Exemplo n.º 1
        public override Query Rewrite(IndexReader reader)
            CustomScoreQuery clone = null;

            Query sq = subQuery.Rewrite(reader);

            if (sq != subQuery)
                clone          = (CustomScoreQuery)Clone();
                clone.subQuery = sq;

            for (int i = 0; i < scoringQueries.Length; i++)
                Query v = scoringQueries[i].Rewrite(reader);
                if (v != scoringQueries[i])
                    if (clone == null)
                        clone = (CustomScoreQuery)Clone();
                    clone.scoringQueries[i] = v;

            return(clone ?? this);
Exemplo n.º 2
                private readonly float[] vScores; // reused in score() to avoid allocating this array for each doc

                // constructor
                internal CustomScorer(CustomScoreQuery outerInstance, CustomScoreProvider provider, CustomWeight w,
                                      float qWeight, Scorer subQueryScorer, Scorer[] valSrcScorers) : base(w)
                    this.outerInstance  = outerInstance;
                    this.qWeight        = qWeight;
                    this.subQueryScorer = subQueryScorer;
                    this.valSrcScorers  = valSrcScorers;
                    this.vScores        = new float[valSrcScorers.Length];
                    this.provider       = provider;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public CustomWeight(CustomScoreQuery outerInstance, IndexSearcher searcher)
     this.outerInstance  = outerInstance;
     this.subQueryWeight = outerInstance.subQuery.CreateWeight(searcher);
     this.valSrcWeights  = new Weight[outerInstance.scoringQueries.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < outerInstance.scoringQueries.Length; i++)
         this.valSrcWeights[i] = outerInstance.scoringQueries[i].CreateWeight(searcher);
     this.qStrict = outerInstance.strict;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /*(non-Javadoc) @see org.apache.lucene.search.Query#clone() */

        public override CustomScoreQuery Clone()
            CustomScoreQuery clone = (CustomScoreQuery)base.Clone();

            clone.subQuery       = subQuery.Clone();
            clone.scoringQueries = new Query[scoringQueries.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < scoringQueries.Length; i++)
                clone.scoringQueries[i] = scoringQueries[i].Clone();
Exemplo n.º 5
        public virtual void TestRewrite()
            IndexReader r = DirectoryReader.Open(dir);
            IndexSearcher s = NewSearcher(r);

            Query q = new TermQuery(new Term(TEXT_FIELD, "first"));
            CustomScoreQuery original = new CustomScoreQuery(q);
            CustomScoreQuery rewritten = (CustomScoreQuery)original.Rewrite(s.IndexReader);
            assertTrue("rewritten query should be identical, as TermQuery does not rewrite", original == rewritten);
            assertTrue("no hits for query", s.Search(rewritten, 1).TotalHits > 0);
            assertEquals(s.Search(q, 1).TotalHits, s.Search(rewritten, 1).TotalHits);

            q = new TermRangeQuery(TEXT_FIELD, null, null, true, true); // everything
            original = new CustomScoreQuery(q);
            rewritten = (CustomScoreQuery)original.Rewrite(s.IndexReader);
            assertTrue("rewritten query should not be identical, as TermRangeQuery rewrites", original != rewritten);
            assertTrue("no hits for query", s.Search(rewritten, 1).TotalHits > 0);
            assertEquals(s.Search(q, 1).TotalHits, s.Search(original, 1).TotalHits);
            assertEquals(s.Search(q, 1).TotalHits, s.Search(rewritten, 1).TotalHits);

Exemplo n.º 6
        private void DoTestCustomScore(ValueSource valueSource, double dboost)
            float boost = (float)dboost;
            FunctionQuery functionQuery = new FunctionQuery(valueSource);
            IndexReader r = DirectoryReader.Open(dir);
            IndexSearcher s = NewSearcher(r);

            // regular (boolean) query.
            BooleanQuery q1 = new BooleanQuery();
            q1.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(TEXT_FIELD, "first")), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
            q1.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(TEXT_FIELD, "aid")), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
            q1.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(TEXT_FIELD, "text")), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

            // custom query, that should score the same as q1.
            BooleanQuery q2CustomNeutral = new BooleanQuery(true);
            Query q2CustomNeutralInner = new CustomScoreQuery(q1);
            q2CustomNeutral.Add(q2CustomNeutralInner, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
            // a little tricky: we split the boost across an outer BQ and CustomScoreQuery
            // this ensures boosting is correct across all these functions (see LUCENE-4935)
            q2CustomNeutral.Boost = (float)Math.Sqrt(dboost);
            q2CustomNeutralInner.Boost = (float)Math.Sqrt(dboost);

            // custom query, that should (by default) multiply the scores of q1 by that of the field
            CustomScoreQuery q3CustomMul = new CustomScoreQuery(q1, functionQuery);
            q3CustomMul.Strict = true;
            q3CustomMul.Boost = boost;

            // custom query, that should add the scores of q1 to that of the field
            CustomScoreQuery q4CustomAdd = new CustomAddQuery(q1, functionQuery);
            q4CustomAdd.Strict = true;
            q4CustomAdd.Boost = boost;

            // custom query, that multiplies and adds the field score to that of q1
            CustomScoreQuery q5CustomMulAdd = new CustomMulAddQuery(q1, functionQuery, functionQuery);
            q5CustomMulAdd.Strict = true;
            q5CustomMulAdd.Boost = boost;

            // do al the searches
            TopDocs td1 = s.Search(q1, null, 1000);
            TopDocs td2CustomNeutral = s.Search(q2CustomNeutral, null, 1000);
            TopDocs td3CustomMul = s.Search(q3CustomMul, null, 1000);
            TopDocs td4CustomAdd = s.Search(q4CustomAdd, null, 1000);
            TopDocs td5CustomMulAdd = s.Search(q5CustomMulAdd, null, 1000);

            // put results in map so we can verify the scores although they have changed
            IDictionary<int, float> h1 = TopDocsToMap(td1);
            IDictionary<int, float> h2CustomNeutral = TopDocsToMap(td2CustomNeutral);
            IDictionary<int, float> h3CustomMul = TopDocsToMap(td3CustomMul);
            IDictionary<int, float> h4CustomAdd = TopDocsToMap(td4CustomAdd);
            IDictionary<int, float> h5CustomMulAdd = TopDocsToMap(td5CustomMulAdd);

            VerifyResults(boost, s, h1, h2CustomNeutral, h3CustomMul, h4CustomAdd, h5CustomMulAdd, q1, q2CustomNeutral, q3CustomMul, q4CustomAdd, q5CustomMulAdd);
Exemplo n.º 7
            private readonly float[] vScores; // reused in score() to avoid allocating this array for each doc

            // constructor
            internal CustomScorer(CustomScoreQuery outerInstance, CustomScoreProvider provider, CustomWeight w,
                float qWeight, Scorer subQueryScorer, Scorer[] valSrcScorers)
                : base(w)
                this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
                this.qWeight = qWeight;
                this.subQueryScorer = subQueryScorer;
                this.valSrcScorers = valSrcScorers;
                this.vScores = new float[valSrcScorers.Length];
                this.provider = provider;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public CustomWeight(CustomScoreQuery outerInstance, IndexSearcher searcher)
     this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
     this.subQueryWeight = outerInstance.subQuery.CreateWeight(searcher);
     this.valSrcWeights = new Weight[outerInstance.scoringQueries.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < outerInstance.scoringQueries.Length; i++)
         this.valSrcWeights[i] = outerInstance.scoringQueries[i].CreateWeight(searcher);
     this.qStrict = outerInstance.strict;