Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// These nodes get used over and over again, so we need to make sure they 
 /// get completely reset between uses.
 /// </summary>
 public void Reset()
     mGraphNode = null;
     mPrevious = null;
     mCostFromStart = 0;
     mCostToDestination = 0;
     mReached = false;
     mPathSolved = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public Planner()
            // mUnusedNodes is a static used by all instances of the behavior.  We only want to allocate
            // it once.
            if (mUnusedNodes == null)
                mUnusedNodes = new Stack<PathNode>(10000);
                for (Int32 i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                    PathNode temp = new PathNode();

            mPathInvalidated = false;

            mBestPathEnd = null;

            mSolved = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Call this to put a message back to its default state.
 /// </summary>
 public override void Reset()
     mBest_Out = null;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function for doing the work needed to go from a position to a GraphNode, and then finally
        /// sending that GraphNode to the Planner.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos">The position at which we wish to travel from.</param>
        private void SetSource(Vector2 pos)
            mGetTileAtPositionMsg.mPosition_In = pos;

            GraphNode start = mPlannerNavMesh.pStart;

            // Only set the new destination if it is different than the current one (or the current
            // one does not exist).
            if (start == null || mGetTileAtPositionMsg.mTile_Out != start.pData)

                // If the GraphNode was already created, remove it before adding a new one.
                if (start != null)
                    //mGetNavMeshMsg.mNavMesh_Out.UnlinkGraphNodes(end, mPlannerNavMesh.pStart);

                GraphNode node = mGetNavMeshMsg.mNavMesh_Out.InsertTempNode(pos);

                // Attempt to set a new destination. Returns true in the case where the destination was 
                // different (and thus changed).
                if (mPlannerNavMesh.SetSource(node))
                    mLowLevelBest = null;
                    mLastHighLevelSearched = null;
                    // Find the TileGraphNode that maps to the location of node.
                    mGetTileAtPositionMsg.mPosition_In = pos;




Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the current location that we want to path search to.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos">The position to try and reach.</param>
        private void SetDestination(Vector2 pos)
            mGetTileAtPositionMsg.mPosition_In = pos;

            GraphNode end = mPlannerNavMesh.pEnd;

            // Only set the new destination if it is different than the current one (or the current
            // one does not exist).
            if (end == null || mGetTileAtPositionMsg.mTile_Out != end.pData)

                // If the GraphNode was already created, remove it before adding a new one.
                if (end != null)
                    //mGetNavMeshMsg.mNavMesh_Out.UnlinkGraphNodes(end, mPlannerNavMesh.pStart);

                GraphNode node = mGetNavMeshMsg.mNavMesh_Out.InsertTempNode(pos);

                // Attempt to set a new destination. Returns true in the case where the destination was 
                // different (and thus changed).
                if (mPlannerNavMesh.SetDestination(node))
                    mLowLevelBest = null;
                    mLastHighLevelSearched = null;

                    // If the destination changes, it means the low level search is no longer valid, and
                    // needs to wait for the high level search to complete first.



Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Clears the destination and all the the associated data.
        /// </summary>
        private void ClearDestination()
			// If mPlannerNavMesh currently has a destination, that means that we added a temp
            // node to the nav mesh as that destination, and it needs to be removed now.
            if (mPlannerNavMesh.pEnd != null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mPlannerNavMesh.pEnd != mPlannerNavMesh.pStart, "End and start are the same.");


            // Members used to coordinate the low level search need to be reset since the 
            // search had been invalidated.
            mLowLevelBest = null;
            mLastHighLevelSearched = null;



Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Called once per frame by the game object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">The amount of time that has passed this frame.</param>
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            // Does this instance of the behaviour just want to automatically update the source
            // based on our parents position?
            if (mUpdateSourceAutomatically)

            if (mGetNavMeshMsg.mNavMesh_Out != null)

            // Plan the path at a high level.
            MBHEngine.PathFind.GenericAStar.Planner.Result res = mPlannerNavMesh.PlanPath();

            // If the search is anything but InProgress it is safe to research the pass counter.
            if (res == Planner.Result.InProgress)
                mSearchPassCount = 0;

            // If the planner failed to find the destination tell the other behaviours.
            if (res == MBHEngine.PathFind.GenericAStar.Planner.Result.Failed ||
                res == Planner.Result.InvalidLocation ||
                mSearchPassCount > mSearchPassLimit)
                if (res == Planner.Result.Failed)
                    mOnPathFindFailedMsg.mReason = OnPathFindFailedMessage.Reason.Failed;
                else if (res == Planner.Result.InvalidLocation)
                    mOnPathFindFailedMsg.mReason = OnPathFindFailedMessage.Reason.InvalidLocation;
                else if (mSearchPassCount > mSearchPassLimit)
                    mOnPathFindFailedMsg.mReason = OnPathFindFailedMessage.Reason.Timeout;


                mSearchPassCount = 0;
            else if (res == Planner.Result.Solved)// && InputManager.pInstance.CheckAction(InputManager.InputActions.B))
                // When the high level path finding is solved, start path finding at a lower
                // level betwen PathNodes within the higher level.

                PathNode node = mPlannerNavMesh.pCurrentBest;

                // We need to do more than just walk the list until we hit the mLastHighLevelSearched. There
                // are cases (such as 2 nodes at the same position) where we don't want to use a Node.
                // This tracks which was the last VALID node.
                PathNode lastValid = node;

                // Loop all the way back to one after the starting point avoiding the starting node, as
                // well as previously searched nodes.
                // We don't want the starting node because that is where we are likely already standing.
                while (
                    node != mLastHighLevelSearched && // Was the first node actually the one we looked at last Update?
                    node.pPrevious != mLastHighLevelSearched && // Is the next one the Node looked at last Update?
                    node.pPrevious.pGraphNode.pPosition != mPlannerTileMap.pStart.pPosition && // Is this Node at the same position as the starting position? We are already there so trying to get there again would cause issues.
                    node.pPrevious.pPrevious != null)
                    node = node.pPrevious;

                    // Only choose nodes that are not at the same position as the last valid node. Trying to path find between
                    // 2 nodes at the TileMap level causes problems. It will solve the path fine, but the issue is when it goes
                    // back to the HPA level, since it hasn't moved the starting position, HPA will find the exact same path.
                    // This cycle repeats forever.
                    if (lastValid.pGraphNode.pPosition != node.pGraphNode.pPosition)
                        lastValid = node;

                node = lastValid;

                // The lower level search uses the Level.Tile Graph, not the NavMesh, so we need to 
                // use the node in NavMesh to find a node in the main tile map.
                mGetTileAtPositionMsg.mPosition_In = node.pGraphNode.pPosition;

                // If this is the first time we are searching at the low level (for this particular 
                // search) we want to SET the destination. If that isn't the case, we want to extend
                // the search to continue to a new destination.
                if (null == mLowLevelBest)

                // Start/Continue planning the path.
                Planner.Result tileRes = mPlannerTileMap.PlanPath();

                // Once the path has been solved, store out that this node in the high level search has 
                // been completed, so the next time through this function, the next node in the path w
                // will be the target.
                if (tileRes == Planner.Result.Solved)
                    mLowLevelBest = mPlannerTileMap.pCurrentBest;

                    mLastHighLevelSearched = node;
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Cleans up all the open and closed nodes.
        /// </summary>
        private void ClearNodeLists()
            // Clear all the open nodes, and remember to return them to the unused pool!
            for (Int32 i = 0; i < mOpenNodes.Count; i++)

            // Clear all the closed nodes and remember to return them to the unused pool!
            for (Int32 i = 0; i < mClosedNodes.Count; i++)

            // The nodes are gone, so it doesn't make sense that we would
            // hold on to a reference to once of them.
            mBestPathEnd = null;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the path finding. Call repeatedly to continue to try and find the path over a number
        /// of frames.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="restrictedArea">Restrict choosen nodes to this area.</param>
        /// <returns>The result of the path finding for this frame.</returns>
        public Result PlanPath(MBHEngine.Math.Rectangle restrictedArea, Boolean drawDebug)
            // If there is no tile at the destination then there is no path finding to do.
            if (mEnd == null)
                return Result.NotStarted;

            if (drawDebug)
                // If we have a destination draw it. Even if there isn't a source yet.
                DebugShapeDisplay.pInstance.AddPoint(mEnd.pPosition, 2.0f, Color.Yellow);

            // If the destination is a solid tile then we will never be able to solve the path.
            if (null != mEnd && !mEnd.IsEmpty())
                // We consider this a failure, similar to if a destination was surrounded by solid.
                return Result.InvalidLocation;

            // If our source position is not on a tile then there is no path finding to do.
            if (mStart == null)
                return Result.NotStarted;

            // If our source position is not on a tile, or that tile is solid we cannot ever solve
            // this path, so abort right away.
            if (mStart != null && !mStart.IsEmpty())
                // Trying to path find to a solid tile is considered a failure.
                return Result.InvalidLocation;

            if (drawDebug)
                // If there is a source, draw it.
                DebugShapeDisplay.pInstance.AddPoint(mStart.pPosition, 2.0f, Color.Orange);

            // If the path hasn't already been invalidated this frame, we need to check that
            // the path didn't get blocked from something like the Player placing blocks.
            // TODO: This could be changed to only do this check when receiving specific events,
            //       such as the ObjectPlacement Behaviour telling it that a new block has been
            //       placed.
            if (!mPathInvalidated)
                // Loop through the current path and check for any tiles that are not
                // empty. If they aren't empty this path is no longer valid as there is 
                // something now blocking it.
                PathNode node = mBestPathEnd;

                while (null != node)
                    if (!node.pGraphNode.IsEmpty())
                        // Setting this flag will force the path finder to start from 
                        // the begining.
                        mPathInvalidated = true;

                        // No need to loop any further. One blockade is enough.

                    node = node.pPrevious;

            // If the path has become invalid, we need to restart the pathing algorithm.
            if (mPathInvalidated)

                // First thing we need to do is add the first node to the open list.
                PathNode p = mUnusedNodes.Pop();
                p.pGraphNode = mStart;

                // There is no cost because it is the starting node.
                p.pCostFromStart = 0;

                // For H we use the actual distance to the destination.  The Manhattan Heuristic method.
                p.pCostToEnd = System.Math.Max(System.Math.Abs(
                        p.pGraphNode.pPosition.X - mEnd.pPosition.X),
                        System.Math.Abs(p.pGraphNode.pPosition.Y - mEnd.pPosition.Y));

                Vector2 source = p.pGraphNode.pPosition;

                Single h_diagonal = System.Math.Min(System.Math.Abs(source.X - mEnd.pPosition.X), System.Math.Abs(source.Y - mEnd.pPosition.Y));
                Single h_straight = System.Math.Abs(source.X - mEnd.pPosition.X) + System.Math.Abs(source.Y - mEnd.pPosition.Y);
                p.pCostToEnd = (11.314f) * h_diagonal + 8.0f * (h_straight - 2 * h_diagonal);

                // Add it to the list, and start the search!

                // If the path was invalidated that assume that it is not longer solved.
                mSolved = false;

                // The path is no longer invalid.  It has begun.
                mPathInvalidated = false;

            // Track how many times this planner has looped this time.
            Int32 count = 0;

            const Int32 maxLoops = 30;

            // Loop until all possibilities have been exhusted, the time slice is expired or the 
            // path is solved.
            while (mOpenNodes.Count > 0 && count < maxLoops && !mSolved)// && (!drawDebug || Input.InputManager.pInstance.CheckAction(Input.InputManager.InputActions.B, true)))

                mBestPathEnd = mOpenNodes[0];


                for (Int32 i = 0; i < mOpenNodes.Count; i++)
                    if (mOpenNodes[i].pFinalCost <= mBestPathEnd.pFinalCost)
                        mBestPathEnd = mOpenNodes[i];

                // End the search once the destination node is added to the closed list.
                if (mBestPathEnd.pGraphNode == mEnd)

                    mSolved = true;


                for (Int32 i = 0; i < mBestPathEnd.pGraphNode.pNeighbours.Count; i++)
                    GraphNode.Neighbour nextNode = mBestPathEnd.pGraphNode.pNeighbours[i];

                    if (nextNode.mGraphNode.IsPassable(mBestPathEnd.pGraphNode) && (restrictedArea == null || restrictedArea.Intersects(nextNode.mGraphNode.pPosition)))
                        Boolean found = false;
                        for (Int32 j = 0; j < mClosedNodes.Count; j++)
                            if (mClosedNodes[j].pGraphNode == nextNode.mGraphNode)
                                found = true;

                        // This node is already in the closed list, so move on to the next node.
                        if (found)

                        // 3-b. If it isn’t on the open list, add it to the open list. 
                        // Make the current square the parent of this square. Record the F, G, and H costs of the square. 

                        // TODO: Get a better way to know if something is in the opened list already.
                        PathNode foundNode = null;

                        for (Int32 j = 0; j < mOpenNodes.Count; j++)
                            if (mOpenNodes[j].pGraphNode == nextNode.mGraphNode)
                                foundNode = mOpenNodes[j];

                        // Calculate the cost of moving to this node.  This is the distance between the two nodes.
                        // This will be needed in both the case where the node is in the open list already,
                        // and the case where it is not.
                        // The cost is the cost of the previous node plus the distance cost to this node.
                        Single costFromCurrentBest = mBestPathEnd.pCostFromStart + nextNode.mCostToTravel;

                        // If the node was not found it needs to be added to the open list.
                        if (foundNode == null)
                            // Create a new node and add it to the open list so it can been considered for pathing
                            // in the updates to follow.
                            PathNode p = mUnusedNodes.Pop(); 
                            p.pGraphNode = nextNode.mGraphNode;

                            // For now it points back to the current node.  This can be overwritten if another node
                            // leads here with a lower cost (see else statement below).
                            p.pPrevious = mBestPathEnd;

                            // The cost to get to this node (G) is calculated above.
                            p.pCostFromStart = costFromCurrentBest;

                            // Combo
                            Vector2 source = p.pGraphNode.pPosition;

                            Single h_diagonal = System.Math.Min(System.Math.Abs(source.X - mEnd.pPosition.X), System.Math.Abs(source.Y - mEnd.pPosition.Y));
                            Single h_straight = System.Math.Abs(source.X - mEnd.pPosition.X) + System.Math.Abs(source.Y - mEnd.pPosition.Y);
                            p.pCostToEnd = (11.314f) * h_diagonal + 8.0f * (h_straight - 2 * h_diagonal);
                            //p.mCostToEnd *= (10.0f + (1.0f/1000.0f));

                            p.pCostToEnd = System.Math.Max(System.Math.Abs(
                                                    p.pGraphNode.pPosition.X - mEnd.pPosition.X),
                                                    System.Math.Abs(p.pGraphNode.pPosition.Y - mEnd.pPosition.Y));

                            // Ending the search now will alomost always result in the best path
                            // but it is possible for it to fail.
                            if (p.pGraphNode == mEnd)
                                // Since the path is now solved, update mCurBest so that it is used for
                                // tracing back through the path from now on.
                                mBestPathEnd = p;
                            // If it is on the open list already, check to see if this path to that square is better, 
                            // using G cost as the measure. A lower G cost means that this is a better path. If so, 
                            // change the parent of the square to the current square, and recalculate the G and F 
                            // scores of the square. If you are keeping your open list sorted by F score, you may need
                            // to resort the list to account for the change.
                            if (foundNode.pCostFromStart > costFromCurrentBest)
                                foundNode.pPrevious = mBestPathEnd;
                                foundNode.pCostFromStart = costFromCurrentBest;

            // Draw the path.
            if (drawDebug && mBestPathEnd != null)

            if (mSolved)
                return Result.Solved;
            else if (mOpenNodes.Count > 0)
                return Result.InProgress;
                return Result.Failed;
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Call this to put a message back to its default state.
 /// </summary>
 public override void Reset()
     mBest_Out = null;