Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void CorrelateExposureBars(this PortfolioSimulation sim, Correlation c)
            double count = c.Component1.LongExposureBars.Count;

            if (c.Component1.LongExposureBars.Count != count)
                throw new Exception($"Mismatched number of bars between {c.Component2.ComponentId} ({count}) and {c.Component2.ComponentId} ({c.Component1.LongExposureBars.Count})");
            double highSum = 0;
            double lowSum  = 0;

            //double pow = 2;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                //highSum += Math.Pow(Math.Abs(c.Component1.LongExposureBars[i].High - c.Component2.LongExposureBars[i].High), pow);
                //lowSum += Math.Pow(Math.Abs(c.Component1.LongExposureBars[i].Low - c.Component2.LongExposureBars[i].Low), pow);
                highSum += Math.Abs(c.Component1.LongExposureBars[i].High - c.Component2.LongExposureBars[i].High);
                lowSum  += Math.Abs(c.Component1.LongExposureBars[i].Low - c.Component2.LongExposureBars[i].Low);
                //weightedSum += Math.Pow(Math.Abs(c.Component1.LongExposureBars[i].Low - c.Component2.LongExposureBars[i].Low), pow);

            //c.HighScore = Math.Sqrt(highSum);
            //c.LowScore = Math.Sqrt(highSum);
            c.HighScore = highSum / count;
            c.LowScore  = lowSum / count;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static void WriteLineVerbosity(this PortfolioSimulation sim, string msg, int verbosityLevel = 1)
     if (sim.Options.Verbosity >= verbosityLevel)
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static async Task <PortfolioSimulation> Simulate(Portfolio portfolio, PortfolioAnalysisOptions options, CancellationToken?token = null)
            var sim = new PortfolioSimulation(portfolio, options);

            await new PortfolioSimulator(sim).Simulate(token);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static Correlation GetCorrelation(this PortfolioSimulation sim, string correlationId)
            var chunks = correlationId.Split('|');

            var c = new Correlation(sim.Portfolio.FindComponent(chunks[0]), sim.Portfolio.FindComponent(chunks[1]));

            foreach (var component in c.Components)
                if (!component.NormalizationMultiplier.HasValue)
Exemplo n.º 5
        public PortfolioSimulator(PortfolioSimulation sim)
            this.Sim = sim;
            if (Sim == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Sim must be set");
            this.Options = sim.Options;
            if (sim.Options == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Sim.Options must be set");

            //this.log = Log.Get();
            this.log = this.GetLogger();
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static double NormalizeVolumeSource(PortfolioSimulation sim, PortfolioComponent component, double unnormalizedVolume)
            double value = unnormalizedVolume * component.NormalizationMultiplier.Value;

            if (sim.Options.VolumeNormalization.MaxSourceValue.HasValue && value > sim.Options.VolumeNormalization.MaxSourceValue.Value)
                if (sim.Options.Verbosity >= 6)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Capping normalized volume of {value} to max: {sim.Options.VolumeNormalization.MaxSourceValue.Value}");
            value = Math.Min(value, sim.Options.VolumeNormalization.MaxSourceValue.Value);

Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void CorrelateTimeInMarket(this PortfolioSimulation sim, Correlation c)
            IEnumerable <PortfolioHistoricalTradeVM> AllTrades = c.Components
                                                                 .Select(b => b.Trades.OfType <_HistoricalTrade>().Select(t => new PortfolioHistoricalTradeVM {
                Trade = t, Component = b
                                                                 .SelectMany(v => v);

            var tradeEvents = AllTrades.Select(t => new TradeEnterExitEvent {
                Enter = true, Time = t.Trade.EntryTime, Trade = t
                              .Concat(AllTrades.Select(t => new TradeEnterExitEvent {
                Enter = false, Time = t.Trade.ClosingTime, Trade = t
                              .OrderBy(e => e.Time);

            //var TradesByEntryTime = AllTrades
            //        .OrderBy(t => t.Trade.EntryTime)
            //        .ToList();

            // TODO: Normalized versions of these that are rated versus the max normalized score (which should be 1)
            TimeSpan BothLong          = TimeSpan.Zero;
            TimeSpan BothShort         = TimeSpan.Zero;
            TimeSpan OppositeDirection = TimeSpan.Zero;
            TimeSpan OffsettingNonZero = TimeSpan.Zero;

            TimeSpan BothFlat = TimeSpan.Zero;
            TimeSpan OneOpen  = TimeSpan.Zero;
            // Not sure if this is useful yet.
            double MultipliedByDifference = 0;

            var    openTrades           = new List <PortfolioHistoricalTradeVM>();
            double netVolume1           = 0;
            double netVolume2           = 0;
            double normalizedNetVolume1 = 0;
            double normalizedNetVolume2 = 0;
            double delta = normalizedNetVolume2 - normalizedNetVolume1;

            DateTime simTime = sim.Portfolio.Start.Value;
            TimeSpan totalTime;

            foreach (var e in tradeEvents)
                #region Time Delta

                TimeSpan timeDelta;

                if (sim.Options.StartTime != default && e.Time < sim.Options.StartTime)
                    timeDelta = e.Time - sim.Options.StartTime;
                else if (sim.Options.EndTime != default && e.Time > sim.Options.EndTime)
                    timeDelta = sim.Options.StartTime - e.Time;
                    timeDelta = e.Time - simTime;

                if (timeDelta < TimeSpan.Zero)
                    continue;                            // If equal to zero, keep going, since there may be multiple events at the same bar opens.
                totalTime += timeDelta;


                #region Collect stats from previous time delta

                if (sim.Options.Verbosity >= 5)
                    WriteLine($"1: {normalizedNetVolume1}  2: {normalizedNetVolume2}");
                // TODO NEXT: for the period of time between simTime and trade entry time (timeDelta), multiply this period of time by the volume delta over that time.
                if (normalizedNetVolume2 > 0 && normalizedNetVolume1 > 0)
                    BothLong += timeDelta;
                else if (normalizedNetVolume2 < 0 && normalizedNetVolume1 < 0)
                    BothShort += timeDelta;
                else if (normalizedNetVolume2 == 0 && normalizedNetVolume1 == 0)
                    BothFlat += timeDelta;

                if (normalizedNetVolume2 < 0 && normalizedNetVolume1 > 0 ||
                    normalizedNetVolume2 < 0 && normalizedNetVolume1 > 0)
                    OppositeDirection += timeDelta;
                else if (normalizedNetVolume2 != 0 && normalizedNetVolume1 == 0 ||
                         normalizedNetVolume2 == 0 && normalizedNetVolume1 != 0)
                    OneOpen += timeDelta;
                // Another idea: non-zero, offsetting
                if (normalizedNetVolume2 != 0 && normalizedNetVolume1 == -normalizedNetVolume2)
                    OffsettingNonZero += timeDelta;

                // These two normalized volumes should be normalized to -1 to +1.
                //MillisecondsMultipliedByDifference += timeDelta.TotalMilliseconds * (normalizedNetVolume2 - normalizedNetVolume1);
                MultipliedByDifference += timeDelta.TotalMilliseconds * Math.Pow(normalizedNetVolume2 - normalizedNetVolume1, 2);


                if (sim.Options.EndTime != default && simTime >= sim.Options.EndTime)

                #region Process the trade open/close event

                if (e.Enter)
                    sim.WriteLineVerbosity("OPEN trade:" + e.Trade.Trade.NetVolume, 5);
                    sim.WriteLineVerbosity("CLOSE trade:" + e.Trade.Trade.NetVolume, 5);

                    if (!openTrades.Remove(e.Trade))
                        WriteLine("[correlation] Removing from open trades - NOT FOUND: " + e + $" (entry time: {e.Trade.Trade.EntryTime})");


                #region Set up state for the next trade:

                netVolume1           = 0;
                netVolume2           = 0;
                normalizedNetVolume1 = 0;
                normalizedNetVolume2 = 0;
                foreach (var t in openTrades)
                    if (t.Component.ComponentId == c.Component1.ComponentId)
                        var volumeDelta = t.Trade.TradeType == TradeType.Buy ? t.Trade.Volume : -t.Trade.Volume;

                        netVolume1           += t.Trade.TradeType == TradeType.Buy ? t.Trade.Volume : -t.Trade.Volume;
                        normalizedNetVolume1 += PortfolioNormalization.NormalizeVolume(t, sim, CorrelationNormalizationOptions);
                        normalizedNetVolume1  = netVolume1;
                        if (t.Component.ComponentId != c.Component2.ComponentId)
                            throw new UnreachableCodeException();
                        netVolume2           += t.Trade.TradeType == TradeType.Buy ? t.Trade.Volume : -t.Trade.Volume;
                        normalizedNetVolume2 += PortfolioNormalization.NormalizeVolume(t, sim, CorrelationNormalizationOptions);
                        normalizedNetVolume2  = netVolume2;
                delta = normalizedNetVolume2 - normalizedNetVolume1;

                simTime = e.Time;


            //var PositionSimilarityScore = String.Format(sim.Options.NumberFormat, ((BothLong + BothShort) - Opposite).TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds);
            //var PositioningSimilarityScore = String.Format(sim.Options.NumberFormat, ((BothLong + BothShort + BothFlat) - Opposite).TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds);

            var SameDir             = BothLong + BothShort;
            var BothOpen            = SameDir + OppositeDirection;
            var BothSamePositioning = BothOpen + BothFlat;

                TotalTime = totalTime,


                BothFlatPc = (BothFlat.TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToPercentString(),

                BothLongPc  = (BothLong.TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToPercentString(),
                BothShortPc = (BothShort.TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToPercentString(),
                SameDirPc   = (SameDir.TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToPercentString(),

                OppositeDirectionPc = (OppositeDirection.TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToPercentString(),

                BothOpenPc = (BothOpen.TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToPercentString(),

                OffsettingNonZeroPc = (OffsettingNonZero.TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToPercentString(),
                //OppositePc = (Opposite.TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToPercentString(),

                SameDirectionSimilarityPc = ((SameDir).TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToPercentString()
                                            + " / " + (BothOpen.TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToPercentString(),
                OppositeDirectionSimilarityPc = ((OppositeDirection).TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToPercentString()
                                                + " / " + (BothOpen.TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToPercentString(),

                OpenDirectionNetSimilarityPc = ((SameDir - OppositeDirection).TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToPercentString()
                                               + " / " + (BothOpen.TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToPercentString(),
                // TODO: same as OpenDirectionNetSimilarityPc but use normalized volumes:
                //NetAmplifyingOrHedgingPc = ((SameDir - OppositeDirection).TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToPercentString()
                //    + " / " + (BothOpen.TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToPercentString(),

                SimilarityWhenSharedDirectionPc = ((BothSamePositioning - OppositeDirection).TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToPercentString()
                                                  + " / " + (BothSamePositioning.TotalMilliseconds / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToPercentString(),

                DifferenceScore = Math.Sqrt(MultipliedByDifference / totalTime.TotalMilliseconds),
            }.DumpProperties("Time in market"));
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the multiplier by which all trade volumes from this component are multipied before using in portfolio and correlation analysis.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UpdateComponentNormalizationMultiplier(this PortfolioComponent component, PortfolioSimulation sim)
            double multiplier = 1.0;

            var minTradeVolumeForSymbol = component.SymbolHandle.GetMinTradeVolumeForSymbol();

            if (sim.Options.VolumeNormalization.ReductionMode?.HasFlag(VolumeNormalizationReductionMode.DivideByMinimumsMultipleOfMinimumAllowedTradeSize) == true)
                var min = component.MinAbsoluteVolume;
                if (min > minTradeVolumeForSymbol)
                    multiplier *= minTradeVolumeForSymbol / min;
                    if (sim.Options.Verbosity >= 5)
                        Console.WriteLine($"[VolumeNormalize] component absolute min: {min},  min for symbol {component.BacktestResult.Symbol}: {minTradeVolumeForSymbol}, multiplier: {multiplier}");

            if (sim.Options.VolumeNormalization.ReductionMode?.HasFlag(VolumeNormalizationReductionMode.DivideByMinimumAllowedTradeVolume) == true)
                multiplier /= minTradeVolumeForSymbol;

            component.NormalizationMultiplier = multiplier;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <param name="trade"></param>
        /// <param name="sim"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns negative numbers for Sell trades.</returns>
        public static double NormalizeVolume(PortfolioHistoricalTradeVM trade, PortfolioSimulation sim, VolumeNormalizationOptions normalizationOptions = null)
            // Note: Volume is used here instead of NetVolume, to have positive volumes for both buy and sell trades
            var normalizedTradeVolume = NormalizeVolumeSource(sim, trade.Component, trade.Trade.Volume);

            if (sim.Options.Verbosity >= 5)
                Console.WriteLine($"[normalize] {trade.Trade.SymbolCode} normalized volume source from ({trade.Trade.TradeType.ToString()}) {trade.Trade.Volume} to {normalizedTradeVolume}");

            if ((normalizationOptions?.MaxMode ?? sim.Options.VolumeNormalization.MaxMode).Value != VolumeNormalizationTargetMode.None)
                double max = normalizationOptions?.Max ?? sim.Options.VolumeNormalization.Max ?? trade.Component.MaxAbsoluteVolume;

                //switch (mode ?? sim.Options.VolumeNormalization.VolumeNormalizationTargetMax)
                //    case PortfolioNormalizationTargetMaxMode.None:
                //        //var componentMaxNormalizedVolume = NormalizeVolumeSource(sim, trade.Component, trade.Component.MaxAbsoluteVolume);
                //        //max = componentMaxNormalizedVolume;
                //        //max =
                //        break;
                //    case PortfolioNormalizationTargetMaxMode.ToConstant:
                //        max = ;
                //        break;
                //    //case PortfolioNormalizationTargetMaxMode.
                //    //case PortfolioNormalizationTargetMaxMode.ScaleToMinTradeVolume:
                //    //    max =
                //    //    value =
                //    //    if (trade.Trade.TradeType == TradeType.Sell) value *= -1;
                //    //    break;
                //    //case PortfolioNormalizationTargetMaxMode.ToBacktestMaxTradeSize:
                //    //    value = trade.Trade.Volume / trade.Component.MaxAbsoluteVolume;
                //    //    if (trade.Trade.TradeType == TradeType.Sell) value *= -1;
                //    //    break;
                //    ////case PortfolioNormalizationMode.ToBacktestConfiguredMaxTradeSize:
                //    ////    throw new NotImplementedException();
                //    ////    break;
                //    default:
                //        //case PortfolioNormalizationMode.Unspecified:
                //        throw new ArgumentException(nameof(sim.Options.VolumeNormalization.VolumeNormalizationTargetMax));

                switch (sim.Options.VolumeNormalization.Curve)
                case PortfolioNormalizationCurveType.Linear:
                    normalizedTradeVolume = trade.Trade.TradeType == TradeType.Buy ? trade.Trade.Volume : -trade.Trade.Volume;

                case PortfolioNormalizationCurveType.Step:
                    normalizedTradeVolume = normalizedTradeVolume >= sim.Options.VolumeNormalization.StepThreshold ? max : 0;

                case PortfolioNormalizationCurveType.EaseIn:
                    double normalizedTo1 = normalizedTradeVolume / max;
                    normalizedTradeVolume = max * Math.Pow(normalizedTo1, sim.Options.VolumeNormalization.EasingExponent ?? VolumeNormalizationOptions.DefaultEasingExponent);

                case PortfolioNormalizationCurveType.EaseOut:
                    double normalizedTo1 = normalizedTradeVolume / max;
                    normalizedTradeVolume = max * Math.Pow(1 - (1 - normalizedTo1), sim.Options.VolumeNormalization.EasingExponent ?? VolumeNormalizationOptions.DefaultEasingExponent);

                //case PortfolioNormalizationCurveType.Unspecified:

            if (trade.Trade.TradeType == TradeType.Sell)
                normalizedTradeVolume *= -1;

            if (sim.Options.Verbosity >= 0)
                if (trade.Trade.Volume != 1)
                    Console.WriteLine($"[NORMALIZE] {trade.Trade.SymbolCode} normalized volume from ({trade.Trade.TradeType.ToString()}) {trade.Trade.Volume} to {normalizedTradeVolume}   (final)");
