private void ProcessBlueprint(string[] parameters)
            //parameters[0] = name of blueprint.
            //Creates BlueprintParseData

            //Put the blueprint data in the dictionary
            BlueprintParseData bp = new BlueprintParseData();
            AddBlueprintData(parameters[0], bp);

            //Add every following command
            string command = NextCommand();
            while (command != null)
                //If it's the end of the blueprint, break.
                if (command.Equals(END_BLUEPRINT_TOKEN))

                //Add the command and move on.
                command = NextCommand();
        private void AddBlueprintData(string blueprintName, BlueprintParseData blueprint)
            //Adds a blueprint to the dictionary

            //Throw an error if the blueprint name is already in use
            if (blueprints.ContainsKey(blueprintName))
                throw new DuplicateBlueprintNameException();

            //Add the blueprint
            blueprints.Add(blueprintName, blueprint);