Inheritance: INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged
        public void SetUp()
            _eventBroker = Substitute.For<IEventBroker>();

            _fred = new Student();
            _law = new Subject();

            // Act
        public void TheyShouldNotBePermitted()
            var fred = new Student();
            var law = new Subject
                MaxStudents = 0,


            Assert.Inconclusive("This is our mission for tomorrow morning. We need to add a non-default constructor to our entity so that we can reliably create instances in a valid state.");
 partial void DeleteSubject(Subject instance);
 partial void UpdateSubject(Subject instance);
 partial void InsertSubject(Subject instance);
 public void EnrolIn(Subject subject)
 public bool IsEnrolledIn(Subject subject)
     return StudentSubjectEnrolments
         .Where(sse => sse.SubjectId == subject.Id)