Exemplo n.º 1
        void LoadMenuItems()
            if (menuRectangle == null)
                using (var stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("Content/RoundedRectangle.png"))
                    menuRectangle = Texture2D.FromStream(GraphicsDevice, stream);

            if (menuRectangleHover == null)
                using (var stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("Content/RoundedRectangleDarkGreen.png"))
                    menuRectangleHover = Texture2D.FromStream(GraphicsDevice, stream);

            menuSound = Content.Load <SoundEffect>("killenemy");

Exemplo n.º 2
        void optionsMenuUpdate(GameTime gameTime)
            MouseState mouseState = Mouse.GetState();

            mouseXY = new Vector2(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y);
            TouchCollection touchCollection = TouchPanel.GetState();
            Vector2         touchXY         = new Vector2(0, 0);

            if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                touchXY = new Vector2(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y);
            else if (touchCollection.Count > 0)
                touchXY = new Vector2(touchCollection[0].Position.X, touchCollection[0].Position.Y);

            // Convert position of mouse and touch input to rectangles to be able to use intersection methods.
            Rectangle mouseRectangle = new Rectangle((int)mouseXY.X, (int)mouseXY.Y, 1, 1);
            Rectangle touchRectangle = new Rectangle((int)touchXY.X, (int)touchXY.Y, 1, 1);

            // Set rectangles used to layout options menu.
            int       elementPositionY = menuItemSpaceDistance; // Used to position the elements of the menu from top to bottom.  Set first element position.
            Rectangle rectangleGoBack  = new Rectangle(menuButtonXOffset, (int)(elementPositionY * menuScaleFactor), 600, 150);

            elementPositionY += menuRectangle.Height + menuItemSpaceDistance * (int)menuScaleFactor;

            Rectangle rectangleChangeName = new Rectangle(menuButtonXOffset, (int)(elementPositionY * menuScaleFactor), 600, 150);

            elementPositionY += menuRectangle.Height + menuItemSpaceDistance * (int)menuScaleFactor;

            Vector2 stringSize = font.MeasureString("STRING"); // Used to get the height of a string rendered with this font.  Used here to match layout in draw functions.

            elementPositionY += (int)stringSize.Y * (int)menuScaleFactor;

            Rectangle rectangleSetDifficulty = new Rectangle(menuButtonXOffset, (int)(elementPositionY * menuScaleFactor), 600, 150);

            elementPositionY += menuRectangle.Height + (int)stringSize.Y;

            Rectangle rectangleSetTouchControl = new Rectangle(menuButtonXOffset, (int)(elementPositionY * menuScaleFactor), 600, 150);

            // Logic for UI elements

            if (bHasEnteredName == false)
                if (androidNameTask == null && !KeyboardInput.IsVisible)
                    androidNameTask = KeyboardInput.Show("Name", "What's your name?", "Player");

                if (androidNameTask != null && androidNameTask.IsCompleted)
                    if (androidNameTask.Result != null)
                        playerName      = androidNameTask.Result;
                        bHasEnteredName = true;

                if (touchXY.X > 0 || touchXY.Y > 0) // If the user is clicking or tapping anywhere if they are supposed to be typing their name, flash text to prompt user to type name.
                    bFlashPlayerNamePrompt = true;
                    menuButtonTimer        = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(menuButtonTimeSeconds); // Flash text for this long.

                if (kbName == "")
                    playerName      = kbName;
                    bHasEnteredName = true;

                bHasTappedButtonLastUpdate = false;
            else // Don't let them click/tap anything if they haven't entered their name
                if (touchXY.X != 0 && touchXY.Y != 0) // Touch control
                    if (rectangleGoBack.Intersects(touchRectangle))
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Debug.WriteLine("Unable to save, Error: " + ex.Message);

                        if (bPlayerRequestedGame)
                            gameState = GameState.inGame;
                            gameState = GameState.menu;

                    if (rectangleChangeName.Intersects(touchRectangle) && !bHasTappedButtonLastUpdate && menuButtonTimer.CompareTo(DateTime.Now) < 0)
                        menuButtonTimer = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(menuButtonTimeSeconds);
                        bHasTappedButtonLastUpdate = true; // Used as sometimes a touch is held for multiple updates but we only want the button to be activated once.

                        bHasEnteredName = false;
                        androidNameTask = null;
                        kbName          = "";
                        kbInput         = "";

                    if (rectangleSetDifficulty.Intersects(touchRectangle) && !bHasTappedButtonLastUpdate && menuButtonTimer.CompareTo(DateTime.Now) < 0)
                        menuButtonTimer = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(menuButtonTimeSeconds);
                        bHasTappedButtonLastUpdate = true; // Used as sometimes a touch is held for multiple updates but we only want the button to be activated once.

                        if (gameDifficulty == GameDifficulty.Hard)
                            gameDifficulty = GameDifficulty.Easy;
                            gameDifficulty = gameDifficulty + 1;

                        bChangedDifficulty = true; // Used to reset the game if the difficulty has been changed to stop leaderboard cheating.

                    if (rectangleSetTouchControl.Intersects(touchRectangle) && !bHasTappedButtonLastUpdate && menuButtonTimer.CompareTo(DateTime.Now) < 0)
                        menuButtonTimer = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(menuButtonTimeSeconds);
                        bHasTappedButtonLastUpdate = true; // Used as sometimes a touch is held for multiple updates but we only want the button to be activated once.

                        if (gameTouchControlMethod == GameTouchControlMethod.Joystick)
                            gameTouchControlMethod = GameTouchControlMethod.ScreenTap;
                            gameTouchControlMethod = GameTouchControlMethod.Joystick;
                    bHasTappedButtonLastUpdate = false;

                if (mouseXY.X != 0 && mouseXY.Y != 0) // Mouse control
                    if (rectangleGoBack.Intersects(mouseRectangle))
                        menuButtonHover[0] = true;
                    if (rectangleChangeName.Intersects(mouseRectangle))
                        menuButtonHover[1] = true;
                    if (rectangleSetDifficulty.Intersects(mouseRectangle))
                        menuButtonHover[2] = true;
                    if (rectangleSetTouchControl.Intersects(mouseRectangle))
                        menuButtonHover[3] = true;