Exemplo n.º 1
        //TODO: find bug causing this task to fire randomly
        // ran twice when casting armor spell on cat! -_-

        // c armor cat

        //Your hands start to glow as you begin chanting the armour spell

        //You place your hands upon Black and White cat engulfing them in a white protective glow.

        //You feel better as a wave of warth surrounds your body <-- task

        //Someone says to you, you should be feeling better now, wake when you are ready <-- task

        public static async Task Awakening(PlayerSetup.Player player, Room.Room room, string step, string calledBy)
            //to stop task firing twice
            if (player.QuestLog.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Find and greet Lance")) != null)

            player.Status = PlayerSetup.Player.PlayerStatus.Sleeping;

            var oldPlayer = player;

            await Task.Delay(5000);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(step))
                player.Area   = "Tutorial";
                player.Region = "Tutorial";
                player.AreaId = 3;

                var exit = new Exit
                    area   = player.Area,
                    region = player.Region,
                    areaId = player.AreaId

                var templeRoom =
                        x =>
                        x.area.Equals(player.Area) && x.areaId.Equals(player.AreaId) &&

                if (templeRoom != null)
                    PlayerManager.RemovePlayerFromRoom(room, oldPlayer);
                    Movement.Teleport(player, templeRoom, exit);
                    var loadRoom = new LoadRoom
                        Area   = player.Area,
                        id     = player.AreaId,
                        Region = player.Region

                    var newRoom = loadRoom.LoadRoomFile();
                    PlayerManager.RemovePlayerFromRoom(room, oldPlayer);
                    Movement.Teleport(player, newRoom, exit);
                    //load from DB

                //fix for random wake message hint showing

                var playerInRoom =
                        x => x.area.Equals("Tutorial") && x.areaId.Equals(1) && x.region.Equals("Tutorial"))
                    .players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(player.Name));

                //well this does not work
                if (playerInRoom != null)
                    await Task.Delay(3000);

                    HubContext.SendToClient("You feel better as a wave of warmth surrounds your body", player.HubGuid);

                    await Task.Delay(2000);

                    HubContext.SendToClient("<span class='sayColor'>Someone says to you \"You should be feeling better now, wake when you are ready.\"</span>", player.HubGuid);

                    await Task.Delay(2000);

                    HubContext.SendToClient("<p class='RoomExits'>[Hint] Type wake to wake up</p>", player.HubGuid);

                //loops forever because room.players does not get updated when player leaves the ambush room
                // so this always tries to fire the messages below. as to why it sometimes it shows and sometimes does not, I have no idea.
                while (playerInRoom != null && playerInRoom.Area.Equals("Tutorial"))
                    await Task.Delay(30000); // <-- is this the cause && the check below is not working

                    playerInRoom =
                            x => x.area.Equals("Tutorial") && x.areaId.Equals(1) && x.region.Equals("Tutorial"))
                        .players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(player.Name));

                    if (playerInRoom == null)

                    if (playerInRoom.Status != PlayerSetup.Player.PlayerStatus.Standing)

                        HubContext.SendToClient("You feel better as a wave of warmth surrounds your body", player.HubGuid);

                        await Task.Delay(2000);

                        HubContext.SendToClient("<span class='sayColor'>Someone says to you \"You should be feeling better now, wake when you are ready.\"</span>", player.HubGuid);

                        await Task.Delay(2000);

                        HubContext.SendToClient("<p class='RoomExits'>[Hint] Type wake to wake up</p>", player.HubGuid);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static async Task Awakening(PlayerSetup.Player player, Room.Room room, string step, string calledBy)
            player.Status = PlayerSetup.Player.PlayerStatus.Sleeping;

            await Task.Delay(5000);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(step))
                player.Area   = "Tutorial";
                player.Region = "Tutorial";
                player.AreaId = 3;

                var exit = new Exit
                    area   = player.Area,
                    region = player.Region,
                    areaId = player.AreaId

                var templeRoom =
                        x =>
                        x.area.Equals(player.Area) && x.areaId.Equals(player.AreaId) &&

                if (templeRoom != null)
                    Movement.Teleport(player, templeRoom, exit);
                    var loadRoom = new LoadRoom
                        Area   = player.Area,
                        id     = player.AreaId,
                        Region = player.Region

                    var newRoom = loadRoom.LoadRoomFile();

                    Movement.Teleport(player, newRoom, exit);
                    //load from DB

                //fix for random wake message hint showing
                if (room.players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(player.Name)) != null)
                    await Task.Delay(3000);

                    HubContext.SendToClient("You feel better as a wave of warmth surrounds your body", player.HubGuid);

                    await Task.Delay(2000);

                    HubContext.SendToClient("Someone says to you, You should be feeling better now, wake when you are ready", player.HubGuid);

                    await Task.Delay(2000);

                    HubContext.SendToClient("<p class='RoomExits'>[Hint] Type wake to wake up</p>", player.HubGuid);

                while (room.players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(player.Name)) != null)
                    await Task.Delay(30000);

                    if (room.players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(player.Name)).Status != PlayerSetup.Player.PlayerStatus.Standing)
                        HubContext.SendToClient("You feel better as a wave of warth surrounds your body", player.HubGuid);

                        await Task.Delay(2000);

                        HubContext.SendToClient("Someone says to you, you should be feeling better now, wake when you are ready", player.HubGuid);

                        await Task.Delay(2000);

                        HubContext.SendToClient("<p class='RoomExits'>[Hint] Type wake to wake up</p>", player.HubGuid);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static async Task AwakeningRescue(PlayerSetup.Player player, Room.Room room, string step, string calledBy)
            //give player quest
            var findLance = new Quest()
                Id          = 3,
                Name        = "Find and greet Lance",
                Description =
                    "Mortem has asked me to go find Lance the village elder who can be found in the main square, From the temple leave south and follow the hill path in to town." +
                    "<p class='RoomExits'>[Hint] Type greet lance to greet the Elder once you have found him</p>",
                QuestGiver   = "Mortem",
                QuestFindMob = Lance.VillageElderLance().Name,
                Type         = Quest.QuestType.FindMob,
                RewardXp     = 250,
                QuestHint    = "<h5>Hint:</h5><p>Lance is here, type greet Lance to interact with him.</p>",
                QuestTrigger = Lance.VillageElderLance().Name,
                RewardDialog = new DialogTree()
                    Message       = "Yes I am Lance, well met $playerName",
                    ShowIfOnQuest = "Find and greet Lance"

                //to stop task firing twice
                if (player.QuestLog.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Find and greet Lance")) != null)

                var npc = room.mobs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Mortem"));

                if (npc == null)

                if (step.Equals("wake", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    //remove player from tutorial room
                    var oldRoom = Cache.ReturnRooms()
                        x => x.area.Equals("Tutorial") && x.areaId.Equals(1) && x.region.Equals("Tutorial"));

                    if (oldRoom != null && oldRoom.players.Contains(player))
                        PlayerManager.RemovePlayerFromRoom(oldRoom, player);

                    HubContext.SendToClient("<span class='sayColor'>" + npc.Name + " says \"Ah you are awake!\"</span>", player.HubGuid);

                    await Task.Delay(2000);

                    HubContext.SendToClient("<span class='sayColor'>" +
                                            npc.Name + " says \"You were in a bad way when we found you, I didn't think you would wake.\"</span>",

                    await Task.Delay(2000);

                    HubContext.SendToClient(npc.Name + " gets a pair of trousers, a plain top and hands them to you.",



                    await Task.Delay(2000);

                    HubContext.SendToClient("<span class='sayColor'>" + npc.Name + " says \"Wear them, you can't walk around naked I am afraid.\"</span>",

                    await Task.Delay(2000);

                        "<p class='RoomExits'>[Hint] To view items you are carrying type Inventory or i for short</p>",

                    HubContext.SendToClient(npc.Name + " smiles at you.", player.HubGuid);

                    await Task.Delay(2000);

                        "<p class='RoomExits'>[Hint] Type wear trousers and wear shirt or alternatively wear all</p>",

                if (step != null && step.Contains("plain"))
                    if (player.QuestLog.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Find and greet Lance")) != null)

                    if (player.Equipment.Body.Equals(ClothingBody.PlainTop().name) &&
                        HubContext.SendToClient("<span class='sayColor'>" +
                                                npc.Name + " says \"It fits well, don't forget to wear the trousers too.\"</span>",

                        await Task.Delay(2000);


                    if (player.Equipment.Legs.Equals(ClothingLegs.PlainTrousers().name) &&
                        HubContext.SendToClient("<span class='sayColor'>" + npc.Name + " says \"It fits well, don't forget to wear the top too.\"</span>",

                        await Task.Delay(2000);


                    if (player.Equipment.Legs.Equals(ClothingLegs.PlainTrousers().name) &&
                        HubContext.SendToClient("<span class='sayColor'>" +
                                                npc.Name +
                                                " says \"Excellent, I have one request for you and that is to speak to Lance the Elder of the village.\"</span>",

                        HubContext.SendToClient("<span class='sayColor'>" +
                                                npc.Name +
                                                " says \"He wants to know if you remember anything about the attack that may help him? We have been raided a few times of late.\"</span>",

                        HubContext.SendToClient("<span class='sayColor'>" +
                                                npc.Name +
                                                " says \"You will found him in the Square of Anker just leave south and follow the hill path in to town you can't miss the Square.\"</span>",


                            "<span class='questColor'>New Quest added: <br />Find and greet Lance. <br />Type qlog to be reminded about quest information.</span>",

                            npc.Name +
                            " waves to you, may Tyr bless you.",
            catch (Exception ex)
                var log = new Error.Error
                    Date         = DateTime.Now,
                    ErrorMessage = ex.InnerException.ToString(),
                    MethodName   = "mortem"

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static async Task Intro(PlayerSetup.Player player, Room.Room room, string step, string calledBy)
                var npc = room.mobs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Wilhelm"));

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(step))
                    await Task.Delay(1000);

                    HubContext.SendToClient("<span class='sayColor'>" +
                                            npc.Name + " says to you \"I don't think we have much further to go " + player.Name + ".\"</span>",

                    await Task.Delay(2000);

                    var playerInRoom =
                            x => x.area.Equals("Tutorial") && x.areaId.Equals(0) && x.region.Equals("Tutorial"))
                        .players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(player.Name));

                    if (playerInRoom != null)
                        HubContext.SendToClient("You hear a twig snap in the distance.", player.HubGuid);

                        await Task.Delay(2000);

                    playerInRoom =
                            x => x.area.Equals("Tutorial") && x.areaId.Equals(0) && x.region.Equals("Tutorial"))
                        .players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(player.Name));

                    if (playerInRoom != null)
                        HubContext.SendToClient(npc.Name + " looks at you with a face of terror and dread.",

                        await Task.Delay(3000);

                    playerInRoom =
                            x => x.area.Equals("Tutorial") && x.areaId.Equals(0) && x.region.Equals("Tutorial"))
                        .players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(player.Name));

                    if (playerInRoom != null)
                            "<span class='sayColor'>" + npc.Name + " says to you \"did you hear that " + player.Name +

                        HubContext.SendToClient("<p class='RoomExits'>[Hint] Type say yes</p>", player.HubGuid);

                     *  add quest to player?
                     *  show dialogue options
                     *  yes / no
                     *  regardless of what is picked proceed to nect step
                     *  if nothing is picked repeat
                var hasDagger = player.Inventory.FirstOrDefault(x => x.name.Contains("dagger"));
                if (step.Equals("yes", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && hasDagger == null)
                    var weapon = npc.Inventory.FirstOrDefault(x => x.name.Contains("dagger"));

                    if (weapon != null)

                    await Task.Delay(1500);

                    HubContext.SendToClient("You look around but see nothing.", player.HubGuid);

                    await Task.Delay(1500);

                    HubContext.SendToClient("Suddenly a Goblin yells AARGH-tttack!!", player.HubGuid);

                    await Task.Delay(3000);

                    HubContext.SendToClient("You hear movement all around you.", player.HubGuid);

                    await Task.Delay(1500);

                    HubContext.SendToClient("<span class='sayColor'>" + npc.Name + " says to you \"here take this dagger " + player.Name + ".\"",

                    HubContext.SendToClient(npc.Name + " gives you a blunt dagger.", player.HubGuid);


                    await Task.Delay(1500);

                    HubContext.SendToClient("<span class='sayColor'>" +
                                            npc.Name +
                                            " says to you \"It's nothing special but it will help you. If we get split up, head to Ester. The Adventurer Academy is there and will teach you everything you need to know, if I don't make.\"...</span>",
                        "<p class='RoomExits'>[Hint] Type: wield dagger to wield the weapon, wear works too as does wear all.</p>",
                    await Task.Delay(3000);

                    HubContext.SendToClient("You hear movement getting closer.", player.HubGuid);

                    await Task.Delay(3000);

                    HubContext.SendToClient("Suddenly 5 Goblins emerge from the bushes and fan out in a semi circle behind you.",

                    await Task.Delay(3000);

                    HubContext.SendToClient("<span class='sayColor'>" +
                                            npc.Name + " yells \"GO " + player.Name + ", I'll hold them off. RUN! Run now to the North.\"</span>",

                        "<p class='RoomExits'>[Hint] Type: north or n for short to move north away from the ambush.</p>",
            catch (Exception ex)
                var log = new Error.Error
                    Date         = DateTime.Now,
                    ErrorMessage = ex.InnerException.ToString(),
                    MethodName   = "willhelm"
