}                           // Continue Button Action

        private void ComboBox_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Create List of departments to show in department ComboBox
            List <String> Departments = new List <string> {
                "Select Department"

            //Add AD Departments to list
            ADInterface SearchInterface = new ADInterface();
            //create required list to eliminate forbidden OU's from user shown list
            List <string> BadOUs = new List <string> {
                "Temp", "Test OU", "TST - Test Computers", "Sitecode Change", "Staff Exceptions"

            Departments = SearchInterface.GetOrgUnits("LDAP://OU=Employee Computers, OU=Marylhurst Computers, DC=campus, DC=marylhurst, DC=edu", BadOUs);

            //make list alphabetical
            //Add inital prefix item for list display
            Departments.Insert(0, "Select Department");

            //Update box Items with new departments list
            var this_box = sender as ComboBox;

            this_box.ItemsSource   = Departments;
            this_box.SelectedIndex = 0;
        }                    // Department Box Loading Actions
        }                            // Cancel Button Action

        private void Continue(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

            if ((_errors > 0) || _ROOMerrors)
                MessageBox.Show("Error: Please resolve the above problems before continuing.", "ERROR");
                //move the computer in AD and update the machine description per the user defined department information
                ADInterface MoveInterface = new ADInterface();
                MoveInterface.MoveOrgUnit(Department_Box.Text, "LDAP://OU=Employee Computers, OU=Marylhurst Computers, DC=campus, DC=marylhurst, DC=edu"); //Departnment_Box.Text is refering to the content on the form labled department box, this works because the user control is named.
                MoveInterface.UpdateDescription(Building_Box.Text, Room_Box.Text, Computer_Type.Text);

                LocalSystemInterface localSystemInterface = new LocalSystemInterface();

                MessageBox.Show("Computer policy configuration and invetory compleate. \n Please enjoy your new computer", "SUCCESS");

        }                           // Continue Button Action