Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void Update(IInvalidator invalidator, LiveSplitState state, float width, float height, LayoutMode mode)
            if (state.CurrentPhase == TimerPhase.NotRunning)
                if (AutoSplitter.ShouldStart(state))
            else if (state.CurrentPhase == TimerPhase.Running || state.CurrentPhase == TimerPhase.Paused)
                if (AutoSplitter.ShouldReset(state))
                else if (AutoSplitter.ShouldSplit(state))

                state.IsGameTimePaused = AutoSplitter.IsGameTimePaused(state);

                var gameTime = AutoSplitter.GetGameTime(state);
                if (gameTime != null)
        public RunHighlighterComponent(LiveSplitState state)
            this._state = state;
            this.Settings = new RunHighlighterSettings();
            this.ContextMenuControls = new Dictionary<string, Action>();

            this.ContextMenuControls.Add("Run Highlighter...", new Action(() =>
				MessageBox.Show(_state.Form, "This component is now obsolete and has been replaced by this website:\nhttps://dalet.github.io/run-highlighter/"
					+ "\n\nThe website has new features such as individual segment highlighting and multi-part detection."
					+ "\n\nThe URL will be opened after you close this message.", "Run Highlighter",
					MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

				/*if (_state.CurrentPhase == TimerPhase.Ended)
                    MessageBox.Show(_state.Form, "The timer needs to be resetted in order to update the Attempt History.", "Run Highlighter");

                var originalTopMost = _state.Form.TopMost;
                _state.Form.TopMost = false; //to ensure our Internet Explorer window isn't covered

                using (var form = new RunHighlighterForm(state.Run, Settings))

                _state.Form.TopMost = originalTopMost;*/
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static TimeSpan? GetSegmentTimeOrSegmentDelta(LiveSplitState state, int splitNumber, bool useCurrentTime, bool segmentTime, string comparison, TimingMethod method)
            TimeSpan? currentTime;
            if (useCurrentTime)
                currentTime = state.CurrentTime[method];
                currentTime = state.Run[splitNumber].SplitTime[method];
            if (currentTime == null)
                return null;

            for (int x = splitNumber - 1; x >= 0; x--)
                var splitTime = state.Run[x].SplitTime[method];
                if (splitTime != null)
                    if (segmentTime)
                        return currentTime - splitTime;
                    else if (state.Run[x].Comparisons[comparison][method] != null)
                        return (currentTime - state.Run[splitNumber].Comparisons[comparison][method]) - (splitTime - state.Run[x].Comparisons[comparison][method]);

            if (segmentTime)
                return currentTime;
                return currentTime - state.Run[splitNumber].Comparisons[comparison][method];
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void DrawHorizontal(Graphics g, LiveSplitState state, float height, Region clipRegion)
     using (var solidBrush = new SolidBrush(LineColor))
         g.FillRectangle(solidBrush, 0.0f, 0.0f, HorizontalWidth, height);
        public IComponent Create(LiveSplitState state)
            // workaround for livesplit 1.4 oversight where components can be loaded from two places at once
            // remove all this junk when they fix it
            string caller = new StackFrame(1).GetMethod().Name;
            string callercaller = new StackFrame(2).GetMethod().Name;
            bool createAsLayoutComponent = (caller == "LoadLayoutComponent" || caller == "AddComponent");

            // if component is already loaded somewhere else
            if (_instance != null && !_instance.Disposed)
                // "autosplit components" can't throw exceptions for some reason, so return a dummy component
                if (callercaller == "CreateAutoSplitter")
                    return new DummyComponent();

                    "LiveSplit.RedFaction is already loaded in the " +
                        (_instance.IsLayoutComponent ? "Layout Editor" : "Splits Editor") + "!",

                throw new Exception("Component already loaded.");

            return (_instance = new RedFactionComponent(state, createAsLayoutComponent));
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void PrepareDraw(LiveSplitState state, LayoutMode mode)
            InternalComponent.DisplayTwoRows = Settings.Display2Rows;

                = InternalComponent.ValueLabel.HasShadow
                = state.LayoutSettings.DropShadows;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Text1) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Text2))
                InternalComponent.NameLabel.HorizontalAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                InternalComponent.ValueLabel.HorizontalAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                InternalComponent.NameLabel.VerticalAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                InternalComponent.ValueLabel.VerticalAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                InternalComponent.NameLabel.HorizontalAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                InternalComponent.ValueLabel.HorizontalAlignment = StringAlignment.Far;
                InternalComponent.NameLabel.VerticalAlignment = 
                    mode == LayoutMode.Horizontal || Settings.Display2Rows ? StringAlignment.Near : StringAlignment.Center;
                InternalComponent.ValueLabel.VerticalAlignment =
                    mode == LayoutMode.Horizontal || Settings.Display2Rows ? StringAlignment.Far : StringAlignment.Center;

            InternalComponent.NameLabel.ForeColor = Settings.OverrideTextColor ? Settings.TextColor : state.LayoutSettings.TextColor;
            InternalComponent.ValueLabel.ForeColor = Settings.OverrideTimeColor ? Settings.TimeColor : state.LayoutSettings.TextColor;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void DrawVertical(Graphics g, LiveSplitState state, float width, Region clipRegion)
     using (var solidBrush = new SolidBrush(LineColor))
         g.FillRectangle(solidBrush, 0.0f, 0.0f, width, VerticalHeight);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public void Activate(LiveSplitState state)
     if (!IsActivated)
             if (!IsDownloaded || Type == AutoSplitterType.Script)
             if (Type == AutoSplitterType.Component)
                 Factory = ComponentManager.ComponentFactories[FileName];
                 Component = Factory.Create(state);
                 Factory = ComponentManager.ComponentFactories["LiveSplit.ScriptableAutoSplit.dll"];
                 Component = ((dynamic)Factory).Create(state, LocalPath);
         catch (Exception ex)
             MessageBox.Show(state.Form, "The Auto Splitter could not be activated. (" + ex.Message + ")", "Activation Failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
 private void PrepareDraw(LiveSplitState state)
     InternalComponent.DisplayTwoRows = Settings.Display2Rows;
         = InternalComponent.ValueLabel.HasShadow
         = state.LayoutSettings.DropShadows;
     InternalComponent.NameLabel.ForeColor = Settings.OverrideTextColor ? Settings.TextColor : state.LayoutSettings.TextColor;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public TextComponent(LiveSplitState state)
     Settings = new TextComponentSettings()
         CurrentState = state
     InternalComponent = new TextTextComponent(Settings);
 public ManualGameTimeComponent(LiveSplitState state)
     Settings = new ManualGameTimeSettings();
     GameTimeForm = new ShitSplitter(state, Settings);
     state.OnStart += state_OnStart;
     state.OnReset += state_OnReset;
     CurrentState = state;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public Component(LiveSplitState state)
            model = new TimerModel() { CurrentState = state };
            model.CurrentState.OnStart += State_OnStart;

            eventList = settings.GetEventList();
            settings.EventsChanged += settings_EventsChanged;
 public void DrawVertical(Graphics g, LiveSplitState state, float width, Region clipRegion)
     var component = queuedComponents.FirstOrDefault();
     if (component != null)
         component.DrawVertical(g, state, width, clipRegion);
 public void DrawHorizontal(Graphics g, LiveSplitState state, float height, Region clipRegion)
     var component = queuedComponents.FirstOrDefault();
     if (component != null)
         component.DrawHorizontal(g, state, height, clipRegion);
 public Component(LiveSplitState state, string scriptPath)
     : this(state)
     Settings = new ComponentSettings()
         ScriptPath = scriptPath
Exemplo n.º 16
 public ShitSplitter(LiveSplitState state, ManualGameTimeSettings settings)
     Model = new TimerModel()
         CurrentState = state
     Settings = settings;
Exemplo n.º 17
        public ColumnSettings(LiveSplitState state, string columnName, IList<ColumnSettings> columnsList)

            Data = new ColumnData(columnName, ColumnType.Delta, "Current Comparison", "Current Timing Method");

            CurrentState = state;
            ColumnsList = columnsList; 
 public Component(LiveSplitState state)
     Settings = new ComponentSettings();
     FSWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
     FSWatcher.Changed += (sender, args) => DoReload = true;
     UpdateTimer = new Timer() { Interval = 15 }; // run a little faster than 60hz
     UpdateTimer.Tick += (sender, args) => UpdateScript(state);
     UpdateTimer.Enabled = true;
 public void DrawHorizontal(Graphics g, LiveSplitState state, float height, Region clipRegion) {
     if (Settings.showMapDisplay) {
         if (state.LayoutSettings.BackgroundColor.ToArgb() != Color.Transparent.ToArgb()) {
             g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(state.LayoutSettings.BackgroundColor), 0, 0, HorizontalWidth, height);
         PrepareDraw(state, LayoutMode.Horizontal);
         textInfo.DrawHorizontal(g, state, height, clipRegion);
        public DragonAgeInquisitionComponent(LiveSplitState state)
            _timer = new TimerModel { CurrentState = state };

            _gameMemory = new GameMemory();
            _gameMemory.OnLoadStarted += gameMemory_OnLoadStarted;
            _gameMemory.OnLoadFinished += gameMemory_OnLoadFinished;
Exemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the last non-live delta in the run starting from splitNumber.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="state">The current state.</param>
 /// <param name="splitNumber">The split number to start checking deltas from.</param>
 /// <param name="comparison">The comparison that you are comparing with.</param>
 /// <param name="method">The timing method that you are using.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the last non-live delta or null if there have been no deltas yet.</returns>
 public static TimeSpan? GetLastDelta(LiveSplitState state, int splitNumber, string comparison, TimingMethod method)
     for (var x = splitNumber; x >= 0; x--)
         if (state.Run[x].Comparisons[comparison][method] != null && state.Run[x].SplitTime[method] != null)
             return state.Run[x].SplitTime[method] - state.Run[x].Comparisons[comparison][method];
     return null;
 public TotalPlaytimeComponent(LiveSplitState state)
     TimeFormatter = new RegularTimeFormatter(TimeAccuracy.Seconds);
     InternalComponent = new InfoTimeComponent("Total Playtime", TimeSpan.Zero, TimeFormatter);
     Settings = new TotalPlaytimeSettings()
         CurrentState = state
Exemplo n.º 23
 public LoadTimer(LiveSplitState state)
     Formatter = new PossibleTimeSaveFormatter();
     InternalComponent = new InfoTimeComponent(null, null, Formatter);
     Cache = new GraphicsCache();
     Settings = new AlternateTimingMethodSettings()
         CurrentState = state
Exemplo n.º 24
 public RunPrediction(LiveSplitState state)
     Settings = new RunPredictionSettings()
         CurrentState = state
     Formatter = new RunPredictionFormatter(Settings.Accuracy);
     InternalComponent = new InfoTimeComponent(null, null, Formatter);
     state.ComparisonRenamed += state_ComparisonRenamed;
Exemplo n.º 25
 public DeltaComponent(LiveSplitState state)
     Settings = new DeltaSettings()
         CurrentState = state
     Formatter = new DeltaComponentFormatter(Settings.Accuracy, Settings.DropDecimals);
     InternalComponent = new InfoTimeComponent(null, null, Formatter);
     state.ComparisonRenamed += state_ComparisonRenamed;
 public dynamic Run(LiveSplitState timer, ASLState old, ASLState current, ExpandoObject vars, Process game, ref string version, ref double refreshRate)
     // dynamic args can't be ref or out, this is a workaround
     CompiledCode.version = version;
     CompiledCode.refreshRate = refreshRate;
     var ret = CompiledCode.Execute(timer, old.Data, current.Data, vars, game);
     version = CompiledCode.version;
     refreshRate = CompiledCode.refreshRate;
     return ret;
Exemplo n.º 27
        private bool CheckIfRunChanged(LiveSplitState state)
            if (PreviousCalculationMode != state.Settings.SimpleSumOfBest)
                return true;

            if (PreviousTimingMethod != state.CurrentTimingMethod)
                return true;

            return false;
 public ContextualSlideshowComponent(LiveSplitState state)
     this.state = state;
     slideshowComponents = new List<SlideshowComponent>
         new SlideshowComponent(new PossibleTimeSave(state)),
         new SlideshowComponent(new PreviousSegment(state)),
         new SlideshowComponent(new RunPrediction(state))
     queuedComponents = new Queue<IComponent>();
Exemplo n.º 29
        public AmnesiaComponent(LiveSplitState state)
            _timer = new TimerModel() { CurrentState = state };
            _timer.OnStart += timer_OnStart;

            _updateTimer = new Timer() { Interval = 15, Enabled = true };
            _updateTimer.Tick += updateTimer_Tick;

            _gameMemory = new GameMemory();
            _gameMemory.OnLoadingChanged += gameMemory_OnLoadingChanged;
Exemplo n.º 30
 private void DrawGeneral(Graphics g, LiveSplitState state, float width, float height)
     var oldMatrix = g.Transform;
     if (Settings.FlipGraph)
         g.ScaleTransform(1, -1);
         g.TranslateTransform(0, -height);
     DrawGraph(g, state, width, height);
     g.Transform = oldMatrix;
Exemplo n.º 31
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the length of the last segment that leads up to a certain split, using the live segment time if the split is not completed yet.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="state">The current state.</param>
 /// <param name="splitNumber">The index of the split that represents the end of the segment.</param>
 /// <param name="method">The timing method that you are using.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the length of the segment leading up to splitNumber, returning the live segment time if the split is not completed yet.</returns>
 public static TimeSpan?GetLiveSegmentTime(LiveSplitState state, int splitNumber, TimingMethod method)
     return(GetSegmentTimeOrSegmentDelta(state, splitNumber, true, true, Run.PersonalBestComparisonName, method));
Exemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the amount of time lost or gained on a certain split.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="state">The current state.</param>
 /// <param name="splitNumber">The index of the split for which the delta is calculated.</param>
 /// <param name="comparison">The comparison that you are comparing with.</param>
 /// <param name="method">The timing method that you are using.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the segment delta for a certain split, returning null if the split is not completed yet.</returns>
 public static TimeSpan?GetPreviousSegmentDelta(LiveSplitState state, int splitNumber, string comparison, TimingMethod method)
     return(GetSegmentTimeOrSegmentDelta(state, splitNumber, false, false, comparison, method));