
                        store.CchEol = lsrun.Length;

                if (    lsrun.Type == Plsrun.Text
                    ||  lsrun.Type == Plsrun.InlineObject)

                    Debug.Assert(lsrun.RunProp != null);

                    if (    lsrun.RunProp != null
                        &&  lsrun.RunProp.BaselineAlignment != BaselineAlignment.Baseline)
                        FullText.VerticalAdjust = true;

                lsplsrun = (IntPtr)plsrun;
            catch (Exception e)
                SaveException(e, plsrun, lsrun);
                lserr = LsErr.ClientAbort;
                SaveNonCLSException("FetchRunRedefined", plsrun, lsrun);
                lserr = LsErr.ClientAbort;
            return lserr;