Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create LingTreeNode objects based on XML tree description
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlNode">current xml node in the description</param>
        /// <param name="Node">parent LingTreeNode</param>
        /// <param name="iLevel">level (or depth) of a node within the tree</param>
        /// <param name="iIndex">unique index for nodes in the tree</param>
        protected void ProcessXmlTreeNode(XmlNode xmlNode, LingTreeNode Node, int iLevel, ref int iIndex)
            Node = BeginASubTree(Node, iLevel++, iIndex++);
            if (m_Root == null)
                m_Root = Node;
            XmlNode attr;

            attr = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode("@type");
            if (attr != null)
                switch (attr.InnerText)
                case "lex":
                    Node.Type = LingTreeNode.NodeType.Lex;

                case "gloss":
                    Node.Type = LingTreeNode.NodeType.Gloss;

                    Node.Type = LingTreeNode.NodeType.NonTerminal;
            attr = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode("@id");
            if (attr != null)
                Node.Id = attr.InnerText;
            attr = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode("@triangleover");
            if (attr != null)
                if (attr.InnerText == "yes")
                    Node.Triangle = true;
            attr = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode("@omitlineover");
            if (attr != null)
                if (attr.InnerText == "yes")
                    Node.OmitLine = true;

            ProcessNodeContentFromXml(xmlNode, Node);

            XmlNodeList daughterNodes = xmlNode.SelectNodes("node");

            foreach (XmlNode daughterNode in daughterNodes)
                ProcessXmlTreeNode(daughterNode, Node, iLevel, ref iIndex);
            Node = EndASubTree(Node);
            iLevel--;                           // decrement level
Exemplo n.º 2
 public LingTreeTree(int iInitialXCoord,
                     int iInitialYCoord,
                     int iHorizontalGap,
                     int iVerticalGap,
                     int iLexGlossGapAdjustment,
                     Font fntGlossFont,
                     Font fntLexFont,
                     Font fntNTFont,
                     Color clrGlossColor,
                     Color clrLexColor,
                     Color clrNTColor,
                     Color clrLines,
                     double dLineWidth,
                     string sVersion)
     m_aiMaxLevelHeights   = new int[kMaxLevels];
     InitialXCoord         = iInitialXCoord;
     InitialYCoord         = iInitialYCoord;
     HorizontalGap         = iHorizontalGap;
     VerticalGap           = iVerticalGap;
     LexGlossGapAdjustment = iLexGlossGapAdjustment;
     GlossFont             = fntGlossFont;
     LexFont       = fntLexFont;
     NTFont        = fntNTFont;
     GlossColor    = clrGlossColor;
     LexColor      = clrLexColor;
     NTColor       = clrNTColor;
     LinesColor    = clrLines;
     LineWidth     = dLineWidth;
     Version       = sVersion;
     m_Root        = null;
     this.Paint   += new PaintEventHandler(OnPaint);
     this.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(LingTreeTree_MouseUp);
     this.m_LingTreeNodeClickedEvent = new LingTreeNodeClickedEventHandler(OnNodeClicked);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void ProcessNodeContentFromXml(XmlNode xmlNode, LingTreeNode Node)
            XmlNode xmlTemp = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode("label");

            if (xmlTemp != null)
                Node.Content = xmlTemp.InnerXml;
            AppendXScript(xmlNode, Node, "superscript");
            AppendXScript(xmlNode, Node, "subscript");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void ParseXmlTreeDescription(XmlNode treeDescriptionTopNode)
            if (m_Root != null)
                m_Root = null;            // remove any existing tree
            Controls.Clear();             // clear all extant (node) controls
            // process top node and all daughters
            int iIndex = 1;

            ProcessXmlTreeNode(treeDescriptionTopNode, null, 0, ref iIndex);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void SVGCreate(LingTreeTree Tree, StringBuilder sb, string sLineColor, double dLineWidth)
            LingTreeNode Node;
            Font         font = GetTextFont(Tree);
            Color        clr  = GetTextColor(Tree);

            // Draw this node
            if (Tree.ShowFlatView)
            {                                           // adjust lex and gloss Y coordinates
                if (Type == NodeType.Lex)
                    YCoord    = Tree.LexBottomYCoord;
                    YUpperMid = Tree.LexBottomYUpperMid;
                if (Type == NodeType.Gloss)
                    YCoord = Tree.GlossBottomYCoord;
            string sClrName = LingTreeNode.SVGConvertColorToSVGColorString(clr);

            SVGDrawString(Content, sb, font, sClrName);
            // Draw daughter nodes
            Node = Daughter;
            while (Node != null)
                Node.SVGCreate(Tree, sb, sLineColor, dLineWidth);
                if (Type == NodeType.NonTerminal)
                    if (!Node.Triangle)
                        if (!Node.OmitLine)
                            SVGDrawLine(sb, sLineColor, dLineWidth, Node.XMid, Node.YUpperMid, XMid, YLowerMid);
#if DoTrace
                        Console.WriteLine("\tDrawing triangle: Node = {0},\tXCoord = {1}", Node.Content, Node.XCoord);
                        int     ix  = Node.XCoord + m_iTriangleOffset;
                        Point[] apt = { new Point(ix,                                        Node.YCoord),
                                        new Point(XMid,                                      YLowerMid),
                                        new Point(ix + (Node.Width - 2 * m_iTriangleOffset), Node.YCoord),
                                        new Point(ix,                                        Node.YCoord) };
                        SVGDrawLines(sb, sLineColor, dLineWidth, apt);
                Node = Node.Sister;
Exemplo n.º 6
        void AdjustXValues(LingTreeTree tree, int iAdjust)
            // adjust this node
            XCoord += iAdjust;
            XMid   += iAdjust;
            tree.HorizontalOffset = tree.HorizontalOffset + iAdjust;
            // adjust any daughter nodes
            LingTreeNode NextDaughter = Daughter;

            while (NextDaughter != null)
                NextDaughter.AdjustXValues(tree, iAdjust);
                NextDaughter = NextDaughter.Sister;
Exemplo n.º 7
        // NAME
        //    EndASubTree
        // ARGUMENTS
        //    pNode - node which is ending
        // DESCRIPTION
        //    Finish processing a node during the parsing of a tree description
        // RETURN VALUE
        LingTreeNode EndASubTree(LingTreeNode Node)
            // cleanup content
            if (Node.Content == null)
                Node.Content = "";
                Node.Content = Node.Content.Trim();
#if !Orig
            if (!Contains(Node))
Exemplo n.º 8
        public string CreateSVG(Graphics grfx, string sLineColor)
            if (m_Root == null)

            //			string sFrontMatter = @"<?xml version='1.0' standalone='no'?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN'
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='no'?>\r\n");
            string sSVGElement = "<svg width='{0}mm' height='{1}mm' version='1.1' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' contentScriptType='text/javascript'>\r\n";

            sb.AppendFormat(sSVGElement, LingTreeNode.SVGConvert(XSize), LingTreeNode.SVGConvert(YSize));
            sb.Append("<script  id=\"clientEventHandlersJS\">\r\nfunction OnClickLingTreeNode(node){}\r\n</script>\r\n");
            m_Root.SVGCreate(this, sb, sLineColor, LineWidth);
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void AppendXScript(XmlNode xmlNode, LingTreeNode Node, string sType)
            XmlNode element = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode(sType);

            if (element != null)
                string  sText;
                XmlNode attr = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode(sType + "/@italic");
                switch (sType)
                case "superscript":
                    if (attr != null && attr.InnerText == "yes")
                        sText = "/^";
                        sText = "/S";

                case "subscript":
                    if (attr != null && attr.InnerText == "yes")
                        sText = "/_";
                        sText = "/s";

                    sText = "";
                Node.Content = Node.Content + sText + element.InnerXml;
Exemplo n.º 10
        NodeType m_Type; // node type (non-terminal, lex, gloss)

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public LingTreeNode(int iLevel,
			int iIndex,
			string sContent,
			NodeType eNodeType,
			LingTreeNode ndeMother,
			LingTreeNode ndeDaughter,
			LingTreeNode ndeSister)
            Level = iLevel;
            Index = iIndex;
            Content = sContent;
            Type = eNodeType;
            Mother = ndeMother;
            Daughter = ndeDaughter;
            Sister = ndeSister;
            Triangle = false;
            OmitLine = false;
            Height = 0;
            Width = 0;
            XCoord = 0;
            YCoord = 0;
            Id = "";
Exemplo n.º 11
 public LingTreeNode(int iLevel,
                     int iIndex,
                     string sContent,
                     NodeType eNodeType,
                     LingTreeNode ndeMother,
                     LingTreeNode ndeDaughter,
                     LingTreeNode ndeSister)
     Level    = iLevel;
     Index    = iIndex;
     Content  = sContent;
     Type     = eNodeType;
     Mother   = ndeMother;
     Daughter = ndeDaughter;
     Sister   = ndeSister;
     Triangle = false;
     OmitLine = false;
     Height   = 0;
     Width    = 0;
     XCoord   = 0;
     YCoord   = 0;
     Id       = "";
Exemplo n.º 12
        // NAME
        //    BeginASubTree
        // ARGUMENTS
        //    pMother  - pointer to mother node of new sub-tree
        //    iLevel - level (or depth) within the tree
        //    iIndex - index number of node in the tree
        // DESCRIPTION
        //    Create a new node which is the root of a subtree during the parsing of a tree description
        // RETURN VALUE
        //    Pointer to newly created node
        LingTreeNode BeginASubTree(LingTreeNode Mother,
                                   int iLevel, int iIndex)
            LingTreeNode Node = new LingTreeNode(iLevel, iIndex, null,
                                                 LingTreeNode.NodeType.NonTerminal, Mother, null, null);

            if (Mother != null)
                LingTreeNode Sister = Mother.Daughter;
                if (Sister == null)
                    Mother.Daughter = Node;                     // new node is the daughter
                {                                               // there's a daughter already
                    while (Sister.Sister != null)
                        Sister = Sister.Sister;                         // skip to rightmost sister
                    Sister.Sister = Node;
Exemplo n.º 13
        // NAME
        //    ParseTreeDescription
        // ARGUMENTS
        //    none
        // DESCRIPTION
        //    create tree nodes based on the tree description
        // RETURN VALUE
        //    none
        public bool ParseTreeDescription()
            const string sIllFormed = "Ill-formed tree description!\n";
            LingTreeNode Node = null;
            int iLevel = 0;		// level (or depth) of a node within the tree
            int iIndex = 1;		// unique index for nodes in the tree
            bool bSeenFirstOpenParen = false;

            if (m_Root != null)
                m_Root = null;		// remove any existing tree
            Controls.Clear(); // clear all extant (node) controls
            m_sDescription = m_sDescription.Trim();
            for (int i = 0; i < m_sDescription.Length; i++)
                switch (m_sDescription[i])
                    case '(':
                        if (bSeenFirstOpenParen && (iLevel == 0))
                        {   // Ill-formed tree: final close has been reached, yet there is more
                            string sMsg = sIllFormed ;
                            int iPos2 = Math.Max(0,i);
                            sMsg += "End of well-formed tree already reached. Start of a new tree discovered:\n ";
                            sMsg += m_sDescription.Substring(0, iPos2);
                            sMsg += " <ERROR DETECTED HERE> ";
                            sMsg += m_sDescription.Substring(iPos2);
                            sMsg += "\nRest of the description will be ignored";
                            throw(new LingTreeDescriptionException(sMsg));
                        Node = BeginASubTree(Node, iLevel++, iIndex++);
                        if (m_Root == null)
                            m_Root = Node;
                        bSeenFirstOpenParen = true;
                    case ')':
                        if (Node == null)
                            ThrowUnmatchedClosingParenException(sIllFormed, m_sDescription, i);
                            return false;
                        Node = EndASubTree(Node);
                        iLevel--;		// decrement level
                    case '\\':
                        if (Node == null)
                            ThrowUnmatchedClosingParenException(sIllFormed, m_sDescription, i);
                            return false;
                        if (m_sDescription[i+1] == ')' || // check for quoted parens
                            m_sDescription[i+1] == '(')
                            Node.Content = Node.Content + m_sDescription[++i];
            #if Orig
                        else if (m_sDescription[i+1] == 'L' &&
                            m_sDescription[i+2] == ' ')
                            Node.Type = LingTreeNode.NodeType.Lex;
                            i += 2;
                        else if (m_sDescription[i+1] == 'G' &&
                            m_sDescription[i+2] == ' ')
                            Node.Type = LingTreeNode.NodeType.Gloss;
                            i += 2;
                        else if (m_sDescription[i+1] == 'T' &&
                            m_sDescription[i+2] == ' ')
                            Node.Triangle = true;
                            i += 2;
                        else if (m_sDescription[i+1] == 'L')
                            Node.Type = LingTreeNode.NodeType.Lex;
                        else if (m_sDescription[i+1] == 'G')
                            Node.Type = LingTreeNode.NodeType.Gloss;
                        else if (m_sDescription[i+1] == 'T')
                            Node.Triangle = true;
                        else if (m_sDescription[i+1] == 'O')
                            Node.OmitLine = true;
                        if (Node == null)
                            ThrowUnmatchedClosingParenException(sIllFormed, m_sDescription, i);
                            return false;
                        Node.Content = Node.Content + m_sDescription[i];
            if (iLevel == 0)
                return true;
                string sMsg = sIllFormed;
                sMsg += iLevel;
                sMsg += " unmatched opening parenthes";
                if (iLevel == 1)
                    sMsg += "i";
                    sMsg += "e";
                sMsg += "s discovered at the end of the description.";
                throw(new LingTreeDescriptionException(sMsg));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public LingTreeTree(int iInitialXCoord,
			int iInitialYCoord,
			int iHorizontalGap,
			int iVerticalGap,
			int iLexGlossGapAdjustment,
			Font fntGlossFont,
			Font fntLexFont,
			Font fntNTFont,
			Color clrGlossColor,
			Color clrLexColor,
			Color clrNTColor,
			Color clrLines,
			double dLineWidth,
			string sVersion)
            m_aiMaxLevelHeights = new int[kMaxLevels];
            InitialXCoord = iInitialXCoord;
            InitialYCoord = iInitialYCoord;
            HorizontalGap = iHorizontalGap;
            VerticalGap = iVerticalGap;
            LexGlossGapAdjustment = iLexGlossGapAdjustment;
            GlossFont = fntGlossFont;
            LexFont = fntLexFont;
            NTFont = fntNTFont;
            GlossColor = clrGlossColor;
            LexColor = clrLexColor;
            NTColor = clrNTColor;
            LinesColor = clrLines;
            LineWidth = dLineWidth;
            Version = sVersion;
            m_Root = null;
            this.Paint +=  new PaintEventHandler(OnPaint);
            this.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(LingTreeTree_MouseUp);
            this.m_LingTreeNodeClickedEvent = new LingTreeNodeClickedEventHandler(OnNodeClicked);
Exemplo n.º 15
 private void ProcessNodeContentFromXml(XmlNode xmlNode, LingTreeNode Node)
     XmlNode xmlTemp = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode("label");
     if (xmlTemp != null)
         Node.Content = xmlTemp.InnerXml;
     AppendXScript(xmlNode, Node, "superscript");
     AppendXScript(xmlNode, Node, "subscript");
Exemplo n.º 16
 // NAME
 //    EndASubTree
 //    pNode - node which is ending
 //    Finish processing a node during the parsing of a tree description
 LingTreeNode EndASubTree(LingTreeNode Node)
     // cleanup content
     if (Node.Content == null)
         Node.Content = "";
         Node.Content = Node.Content.Trim();
     #if !Orig
     if (!Contains(Node))
     return Node.Mother;
Exemplo n.º 17
        // NAME
        //    BeginASubTree
        // ARGUMENTS
        //    pMother  - pointer to mother node of new sub-tree
        //    iLevel - level (or depth) within the tree
        //    iIndex - index number of node in the tree
        // DESCRIPTION
        //    Create a new node which is the root of a subtree during the parsing of a tree description
        // RETURN VALUE
        //    Pointer to newly created node
        LingTreeNode BeginASubTree(LingTreeNode Mother,
			int iLevel, int iIndex)
            LingTreeNode Node = new LingTreeNode(iLevel, iIndex, null,
                LingTreeNode.NodeType.NonTerminal, Mother, null, null);
            if (Mother != null)
                LingTreeNode Sister = Mother.Daughter;
                if (Sister == null)
                    Mother.Daughter = Node; // new node is the daughter
                {				// there's a daughter already
                    while (Sister.Sister != null)
                        Sister = Sister.Sister;	// skip to rightmost sister
                    Sister.Sister = Node;
            return Node;
Exemplo n.º 18
 private void AppendXScript(XmlNode xmlNode, LingTreeNode Node, string sType)
     XmlNode element = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode(sType);
     if (element != null)
         string sText;
         XmlNode attr = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode(sType + "/@italic");
         switch (sType)
             case "superscript":
                 if (attr != null && attr.InnerText == "yes")
                     sText = "/^";
                     sText = "/S";
             case "subscript":
                 if (attr != null && attr.InnerText == "yes")
                     sText = "/_";
                     sText = "/s";
                 sText = "";
         Node.Content = Node.Content + sText + element.InnerXml;
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Create LingTreeNode objects based on XML tree description
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlNode">current xml node in the description</param>
        /// <param name="Node">parent LingTreeNode</param>
        /// <param name="iLevel">level (or depth) of a node within the tree</param>
        /// <param name="iIndex">unique index for nodes in the tree</param>
        protected void ProcessXmlTreeNode(XmlNode xmlNode, LingTreeNode Node, int iLevel, ref int iIndex)
            Node = BeginASubTree(Node, iLevel++, iIndex++);
            if (m_Root == null)
                m_Root = Node;
            XmlNode attr;
            attr = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode("@type");
            if (attr != null)
                switch (attr.InnerText)
                    case "lex":
                        Node.Type = LingTreeNode.NodeType.Lex;
                    case "gloss":
                        Node.Type = LingTreeNode.NodeType.Gloss;
                        Node.Type = LingTreeNode.NodeType.NonTerminal;
            attr = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode("@id");
            if (attr != null)
                Node.Id = attr.InnerText;
            attr = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode("@triangleover");
            if (attr != null)
                if (attr.InnerText == "yes")
                    Node.Triangle = true;
            attr = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode("@omitlineover");
            if (attr != null)
                if (attr.InnerText == "yes")
                    Node.OmitLine = true;

            ProcessNodeContentFromXml(xmlNode, Node);

            XmlNodeList daughterNodes = xmlNode.SelectNodes("node");
            foreach (XmlNode daughterNode in daughterNodes)
                ProcessXmlTreeNode(daughterNode, Node, iLevel, ref iIndex);
            Node = EndASubTree(Node);
            iLevel--;		// decrement level
Exemplo n.º 20
 public void ParseXmlTreeDescription(XmlNode treeDescriptionTopNode)
     if (m_Root != null)
         m_Root = null;		// remove any existing tree
     Controls.Clear(); // clear all extant (node) controls
     // process top node and all daughters
     int	iIndex = 1;
     ProcessXmlTreeNode(treeDescriptionTopNode, null, 0, ref iIndex);
Exemplo n.º 21
        // NAME
        //    ParseTreeDescription
        // ARGUMENTS
        //    none
        // DESCRIPTION
        //    create tree nodes based on the tree description
        // RETURN VALUE
        //    none
        public bool ParseTreeDescription()
            const string sIllFormed          = "Ill-formed tree description!\n";
            LingTreeNode Node                = null;
            int          iLevel              = 0; // level (or depth) of a node within the tree
            int          iIndex              = 1; // unique index for nodes in the tree
            bool         bSeenFirstOpenParen = false;

            if (m_Root != null)
                m_Root = null;            // remove any existing tree
            Controls.Clear();             // clear all extant (node) controls
            m_sDescription = m_sDescription.Trim();
            for (int i = 0; i < m_sDescription.Length; i++)
                switch (m_sDescription[i])
                case '(':
                    if (bSeenFirstOpenParen && (iLevel == 0))
                    {                               // Ill-formed tree: final close has been reached, yet there is more
                        string sMsg  = sIllFormed;
                        int    iPos2 = Math.Max(0, i);
                        sMsg += "End of well-formed tree already reached. Start of a new tree discovered:\n ";
                        sMsg += m_sDescription.Substring(0, iPos2);
                        sMsg += " <ERROR DETECTED HERE> ";
                        sMsg += m_sDescription.Substring(iPos2);
                        sMsg += "\nRest of the description will be ignored";
                        throw(new LingTreeDescriptionException(sMsg));
                    Node = BeginASubTree(Node, iLevel++, iIndex++);
                    if (m_Root == null)
                        m_Root = Node;
                    bSeenFirstOpenParen = true;

                case ')':
                    if (Node == null)
                        ThrowUnmatchedClosingParenException(sIllFormed, m_sDescription, i);
                    Node = EndASubTree(Node);
                    iLevel--;                                           // decrement level

                case '\\':
                    if (Node == null)
                        ThrowUnmatchedClosingParenException(sIllFormed, m_sDescription, i);
                    if (m_sDescription[i + 1] == ')' ||                           // check for quoted parens
                        m_sDescription[i + 1] == '(')
                        Node.Content = Node.Content + m_sDescription[++i];
#if Orig
                    else if (m_sDescription[i + 1] == 'L' &&
                             m_sDescription[i + 2] == ' ')
                        Node.Type = LingTreeNode.NodeType.Lex;
                        i        += 2;
                    else if (m_sDescription[i + 1] == 'G' &&
                             m_sDescription[i + 2] == ' ')
                        Node.Type = LingTreeNode.NodeType.Gloss;
                        i        += 2;
                    else if (m_sDescription[i + 1] == 'T' &&
                             m_sDescription[i + 2] == ' ')
                        Node.Triangle = true;
                        i            += 2;
                    else if (m_sDescription[i + 1] == 'L')
                        Node.Type = LingTreeNode.NodeType.Lex;
                    else if (m_sDescription[i + 1] == 'G')
                        Node.Type = LingTreeNode.NodeType.Gloss;
                    else if (m_sDescription[i + 1] == 'T')
                        Node.Triangle = true;
                    else if (m_sDescription[i + 1] == 'O')
                        Node.OmitLine = true;

                    if (Node == null)
                        ThrowUnmatchedClosingParenException(sIllFormed, m_sDescription, i);
                    Node.Content = Node.Content + m_sDescription[i];
            if (iLevel == 0)
                string sMsg = sIllFormed;
                sMsg += iLevel;
                sMsg += " unmatched opening parenthes";
                if (iLevel == 1)
                    sMsg += "i";
                    sMsg += "e";
                sMsg += "s discovered at the end of the description.";
                throw(new LingTreeDescriptionException(sMsg));
Exemplo n.º 22
 public LingTreeNodeClickedEventArgs(LingTreeNode node)
     m_node = node;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public LingTreeNodeClickedEventArgs(LingTreeNode node)
     m_node = node;
Exemplo n.º 24
        // NAME
        //    CalculateXCoordinate
        // ARGUMENTS
        //    pTree - pointer to tree this node is in
        //    pDC - pointer to the device context
        //    iMaxColWidth - maximum width of the current column
        // DESCRIPTION
        //    Determine the X-axis coordinate for this node
        //    It assumes that the width of this and all other nodes have
        //      already been established.
        //    It also assumes that higher branching nodes are not wider than the
        //      total width of their daughters (which may not always be true...)
        // RETURN VALUE
        //    The X-axis coordinate at the mid-point of this node
        public int CalculateXCoordinate(LingTreeTree Tree, Graphics grfx, int iMaxColWidth)
            XMid = 0;

            // Determine the width for this node
            CalculateWidth(Tree, grfx);
            if (Daughter != null)
            {                                           // is a non-terminal node
                LingTreeNode NextDaughter = Daughter.Sister;
                if (NextDaughter != null)
                {                                       // node branches
                    if (iMaxColWidth < m_iWidth)
                        iMaxColWidth = m_iWidth;                         // remember widest node in the column
                {                                       // only one daughter, so could be in a column
                    if (iMaxColWidth < Width)
                        iMaxColWidth = Width;                         // remember widest node in the column
                int iLeftMost = Daughter.CalculateXCoordinate(Tree, grfx,
                int iRightMost = iLeftMost;
                while (NextDaughter != null)
                {                                       // calculate coordinates for other daughters
                    iRightMost = NextDaughter.CalculateXCoordinate(Tree, grfx,
                    NextDaughter = NextDaughter.Sister;
                // take mid point between first & last daughter
                XMid = (iLeftMost + iRightMost) / 2;
                if (iRightMost > iLeftMost)
                    if (m_iWidth > (iRightMost - iLeftMost))
                        int iAdjust = (m_iWidth - (iRightMost - iLeftMost)) / 2;
                        m_iXMid += iAdjust;

                        NextDaughter = Daughter;
                        while (NextDaughter != null)
                            NextDaughter.AdjustXValues(Tree, iAdjust);
                            NextDaughter = NextDaughter.Sister;
            {                                           // is a terminal node
                if (iMaxColWidth < Width)
                    iMaxColWidth = Width;                    // this might be the widest node in the column
                XMid = (int)Tree.HorizontalOffset +          // Offset from last terminal node plus
                       iMaxColWidth / 2;                     // half the width of this column
                Tree.HorizontalOffset = XMid +               // have a new offset for next terminal node
                                        Tree.HorizontalGap + // gap between terminal nodes plus
                                        iMaxColWidth / 2;    // half the width of the widest node in this column
            XCoord = XMid - Width / 2;                       // adjust for width of this node
            int iEnd = XCoord + Width;

            if (Triangle)
                iEnd += Tree.HorizontalGap / 2;
            if (iEnd > Tree.XSize)
                Tree.XSize = iEnd;                      // Keep track of total width for scrolling
#if DoTrace
            Console.WriteLine("{0}\tXSize = {1},\tWidth = {2},\tXCoord = {3},\tYCoord = {4}, \tXMid = {4}", Content, Tree.XSize, Width, XCoord, YCoord, XMid);