// Event handler for Parse button click
        private void parse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get input text and reset parser variables
            manipulatedFile = InputParser.Parse(rawFile.Text);
            cleanFile        = "";
            cleanedFile.Text = "";

            // Attempt to clean file
                keepThese = parser.CleanedLic(manipulatedFile);
            // Handle XML lookup file not being found in the specified location (or not having a set location)
            catch (LicensesNotFoundException lnfe)
                var result = MessageBox.Show(lnfe.Message + " Would you like to set the file path for the XML lookup file now?" +
                                             " The path can be set at any time via Edit > Preferences, but you will not be able to parse any files" +
                                             " without having a valid XML file path set. If you would like more details, please see the help link " +
                                             "under Help > Help Documentation.",
                                             "File Could Not Be Cleaned", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);

                // Let user immediately specify XML location if he/she wants to
                if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                    OpenFileDialog openDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
                    openDialog.Filter = "XML Files | *.xml";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(openDialog.FileName))
                        DisplayStatus("XML selected.");
            // Handle an invalid license being found in the license file (e.g. missing a quote)
            catch (InvalidLicenseException ile)
                var result = MessageBox.Show(ile.Message, "Invalid License File", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            // Process the parsed lines into one output text block
            for (int pos = 0; pos < keepThese.Count; pos++)
                cleanFile        += keepThese[pos] + Environment.NewLine;
                cleanedFile.Text += cleanFile;
                cleanFile         = "";
            DisplayStatus("File parsed.");
Exemplo n.º 2
        // The heavy lifter of the parser -- parses our processed input text into LicenseChunks, which contain
        // the full details of each parsed license
        public ArrayList CleanedLic(ArrayList parsedFile)
            // if the file's too short to even have the mandatory Flexnet reserved lines, skip parsing
            if (parsedFile.Count > 3)
                ArrayList lics   = InputParser.Licenses(); // list of valid licenses as found in our lookup XML
                ArrayList chunks = new ArrayList();        // our list of fully parsed and documented licenses; will be our returned variable

                // check if XML read worked
                if (lics.Count == 0)
                    if (PrefsForm.LicenseMetaXMLPath.Equals(""))
                        throw new LicensesNotFoundException("Error: No path to the XML license lookup file has been specified.");
                    throw new LicensesNotFoundException("Error: could not find valid XML file at location " + PrefsForm.LicenseMetaXMLPath + " .");

                // Check if junk text accidentally got typed at the start of the file; see if we can remove it and still
                // proceed with parsing or if the file is just invalid, in which case we hit our catch statement
                    while (!FlexNetWords.StartsOK(parsedFile[0].ToString(), parsedFile[1].ToString(), parsedFile[2].ToString()))
                        if (parsedFile.Count >= 1)
                catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e)
                    MainMenu.DisplayFailure("This license file does not begin with the mandatory SERVER, USE_SERVER, and VENDOR lines, and is therefore invalid.");
                    return(new ArrayList());

                // loop through the lines in our processed input file
                for (int i = 0; i < parsedFile.Count; i++)
                    String line        = parsedFile[i].ToString(); // single line from our processed file
                    String trimmedLine = line.Trim();              // use this to check if a line starts with important words/chars without modifying it
                    if (FlexNetWords.StartsWithComment(trimmedLine))
                        // save comments if set in prefs
                        if (PrefsForm.KeepComments)
                    // ensures only one copy of certain keywords exists. Important area for future code softening.
                    else if (FlexNetWords.StartsWithReserved(trimmedLine))

                        // save line breaks if requested
                        if (PrefsForm.KeepBreaks)
                            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
                        // if we hit one our of license keywords, parse the block for info
                        if (trimmedLine.StartsWith("PACKAGE") || trimmedLine.StartsWith("INCREMENT"))
                            String    text           = "";
                            String    licName        = "";
                            String    featCode       = "";
                            String    licType        = "";
                            String    featureType    = "";
                            String    timeType       = "";
                            String    expirationDate = "";
                            String    numSeats       = "";
                            ArrayList comps          = new ArrayList(); // license components

                            // figure out license type
                            if (trimmedLine.StartsWith("PACKAGE"))
                                licType = "PACKAGE";
                            else if (trimmedLine.StartsWith("INCREMENT PLIST"))
                                licType = "INCREMENT PLIST";
                            else if (trimmedLine.StartsWith("INCREMENT"))
                                licType = "INCREMENT";

                            // !!!! CONSTRUCTION ZONE !!!!

                            // grab the block of text for the license
                            text += Utilities.CheckEnd(i, parsedFile);

                            // The above line calls a method which currently determines what constitutes a license by running
                            // until an empty line is hit. However, this method should be changed to A: count the quotes,
                            // and perform other validation checks, as well as B: read until a Package+Increment or lone Increment
                            // is read, since some suites have a bunch of Package/Increment comments listed in sequence with no
                            // empty lines in between to hit.

                            // !!!! END CONSTRUCTION ZONE !!!!

                            // Find match for main featureCode first
                            foreach (License license in lics)
                                // we found a match!
                                if (line.Contains(license.FeatureCode))
                                    // the only time we wouldn't jump on a feature code match is if it's listed as a component, not
                                    // the license code itself
                                    if (!(line.Contains("COMPONENTS") && line.IndexOf(license.FeatureCode) >= line.IndexOf("COMPONENTS")))
                                        licName  = license.LicenseName;
                                        featCode = license.FeatureCode;
                            // should've found a match by now
                            if (licName.Equals(""))
                                licName = "Unknown License";
                            // handle plist
                            if (text.Contains("INCREMENT PLIST"))
                                if (!plist)
                                    plist = true;
                                    text = text.Remove(text.IndexOf("INCREMENT PLIST"));
                            // Grab some info from main declaration line
                            if (licType.Equals("PACKAGE"))
                                featureType = "Subscription Package";
                            else if (licType.Equals("INCREMENT"))
                                featureType = "Standalone";
                            else if (licType.Equals("INCREMENT PLIST"))
                                featureType = "Legacy - ignore";
                            if (text.Contains("permanent"))
                                timeType = "Perpetual";
                            else if (text.Contains("temporary") || text.Contains("extendable"))
                                timeType = "Term";
                            // find expiration date if the license isn't perpetual
                            if (!timeType.Equals("Perpetual"))
                                int dateSpot = text.IndexOf("INCREMENT");
                                if (text.Contains("1.000") && text.IndexOf("1.000", dateSpot) > dateSpot)
                                    dateSpot = text.IndexOf("1.000", dateSpot);
                                    for (int pos = 0; pos < "01-jan-2000".Length; pos++)
                                        expirationDate += text[dateSpot + "1.000 ".Length + pos];

                            // jump over the expiration date to grab to the number of seats
                            if (!expirationDate.Equals("") && text.Contains(expirationDate))
                                // verify that we have a number here
                                if (text[text.IndexOf(expirationDate) + expirationDate.Length + 1] >= '0' &&
                                    text[text.IndexOf(expirationDate) + expirationDate.Length + 1] <= '9')
                                    int numIndex = 1; // if the number is multiple digits long, gotta loop one by one
                                    while (text[text.IndexOf(expirationDate) + expirationDate.Length + numIndex] >= '0' &&
                                           text[text.IndexOf(expirationDate) + expirationDate.Length + numIndex] <= '9')
                                        numSeats += text[text.IndexOf(expirationDate) + expirationDate.Length + numIndex];
                            else if (text.Contains("permanent"))
                                int index = text.IndexOf("permanent") + "permanent".Length + 1; // index of # seats
                                while (text[index] >= '0' && text[index] <= '9')
                                    numSeats += text[index];
                            // parse components section
                            if (text.Contains("COMPONENTS"))
                                String mysteryCode = "";                         // will hold a given component feature code
                                bool   added       = false;                      // tracks whether or not we ID a given component
                                int    startIndex  = text.IndexOf("COMPONENTS"); // start from COMPONENTS

                                // indicates we have a single component
                                if (text[startIndex + "COMPONENTS".Length + 1] != '\"')
                                    // ensure it's a single component and not a missing quote
                                    if (line.Contains("COMPONENTS") && parsedFile[i + 1].ToString().Trim().StartsWith("OPTIONS"))
                                        added       = false;
                                        mysteryCode = "";

                                        // if we have 1 component just go until we hit a space
                                        while (!text[startIndex].ToString().Equals(" "))
                                            // handle the EOL character and the tab when COMPONENTS list wraps around
                                            if (!text[startIndex].ToString().Trim().Equals("") && !text[startIndex].ToString().Equals("\\"))
                                                mysteryCode += text[startIndex];

                                        foreach (License lic in lics)
                                            if (mysteryCode.Equals(lic.FeatureCode))
                                                if (!comps.Contains(lic.LicenseName))
                                                // we mark the license as added as long as there's a match; if it wasn't added after
                                                // the match, it's a dupe and we don't need the extra print
                                                added = true;
                                        if (!added)
                                            comps.Add("Unknown License");
                                        throw new InvalidLicenseException("Error: missing quotes around components section detected " +
                                                                          "at line " + i + ". Leading line was " + Environment.NewLine + line);
                                    // go from the first quote to the second one (quotes indicate the block)
                                    startIndex = text.IndexOf("\"", startIndex) + 1;
                                    while (!text[startIndex].ToString().Equals("\""))
                                        added       = false;
                                        mysteryCode = "";
                                        // eat characters until we hit a space to get the feature code
                                        while (!text[startIndex].ToString().Equals(" ") && !text[startIndex].ToString().Equals("\""))
                                            // handle the EOL character and the tab when COMPONENTS list wraps around
                                            if (!text[startIndex].ToString().Trim().Equals("") && !text[startIndex].ToString().Equals("\\"))
                                                mysteryCode += text[startIndex];
                                        // make sure we didnt just run off the end of the license
                                        if (text[startIndex].ToString().Equals(" "))
                                            // make sure there weren't just two spaces in between components
                                            if (mysteryCode.Trim().Length > 0)
                                                // search our lookup file for matching name for the feature code we have
                                                foreach (License lic in lics)
                                                    if (mysteryCode.Equals(lic.FeatureCode))
                                                        if (!comps.Contains(lic.LicenseName))
                                                        // we mark the license as added as long as there's a match; if it wasn't added after
                                                        // the match, it's a dupe and we don't need the extra print
                                                        added = true;
                                                // we didn't get a match
                                                if (!added)
                                                    comps.Add("Unknown License");
                                        // catch for when we hit the last component in the block
                                        else if (text[startIndex].ToString().Equals("\""))
                                            foreach (License lic in lics)
                                                if (mysteryCode.Equals(lic.FeatureCode))
                                                    if (!comps.Contains(lic.LicenseName))
                                                    added = true;
                                            if (!added)
                                                comps.Add("Unknown License");
                            // Remove duplicate components in the list
                            ArrayList removes = comps;
                            foreach (String comp in comps)
                                for (int loop = 0; loop < comps.Count; loop++)
                                    String otherComp = comps[loop].ToString();
                                    if (comp.ToString().Equals(otherComp.ToString()))
                            LicenseChunk c = new LicenseChunk(text.Trim(), featCode, licName, featureType, timeType, expirationDate, numSeats, licType, removes);

                            // i automatically gets incremented at the next iteration of the loop;
                            // decrement by one here to ensure we end up on the correct line
                            i = newIndex - 1;
                MainMenu.DisplayFailure("Error: The file is either blank or too short and cannot be cleaned.");
                return(new ArrayList());