Exemplo n.º 1
		public static void Log(DenseMatrix Z, DenseMatrix X)
			// Dimension check
			if (Z.nCols != X.nCols || Z.nCols != X.nCols)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");
			// Computation
			var nRows = Z.nRows;
			var nCols = Z.nCols;
			Parallel.For(0, nCols, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxCol =>
					var zVal = Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
					var xVal = X.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
					for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < nRows; ++IdxRow)
						zVal[IdxRow] = (float)Math.Log((double)xVal[IdxRow]);
Exemplo n.º 2
         * Set the rows of a matrix to zero if the corresponding rows of a column vector are negative
		public static void SetRowsToZeroGivenColVector(DenseMatrix Z, DenseColumnVector x)
			int nCols = Z.nCols;
			List<int> IdxNegX = new List<int>();
			var xVal = x.VectorValue;
			int xDim = x.Dim;
			for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < xDim; ++IdxRow )
				if (xVal[IdxRow]<0.0f)
			Parallel.For(0, nCols, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxCol =>
					var ZVal = Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue; 
					int nCnt = IdxNegX.Count;
					for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < nCnt; ++IdxRow)
						ZVal[IdxNegX[IdxRow]] = 0.0f;
Exemplo n.º 3
         * Z = X*Y, where X and Y are dense. 
         * Only nonzero positions of Z will be computed if Z is sparse.
		public static void MatrixMultiplyMatrix(SparseMatrix Z, DenseMatrix X, DenseMatrix Y)
			// Dimension check
			if (Z.nRows != X.nRows || Z.nCols != Y.nCols || X.nCols != Y.nRows)
				throw new Exception("Matrix dimension mismatch in multiplication.");

			int total = Z.nCols ;
			int process_len = (total + THREADNUM - 1) / THREADNUM;
			Parallel.For(0, THREADNUM, new ParallelOptions{ MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree}, thread_idx =>
					for (int t = 0; t < process_len; t++)
						int IdxCol = thread_idx * process_len + t;
						if (IdxCol < total)
							var yVector = Y.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
							SparseColumnVector z = Z.SparseColumnVectors[IdxCol];
							var zVal = z.Val;
							var zKey = z.Key;
							int nNonzero = z.nNonzero;
							for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < nNonzero; ++IdxRow)
								zVal[IdxRow] = 0;
							for (int Idx = 0; Idx < X.nCols; ++ Idx)
								// Compute the (IdxTrueRow, IdxCol)-th entry of Z, stored at (IdxRow, IdxCol)
								var xVector = X.DenseMatrixValue[Idx].VectorValue;
								var y = yVector[Idx];
								for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < nNonzero; ++ IdxRow)
									// Get the actual row index of Z
									zVal[IdxRow] += xVector[zKey[IdxRow]] * y;

Exemplo n.º 4
         * Z = X - Y
		public static void MatrixSubtractMatrix(DenseMatrix Z, DenseMatrix X, DenseMatrix Y)
			if (Z.nCols != X.nCols || Z.nRows != X.nRows || Z.nCols != Y.nCols || Z.nRows != Y.nRows)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");
			Parallel.For(0, Z.nCols, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxCol =>
					var zVal = Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
					var xVal = X.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
					var yVal = Y.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
					int nRows = Z.nRows;
					for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < nRows; IdxRow++)
						zVal[IdxRow] = xVal[IdxRow] - yVal[IdxRow];
Exemplo n.º 5
         * Z = x ./ Z or b = bsxfun(@rdivide, x, Z)
         * Vector divide by matrix
		public static void bsxfunVectorDivideMatrix(DenseMatrix Z, DenseColumnVector x)
			// Dimension check
			if (x.Dim != Z.nRows)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");
			// Computation
			int nRows = Z.nRows;
			var xVal = x.VectorValue;
			Parallel.For(0, Z.nCols, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxCol =>
					var zVal = Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
					for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < nRows; ++IdxRow)
						zVal[IdxRow] = xVal[IdxRow] / (zVal[IdxRow]+1e-12f);
Exemplo n.º 6
		public static void ElementwiseMatrixDivideMatrix(DenseMatrix Z, DenseMatrix X, DenseMatrix Y)
			if (Z.nRows != X.nRows || Z.nCols != X.nCols || Z.nRows != Y.nRows || Z.nCols != Y.nCols)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");
			int nRows = Z.nRows;
			Parallel.For(0, Z.nCols, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxCol =>
					var zVal = Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
					var xVal = X.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
					var yVal = Y.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
					for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < nRows; ++IdxRow)
						zVal[IdxRow] = xVal[IdxRow] / (yVal[IdxRow]+1e-12f);
Exemplo n.º 7
		public static void ElementwiseMatrixMultiplyMatrix(SparseMatrix Z, SparseMatrix X, DenseMatrix Y)
			// Dimension check
			if (X.nCols != Y.nCols || X.nRows != Y.nRows || Z.nCols != X.nCols || Z.nRows != X.nRows)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch during elementwise matrix multiplication.");
			// Elementwise matrix multiplication
			Parallel.For(0, Z.nCols, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxCol =>
					var zVal = Z.SparseColumnVectors[IdxCol].Val;
					var xVal = X.SparseColumnVectors[IdxCol].Val;
					var yVal = Y.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
					var zKey = Z.SparseColumnVectors[IdxCol].Key;
					int nNonzero = Z.SparseColumnVectors[IdxCol].nNonzero;
					for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < nNonzero; ++IdxRow)
						= xVal[IdxRow] * yVal[zKey[IdxRow]];
Exemplo n.º 8
		public DenseMatrix(DenseMatrix SourceMatrix)
			nRows = SourceMatrix.nRows;
			nCols = SourceMatrix.nCols;
			DenseMatrixValue = new DenseColumnVector[nCols];
			for (int IdxCol = 0; IdxCol < nCols; IdxCol++)
				DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol] = new DenseColumnVector(nRows);
Exemplo n.º 9
		public static void MatrixMultiplyVector(SparseColumnVector z, DenseMatrix X, DenseColumnVector y)
			// Dimension check
			if (X.nCols != y.Dim || z.Dim != X.nRows)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");
			// Computation
			var zVal = z.Val;
			var zKey = z.Key;
			Array.Clear(zVal, 0, zVal.Length);            
			var zNNonzero = z.nNonzero;
			var xnCols = X.nCols;
			float[] xColumn = null;
			float yValue;
			for (int Idx = 0; Idx < xnCols; ++ Idx)
				xColumn = X.DenseMatrixValue[Idx].VectorValue;
				yValue = y.VectorValue[Idx];
				for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < zNNonzero; ++ IdxRow)
					zVal[IdxRow] += xColumn[zKey[IdxRow]] * yValue;
Exemplo n.º 10
         * z = X * y
         * Matrix multiply vector
		public static void MatrixMultiplyVector(DenseColumnVector z, DenseMatrix X, DenseColumnVector y)
			if (z.Dim != X.nRows || X.nCols != y.Dim)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");
			Array.Clear(z.VectorValue, 0, z.VectorValue.Length);
			int XnCols = X.nCols;
			int zDim = z.Dim;

			for (int IdxCol = 0; IdxCol < XnCols; ++IdxCol)
				var zVal = z.VectorValue;
				var XVal = X.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
				var yVal = y.VectorValue;
				for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < zDim; ++IdxRow)
					zVal[IdxRow] += XVal[IdxRow] * yVal[IdxCol];
Exemplo n.º 11
		public static void AtomicAddVectorMultiplyVectorTranspose(DenseMatrix Z, SparseColumnVector x, DenseColumnVector y, float a)
			if (Z.nRows != x.Dim || Z.nCols != y.Dim)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");
			float product = 0.0f;
			float InitVal = 0.0f;
			float ComputedVal = 0.0f;
			int ZnCols = Z.nCols;
			int xNz = x.nNonzero;
			var xVal = x.Val;
			var xKey = x.Key;
			var yVal = y.VectorValue;
			for (int IdxCol = 0; IdxCol < ZnCols; ++IdxCol)            
				var ZVal = Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
				for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < xNz; ++IdxRow)
					product = xVal[IdxRow] * yVal[IdxCol] * a;
						InitVal = ZVal[xKey[IdxRow]];
						ComputedVal = InitVal + product;
					} while (InitVal != Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref ZVal[xKey[IdxRow]], ComputedVal, InitVal));
Exemplo n.º 12
		public static void MatrixMultiplyMatrixTranspose(SparseMatrix Z, SparseMatrix X, DenseMatrix Y, bool IsCumSum)
			if (Z.nRows != X.nRows || Z.nCols != Y.nRows || X.nCols != Y.nCols)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");

			int total = Z.nCols;
			int process_len = (total + THREADNUM - 1) / THREADNUM;
			Parallel.For(0, THREADNUM, new ParallelOptions{ MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree}, thread_idx =>
					var ZSparsePatternOfEachColumn = Z.SparsePatternOfEachColumn;
					var xnCols = X.nCols;
					for (int t = 0; t < process_len; ++t)
						int IdxCol = thread_idx * process_len + t;
						if (IdxCol < total)
							SparseColumnVector z = Z.SparseColumnVectors[IdxCol];
							var zVal = z.Val;
							if (!IsCumSum) Array.Clear(zVal, 0, z.nNonzero);
							for (int Idx = 0; Idx < xnCols; ++Idx)
								float yvalue = Y.DenseMatrixValue[Idx].VectorValue[IdxCol];
								var xKey = X.SparseColumnVectors[Idx].Key;
								var xVal = X.SparseColumnVectors[Idx].Val;
								var xnNonzero = X.SparseColumnVectors[Idx].nNonzero;
								for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < xnNonzero; ++IdxRow)
									int xkey = xKey[IdxRow];
									float xvalue = xVal[IdxRow];
									+= xvalue * yvalue;

Exemplo n.º 13
         * Z  = X * Y^T if IsCumSum == false
         * Z += X * Y^T is IsCumSum == true
		public static void MatrixMultiplyMatrixTranspose(DenseMatrix Z, SparseMatrix X, DenseMatrix Y, bool IsCumSum)
			if (Z.nRows != X.nRows || Z.nCols != Y.nRows || X.nCols != Y.nCols)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");
			int total = Z.nCols;
			int process_len = (total + THREADNUM - 1) / THREADNUM;
			Parallel.For(0, THREADNUM, new ParallelOptions{ MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree}, thread_idx =>
					for (int t = 0; t < process_len; t++)
						int IdxCol = thread_idx * process_len + t;
						if (IdxCol < total)
							DenseColumnVector z = Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol];
							if (!IsCumSum) Array.Clear(z.VectorValue, 0, Z.nRows);
							for (int Idx = 0; Idx < X.nCols; Idx++)
								SparseColumnVector x = X.SparseColumnVectors[Idx];
								float yvalue = Y.DenseMatrixValue[Idx].VectorValue[IdxCol];
								for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < x.nNonzero; IdxRow++)
									z.VectorValue[x.Key[IdxRow]] += x.Val[IdxRow] * yvalue;
Exemplo n.º 14
		public static void MatrixMultiplyMatrix(DenseMatrix Z, DenseMatrix X, DenseMatrix Y)
			// Dimension check
			if (Z.nRows != X.nRows || Z.nCols != Y.nCols || X.nCols != Y.nRows)
				throw new Exception("Matrix dimension mismatch in multiplication.");

			int total = Z.nCols * Z.nRows;
			int process_len = (total + THREADNUM - 1) / THREADNUM;
			Parallel.For(0, THREADNUM, new ParallelOptions{ MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree}, thread_idx =>
					for (int t = 0; t < process_len; t++)
						int id = thread_idx * process_len + t;
						if (id < total)
							int IdxCol = id / Z.nRows;
							int IdxRow = id % Z.nRows;
							float sum = 0;
							var yVal = Y.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
							for(int Idx = 0; Idx<X.nCols;Idx++)
								sum += X.DenseMatrixValue[Idx].VectorValue[IdxRow]
									* yVal[Idx];
							Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue[IdxRow] = sum;
Exemplo n.º 15
         * Project each column of the input matrix X onto the affine space defined by 1^T x = 1
		public static void ProjCols2SimplexPlane(DenseMatrix X)
			DenseRowVector TmpDenseRowVec = new DenseRowVector(X.nCols);
			MatrixOperation.VerticalSumMatrix(TmpDenseRowVec, X);
			MatrixOperation.ScalarMultiplyVector(TmpDenseRowVec, 1.0f / ((float)X.nRows));
			MatrixOperation.bsxfunMatrixSubtractVector(X, X, TmpDenseRowVec);
			MatrixOperation.ScalarAddMatrix(X, 1.0f / ((float)X.nRows));
Exemplo n.º 16
         * z = X^T * y
		public static void MatrixTransposeMultiplyVector(DenseColumnVector z, DenseMatrix X, DenseColumnVector y)
			if (z.Dim != X.nCols || X.nRows != y.Dim)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");
			int zDim = z.Dim;
			int yDim = y.Dim;
			var XMat = X.DenseMatrixValue;
			var zVal = z.VectorValue;
			var yVal = y.VectorValue;
			Parallel.For(0, zDim, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxRow =>
					float sum = 0.0f;
					var XCol = XMat[IdxRow].VectorValue;
					for (int Idx = 0; Idx < yDim; ++Idx)
						sum += XCol[Idx] * yVal[Idx];
					zVal[IdxRow] = sum;
Exemplo n.º 17
		public static void ProjCols2SimplexPlane(DenseMatrix Z, DenseMatrix X)
			if (Z.nCols != X.nCols || Z.nRows != X.nRows)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");
			DenseRowVector TmpDenseRowVec = new DenseRowVector(X.nCols);
			MatrixOperation.VerticalSumMatrix(TmpDenseRowVec, X);
			MatrixOperation.ScalarMultiplyVector(TmpDenseRowVec, 1.0f / ((float)X.nRows));
			MatrixOperation.bsxfunMatrixSubtractVector(Z, X, TmpDenseRowVec);
			MatrixOperation.ScalarAddMatrix(Z, 1.0f / ((float)X.nRows));
Exemplo n.º 18
		public static void MatrixTransposeMultiplyVector(DenseColumnVector z, DenseMatrix X, SparseColumnVector y)
			if (z.Dim != X.nCols || X.nRows != y.Dim)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");
			int zDim = z.Dim;
			float sum = 0.0f;
			int yNz = y.nNonzero;
			var XMat = X.DenseMatrixValue;
			var zVal = z.VectorValue;
			for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < zDim; ++IdxRow)
				sum = 0.0f;
				var XCol = XMat[IdxRow].VectorValue;
				var yKey = y.Key;
				var yVal = y.Val;
				for (int Idx = 0; Idx < yNz; ++Idx)
					sum += XCol[yKey[Idx]] * yVal[Idx];
				zVal[IdxRow] = sum;

Exemplo n.º 19
         * Z = Z.^{1/2} 
		public static void ElementwiseSquareRoot(DenseMatrix Z)
			int nCols = Z.nCols;
			int nRows = Z.nRows;
			Parallel.For(0, nCols, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxCol =>
					var zVal = Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
					for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < nRows; ++IdxRow)
						zVal[IdxRow] = (float)Math.Sqrt(zVal[IdxRow]);
Exemplo n.º 20
         * Z = X^T * Y
         * Matrix transpose mulplication
		public static void MatrixTransposeMultiplyMatrix(DenseMatrix Z,DenseMatrix X, SparseMatrix Y)
			// Dimension check
			if (X.nRows != Y.nRows || Z.nRows != X.nCols || Z.nCols != Y.nCols)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");
			// Computation
			int total = Z.nCols * Z.nRows;
			int process_len = (total + THREADNUM - 1) / THREADNUM;
			Parallel.For(0, THREADNUM, new ParallelOptions{ MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree}, thread_idx =>
					for (int t = 0; t < process_len; t++)
						int id = thread_idx * process_len + t;
						if (id < total)
							int IdxCol = id / Z.nRows;
							int IdxRow = id % Z.nRows;
							DenseColumnVector z = Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol];
							var x = X.DenseMatrixValue[IdxRow].VectorValue;
							SparseColumnVector y = Y.SparseColumnVectors[IdxCol];
							var nNonzero = y.nNonzero;
							float sum = 0;
							var yKey = y.Key;
							var yVal = y.Val;
							for (int Idx = 0; Idx < nNonzero; ++ Idx)
								sum += x[yKey[Idx]]
									* yVal[Idx];
							z.VectorValue[IdxRow] = sum;
Exemplo n.º 21
		public static void ElementwiseMatrixMultiplyMatrix(DenseMatrix Z, SparseMatrix X)
			if (Z.nCols != X.nCols || Z.nRows != X.nRows)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");
			Parallel.For(0, Z.nCols, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxCol =>
					int nNz = X.SparseColumnVectors[IdxCol].nNonzero;
					var xKey = X.SparseColumnVectors[IdxCol].Key;
					var xVal = X.SparseColumnVectors[IdxCol].Val;
					var zVal = Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
					for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < nNz; ++IdxRow)
						zVal[xKey[IdxRow]] *= xVal[IdxRow];
Exemplo n.º 22
		public static void MatrixTransposeMultiplyMatrix(DenseMatrix Z, DenseMatrix X, DenseMatrix Y)
			if (Z.nRows != X.nCols || Z.nCols != Y.nCols || X.nRows != Y.nRows)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");

			int total = Z.nCols * Z.nRows;
			int process_len = (total + THREADNUM - 1) / THREADNUM;
			Parallel.For(0, THREADNUM, new ParallelOptions{ MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree}, thread_idx =>
					for (int t = 0; t < process_len; t++)
						int id = thread_idx * process_len + t;
						if (id < total)
							int IdxCol = id / Z.nRows;
							int IdxRow = id % Z.nRows;
							Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue[IdxRow] = 0;
							DenseColumnVector z = Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol];
							DenseColumnVector x = X.DenseMatrixValue[IdxRow];
							DenseColumnVector y = Y.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol];
							for (int Idx = 0; Idx < X.nRows; Idx++)
								+= x.VectorValue[Idx] * y.VectorValue[Idx];
Exemplo n.º 23
		public static void ScalarDivideMatrix(DenseMatrix Z, float x, DenseMatrix Y, bool IsCumSum)
			if (Z.nCols != Y.nCols || Z.nRows != Y.nRows)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");
			int nRows = Z.nRows;
			if (IsCumSum)
				Parallel.For(0, Z.nCols, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxCol =>
						var zVal = Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
						var yVal = Y.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
						for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < nRows; ++IdxRow)
							zVal[IdxRow] += x / (yVal[IdxRow]+1e-12f);
				Parallel.For(0, Z.nCols, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxCol =>
						var zVal = Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
						var yVal = Y.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
						for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < nRows; ++IdxRow)
							zVal[IdxRow] = x / (yVal[IdxRow]+1e-12f);
Exemplo n.º 24
         * z = max(X, [], 1)
         * Vertial max: generate a row vector contains the maximum of each column
		public static void VerticalMaxMatrix(DenseRowVector z, DenseMatrix X)
			int zDim = z.Dim;
			var zVal = z.VectorValue;
			var XMat = X.DenseMatrixValue;
			Parallel.For(0, zDim, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxCol =>
					zVal[IdxCol] = XMat[IdxCol].MaxValue();
Exemplo n.º 25
         * Z = x ./ Y or b = bsxfun(@rdivide, x, Y)
         * Vector divide by matrix
		public static void bsxfunVectorDivideMatrix(DenseMatrix Z, DenseColumnVector x, DenseMatrix Y)
			// Dimension check
			if (x.Dim != Z.nRows || Z.nCols != Y.nCols || Z.nRows != Y.nRows)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");
			// Computation
			for (int IdxCol = 0; IdxCol < Z.nCols; IdxCol++)
				for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < Z.nRows; IdxRow++)
					Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue[IdxRow] = x.VectorValue[IdxRow] / (Y.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue[IdxRow]+1e-12f);
Exemplo n.º 26
         * Count the values less than a certain value at each column of a matrix
		public static void CountValuesLessThanThreshold(DenseRowVector NumSpecialElementPerCol, DenseMatrix X, float Threshold)
			if (NumSpecialElementPerCol.Dim != X.nCols)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");

			for (int IdxCol = 0; IdxCol < X.nCols; IdxCol++ )
				NumSpecialElementPerCol.VectorValue[IdxCol] = 0.0f;
				for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < X.nRows; IdxRow++)
					if (X.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue[IdxRow]<Threshold)
Exemplo n.º 27
         * Z = Z - Y
		public static void MatrixSubtractMatrix(DenseMatrix Z, SparseMatrix Y)
			if (Z.nRows != Y.nRows || Z.nCols != Y.nCols)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");
			Parallel.For(0, Z.nCols, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxCol =>
					int nNonzero = Y.SparseColumnVectors[IdxCol].nNonzero;
					var zVal = Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
					var yKey = Y.SparseColumnVectors[IdxCol].Key;
					var yVal = Y.SparseColumnVectors[IdxCol].Val;
					for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < nNonzero; ++IdxRow)
						zVal[yKey[IdxRow]] -= yVal[IdxRow];
Exemplo n.º 28
         * Set elements of Z to zero if the corresponding elements of X is zero.
		public static void ResetMatrixSparsePattern(DenseMatrix Z, DenseMatrix X)
			if (Z.nCols != X.nCols || Z.nRows != X.nRows)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");

			Parallel.For(0, Z.nCols, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxCol =>
					int nRows = Z.nRows;
					var XVal = X.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
					var ZVal = Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
					for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < nRows; ++IdxRow)
						if (Math.Abs(XVal[IdxRow]) < 1e-30f)
							ZVal[IdxRow] = 0.0f;
Exemplo n.º 29
         * X = X + y (scalar)
		public static void ScalarAddMatrix(DenseMatrix X, float y)
			Parallel.For(0, X.nCols, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree }, IdxCol =>
					var xVal = X.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue;
					for (int IdxRow = 0; IdxRow < X.nRows; IdxRow++)
						xVal[IdxRow] += y;
Exemplo n.º 30
         * Z = bsxfun(@minus, X, y)
		public static void bsxfunMatrixSubtractVector(DenseMatrix Z, DenseMatrix X, DenseRowVector y)
			if (Z.nCols != X.nCols || Z.nRows != X.nRows || Z.nCols != y.Dim)
				throw new Exception("Dimension mismatch.");

			int total = Z.nCols * Z.nRows;
			int process_len = (total + THREADNUM - 1) / THREADNUM;
			Parallel.For(0, THREADNUM, new ParallelOptions{ MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxMultiThreadDegree}, thread_idx =>
					for (int t = 0; t < process_len; t++)
						int id = thread_idx * process_len + t;
						if (id < total)
							int IdxCol = id / Z.nRows;
							int IdxRow = id % Z.nRows;
							Z.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue[IdxRow] = X.DenseMatrixValue[IdxCol].VectorValue[IdxRow] - y.VectorValue[IdxCol];