Exemplo n.º 1
        public override int Run(string[] remainingArguments)
            if (remainingArguments.Length < 1)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dataset");

            string modelPath = CommonCommandOptions.ExpandModelNameToPathOrExit(this.ModelName);

            string checkpoint = Gpt2Checkpoints.ProcessCheckpointConfig(
                modelPath: modelPath,
                checkpoint: this.Checkpoint,
                runName: this.RunName);

            var encoder = Gpt2Encoder.LoadEncoder(modelPath);

            string searchPattern = this.Include ?? "*";
            string datasetName   = remainingArguments[0];
            var    dataset       = searchPattern.EndsWith("*.csv")
                ? LoadCsv(encoder, root: datasetName, field: this.ColumnName ?? throw new ArgumentException("column must be specified for training on .csv files"))
                : Gpt2Dataset.LoadDataset(encoder, path: datasetName, pattern: searchPattern);

            if (dataset.Count == 0)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("The dataset is empty!");

            var hParams = Gpt2Model.LoadHParams(modelPath);

            var random = this.Seed is null ? new Random() : new Random(this.Seed.Value);


            var stop = new CancellationTokenSource();

            Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate { stop.Cancel(); };

            dynamic config = config_pb2.ConfigProto.CreateInstance();

            config.gpu_options.allow_growth = true;
            var trainer = new Gpt2TunerLegacy(dataset, encoder, hParams, this.BatchSize, this.SampleLength, random)
                SaveEvery   = this.SaveEvery,
                SampleNum   = this.SampleNum,
                SampleEvery = this.SampleEvery,
            string checkpointOutputDirectory = Path.Combine(modelPath, Gpt2Checkpoints.CheckpointDir);

                checkpointsDir: checkpointOutputDirectory, checkpoint: checkpoint,
                run: this.RunName,
                counter: checkpoint == "fresh" ? 1 : (int?)null,
                sessionConfig: config,
                cancellation: stop.Token);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Interactively run the model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelName">Which model to use</param>
        /// <param name="checkpoint">Which checkpoint to load</param>
        /// <param name="seed">Seed for random number generators, fix seed to reproduce results</param>
        /// <param name="sampleCount">Number of samples to return total</param>
        /// <param name="batchSize">Number of batches (only affects speed/memory).  Must divide sampleCount.</param>
        /// <param name="length">Number of tokens in generated text, if null (default), is
        ///     determined by model hyperparameters</param>
        /// <param name="temperature">randomness in boltzmann distribution.
        ///     Lower temperature results in less random completions. As the
        ///     temperature approaches zero, the model will become deterministic and
        ///     repetitive. Higher temperature results in more random completions.</param>
        /// <param name="topK">Controls diversity. 1 means only 1 word is
        ///     considered for each step (token), resulting in deterministic completions,
        ///     while 40 means 40 words are considered at each step. 0 (default) is a
        ///     special setting meaning no restrictions. 40 generally is a good value.
        /// </param>
        public static int Run(string modelName = "117M", string?checkpoint = null, int?seed = null,
                              int sampleCount  = 1,
                              int batchSize    = 1, int?length = null, float temperature = 1, int topK = 0)
            if (sampleCount % batchSize != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            string modelPath = CommonCommandOptions.ExpandModelNameToPathOrExit(modelName);

            var encoder = Gpt2Encoder.LoadEncoder(modelPath);
            var hParams = Gpt2Model.LoadHParams(modelPath);

            int nCtx = hParams.ContextTokens;

            if (length is null)
                length = nCtx;
            else if (length > nCtx)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can't get samples longer than window size: " + nCtx);

            foreach (var gpu in tf.config.list_physical_devices("gpu"))
                tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu, true);

            var sess = new Session(graph: new Graph());

            using var sessionContext = sess.StartUsing();

            Tensor context = v1.placeholder(tf.int32, new TensorShape(batchSize, null));


            Tensor output = Gpt2Sampler.SampleSequence(
                hParams: hParams,
                length: length.Value,
                context: context,
                batchSize: batchSize,
                temperature: temperature,
                topK: topK);

            var saver = new Saver();

            checkpoint ??= tf.train.latest_checkpoint(modelPath);
            saver.restore(sess, checkpoint);

            bool interrupted = false;

            Console.CancelKeyPress += (object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs args) =>
                                      Volatile.Write(ref interrupted, args.Cancel = true);

            while (!interrupted)
                string text;
                    Console.Write("Model prompt >>> ");
                    text = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (Volatile.Read(ref interrupted))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                        Console.WriteLine("Prompt should not be empty");
                } while (!Volatile.Read(ref interrupted) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(text));

                if (Volatile.Read(ref interrupted))

                var contextTokens = encoder.Encode(text);
                if (!tf.test.is_gpu_available() && contextTokens.Count >= length.Value)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Prompt is too long.");
                int generated = 0;
                foreach (int _ in Enumerable.Range(0, sampleCount / batchSize))
                    ndarray <int> @out;
                    try {
                        @out = sess.run(output, feed_dict: new Dictionary <object, object> {
                            [context] = Enumerable.Repeat(contextTokens, batchSize).ToArray(),
                        })[.., contextTokens.Count..];
                    } catch (InvalidArgumentError ex) {
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
                                  "Unable to generate sequence of desired length. "
                                  + "Try lowering length by passing -l (-sample-length) parameter. "
                                  + "Current length: " + length.Value,
                                  innerException: ex);

                    foreach (int i in Enumerable.Range(0, batchSize))
                        var part = @out[i].AsArray();
                        text = encoder.Decode(part);
                        Console.WriteLine($"{Delimiter} SAMPLE {generated} {Delimiter}");
