Exemplo n.º 1
        public GenericElement(Worksheet sheet, int row, int maxColumn, Dictionary <int, String> columnMap, String NameColumnName)
            _tagValues = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            for (int column = 1; column < maxColumn; column++)
                String tag   = columnMap[column];
                String value = MmExcelUtil.GetCell(sheet, row, column);

                if (tag == NameColumnName)
                    Name = value;
                _tagValues.Add(tag, value);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the mappings from the respective excel sheet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xlWorkBook">the excel work book</param>
        /// <param name="mappingList">the resulting list of mappings</param>
        /// <param name="mappingSheetName"></param>
        /// <param name="elementColumnName"></param>
        public static void BuildMapping(Workbook xlWorkBook, List <Mapping> mappingList, String mappingSheetName, String elementColumnName, String mappingColumnName)
            var    xlWorkSheet         = (Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets[mappingSheetName];
            int    column              = 1;
            int    elementColumnNumber = 0;
            int    mappingColumnNumber = 0;
            String cellValue;

                cellValue = MmExcelUtil.GetCell(xlWorkSheet, 1, column);
                if (cellValue == elementColumnName)
                    elementColumnNumber = column;
                if (cellValue == mappingColumnName)
                    mappingColumnNumber = column;
            } while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cellValue));

            Trace.WriteLine("Mapping element column " + elementColumnNumber + " mapping column " + mappingColumnNumber);

            int row = 2;

            if (mappingColumnNumber != 0 &&
                elementColumnNumber != 0)
                while (MmExcelUtil.GetCell(xlWorkSheet, row, 1) != "")
                    var mapping = new Mapping(MmExcelUtil.GetCell(xlWorkSheet, row, elementColumnNumber),
                                              MmExcelUtil.GetCell(xlWorkSheet, row, mappingColumnNumber));

//                    Trace.WriteLine("   adding mapping " + mapping.ElementName + " to " + mapping.MapName);

            Trace.WriteLine("List built " + mappingSheetName + " " + mappingList.Count + " entries");
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void decorate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // open log if not yet open
            var tr2 = new TextWriterTraceListener(File.CreateText(selectedLogFileName.Text));


            // do it with Excel ....
            // all the excel stuff
            var connectionList = new List <ShapeConnection>();

            // Excel related aspects

            var xlApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application {
                Visible = true

            System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");

            // open the excel file
            String   excelFileName = connectionsFileName.Text;
            Workbook xlWorkBook    = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(excelFileName,
                                                          _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing,
                                                          _missing, _missing,
                                                          _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing);

            if (excelFileName != "" && File.Exists(excelFileName))
                xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(excelFileName,
                                                  _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing,
                                                  _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing);

                var xlWorkSheet = (Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Sheets[connectionsSheetName.Text];

                int sourceElementNameCol = MmExcelUtil.ColumnNumber(xlWorkSheet, sourceElementColumnName.Text);
                int targetElementNameCol = MmExcelUtil.ColumnNumber(xlWorkSheet, targetElementColumnName.Text);

                Trace.WriteLine("  source element name column " + sourceElementNameCol);
                Trace.WriteLine("  target element name column " + targetElementNameCol);

                int  row      = 2;
                bool finished = false;

                while (!finished)
                    String sourceElement = MmExcelUtil.GetCell(xlWorkSheet, row, sourceElementNameCol);
                    String targetElement = MmExcelUtil.GetCell(xlWorkSheet, row, targetElementNameCol);

                    finished = sourceElement == "" && targetElement == "";

                    if (!finished)
                            new ShapeConnection(sourceElement, targetElement));

                Trace.WriteLine("  connections read from Excel " + connectionList.Count);

            // Visio related aspects

            var visapp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Application();

            Document landscape = visapp.Documents.Open(visioFileName.Text);
            Page     page      = visapp.ActivePage;

            Trace.WriteLine("Landscape Masters " + landscape.Masters.Count);
            foreach (Master m in landscape.Masters)
                Trace.WriteLine("VisioStencil Master " + m.Name);

            Master connectorMaster = landscape.Masters[connectorStencilName.Text];

            var placedMapShapes = new Dictionary <String, ShapeRef>();

            MmVisioUtil.GetShapeList(shapeName.Text, page, elementTagName.Text, placedMapShapes);

            Trace.WriteLine("  shapes in Visio " + placedMapShapes.Count);

            // filter internal flows
            for (int con = connectionList.Count - 1; con >= 1; con--)
                if (connectionList[con].SourceElement == connectionList[con].TargetElement)
            Trace.WriteLine("  number of cross system connections  " + connectionList.Count);

            if (summarizeCheckBox.Checked)
                connectionList.Sort((c1, c2) => String.CompareOrdinal(c1.ConnectionName(), c2.ConnectionName()));

                for (int con = connectionList.Count - 1; con >= 1; con--)
                    if (connectionList[con - 1].ConnectionName() == connectionList[con].ConnectionName())
                        connectionList[con - 1].Weight = (connectionList[con].Weight + 1);
                        Trace.WriteLine(connectionList[con].ConnectionName() + " " + connectionList[con].Weight);

                Trace.WriteLine("  summarized to  " + connectionList.Count);

            int progressValue = 0;

            decorationProgressBar.Minimum = 0;
            decorationProgressBar.Maximum = connectionList.Count - 1;

            // tweak performance
            bool  pInhibitSelectChange = visapp.InhibitSelectChange;
            short pDeferRecalc         = visapp.DeferRecalc;
            bool  pShowChanges         = visapp.ShowChanges;
            short pScreenUpdating      = visapp.ScreenUpdating;
            int   pOnDataChangeDelay   = visapp.OnDataChangeDelay;

            visapp.InhibitSelectChange = true;
            visapp.DeferRecalc         = 1;
            visapp.ShowChanges         = false;
            visapp.ScreenUpdating      = 0;
            visapp.OnDataChangeDelay   = -2;

            foreach (ShapeConnection con in connectionList)
                decorationProgressBar.Value = progressValue++;
                if (progressValue % 50 == 0)

                ShapeRef source = null;
                ShapeRef target = null;

                if (placedMapShapes.ContainsKey(con.SourceElement))
                    source = placedMapShapes[con.SourceElement];

                if (placedMapShapes.ContainsKey(con.TargetElement))
                    target = placedMapShapes[con.TargetElement];

                if (source != null && target != null)
                    Shape connector = page.Drop(connectorMaster, 4.50, 4.50);
                    MmVisioUtil.ConnectShapes(source.Shape, target.Shape, connector);
                    // connector.Cells["EndArrow"].Formula = "=5";
                    Trace.WriteLine(" cannot add connector between " + con.SourceElement + " to " + con.TargetElement);

            Trace.WriteLine("  decorations read from Excel " + connectionList.Count);

            // Reset Visio properties
            visapp.InhibitSelectChange = pInhibitSelectChange;
            visapp.DeferRecalc         = pDeferRecalc;
            visapp.ShowChanges         = pShowChanges;
            visapp.ScreenUpdating      = pScreenUpdating;
            visapp.OnDataChangeDelay   = pOnDataChangeDelay;
