Exemplo n.º 1
        public static PurgeCommand ConstructIntervalCommand(PurgeCommandScope scope, UserTrashBin trashBin, int dayInterval, int hourInterval, int minInterval)
            PurgeCommand cmd = new PurgeCommand(scope, PurgeCommandType.INTERVAL, dayInterval, hourInterval, minInterval);


Exemplo n.º 2
		public void AddCommand(PurgeCommand cmd)
			if (cmd != null)
				if (this.commandList == null)
					this.commandList = new ArrayList();

Exemplo n.º 3
        public static PurgeCommand ConstructAgeCommand(PurgeCommandScope scope, ArrayList trashBins, int dayInterval, int hourInterval, int minInterval)
            PurgeCommand cmd = new PurgeCommand(scope, PurgeCommandType.AGE, dayInterval, hourInterval, minInterval);

            foreach (UserTrashBin trashBin in trashBins)

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static PurgeCommand ConstructMegsCommand(PurgeCommandScope scope, ArrayList trashBins, int megLimit)
            PurgeCommand cmd = new PurgeCommand(scope, PurgeCommandType.MEGS, megLimit);

            foreach (UserTrashBin trashBin in trashBins)

Exemplo n.º 5
        // ---------------------------------------------------
        // performs purge - if purge scope is overriden, returns false; otherwise performs purge and returns true
        public bool ExecutePurge(PurgeCommand cmd)
            if (!DosUtils.DirectoryExistFast(this.trashPath))
                //MessageBox.Show("Rejected purge of \n\n\t" + this.trashPath + "\n\t(COMMAND: " + cmd.ToString() + ")" + "\n\n because dir does not exist");
                if (this.logActions)
                    Utils.AppendLineToFile(this.logFilename, DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":\tUserTrashBin: Rejected purge of '" + this.trashPath + "' from command { " + cmd.ToString() + " } because the specified directory does not exist");


            if (cmd.Type != PurgeCommandType.FORCE)
                if (cmd.Scope == PurgeCommandScope.GLOBAL && this.overridesGlobal)
                    //MessageBox.Show("Rejected purge of \n\n\t" + this.trashPath + "\n\t(COMMAND: " + cmd.ToString() + ")" + "\n\n because it overrides global commands");
                    if (this.logActions)
                        Utils.AppendLineToFile(this.logFilename, DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":\tUserTrashBin: Rejected purge of '" + this.trashPath + "' from command { " + cmd.ToString() + " } because it overrides global commands");

                    return(false);                              // don't purge if we override global commands

                if (cmd.Scope == PurgeCommandScope.PROJECT && this.overridesProject)
                    //MessageBox.Show("Rejected purge of \n\n\t" + this.trashPath + "\n\t(COMMAND: " + cmd.ToString() + ")" + "\n\n because it overrides project commands");
                    if (this.logActions)
                        Utils.AppendLineToFile(this.logFilename, DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":\tUserTrashBin: Rejected purge of '" + this.trashPath + "' from command { " + cmd.ToString() + " } because it overrides project commands");

                    return(false);                              // don't purge if we override project commands

            // execute purge
            if (cmd.Type == PurgeCommandType.FORCE || cmd.Type == PurgeCommandType.INTERVAL)
                    Directory.Delete(this.trashPath, true);

                    this.lastPurged = DateTime.Now;

                    //MessageBox.Show("Purged \n\n\t" + this.trashPath + "\n\t(COMMAND: " + cmd.ToString() + ")" + "\n\nat " + this.lastPurged.ToString(), "Purged");
                    if (this.logActions)
                        Utils.AppendLineToFile(this.logFilename, DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":\tUserTrashBin: Purged '" + this.trashPath + "' from command { " + cmd.ToString() + " }");
                catch (Exception e)
                    //MessageBox.Show("Failed purge of \n\n\t" + this.trashPath + "\n\t(COMMAND: " + cmd.ToString() + ")" + "\n\nat " + this.lastPurged.ToString() + " due to an exception:\n\n" + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace, "Exception");
                    if (this.logActions)
                        Utils.AppendLineToFile(this.logFilename, DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":\tUserTrashBin: Failed purge of '" + this.trashPath + "' from command { " + cmd.ToString() + " } due to an exception:\n\n" + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
            else if (cmd.Type == PurgeCommandType.AGE)
                ArrayList filelist = DeleteFilesByAge(this.trashPath, cmd.DayInterval, cmd.HourInterval, cmd.MinInterval, true);
                //string msg = "";
                //foreach (string file in filelist)
                //	msg += "\t" + file + "\n";
                //MessageBox.Show("Age Purge of " + this.trashPath + " resulted in the following actions:\n\n" + msg);
                if (this.logActions)
                    Utils.AppendLineToFile(this.logFilename, DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":\tUserTrashBin: Age-purge of '" + this.trashPath + "' from command { " + cmd.ToString() + " } resulted in the following actions:");
                    foreach (string file in filelist)
                        Utils.AppendLineToFile(this.logFilename, "\t\t\t\t" + file);
            else if (cmd.Type == PurgeCommandType.MEGS)
                if (DirSizeInMegs(this.trashPath) > (float)cmd.MegsLimit)
                    // purge it baby
                        Directory.Delete(this.trashPath, true);

                        this.lastPurged = DateTime.Now;

                        //MessageBox.Show("Purged (MEGS) \n\n\t" + this.trashPath + "\n\t(COMMAND: " + cmd.ToString() + ")" + "\n\nat " + this.lastPurged.ToString(), "Purged");
                        if (this.logActions)
                            Utils.AppendLineToFile(this.logFilename, DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":\tUserTrashBin: Megs-purged '" + this.trashPath + "' from command { " + cmd.ToString() + " }");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        //MessageBox.Show("Failed purge (MEGS) of \n\n\t" + this.trashPath + "\n\t(COMMAND: " + cmd.ToString() + ")" + "\n\nat " + this.lastPurged.ToString() + " due to an exception:\n\n" + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace, "Exception");
                        if (this.logActions)
                            Utils.AppendLineToFile(this.logFilename, DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":\tUserTrashBin: Failed megs-purge of '" + this.trashPath + "' from command { " + cmd.ToString() + " } due to an exception:\n\n" + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
