Exemplo n.º 1
        void DoMove()
            if ((pos[1] - 19) % 32 != 0 && !jumping)
                pos[1] = (ushort)((pos[1] + 19) - (pos[1] % 32));

            ushort x = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[0] - 16) / 32);
            ushort y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 64) / 32);
            ushort z = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[2] - 16) / 32);
            int    dx = Math.Sign(foundPos[0] - pos[0]), dz = Math.Sign(foundPos[2] - pos[2]);

            byte b = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, y, z));
            byte b1, b2, b3;

            if (Block.Walkthrough(b) && !jumping)
                pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] - 32);
            y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 64) / 32);   //Block below feet

            int index = level.PosToInt((ushort)(x + dx), y, (ushort)(z + dz));

            b  = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(index));
            b1 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(level.IntOffset(index, 0, 1, 0)));
            b2 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(level.IntOffset(index, 0, 2, 0)));
            b3 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(level.IntOffset(index, 0, 3, 0)));

            if (Block.Walkthrough(b2) && Block.Walkthrough(b3) && !Block.Walkthrough(b1))
                pos[0] += (ushort)dx; // Get ready to go up step
                pos[1] += (ushort)32;
                pos[2] += (ushort)dz;
            else if (Block.Walkthrough(b1) && Block.Walkthrough(b2))
                pos[0] += (ushort)dx; // Stay on current level
                pos[2] += (ushort)dz;
            else if (Block.Walkthrough(b) && Block.Walkthrough(b1))
                pos[0] += (ushort)dx; // Drop a level
                pos[1] -= (ushort)32;
                pos[2] += (ushort)dz;

            /*x = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[0] - 16) / (decimal)32);
             * y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 64) / 32);
             * z = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[2] - 16) / (decimal)32);
             * b1 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z));
             * b2 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 2), z));
             * b3 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, y, z));
             *  if ((ushort)(foundPos[1] / 32) > y) {
             *      if (b1 == Block.water || b1 == Block.waterstill || b1 == Block.lava || b1 == Block.lavastill) {
             *          if (Block.Walkthrough(b2)) {
             *              pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] + (Math.Sign(foundPos[1] - pos[1])));
             *          }
             *      } else if (b2 == Block.water || b2 == Block.waterstill || b2 == Block.lava || b2 == Block.lavastill) {
             *          pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] + (Math.Sign(foundPos[1] - pos[1])));
             *      }
             *  } else if ((ushort)(foundPos[1] / 32) < y) {
             *      if (b3 == Block.water || b3 == Block.waterstill || b3 == Block.lava || b3 == Block.lavastill) {
             *          pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] + (Math.Sign(foundPos[1] - pos[1])));
             *      }
             *  }*/
Exemplo n.º 2
        void MoveTimerFunc(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            moveTimer.Interval = Server.updateTimer.Interval / movementSpeed;
            if (!movement)
            int newNum; Random rand = new Random();

            if ((pos[1] - 19) % 32 != 0 && !jumping)
                pos[1] = (ushort)((pos[1] + 19) - (pos[1] % 32));

            ushort x = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[0] - 16) / 32);
            ushort y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 64) / 32);
            ushort z = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[2] - 16) / 32);

            byte b = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, y, z));
            byte b1, b2, b3;//, b4;

            if (Block.Walkthrough(b) && !jumping)
                pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] - 32);

            y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 64) / 32);   //Block below feet

            newNum = level.PosToInt((ushort)(x + Math.Sign(foundPos[0] - pos[0])), y, (ushort)(z + Math.Sign(foundPos[2] - pos[2])));
            b      = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(newNum));
            b1     = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(level.IntOffset(newNum, 0, 1, 0)));
            b2     = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(level.IntOffset(newNum, 0, 2, 0)));
            b3     = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(level.IntOffset(newNum, 0, 3, 0)));

            if (Block.Walkthrough(b2) && Block.Walkthrough(b3) && !Block.Walkthrough(b1))
            {     //Get ready to go up step
                pos[0] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[0] - pos[0]);
                pos[1] += (ushort)32;
                pos[2] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[2] - pos[2]);
            else if (Block.Walkthrough(b1) && Block.Walkthrough(b2))
            {                        //Stay on current level
                pos[0] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[0] - pos[0]);
                pos[2] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[2] - pos[2]);
            else if (Block.Walkthrough(b) && Block.Walkthrough(b1))
            {                         //Drop a level
                pos[0] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[0] - pos[0]);
                pos[1] -= (ushort)32;
                pos[2] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[2] - pos[2]);

            x = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[0] - 16) / (decimal)32);
            y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 64) / 32);
            z = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[2] - 16) / (decimal)32);

            b1 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z));
            b2 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 2), z));
            b3 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, y, z));

             *  if ((ushort)(foundPos[1] / 32) > y) {
             *      if (b1 == Block.water || b1 == Block.waterstill || b1 == Block.lava || b1 == Block.lavastill) {
             *          if (Block.Walkthrough(b2)) {
             *              pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] + (Math.Sign(foundPos[1] - pos[1])));
             *          }
             *      } else if (b2 == Block.water || b2 == Block.waterstill || b2 == Block.lava || b2 == Block.lavastill) {
             *          pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] + (Math.Sign(foundPos[1] - pos[1])));
             *      }
             *  } else if ((ushort)(foundPos[1] / 32) < y) {
             *      if (b3 == Block.water || b3 == Block.waterstill || b3 == Block.lava || b3 == Block.lavastill) {
             *          pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] + (Math.Sign(foundPos[1] - pos[1])));
             *      }
             *  }*/
Exemplo n.º 3
        public PlayerBot(string n, Level l, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte rotx, byte roty)
            name = n;
            color = "&1";
            id = FreeId();

            level = l;
            pos = new ushort[3] { x, y, z }; rot = new byte[2] { rotx, roty };

            foreach (Player p in Player.players)
                if (p.level == level)
                    Player.SendMessage(p, color + name + Server.DefaultColor + ", the bot, has been added.");

            botTimer.Elapsed += delegate
                int currentNum, foundNum = (32 * 75);
                Random rand = new Random();

                x = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)pos[0] / (decimal)32);
                y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 33) / 32);
                z = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)pos[2] / (decimal)32);

                if (kill)
                    foreach (Player p in Player.players)
                        if ((ushort)(p.pos[0] / 32) == x)
                            if (Math.Abs((ushort)(p.pos[1] / 32) - y) < 2)
                                if ((ushort)(p.pos[2] / 32) == z)

                if (Waypoints.Count < 1)
                    if (hunt)
                        Player.players.ForEach(delegate(Player p)
                            if (p.level == level && !p.invincible)
                                currentNum = Math.Abs(p.pos[0] - pos[0]) + Math.Abs(p.pos[1] - pos[1]) + Math.Abs(p.pos[2] - pos[2]);
                                if (currentNum < foundNum)
                                    foundNum = currentNum;
                                    foundPos = p.pos;
                                    foundRot = p.rot;
                                    movement = true;
                                    rot[1] = (byte)(255 - foundRot[1]);
                                    if (foundRot[0] < 128) rot[0] = (byte)(foundRot[0] + 128);
                                    else rot[0] = (byte)(foundRot[0] - 128);
                    bool skip = false;
                    movement = false;

                retry: switch (Waypoints[currentPoint].type)
                        case "walk":
                            foundPos[0] = Waypoints[currentPoint].x;
                            foundPos[1] = Waypoints[currentPoint].y;
                            foundPos[2] = Waypoints[currentPoint].z;
                            movement = true;

                            if ((ushort)(pos[0] / 32) == (ushort)(Waypoints[currentPoint].x / 32))
                                if ((ushort)(pos[2] / 32) == (ushort)(Waypoints[currentPoint].z / 32))
                                    rot[0] = Waypoints[currentPoint].rotx;
                                    rot[1] = Waypoints[currentPoint].roty;
                                    movement = false;

                                    if (currentPoint == Waypoints.Count) currentPoint = 0;
                                    if (!skip) { skip = true; goto retry; }
                        case "teleport":
                            pos[0] = Waypoints[currentPoint].x;
                            pos[1] = Waypoints[currentPoint].y;
                            pos[2] = Waypoints[currentPoint].z;
                            rot[0] = Waypoints[currentPoint].rotx;
                            rot[1] = Waypoints[currentPoint].roty;
                            if (currentPoint == Waypoints.Count) currentPoint = 0;
                        case "wait":
                            if (countdown != 0)
                                if (countdown == 0)
                                    if (currentPoint == Waypoints.Count) currentPoint = 0;
                                    if (!skip) { skip = true; goto retry; }
                                countdown = Waypoints[currentPoint].seconds;
                        case "nod":
                            if (countdown != 0)

                                if (nodUp)
                                    if (rot[1] > 32 && rot[1] < 128) nodUp = !nodUp;
                                        if (rot[1] + (byte)Waypoints[currentPoint].rotspeed > 255) rot[1] = 0;
                                        else rot[1] += (byte)Waypoints[currentPoint].rotspeed;
                                    if (rot[1] > 128 && rot[1] < 224) nodUp = !nodUp;
                                        if (rot[1] - (byte)Waypoints[currentPoint].rotspeed < 0) rot[1] = 255;
                                        else rot[1] -= (byte)Waypoints[currentPoint].rotspeed;

                                if (countdown == 0)
                                    if (currentPoint == Waypoints.Count) currentPoint = 0;
                                    if (!skip) { skip = true; goto retry; }
                                countdown = Waypoints[currentPoint].seconds;
                        case "spin":
                            if (countdown != 0)

                                if (rot[0] + (byte)Waypoints[currentPoint].rotspeed > 255) rot[0] = 0;
                                else if (rot[0] + (byte)Waypoints[currentPoint].rotspeed < 0) rot[0] = 255;
                                else rot[0] += (byte)Waypoints[currentPoint].rotspeed;

                                if (countdown == 0)
                                    if (currentPoint == Waypoints.Count) currentPoint = 0;
                                    if (!skip) { skip = true; goto retry; }
                                countdown = Waypoints[currentPoint].seconds;
                        case "speed":
                            movementSpeed = (int)Math.Round((decimal)((decimal)24 / (decimal)100 * (decimal)Waypoints[currentPoint].seconds));
                            if (movementSpeed == 0) movementSpeed = 1;

                            if (currentPoint == Waypoints.Count) currentPoint = 0;
                            if (!skip) { skip = true; goto retry; }
                        case "reset":
                            currentPoint = 0;
                        case "remove":
                        case "linkscript":
                            if (File.Exists("bots/" + Waypoints[currentPoint].newscript))
                                Command.all.Find("botset").Use(null, this.name + " " + Waypoints[currentPoint].newscript);

                            if (currentPoint == Waypoints.Count) currentPoint = 0;
                            if (!skip) { skip = true; goto retry; }
                        case "jump":
                            jumpTimer.Elapsed += delegate
                                switch (currentjump)
                                    case 1:
                                    case 2: pos[1] += 24; break;
                                    case 3: break;
                                    case 4: pos[1] -= 24; break;
                                    case 5: pos[1] -= 24; jumping = false; currentjump = 0; jumpTimer.Stop(); break;

                            if (currentPoint == Waypoints.Count) currentPoint = 0;
                            if (!skip) { skip = true; goto retry; }

                    if (currentPoint == Waypoints.Count) currentPoint = 0;

                if (!movement)
                    if (rot[0] < 245) rot[0] += 8;
                    else rot[0] = 0;

                    if (rot[1] > 32 && rot[1] < 64) rot[1] = 224;
                    else if (rot[1] > 250) rot[1] = 0;
                    else rot[1] += 4;


            moveTimer.Elapsed += delegate
                moveTimer.Interval = Server.updateTimer.Interval / movementSpeed;
                if (!movement) return;
                int newNum; Random rand = new Random();

                if ((pos[1] - 19) % 32 != 0 && !jumping)
                    pos[1] = (ushort)((pos[1] + 19) - (pos[1] % 32));

                x = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[0] - 16) / (decimal)32);
                y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 64) / 32);
                z = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[2] - 16) / (decimal)32);

                byte b = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, y, z));
                byte b1, b2, b3;//, b4;

                if (Block.Walkthrough(b) && !jumping)
                    pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] - 32);

                y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 64) / 32);   //Block below feet

                newNum = level.PosToInt((ushort)(x + Math.Sign(foundPos[0] - pos[0])), y, (ushort)(z + Math.Sign(foundPos[2] - pos[2])));
                b = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(newNum));
                b1 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(level.IntOffset(newNum, 0, 1, 0)));
                b2 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(level.IntOffset(newNum, 0, 2, 0)));
                b3 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(level.IntOffset(newNum, 0, 3, 0)));

                if (Block.Walkthrough(b2) && Block.Walkthrough(b3) && !Block.Walkthrough(b1))
                {     //Get ready to go up step
                    pos[0] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[0] - pos[0]);
                    pos[1] += (ushort)32;
                    pos[2] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[2] - pos[2]);
                else if (Block.Walkthrough(b1) && Block.Walkthrough(b2))
                {                        //Stay on current level
                    pos[0] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[0] - pos[0]);
                    pos[2] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[2] - pos[2]);
                else if (Block.Walkthrough(b) && Block.Walkthrough(b1))
                {                         //Drop a level
                    pos[0] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[0] - pos[0]);
                    pos[1] -= (ushort)32;
                    pos[2] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[2] - pos[2]);

                x = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[0] - 16) / (decimal)32);
                y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 64) / 32);
                z = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[2] - 16) / (decimal)32);

                b1 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z));
                b2 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 2), z));
                b3 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, y, z));

                if ((ushort)(foundPos[1] / 32) > y) {
                    if (b1 == Block.water || b1 == Block.waterstill || b1 == Block.lava || b1 == Block.lavastill) {
                        if (Block.Walkthrough(b2)) {
                            pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] + (Math.Sign(foundPos[1] - pos[1])));
                    } else if (b2 == Block.water || b2 == Block.waterstill || b2 == Block.lava || b2 == Block.lavastill) {
                        pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] + (Math.Sign(foundPos[1] - pos[1])));
                } else if ((ushort)(foundPos[1] / 32) < y) {
                    if (b3 == Block.water || b3 == Block.waterstill || b3 == Block.lava || b3 == Block.lavastill) {
                        pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] + (Math.Sign(foundPos[1] - pos[1])));