Exemplo n.º 1
        internal LiteFileInfo(DbEngine engine, BsonDocument doc)
            _engine = engine;

            this.Id = doc["_id"].AsString;
            this.Filename = doc["filename"].AsString;
            this.MimeType = doc["mimeType"].AsString;
            this.Length = doc["length"].AsInt64;
            this.Chunks = doc["chunks"].AsInt32;
            this.UploadDate = doc["uploadDate"].AsDateTime;
            this.Metadata = doc["metadata"].AsDocument;
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal LiteFileStream(DbEngine engine, LiteFileInfo file)
            _engine = engine;
            _file = file;

            if (file.Length == 0)
                throw LiteException.FileCorrupted(file);

            _positionInChunk = 0;
            _currentChunkIndex = 0;
            _currentChunkData = this.GetChunkData(_currentChunkIndex);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loop in all registered versions and apply all that needs. Update dbversion
        /// </summary>
        internal void Apply(LiteDatabase db, DbEngine engine, Logger log)
            if (_versions.Count == 0) return;

            var dbparams = engine.GetDbParam();
            var updated = false;

            // apply all action version updates
            foreach(var version in _versions.Where(x => x.Key > dbparams.DbVersion))
                log.Write(Logger.COMMAND, "update database version to {0}", version.Key);
                dbparams.DbVersion = version.Key;
                updated = true;

Exemplo n.º 4
 internal LiteFileStorage(DbEngine engine)
     _engine = engine;
Exemplo n.º 5
 internal LiteFileStorage(DbEngine engine)
     _engine = engine;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy database do another disk
        /// </summary>
        public long Shrink()
            // begin a write exclusive access
            using (var trans = _transaction.Begin(false))
                    // create a temporary disk
                    var tempDisk = _disk.GetTempDisk();

                    // get initial disk size
                    var header = _pager.GetPage <HeaderPage>(0);
                    var diff   = 0L;

                    // create temp engine instance to copy all documents
                    using (var tempEngine = new DbEngine(tempDisk, new Logger()))

                        // read all collections
                        foreach (var col in _collections.GetAll())
                            // first copy all indexes
                            foreach (var index in col.GetIndexes(false))
                                tempEngine.EnsureIndex(col.CollectionName, index.Field, index.Options);

                            // then, read all documents and copy to new engine
                            var nodes = _indexer.FindAll(col.PK, Query.Ascending);

                                              nodes.Select(node => BsonSerializer.Deserialize(_data.Read(node.DataBlock))));

                            // then re-open the disk service as the previous Insert's auto-transaction just closed it.

                        // get final header from temp engine
                        var tempHeader = tempEngine._pager.GetPage <HeaderPage>(0, true);

                        // copy info from initial header to final header
                        tempHeader.ChangeID = header.ChangeID;

                        // lets create journal file before re-write
                        for (uint pageID = 0; pageID <= header.LastPageID; pageID++)
                            _disk.WriteJournal(pageID, _disk.ReadPage(pageID));

                        // commit journal + shrink data file
                        _disk.SetLength(BasePage.GetSizeOfPages(tempHeader.LastPageID + 1));

                        // lets re-write all pages copying from new database
                        for (uint pageID = 0; pageID <= tempHeader.LastPageID; pageID++)
                            _disk.WritePage(pageID, tempDisk.ReadPage(pageID));

                        // now delete journal

                        // get diff from initial and final last pageID
                        diff = BasePage.GetSizeOfPages(header.LastPageID - tempHeader.LastPageID);


                    // unlock disk and clear cache to continue

                    // delete temporary disk

                catch (Exception ex)
                    _log.Write(Logger.ERROR, ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy database do another disk
        /// </summary>
        public int Shrink()
            lock (_locker)
                // lock and clear cache - no changes during shrink

                // create a temporary disk
                var tempDisk = _disk.GetTempDisk();

                // get initial disk size
                var header = _pager.GetPage<HeaderPage>(0);
                var diff = 0;

                // create temp engine instance to copy all documents
                using (var tempEngine = new DbEngine(tempDisk, new Logger()))
                    // read all collections
                    foreach (var col in _collections.GetAll())
                        // first copy all indexes
                        foreach (var index in col.GetIndexes(false))
                            tempEngine.EnsureIndex(col.CollectionName, index.Field, index.Options);

                        // then, read all documents and copy to new engine
                        var nodes = _indexer.FindAll(col.PK, Query.Ascending);

                            nodes.Select(node => BsonSerializer.Deserialize(_data.Read(node.DataBlock, true).Buffer)));

                    // get final header from temp engine
                    var tempHeader = tempEngine._pager.GetPage<HeaderPage>(0, true);

                    // copy info from initial header to final header
                    tempHeader.ChangeID = header.ChangeID;

                    // lets create journal file before re-write
                    for (uint pageID = 0; pageID <= header.LastPageID; pageID++)
                        _disk.WriteJournal(pageID, _disk.ReadPage(pageID));

                    // commit journal + shrink data file
                    _disk.SetLength((tempHeader.LastPageID + 1) * BasePage.PAGE_SIZE);

                    // lets re-write all pages copying from new database
                    for (uint pageID = 0; pageID <= tempHeader.LastPageID; pageID++)
                        _disk.WritePage(pageID, tempDisk.ReadPage(pageID));

                    // now delete journal

                    // get diff from initial and final last pageID
                    diff = (int)((header.LastPageID - tempHeader.LastPageID) * BasePage.PAGE_SIZE);

                // unlock disk and ckar cache to continue

                // delete temporary disk

                return diff;
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        ///     Copy database do another disk
        /// </summary>
        public long Shrink()
            lock (_locker)
                // lock and clear cache - no changes during shrink

                // create a temporary disk
                var tempDisk = _disk.GetTempDisk();

                // get initial disk size
                var header = _pager.GetPage <HeaderPage>(0);
                var diff   = 0L;

                // create temp engine instance to copy all documents
                using (var tempEngine = new DbEngine(tempDisk, new Logger()))
                    // read all collections
                    foreach (var col in _collections.GetAll())
                        // first copy all indexes
                        foreach (var index in col.GetIndexes(false))
                            tempEngine.EnsureIndex(col.CollectionName, index.Field, index.Options);

                        // then, read all documents and copy to new engine
                        var nodes = _indexer.FindAll(col.PK, Query.Ascending);

                                          nodes.Select(node => BsonSerializer.Deserialize(_data.Read(node.DataBlock))));

                    // get final header from temp engine
                    var tempHeader = tempEngine._pager.GetPage <HeaderPage>(0, true);

                    // copy info from initial header to final header
                    tempHeader.ChangeID = header.ChangeID;

                    // lets create journal file before re-write
                    for (uint pageID = 0; pageID <= header.LastPageID; pageID++)
                        _disk.WriteJournal(pageID, _disk.ReadPage(pageID));

                    // commit journal + shrink data file
                    _disk.SetLength(BasePage.GetSizeOfPages(tempHeader.LastPageID + 1));

                    // lets re-write all pages copying from new database
                    for (uint pageID = 0; pageID <= tempHeader.LastPageID; pageID++)
                        _disk.WritePage(pageID, tempDisk.ReadPage(pageID));

                    // now delete journal

                    // get diff from initial and final last pageID
                    diff = BasePage.GetSizeOfPages(header.LastPageID - tempHeader.LastPageID);

                // unlock disk and ckar cache to continue

                // delete temporary disk

Exemplo n.º 9
 public LiteFileStorage(DbEngine engine)
     _engine = engine;