Exemplo n.º 1
        // Instance Constructor
        public Raincloud()
            // NEW CLOUD
            rng        = new Random();
            cloud      = new Raindrop[BeatmapConstants.MAX_RAINDROPS];
            NoNoRegion = new CollisionMap();
            regionList = new List <CollisionNode>();
            shiftList  = new List <ShiftNode>();

            for (int x = 0; x < cloud.Length; x++)
                cloud[x] = new Raindrop(BeatmapConstants.MIN_HEIGHT + rng.NextDouble() * BeatmapConstants.MAX_HEIGHT,
                                        rng.NextDouble() * BeatmapConstants.MAX_FADE);
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Instance Constructor
        public Raincloud()
            // NEW CLOUD
            rng = new Random();
            cloud = new Raindrop[BeatmapConstants.MAX_RAINDROPS];
            NoNoRegion = new CollisionMap();
            regionList = new List<CollisionNode>();
            shiftList = new List<ShiftNode>();

            for(int x = 0; x < cloud.Length; x++)
                cloud[x] = new Raindrop(BeatmapConstants.MIN_HEIGHT + rng.NextDouble() * BeatmapConstants.MAX_HEIGHT,
                    rng.NextDouble() * BeatmapConstants.MAX_FADE);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void drop(int t0, int inpX, int inpY, CollisionMap NoNoRegion, bool underCollisionFlag)
            // Drop function.
            // Currently has the droplet from top to bottom.

            // Initializations
            x = inpX;
            y = inpY;
            int t1;

            // Height offset is used to compensate for the height ratio scale.
            var heightOffset = (int)(Math.Round((BeatmapConstants.RAINDROP_HEIGHT * heightRatio / 2)));

            // Calculate the actual pixel velocity (rate) using constant RAINDROP_VELOCITY (time) and SCREEN_HEIGHT + heightOffset - y (distance)
            // This is used to help find the endtime of a droplet's movement in the event that it hits a NoNo region and prematurely stops.
            var endDistance = BeatmapConstants.SCREEN_HEIGHT + heightOffset;
            double pixelVelocity = ((double)endDistance - (double)y) / ((double)BeatmapConstants.RAINDROP_VELOCITY);


            // Use proper indexing of X and Y
            // At this point, Y should be screen top.
            var indexX = x + (BeatmapConstants.SCREEN_LEFT * -1);
            var indexY = y;
            // To prevent Out of Range exceptions
            if (indexY > NoNoRegion.map.GetLength(1))
                indexY = NoNoRegion.map.GetLength(1);
            else if(indexY < 0)
                indexY = 0;

            //var indexY = y + ((BeatmapConstants.SCREEN_TOP + BeatmapConstants.SCREEN_TOP_OFFSET) * -1);

            // Initialize a ySlave, which is where y will drop to (Y -> YSLAVE)
            int ySlave;

            while (indexY < NoNoRegion.map.GetLength(1))
                // Initialize.
                // Update spot.
                ySlave = y;

                // Check for the closest NoNo region hit by iterating through the collision map until we hit a space or we hit the end of the map
                // Traverse the NoNo Region until we hit a NoNo space or the end of the map.
                while ((indexY < NoNoRegion.map.GetLength(1) && !NoNoRegion.map[indexX, indexY]))

                // Then send a droplet to whatever that space is.
                // First, use indexY to make the secondary y location

                ySlave += indexY;

                // Find time t1 given rate (pixelVelocity) and distance (ySlave - y)
                t1 = (int)((ySlave - y) / (pixelVelocity));

                // Send a droplet to that location.
                droplet.move(0, t0, t0 + t1, x, y, x + angleOffset, ySlave);

                if (underCollisionFlag)
                    // Check if we have to create another droplet:
                    // The only condition to create another droplet
                    // would be if the NoNo Region gives way to an open spot

                    // So let's run a while loop to check for the next available spot.
                    while ((indexY < NoNoRegion.map.GetLength(1) && NoNoRegion.map[indexX, indexY]))

                    // So now that we're here, if the droplet is at the end, then we can finish our loop.
                    // But now we have our new location updated as this is the next available spot
                    // from the last NoNo Region hit. This spot CAN be the bottom of the screen, to which
                    // then this is our last iteration.
                    y += indexY;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void drop(int t0, int inpX, int inpY, CollisionMap NoNoRegion, bool underCollisionFlag)
            // Drop function.
            // Currently has the droplet from top to bottom.

            // Initializations
            x = inpX;
            y = inpY;
            int t1;

            // Height offset is used to compensate for the height ratio scale.
            var heightOffset = (int)(Math.Round((BeatmapConstants.RAINDROP_HEIGHT * heightRatio / 2)));

            // Calculate the actual pixel velocity (rate) using constant RAINDROP_VELOCITY (time) and SCREEN_HEIGHT + heightOffset - y (distance)
            // This is used to help find the endtime of a droplet's movement in the event that it hits a NoNo region and prematurely stops.
            var    endDistance   = BeatmapConstants.SCREEN_HEIGHT + heightOffset;
            double pixelVelocity = ((double)endDistance - (double)y) / ((double)BeatmapConstants.RAINDROP_VELOCITY);


            // Use proper indexing of X and Y
            // At this point, Y should be screen top.
            var indexX = x + (BeatmapConstants.SCREEN_LEFT * -1);
            var indexY = y;

            // To prevent Out of Range exceptions
            if (indexY > NoNoRegion.map.GetLength(1))
                indexY = NoNoRegion.map.GetLength(1);
            else if (indexY < 0)
                indexY = 0;

            //var indexY = y + ((BeatmapConstants.SCREEN_TOP + BeatmapConstants.SCREEN_TOP_OFFSET) * -1);

            // Initialize a ySlave, which is where y will drop to (Y -> YSLAVE)
            int ySlave;

            while (indexY < NoNoRegion.map.GetLength(1))
                // Initialize.
                // Update spot.
                ySlave = y;

                // Check for the closest NoNo region hit by iterating through the collision map until we hit a space or we hit the end of the map
                // Traverse the NoNo Region until we hit a NoNo space or the end of the map.
                while ((indexY < NoNoRegion.map.GetLength(1) && !NoNoRegion.map[indexX, indexY]))

                // Then send a droplet to whatever that space is.
                // First, use indexY to make the secondary y location

                ySlave += indexY;

                // Find time t1 given rate (pixelVelocity) and distance (ySlave - y)
                t1 = (int)((ySlave - y) / (pixelVelocity));

                // Send a droplet to that location.
                droplet.move(0, t0, t0 + t1, x, y, x + angleOffset, ySlave);

                if (underCollisionFlag)
                    // Check if we have to create another droplet:
                    // The only condition to create another droplet
                    // would be if the NoNo Region gives way to an open spot

                    // So let's run a while loop to check for the next available spot.
                    while ((indexY < NoNoRegion.map.GetLength(1) && NoNoRegion.map[indexX, indexY]))

                    // So now that we're here, if the droplet is at the end, then we can finish our loop.
                    // But now we have our new location updated as this is the next available spot
                    // from the last NoNo Region hit. This spot CAN be the bottom of the screen, to which
                    // then this is our last iteration.
                    y += indexY;